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From rosacea + acne to glass skin — this skincare works

Jun 25, 2024
I'm sick of




and this, me too, today we're going over my


care philosophy and routine for sensitive






. This video has many parts. I'll leave timestamps below so you can skip to or grab your favorite part. in any order you want, this is not a sponsored video. These are genuine products that I love and use, so please be patient. I promise you the products are good, let's get into it. Hey guys, I'm Robin and welcome to the sense of self-care on this channel we talk about. health sciences, we talk about philosophy of life and we experiment a lot about self-care.
from rosacea acne to glass skin this skincare works
I'm so excited for today's video, this is my most requested video of all time, you guys have been asking for months and months for a


routine and I've been a little apprehensive filming this because I feel like skin care my skin is always changing and especially in the last year it has gone through a big transition, but then I realized that this will probably always be the case in a short intermission after filming. I actually added another product that I'm really excited about that I'll talk about in this video, how much my


is constantly evolving, but more generally, this video isn't about products that I want to share a little bit. of my skincare philosophy so you can develop your own skin teaching, this is a term I stole from gothamista.
from rosacea acne to glass skin this skincare works

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from rosacea acne to glass skin this skincare works...

She's an amazing skincare YouTuber, so if you're a skincare junkie, definitely check out her channel, but basically developing your skin teaching means developing an intuition of what your specific skin needs at a moment's notice. given as the seasons change as our environments change as we age our skin will need different things by being a little systematic in the way we approach skin care and also paying attention to what our skin does with different con products we can develop a really strong skin teaching that can guide us through many different phases of life. I never want anyone to forget that we are all experts on our own bodies and our own skin, so I will be sharing my products today, but just keep in mind that this is optimized for my skin for context.
from rosacea acne to glass skin this skincare works
I have oily,


-prone and


-prone skin, which is really the trifecta. It has taught me a lot about skin and I am grateful to be in a very good place with my body. kind of sensitivity and inflammation also before we get into the topical parts of skincare, of course I must mention that skincare really starts from within so I make sure my diet and lifestyle don't inflame my body several years ago. I was struggling with a little bit of leaky gut, which means I was very inflamed and that showed up on my skin as rosacea and acne, so now my body is more in balance and that definitely shows on the outside that said topical skin care skin can improve.
from rosacea acne to glass skin this skincare works
There is a big difference: there is a lot of clinical evidence that shows that certain ingredients are extremely effective at changing our skin, so it's about this balance of treating yourself on the inside first, making sure you're balanced and healthy there, but also improving those results by be very aware. about what you're putting on your skin, so before we get into products let's talk about skincare philosophy, this is really important because I can tell you about certain products that may or may not work for you, but if your philosophy of skin care is not in the right place will make the development of your own skin much slower.
There are some things that I like to be very systematic about to help me learn very efficiently what


and what doesn't work for my skin, so down to science whenever we want. To test something we only change one variable at a time, by changing only one variable it is more likely that the results we see are attributable to that variable, so what this means for skin care is that it will be much easier to learn what


for your skin if we only change one product at a time if we decide that we want to do a complete skincare overhaul and also change our toner and our sunscreen and also try a new mask, then whatever results we get will be good or bad, We won't really know which products are contributing to those results and it makes the process of learning and developing a skin lesson much more confusing and time-consuming, so although it may seem very tedious to change just one product at a time, it can be It really speeds up your learning about long-term skin care because after several days you will understand what a new product does or doesn't do for your skin.
Similarly, I also like to do abdominal tests on my skin, so we are lucky to have a good experience. of symmetrical faces which basically allows us to have two samples, a baseline control sample and a variable sample, so again, if you want to try a new moisturizer, I would just put it on half your face for several days and leave the half using your old moisturizer so you can really compare whether this new moisturizer is an improvement in your skincare routine or if it's not an improvement, maybe there's no difference, but either way, having this direct comparison makes much easier to see exactly what that product is doing to you. your skin, so to check if you want to be efficient with your skincare learning, change one variable at a time, that means changing one product at a time and also do AB tests on your face, which means just put that new product in the middle of your face, so you have something to compare it to, so if there is a product in this video that you find interesting, try to introduce it in the middle of your face and try to keep everything else the same your routine and see what it does for you, maybe yes.
Nothing, maybe your skin will hate it, maybe it will change your skin's life. I don't know, but taking a systematic approach like this will make the entire process less confusing and much more efficient. Now, let's get into the actual products I use. First I'm going to go over sort of an overnight skincare routine and then I'll share with you what I do during the day. I also want to mention that none of these products are sponsored. I am very picky about what I put on my face. For me, who has sensitive skin, I want my products to be fragrance-free.
I want them to be alcohol-free and I personally also need them to be citrus oil-free. I've noticed that products with citrus oils really irritate my skin, so there are a few things. that I am looking for and all the products that I will mention today will be safe for sensitive skin. The steps in my skincare routine are as follows. The first step is a cleansing step, then we have a watering step, then we have a building step and then a treatment step and lastly a moisturizing step step one cleansing here I am using the beauty of Josan radiant cleansing balm with rice and oats.
I love these ingredients, they are so calming. They are filled with cans of beta glue. I often make face masks at home using rice flour. and oatmeal, so cheap, so simple, so I really like this cleansing balm, it's very affordable and a joy to use. I follow a cleansing balm with a generic gentle cleanser. Here I was using Cetaphil. I'm not too picky with my cleansers. I think there are many companies that have gentle fragrance-free cleansers. The most important thing for me here is that it is affordable and that it is not going to damage my skin.
The next step in my routine is my favorite step. This is the irrigation step. Basically, just soak your skin with a hydrating essence or toner to add moisture to your skin. This step will give you that


skin glow from within. I will usually apply two to three coats of essence or until my skin feels saturated and plump. I have heard. Someone describes this as similar to watering a plant, you just keep adding moisture until the soil becomes saturated. Both are great options, skin1004's Madagascar Santella toner and Joan Essence beauty with Jin, say I'm loving this cantella right now.
The next step is to build a healthy skin barrier. This is when I use calming serums with ceramides and other peptides and probiotic ingredients that help keep my skin and the healthy microbes that live on it again, we don't want to strip our skin of bacteria, we need those bacteria to protect us, so here are two great ones options, cantella proboca ampoule for skin 104. I really love this serum, it's affordable but luxurious, milky. My skin also likes it a lot. This one is priced for years, but this Kate Somerville serum always. helps maintain the balance of my skin's microbiome, then comes the treatment step and this is where I will include any type of active ingredients that help treat skin problems, such as perhaps products with vitamin A for texture or acids for the acne, if you have sensitive skin, it is very important to be very conservative with this step here are some products that I use in my rotation, this retinol eye serum from Josan beauty is very gentle because it contains a retinol derivative, so It probably won't irritate you and has a beautiful texture.
I have also been experimenting with this AIC acid from Polish Choice because there is a lot of research to support that AIC acid can be an effective treatment for rosacea. If I'm honest, I don't think it does much for my skin. I don't think my skin really. You like AIC acid, but rosacea is a very personal thing, this is a great product and worth trying if you have rosacea because your rosacea might respond to it, okay, very fast rosacea, what is it? Rosacea is a relatively common skin condition that primarily affects the face. causing redness, swelling of visible blood vessels, and sometimes small red bumps filled with pus.
There are several different types of rosacea. I personally have type 1 rosacea, which is characterized by redness, redness, and visible blood vessels. Rosacea runs in my family and for me personally, it is exacerbated by certain foods. digestive problems and the sun, which is why you always see me wearing this crazy sun hat in all my videos, but at its core rosacea is really an inflammatory disease, which means that the things that reduce inflammation in our body probably also make us they will help prevent breakouts and lastly, I really like this red cantella balm from Metac Cube as an acne spot treatment, it dries up breakouts without irritating my skin and you will notice that I have mentioned several products with cantella cantella is the abbreviation of cantella asiatica, which is a small herbaceous plant native to Asia. it has anti-inflammatory properties it has wound healing properties it has a lot of antioxidants it is hydrating and my skin and rosacea really seem to like this well, pause very quickly, this treatment step is where I have been experimenting most recently and just after filming this video I received my order from the agency, which is very exciting, it's not sponsored at all, the agency doesn't know I exist, but I've been eyeing their custom formulas prescribed by dermatologists for a while, I honestly didn't expect it to work for me, but man oh man I really really love this custom formula, basically what you do is you upload some photos of your face, you have a little questionnaire that you fill out and you talk to a dermatologist and then they make you a custom formula.
This is my custom future formula. It has a small amount of troan, which is what I'm really excited about. Troan is the most potent form of vitamin A and can be really effective in treating rosacea and acne if used responsibly and built up slowly so that's why you need a prescription to use tretinoin, so a my skin has really loved this stuff, it has been happy and hydrated and I take my hat off to this company for making prescription skincare so much more accessible and a very enjoyable experience and lastly we have the step of hydration, the goal here is to retain all the beautiful things we just put on our face.
I use this very basic moisturizer from Cave the Nighttime Repair Cream, it's full of ceramides and shea butter, it's very occlusive and will lock in all the good stuff. and it's affordable, that's also relatively important to me because skincare can add up, it's a recurring cost in our lives, so let's keep it simple, when we can, as a bonus, we have a very risky step that I don't think the dermatologists would approve. But through my AB testing on my face and a lot of experimentation, my skin really likes it, it really works for me, so I just want to be honest and share something that works, but you know, try it at your own risk.
As a last step, not always, but often, I put a full zinc oxide mask on my face and what I'm using here is a fragrance-free diaper cream. You must be careful because many diaper creams have ingredients. like fragrances and other things that you don't want to leave on your skin all the time.night, but this one has pretty good ingredients and what I found is that putting a zinc oxide mask on my skin really balances my oil production and gives me sort of this illuminated glow heals any type of wound very quickly. I don't know anything about it it just works for my skin.
I'm ashamed that I often go to bed like this. If you're feeling a little adventurous, I'd try using it first. Zinc oxide cream as a spot treatment for any acne that arises. I keep coming back to it and in fact last year was when I started using it and after I started using it people were telling me in real life that my skin was glowing, but again. This is so personal to me that it may not work for you at all. I just felt compelled to share it because I really love it. Okay, quick little adjustments for the morning.
I'll do similar steps in the morning, maybe light. treatments but I will add a lighter moisturizer and also an SPF and I keep coming back to ELA MD as my favorite SPF, it's not the best under makeup and doesn't always pair well with other moisturizers and products, sometimes it pills a little. but my skin really loves this stuff, I think because it contains niacinamide and a ton of great ingredients for rosacea and acne. It's developed specifically for rosacea and acne prone skin, so I keep coming back to ltmd, okay, one more interlude. I wantHere I show you the status of my rosacea.
I typically get one professional IPL facial per year to manage rosacea and the redness that naturally appears on my skin over time. IPL facials are great for removing that pigment because the light specifically targets and destroys the pigment. This is something you can do in the clinic, but in between my annual clinic visit I will use an IPL device at home. They won't be as strong as the ones you'd get in an office, of course, but they work and hold up. redness and discoloration in Bay and I really swear by it. I'd love to know what your favorite Holy Grail skincare tips and products are.
Share them with us below. I always learn a lot from you in the comments. Thank you very much for looking and I hope to see you next time

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