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Full Face Of Milk Makeup! #Makeup

Jun 09, 2021
Hello everyone, welcome back, thank you very much for joining me today. I have a video for you. I don't know if you've seen some of my


faith series yet. I have done a



from alpha, a full


from M K Beauty and I also did a full face glow so today we are doing that in another full face video and I am doing a full face



so here is the deal with the


. I have two of their products and they are the first two products I've actually owned from them and I really like them, so just a little disclaimer.
full face of milk makeup makeup
I'll let you know what the primers are for every other primer, so I thought why not buy a whole milk? Product I bought us all with my own money just before I got into this, I haven't actually paid for it yet, free payments on Connor, so it's a more expensive brand, but it's also not expensive when you compare it to similar products. final marks Do I think it's worth it? I don't know we'll see anyway first of all before we get to this day if you guys don't know who I am if you've never met me before my name is Robert hello thank you Thank you for being here.
full face of milk makeup makeup

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full face of milk makeup makeup...

I am a professional


artist here on YouTube and also in real life, and my goal is to help you become a professional or just someone who is really good at makeup, so if that sounds interesting to you, them, please consider subscribing, let's get started with this today. I'm going to start with the two products, but I've already used them and I know I like them, and since it's a foundation, I have to start with them, I've already used their moisturizer. a small sample of moisturizer, where did I put it? Well, I saved it and I can't go up and get it, but it's one in the yellow bottle and I think I'm going to invest in the full size because it's quite nice, I really like using it, it might be a little rich for my skin every day because I'm quite oily, but in terms of how it is before filming, it really softens my skin and really leaves it nice and hydrated.
full face of milk makeup makeup
It looks really cool, so firstly, let's start with a Milk Hydra Grip primer. To be completely honest, this is one of the best primers I've used in a long time, mainly because I mention acai Solenn in every video. mainly because my skin is oily but it's also super dehydrated and it's like that, can you still see? No, it's like this gel texture, so it doesn't stay on the skin too long, it doesn't get overly hydrated in a way like some. Primers can also have a silky glide, whereas this one doesn't, but it has an almost tacky finish on my dehydrated areas and on my super dry areas that are around and I was here, it forms a sort of barrier that a primer should have. between my skin and the texture of my foundation, so it works very, very well with all my other foundations, so it would be nice to see how it works with the milk foundation.
full face of milk makeup makeup
Can I tell you that we think we're really disgusting the way we mix? arguing, but in real life M I tell you yeah, um, if you're a little squeamish when it comes to blood, maybe skip ahead two minutes, so I saw an Instagram, right, oh no, I was going to judge me, no Judge me, I saw it. on an Instagram page that you would just explore. I can pop up random things and on my explore page, otherwise I might get a pedicure. I don't really like looking at other people's feet so I'm not sure why it was on my feed but I saw something like hard skin on the heel of your foot and I saw this as pedicure, pedicurist, pediatrician, no pediatrician, pedicurist using like a razor to shave the skin on the back or the hill of a foot, so it was like, oh my god, I have razors, so I went to the bathroom and I put my foot like I was hanging it over the toilet and I I shaved the skin under the heel.
I thought this is amazing anyway, I mean, the skin looks. new and cool, don't try this at home. I got carried away and when I tried to make my other foot at the wrong angle or I was just walking or hot, I stuck the blade in my foot and I opened it up and it was bleeding everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, so I continued and then I did it again on the other side of my foot, so now I'm limping on my foot, so fool, don't do it, so I'm going to go in next with the light one. milk blur bar, this is another foundation and one of the reasons why I am using this service.
How congested I am by the way, I have allergies and I'm also lactose intolerant, but I've been drinking dairy because why not? and it makes me nervous. Flemmi type, so I use double primer a lot and I like to use two different primers because I like my skin, even though I'm oily, I like my skin to have shine and shine, and God, it's really bad, sorry guys, but I like it be like a mat and with the most oil control possible, so I use it as a Prime oil control in these areas here and then I will use something that will give me a little more shine in these other areas, so, by the way, this is old.
I have cleaned the top of this. In fact, I'll show you guys. I'll link it somewhere. Come on, let's get up and get it. It is there. It's a spray that they can disinfect their products with, so it's really cool. I have like a kit and you can also make wet wipes that you stand on tires and get dirty like disinfectant wipes so I'm not going to use too many just so you guys can see what kind of shine on the camera is really nice. Primer to use if you are not going to wear foundation but want your skin to have a really nice glow.
You can see it has a golden sheen to it which I really like. In fact, I've been pushing. You apply it to the skin with a flat foundation brush, almost treating it like a foundation so as not to absorb that shine or finish, and I like to pat it into place instead of dragging it on. so I like to drag and pat, but that way I get a really nice glow on my skin, like this on my non-oily areas, which is where I like to have a little more shine and of course we'll add things like highlighter and things like that too, so I'm not doing anything too technical on the eyes because collecting wrong things, oh that's another thing, these are just products that I chose and bought myself, there are other availabilities, but in terms of eyes, no I did it.
I don't really see much going on, correct me if I'm wrong, there were pencils and stuff and mascara, which is great for eyebrows, but I didn't see eyeshadows. Am I wrong to think that I now think I've missed something anyway? We're going to do a look anyway, but that means I'm starting on my skin today, so a lot of people always ask me why I started my concealer first. Now explain it as you go. I bought two of these reflective concealers. I bought one. that one is light and one that is a little bit deeper than my actual skin tone and I'm going to start with one that is a little bit deeper than my skin tone and the reason is because if you don't really have tremendous dark circles around your eyes or dark skin around your eyes, deeper viewing is actually enough to correct the color and you can use a little lighter.
I'm not sure why I used so much there, well, and of course, you can only use one finger. to blend I'm just going to use a brush, a very nice concealer, it's very, it feels light, I know it sounds very strange, but it feels a little bit, it doesn't feel heavy on my skin, I can't feel it. my skin, yeah, it's nice, you can see it has a slight warmth to it, but my natural skin doesn't, but if we're going to use it to color correct, that's absolutely fine because we're going to go with a little bit of a lighter concealer as well , I actually like it, you can, you can still see the kind of tone of my eyes, which is actually very nice, it feels really good around the eyes, it doesn't feel too heavy, my eye area is like dehydrated, like that that if there's no dryness here, I blame myself for that, I blame my skin for that, let's heat it up with a finger and look back and change the texture, make it nice and then help it blend a little bit more, yeah you ever get it. a little bit of textured areas, that's a very good technique, some years, okay, cool, so what I'm going to do now is start with the base and then go over live.
I like concealer to highlight where it is very small. areas where I eat foundation, oh, here it goes, so I bought the Flex foundation, stick this on me. I love this packaging. I think it's a really really nice packaging and very simple, very clean, it rolls up and down, so let's start with the middle of your face here in terms. of our color range was pretty good. I thought it was easy to pick a color, but now I'm looking at this color and I think it was easy, so it has pretty good coverage. It has really good coverage. nice smell, it smells like something quite medicinal naturally, if that makes sense, but not in a horrible way, ok, the clothes are not bad, they look quite yellow on me, this is a golden nude shade.
Maybe I should have looked at some reviews online and maybe I found someone with a similar skin tone to mine, well, going to that website that matches the foundation for you, so I'm just taking a few bits off the stick and filling the spaces, it blends very, very well. very good, it actually sits very well on my skin. I would say that in the areas where I applied the foundation directly to the skin, so where I drew this has a little more texture when the areas where I blended, you know, touched my brush. the product and then I mixed it together so I think if I were to use this foundation again I would use this method if it's yours and you can keep it nice and hygienic and sanitize it etc, you know, it depends on how high you think you are. one person, oh I actually really like it, I really like that it has a nice glow to it and maybe the foundations underneath are giving it that little glow, my eyes look incredibly dark right now so let's go with a light shade of this concealer It's still the Flex concealer.
I'm going to use my concealer method here, two dots on the inside corner and one dot on the outside, keep it nice and natural, tapping it into place until it fades completely to give it a nice highlight there. I've seen a lot of people doing this right now, it's like, um, it's ticking, seeing that again where you need a trend that's been around for years and it's been like a new trend, well, it's like getting them concealer like for supermodels. and a lot of people have been doing this um it's really nice to see that people are using less product how refreshing it is to see that there isn't an overpowering concealer because I can see that there's some caking under the eyes if you use a lot of weight like that I'll just take whatever.
I left any excess on my brush and simply blended it out. Why is there shine on my face? I never wear gloss and I want to take a little bit of that concealer just in these areas here, well, I go in a little deeper. and then I'm going to use a little bit to highlight the bridge of my nose and the tip of my nose because it's a pretty light concealer, so the reason I'm just doing the bridge of my nose here is because it sinks in a little bit more than the rest of my nose, so to highlight it it stands out a little like here.
I like a lot. I think this foundation is a bit mismatched for me. Alright. It's enough for a product that is me. Well, actually I'm very satisfied. I'm excited to use this product, the matte bronzer and this is a stick bronzer. I chose one that was matte because I don't like shine in the first place. I'm not saying no in a way like no one ever used it, right, Percy. I don't like glitter it just stays on for a long time so on this side of my face I'm going to try to draw it straight on and on this side of my face I'm going to take the brush off and apply it on a product so I'm not really a fan of draw on his face, so this really feels like, oh my god, from these old brushes, his hair is just falling out, oh my god.
I'm using the powder brush with a flat surface, I'm just getting a really nice blend and I'm just making circles up towards the cheek in the same direction. I'm always buffing this way to get an even blend and it has a really nice silky finish, it feels very smooth, it doesn't feel like silicone II which is really nice. It's a big hit as far as pigment goes. Maybe I should have used that much, but we can make it work. This color actually has a much redder undertone than I would normally choose so it blends quite a bit, so I'll have to use a little more foundation and correct for the product to really shift, which isn't a bad thing because you know you just have to use a little bit, but I don't necessarily want a completely red face. this is correct, but kinda the color is not really my color type.
I would have liked something for me a little more golden, so now I'm going to use my brush, but this will be good if you like it quite a bit. a deep tan, this will be a nice color. I'm going to be very careful with how much product I'm using because it's already putting on too much here, it's very, very pigmented. Honestly, I wasn't expecting that and the pigmentation I really see mmm-hmm I mean okay I'm not sure how I feel about it I feel like I don't know I'm really confused let me let me regroup Leto a button and see how I feel okay then Moving on , I bought the mini lipstick and cheek for the reason that I bought a mini one because I don't use much lip products, I don't use blush and those.things so often and this work in the shadow is a very natural color so I can use it as a blush and a little bit on my lips so I want to go slightly above the bronzer and I'm not going to underestimate you this time I'm just going to apply a little color at a time. a little bit more very naturalReally very nice texture, yes, I actually asked like that, okay, let's glue all that together, in fact, that's how it is.
I'm very, very nice, four fingers. I think it works very well with many fingers from this brand. I like the nude color. that could be my lip color, I mean, maybe a little faded, so let's apply a little milk blur and set this is a matte loose setting powder. Oh interesting, it comes with a sponge that has a slightly funny shape, it's not meant to be like that, it was just pressed up, so we'll try to use it just for its downsides and then this is a pretty cool lid, oh that's really good to have that other lid, you know, to stop this whole product completely now, okay? so let's try the sponge, which I know I'm not going to like because I don't like intense application.
He also has one of these networks, which I'm not a big fan of because I feel like it's destined. to control no, I don't like that at all and I feel like it's meant to control the use of the product and the amount of product that comes out, but I feel like it's a bit of a hindrance as it gets in the way using a sponge with powder, This is one of the reasons I don't like baking because it completely changes the color of everything, it's too intense, it's too much. We're going to take an angled brush and just use a light amount on the skin just to set and blend, no baking with this, yeah, that's good.
I would use it again over foundation, just a really nice powder that doesn't blend as much, maybe if you used a sponge and used it in a fairly dense compactness, even yes, but if you're happy with your foundation shade I don't want to use a different color and completely mess up that shade okay so let's use the Flex highlighter sorry I really had to struggle to read it and when I saw this online they did. I also have cream highlighters and most of the products I'm using are cream but then I saw a powder and I thought I like a package on how to highlight so this is a shade called ice cream so again just I'm going to use it on areas where my skin naturally catches light it's not much right now because I just completely mattified my entire face oh wow that's really strong listen take a clean palette brush and buff that off I really like it, although yes, that's really it.
It looks really nice, don't use the skin too much, you know what you know, what would be great with this. Your finger, a finger would be really good with this, just little touches right on the skin where you need it and you know what it looks like. soft, it doesn't look like glitter, it doesn't look like shine, it looks like glowing skin and that's what you want from your hair. Yes, I like this, yes, I like it a lot. I would use a little less in the future. Once again, I think I'm underestimating milk when it comes to the pigmentation of their products.
I'm still very soft and very gentle and in fact their products have a good amount of color so I couldn't really find much. eyebrow products and when it comes to the brand, I can't move it like an eyebrow pencil or not, why didn't I do my research so I got the crazy one. I really like that highlight which looks very very pretty and flattering sorry and the quilted fiber brow gel this is not a diesel shade so what I really liked about the shade and the choice is that they had one which is completely black, which I think is this one that is diesel and then they had one that is more gray. black tone, you know, I will, I'm sorry for a second, they had one that was more of a black gray tone, um because I really like that on the sensor not all the black eyebrows are completely black, um, for me, even this black could be it too. dark in real life on camera could be absolutely fine.
I will brush my eyebrows first and then use the eyebrow gel. I'm going to be very careful because I find little brushes like this that come with eyebrow gels can sometimes get quite clumpy, although I have to say I don't know if this is going to focus, can you see? I really don't appreciate anything worse than clumpy black paint on your eyebrows, so on this eyebrow in the middle, I pressed the brush really hard on purpose just to see what would happen and it made it very dark and patchy and it looks like I've completed my pride. , so we'll wait for it to dry and see how easy it is to brush on if it's really waterproof, so I have two of the long lasting gel eyeliners that I have. a very deep brown and I got a fleshy tone, so we're going to make a kind of cat.
I really looked up and then I got in the eye with a meaty one, so let's start with that one, the best thing about This I love as a multi, get taller, so you have your pencil on one side, which is very nice and pointy , and then you have your pencil sharpener on the other side, but guess what if you can keep your pencil nice and sharp because there's a pencil sharpener? Start with the eye at the beginning, so let's start with this eye at the beginning, so I'll just follow my lower waterline, it'll come out a little bit and I'll map out where I want my liner to go today and you'll see that smudge to polish it off. wide and ideally I want to polish this so it's smoky and not too sharp.
I really like those pens. I really like how easy it is to blend and blend, and it also maintains its pigmentation, which is nice, so I'm not sure when it happened, but my camera ran out of memory, my memory card, so I couldn't record a complete part of your eye. I was basically doing it right because I was filming blending the pencil as eyeshadow with an M blending brush on one side. and then I made it strong with this side so I used a small blending brush just to buff it up and blend it out to see how well it blends it blends very very well but we wouldn't know because of my camera so I'm going I'm going to use a nude pencil now and I like a nude pencil.
Sorry, I'm covering my mouth. I like a nude pencil instead of white because it accentuates the fit inside. I can make your eyes look a little wider. and brighter without being pure white and you know, 70 is like, tell me which side do you prefer, do you prefer the more or the softer, blended, smoky side. Let me know so we can fix this brown, yes it blends quite a bit. Well, here is my black shade issue again and this is probably why they have another option for darker brows. Matching a black to dark brows just looks like a blurry black brow, so it's nice to have that lighter option.
This is too dark for me. eyebrows I won't use it again on the inside here, but on the outside corners to define it's really nice and it actually catches the hairs they're not as prominent so that's really nice too, what was that? How to do it? Whole face without milk What do we believe? The pencil smokes owl. Really very nice. You can also get a very nice definition. Precision. The highlighter. I think it's really beautiful. I really like how the skin looks. Let's mattify my skin a little more. Yes, I really like reflections a lot, like pencil.
I like the eyebrow gel. If I had to choose another color, I would buy the lightest one and my mistake is that maybe I wouldn't use it, but it's the same for all eyebrow colors. gels I don't like to use them in the inner corner here lip product nice blush good base good concealer nice obviously primers amazing amazing highlighter the only thing I question is that it's a bronzer I don't know if it was the color choice Percy did it because I like a more bronze golden, but for me it was more about texture and how it worked with the skin.
He wasn't a big fan of that and he moved very easily and traveled very easily and I think. of a bronzer unless you want to tan your entire face you want to have a little more definition a little more precision oh, I forgot. I bought this. I just thought it was cute. This is a tattoo stamp and it had like all the and a science Shailaja Asha logical Pisces I really like it I really like your brand I feel like this brand is a really nice brand to use with your fingers to really work with a product and really put it on go and you know whatever, yeah.
I really like, oh, just thick bronzer. I'm a little wary, but that's all. My skin feels good, it doesn't feel too heavy. My eyes don't feel sticky or tight like the Sun pencils. They are water resistant. You have a sticky feeling. Yes, very, very impressed. I would absolutely buy more things from him. I'll put some eyelashes on it and take a photo. And that will be. Yeah, well, let me know what you thought of everything below. Let me know if you have any milk products. I have a favorite and whether it's skincare or makeup and yes, thank you so much for joining me and let me know which side you prefer.
They prefer and the sharpest eye. They would prefer the smokier side. Thanks again for joining me. Guys, you can see it. More of my full matchup videos right here and yeah, don't forget to subscribe if you liked the video, give this video a big thumbs up and I'll see you very soon, bye.

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