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FST-7 Shoulders & Triceps Workout | Hany Rambod's Ultimate Guide to FST-7

Apr 18, 2024
They call me the professional creator control it control it I have helped 13 Olympic athletes the last one transform from impressive to legendary FST 7 is my masterpiece fascist stretching training keep it keep it you can substantially change the shape and size of your muscles it will not be easy, It'll hurt, come with me, finish your set and stretch your limits, come on, now you're working, come on, come on, my name is Honey Rambod and now I'm in your corner. My name is H Rambod. I'm here with Jeremy. bondia 2014 men's physique Champion Olympia we are here to show you our shoulder and



fs7 squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze let go negative five come on this


should last between 60 and 75 minutes due to the fact that we are doing




it will take a little longer time than the other fs7 workouts you are about to see fs7 is a fashion stretch workout 7 is the incorporation of high intensity training along with volumization training, keep it, keep it, keep it today, you will see Jeremy Wenda. taking care of the role of being the active training and I will be the coach.
fst 7 shoulders triceps workout hany rambod s ultimate guide to fst 7
I'll coach him through training, I'll help him get through those tough sets, he'll turn around and show him the intensity it takes to win a Mr. Olympia Title, show me, show me, keep it, keep it, come on, fight me, let it go one more time. Good job, so the first exercise in this workout is going to be the dumbbell shoulder press, so let's see how you feel. Get well. Feel like me. I'm feeling loose today, my


feel pretty good, so it's okay, take your time. I don't want you to end up hurting your shoulder today.
fst 7 shoulders triceps workout hany rambod s ultimate guide to fst 7

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fst 7 shoulders triceps workout hany rambod s ultimate guide to fst 7...

Okay, we're going to do shoulder press, two working sets, two warm-up sets and we'll do 8 to 12 reps. for the first exercise, good range of motion, just warm them up, don't forget to breathe, that's something a lot of people forget to do, they keep holding their breath for all the reps and for the entire set, don't do that. I need oxygen to be able to feel the muscle well, in my opinion, the shoulders are the key to the physique. You need to have broad shoulders, a small waist to have that spectacular flare, that great V shape, because if you don't have those shoulder pads, what is it?
fst 7 shoulders triceps workout hany rambod s ultimate guide to fst 7
What's going to end up happening is your physique ends up looking up and down, so this is super important in the whole grand scheme of your aesthetic appeal of a physique, there you go, okay, okay, how does it feel? right, this is the first set of work h Get it ready Get it ready I've got it there, wow three 4 5 6 7 8 9 That's it That's it Okay, well, normally we'll stop at around 90, but since it feels so good, I'm going to go ahead and increase it to hundreds. I just want to make sure I have my wi back before I start this heavy series.
fst 7 shoulders triceps workout hany rambod s ultimate guide to fst 7
You want to be able to rest if you don't rest you will only get fatigued faster. What we're trying to do is try to get the maximum weight for that 8 to 12 rep range, so if you end up taking too little time between sets, you're just going to get tired and you're not going to be able to do it. be able to complete the next set let's go light good good rest for a second rest for a second rest for a second rest for a second I got it, come on, I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm watching you come on, come on, two, two, one more, everyone, up, up, up, slow, there you go, okay, you're not going to have a perfect day every day, you set foot in the gym, you're going to have some days off, it's very important to listen to your body and how you feel because if you go to the gym on a day off you can expose yourself to injuries.
Well, let's go to the second exercise. We are doing lateral raises behind the back using the cables. Alright, this can be done two different ways, Jeremy, you can stand upright or lean away from the apparatus in this particular style. I want you to use the outward tilt, okay, because that's going to give you constant tension and hit those delts. a little harder, okay, here, yes, you cross your feet exactly, you cross your feet, there you go, like you're going to hit me in the face, you want to go right up there, you go up to about the height of the trap, nothing higher . because you want to try to minimize the trap maximize the deltoid there you go, that's good, good, well, squeeze, that's just a little higher, that's it, squeeze, there you go, come up good, focused, use this as a warm-up, good good good.
There you go, squeeze it tight, okay, my trap is taking over this one, okay, lean, lean some more, that's it, there you go, there you go, okay, in there, in there, okay, squeeze it nice, okay, The last one, good job, good job, that was. a little bit better out of your trap when you're a little bit but I feel like I have a little twinge in this trap. I'm going to go up, okay, after this series of work, we're going to start pushing, that was our heat. ready now let's go ahead and do two sets of work h10 lean up well good stretch good there you go Drive well well drive good stretch and squeeze there you go stretch well squeeze well until the end good partials give me five one 2 3 4 one more easy easy get some blood in there now well well one thing you also need to remember is that you need to be far enough away from the machine to have constant tension on the stack if your weights hit the main stack. that means you're not far enough you want constant tension so stay far enough s 9 10 go partial go one two 3 go four easy, nice squeeze squeeze those delts stay wide stay wider even wider there you go, wait, wait right there, hold it there, squeeze those delts, squeeze those delts, squeeze those delts, relax, okay, yeah, so the reason we're squeezing and stretching and squeezing again is because what we're trying to do is we're trying . to maximize blood flow and tension in the muscle, so not only do we do it during the actual set, but we do it after the set so that we can end up giving it that new hit that we are looking for to be able to break the next plateau, so what we're going to do is do an incremental weight.
This is a small incremental weight of 5B. You want to use them because it gives you the possibility of not having it too heavy, but also if the last set was too easy like his was, then it will give us that extra strength and that tension that we are looking for well up there, you climb well, stretch and tighten okay, this is the stretch and that is the squeeze. I don't want to go too high, otherwise you'll trigger too much of a trap, you want to tilt it so you can have constant tension on that Good, good, good, partial, go one, two, three, four and five, good set, good set, what is it? that 7 and a half five one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 partial 5 4 3 2 one more you have it come here squeeze it squeeze it the same let me see a pose squeeze squeeze hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it there hold it three 2 A good start How is it burning?
It's burning yeah okay, okay, let's move on to the next exercise. Front raises thumbs up. Two series of work. Everything is already warmed up, so we are ready to start. well, not too high, not too high, don't let those traps go off, there you go, there you go, well, well, well, squeeze tight, breathe, breathe, don't hold your breath, good all the way, all the way , until the end, now together, together. control it control it touch control that's pause I want you to pause for a second pause good pause good pause good pause good one more pause that's easy that was too light too light it's too light I knew it when you reached it the first exercise we did press shoulders, we reach the general shoulder, the second exercise we did was then lifting behind the back, we are hitting that lateral head, we are doing that lateral deltoid that will give us the cover, the third exercise we are doing the front raise.
We're going to do the front delt and that's going to give you the separation that you need right in the front that inserts right into the top peak oh come on this is the time to work no more sandbags let's get it under control control it. not too high not too high there you go well up well well squeeze that's it there you go now you're working well good control good control control that top don't swing there you go don't swing well two more one one two two now give it to me together come on come on let's go one let's go 5 4 3 2 one partials let's go 5 1 2 3 4 5 Let it go squeeze it let's squeeze it squeeze those shoulders squeeze those shoulders let's squeeze those shoulders wait hold on, hold on, hold on, good job, okay, this is our first deltoid exercise rears.
What we're doing is we're super setting up incline lateral raises with high cable rows for him to go from one to the other pinkies. up is fine, well notice that his pinkies are up, it will help isolate that posterior deltoid rather, his arms are almost straight, just a slight bend that will put more emphasis on the posterior deltoid. Except in the trap, well, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's play. that butt Del to get that mental and muscular connection good good until the end two plus one plus one more partial partial five go five 1 2 3 four good set catch your breath catch your breath catch your breath sip this sip real quick, let's go like this, okay, foot up, okay, check that weight, chin up, chin up, there you go, squeeze further back further, squeeze good, you notice that his elbows and his rear delt are in exactly the same plane, he's pulling straight to his nose, keep going, keep going well five. four three two one more well set well well well right here P the side of the chest I want to see that butt back right there well well bring that elbow back hold it so this is the area we're working on right here that rear deltoid right there , bring that elbow back, you can see it right there, hold that stance, hold it, hold it, hold it, bring that elbow back like this, bring it back more more more more more more more good the other side now let's go to the other side let's go squeeze bring that back, bring that back, bring that back, well, well, well, come on, come on, bring that elbow back, show that rear delt, that rear delt, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back come back, bring it back, bring it back, good job, well, what.
What you notice is that we also put his foot up. The reason we put that foot up is so we can keep our balance and we can build a base so that when you do it you don't get dragged in front of you. so if you have a pull-up machine, I recommend using a pull-up machine. There are other accessories that could be used. You can use handles. You could use other types of ropes. Personally, I like ropes better, normal ropes, but you can try. Experiment and see what you like. I feel fullness and volume throughout my shoulder.
Not only not only in my lateral head but in the posterior deltoid. I feel a good push right now against my skin. You know, you should feel a lot bigger. you shouldn't know you should feel like you've expanded the key to the posterior deltoid is finesse you don't want to work too heavy on the posterior deltoid it's very similar to the biceps brachii other muscles activate if you start using a lot of weight right now we're just using 30 pounds. Jeremy could easily use 40 45, but what I want to do is isolate I want you to isolate this area of ​​the posterior deltoid.
If he starts to weigh too much, he starts to bend that elbow. you're going to end up hitting that trap, you're going to end up hitting the Romo, you're going to end up hitting everything but this, so what you want to do is keep those pinkies up because that helps isolate, you want to keep the arm extended will help isolate and you want to keep that Weight it into something that is manageable so you can insulate it. The other thing is that you don't want to lean up too much, you want to be perpendicular to the ground or slightly above that. so you want to be able to keep your head straight, try not to move your neck, otherwise you'll end up pulling a muscle in your neck, come on, show me right 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 two one more partial five partial five come on one pinkies two three four and five easy sit 5 6 7 Easy 8 9 10 5 give me partials come on four 3 two two one more one more that's good bring those elbows back right there bring them back bring them back bring them ah good job so the good thing about making your rear delts to grow really is aesthetically is that you end up building width from the side this way what we want is that three-dimensionality, that's why these rear delts are so important, okay, we're here at the final exercise FST 7 lateral raises seven sets of 10 to 12 repetitions 45 seconds between sets it's time to rock, let's go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 keep going 12 13 14 15 lower it well Hands up Wait, come on, Wait, Wait, Wait one further.
Wait, 5 more pounds. Come on, you have 30 seconds. You're on clock one two. control control three don't use those traps seven let's go eight partial five 1 2 3 4 5 leave it five let's go negative let's go one two three four last hold, hold, hold, hold, set two, set two, raise two Up 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 come on come on 13 14 easy 15 leave it up up five two three four hold on, hold on,hold on, hold on, hold on, those aren't even hard like these next sets that's where it hurts okay well let's gain five more pounds oh my gosh come on get on the clock one two 3 4 5 6 out out 7 8 9 10 partials partials 2 3 4 5 well what you should do is you should tune in to and watch the workout while you warm up in the gym when you are on the treadmill before doing your actual workout you do it and you will be more motivated than ever I guarantee it come on let's go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 come on one partial two partial three partial four partial five leave it minus fivelet's go one two three three four 5 sip sip I can't look at that water bottle right now I need a straw get the extra long straw let's do this come on we have two plus two plus one 2 3 4 5 6 easy Seven 8 9 10 5 4 3 3 2 one more good, drop it, come on, come on, hold it, oh come on, you're not even holding it two, three, four, I'm even Excited, I put in six, one more to go, one more to go, okay, show. me where you're number one let's go one two 3 let's go four 5 let me six I've got it let's go seven easy eight 9 10 5 5 4 3 two one let it go with your hands hold it hold it let's fight with me four come in three, come on, two, hold on, hold on , hold on one more, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, that's all good, that concludes our shoulder exercises, now we're going to continue, move on to triceps, we're going to do. three exercises, including the last exercise, which will be our fs7 set, so what we're going to do is we're going to go press down with one arm, how does that feel good on your wrist?
What part of the triceps is it? If you feel this, you want to feel right here and you want to push with your index finger and your ring finger right there, there you have the index finger, four fingers, you really push well, you squeeze, you feel like yeah, yeah, you almost want to push it a little bit away. of your body well well a little more angle well well well well now he's going to use the other arm and again this is two warm-up sets two working sets well press well press all the way down using great form well this is a delicate movement which you don't want to go too heavy, actually if you start going too heavy you're going to start hitting your rear delts and you're going to start hitting a little bit of a trap as well.
Work, I thought as I brought the tension to the index finger opposite my ring and pinky fingers. I felt myself moving from the back of my Shri to the side, yes that's exactly right, okay let's go to the second warm up, good push, push. Push right, right, you feel like right there again, this is the area right here, right there, that outside triceps right and what that's going to do is it's going to make your arm look wider, so the more you develop this area, the more wide will be your arm. seems like squeeze good, keep going, squeeze good, two, come on, three, good focus, concentrate five, squeeze good, squeeze good, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze good, good job, so due to the fact that it actually felt very Well, it warmed up, there were no problems with the wrist, we continued straight. on a work set so improvise again it feels good we did a warm up we moved on to the second set as a work set instead of a warm up and then we're going to do one more work and then we're going to we're going to the next exercise let's go let's go right here keep going keep going keep going one last good series let's go two two good push push push to the end push push push with those lead those leading fingers those leading fingers, good, good push, with those leading fingers, let's go , squeeze, squeeze, good job buddy, triceps are one of those things that burn, you've been saying that all week, I know it's all muscles, now let's move on to dumbbell overhead presses.
Let's do a warm-up two sets of work 1 2 3 4 5 six seven good good easy let's press well up there you stretch and squeeze stretch and squeeze well three more one two one more good work good Yes, how much weight do you want to use. I really don't want to push too hard on this one. I feel my elbow a little bit, but then you want to go like 65 or 7 70 which was light. Can. I can do 120 seconds on this 130, but let's go to 70 or 80 on the first work set h12 okay okay in this exercise you want to go down so that your wrist is parallel to your elbow and then you want to get a full extension, there you have to squeeze three . keep going good good push drive it all the way good good good two more with me two more with me one more good job that's all good ready good wait Flex down Flex down Flex down Flex down hold it hold it hold it Flex down Flex down Flex down relax oh man a lot of people ask me why I separate biceps and triceps workouts and what we do is we end up doing a triceps workout with a major body part.
A biceps workout with a major body part and then a lot of times we'll go in alone and do biceps and triceps together on the last set, watch your head, let's go good, good, isolation, good, two, good, three, good, 4 5 6 7 8, give me 12 9 10 11 one more to the end, good job Good job, good set, good set, flex your triceps all the way down and twist, twist, twist, twist, when I say, twist, what I'm doing is telling you to rotate that wrist outward because that will make the triceps fire even more. squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze relax real good, we're going to do the final exercise for triceps, it's going to be an FST 7 style overhead triceps press using the rope, come on Jeremy, okay, raise your head a little higher, lift your chest a little more, a little more. a little bit more a little bit higher so there you go, that's good, turn your wrist all the way to your upper arm all the way, turn well now what we're doing is getting you to turn your wrist because we're still trying to work on that. external triceps that's going to help detail help create that detail good turn that wrist turn it good keep going keep going keep going there you go come on don't shit on me let's go well turn it turn the wrist turn the wrist now straight now keep them in order now well keep them in order now five four 3 two one more good job good how was the first set one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 turn your wrist n 10 11 don't swing come on two more come on five four three two That's good, come here.
Flex down. Flex down. That's set at two out of seven. Let's fully flex it. Keep it. Keep it. Now hold it to one side and flex to one side. Flex, you're posing. Keep it. Keep it. Keep it. that grip that grip that grip that good other side finish let's go good hold on squeeze squeeze squeeze good job okay again what we're doing here is we're trying to finish these triceps so not only are we doing an FST 7 set with short rest but also we are pressing a little more at the end doing the pose let's go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 let's go straight 10 5 4 3 2 1 zero good good good Bend to one side just like this just like this and just turn your upper body that's it just twist your upper body okay twist more more more I want you to develop that flexibility so squeeze even more come on one 2 3 three you realize I've got him rotating his wrists again for that outer triceps and then when he's not there anymore can do that, then you will go straight with the partials, go straight, straight five 4 3 2 one more good job, there you go, flex and twist more, yes, you have to start. learning how to get that turn, there you have to get that turn even more because now you're bigger than last year, so you have even more to turn, now there you go, now, on the other side, okay, squeeze good, okay , that was the fourth set we have. three left let's go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in a row five five partials Four 3 2 one more good work Flex back hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold calmly that's guess how many sets there are five I have two more yes, my arms haven't left from burning from 6% good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 good work good good let's go to the side triceps good and squeeze close it there you go, hold it, hold it squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze , squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. two good three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 come on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 keep going 8 9 five more four 3 two one more to the end good job stay open Flex like this yes yes yes Flex like this Flex there Flex it there Flex it there Flex those triceps Flex those triceps good job good workout that concludes our fs7 workout for shoulders and triceps what you can really learn from this video is that you can really increase the amount of intensity in your own workout information on how to perform the sets and it can also motivate you to take your body to the next level and break plateaus.
If you have any questions about this workout or any other fs7 content on, you can find me on Facebook and Instagram @on ramble and for more content like this keep coming back to

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