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From Park Football To The National League - The Dorking Wanderers Story

Mar 21, 2024


, but the way they all started and the way things are now, we are actually loud and still going strong. I don't think he realizes that I want to be religious, or is it all like that, yeah. We just answered, yes, just do it, I have to write it around the field, yes, you know about that 400 meter trench or something, you won't go with their monks, how long do you think before you don't? I don't know if you have a lot of confidence starting a new team, yeah, this is it and then as soon as you start messing with the manual work of the FAA, yeah, that better get me.
from park football to the national league   the dorking wanderers story
I don't think you have B and Q for a bit of rope. Oh, Lance, I can't text you or make any sense, but isn't that an amazing


. I mean golf is off to the best start this year, no it is, but it will be because he had an eight game suspension. the weekend's just over, it's just gone, yes, Oldham Oldham, I think so, or it could have been the week before, but you know they need them on the sidelines, don't they need them in the trenches? motivational questionnaires, okay, no wonder he obviously needed his new air doing the stress because it must be stressful, wouldn't he be president manager owner?
from park football to the national league   the dorking wanderers story

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from park football to the national league the dorking wanderers story...

I think we said last week about doing top to bottom organizing road trips, writing everything down, but then do you think about the team on Saturday? Don't know. I don't know, take the training to be fair, although he is very lively and has a lot of energy, so you think he just feeds off the players and then makes fun of the backroom stuff, yes, he is creating a stir around the world. place and saw you enter and then we trusted and followed you. I think the windows just closed because they're doing a thing with the fans, aren't they?
from park football to the national league   the dorking wanderers story
Are they not selling the percentage of the club well to the fans? week I will receive this telephone comparison but in other news in other news uh one of the most important days of my sports career came and went last week oh yeah, how did it go? We haven't talked about this at all. Are we all out? 78 we are in second place V in third place whoever wins stays on top with all that for 78 the second descent second descent in my career how many balls did you last? I'm not sure I'm around 18, I think not 18 20. but then The Black has been a disaster and I thought: Am I trying to be in Barnsley?
from park football to the national league   the dorking wanderers story
And I lost it and I lost the Skittle dumpster, yeah, I had a bad downhill week. I just don't think I'm good enough at it. level, I think it belongs to the


below, just a bit of information we have received, so you are like Norwich, no one, no one sees, yes, no, we are not at all, right? Going straight back to West Brom, the audio was like this Norwich West Brom uh I don't know I was playing the win in the same team together we'll wait and see obviously you can tell me I've always been disappointed.
I am. All dead, it was the photo of last year's team or the Fort Law team. I don't think we ever published it. Do we remember it? I don't know how I found her, but she's in her whites looking very serious, you know, like him. things they do in heaven, but it was Johnny and his cricket. Do you have a manager in cricket or is it just the captain, the captain and then obviously the president of the Cricket Club and that right, will you step up? up sometime now trimming the board once I'm done once I'm done playing that's me, we don't know how long you play for a cricket?
Yes, you can, yes, yes, so the season is over, save as a season over, what is that? afternoons, but honestly, this offside driver played with that leg spinner, honestly, it's a pleasure to be old, it was only in the 18th, yeah, and he was playing pretty sensible, oh, and then I said a disaster happened with the descent , a disaster really happened, so they're batting then their kids hit it right here with three dogs I thought oh no oh no oh no that's what curled up and the curl ran it's just something personal oh it's not okay it's okay it's okay but it was with a little, right? traveling also traveled a long way so it slowed down but I thought because my lady is half blind um she's obviously never seen it remember my dad likes the 80's so even if they had seen it they went to bed to react and Solo I mean I'm thinking, oh my god, yeah, I need 18, bless him.
Did you scream? It was obviously too late. Well, they won't be able to see it. What do you remember when our horse was hit? Oh my god, that. oh don't you bear to think of that inflated as a charity thing and he came to look and someone hit him straight and was riding on him and I Rose was coming to the Suites bathroom and he was walking behind what they call side screen and I I heard him play the shot, so I looked and he was just traveling and when he went a step past the site screen, it bounced and almost hit him in the shoulder.
Well, I mean, obviously he started crying, but I was. I'm glad he started crying because it was goth, the first step past the side screen so it just has that little Gap there oh my god one of the best moments of my life that's good it was a Leeds . Festival and uh, I was entering and on the side of the entrance they have two images of five-a-side


like a couple of goals and people are having fun with that and remember what we were walking inside some of us and Someone shot the ball and came closer and one of the guys caught it and started doing some kicks and everything and then he kicked it at me and I just went for it, I don't even think Peter I know, it was their fault, but I just went for Welly Bush and there was a girl and I'm not kidding, she must have been two throwers halfway away right on the other side, walking back and forth, with no one else around. she with two pints around and I swear it spawned around you could see it in slow motion oh up behind red ahead down two pipes on the ground right in the middle of nowhere oh it was a Perler just everyone would stop laughing just like that but no , they said there must have been two 300 people coming in at the same time if Paul, that's upstairs in two parts, wouldn't you apologize for moments, I think the bedding on top, football photos in the middle of the distance, yes, Nightline, you know? far away, that's the father, the field on the father's side, yes, someone contacted you like a microwave, the lack of a microwave has almost confirmed that the state of the ball is a genuine Oddball and that's it everything, so that was the end, right? genuine, you were saying there were some people who agreed that they didn't have my comments were like I think it was a strange nutrient, yeah, at first I was like, oh it can't be good for you to bomb your food, that was me initially. why didn't I have a microwave but I finally looked into the science of it and it just vibrates that's why it gets a lot but it doesn't do anything it's healthier and I've made a kebab anywhere and It's just when they can't ask you , it doesn't make sense to say everything about nutrients and then have three takeaways a week because it's a bit counterintuitive.
Three, I'll be calm, but you couldn't take much, could you? in a pattern, cook some beans, right, it takes five minutes, three minutes in the microwave, you have two minutes left a day, so obviously I'm going to play a little football. Jordan Henderson, go ahead, put your hands up Jordan, right? I went to Saudi Arabia right, I'm 34 35 I'm going to Saudi Arabia to get paid absolutely Gastly When I close amounts of money how much money gastronomic gastronomic is that it's not the right job it's astronomical so that's one of those things that you're getting used to that stop eating foreign products, you might really want to push them, so he thinks Jordan thinks he's going to change Saudi Arabia.
I'm not saying I do, but I lived in Bahrain. Aren't they? I think so. you can drink in that in Bahrain party cup leather you're putting words in his mouth Johnny might not have gone for money firefighter girl man of course not everyone is like you John oh yeah someone else loves, loves the game, well, If you just said You were looking at last night's results and you said, "Imagine playing at Darlington on a Tuesday night. I can't think of anything that works, I don't do it, so I think it's something I did with money, so someone I would do it to you." It is not like this?
You may have wanted to change your lifestyle, so you are saying that you think he is lying, and if you are doing that, you are saying that he is lying. Jordan Anderson As far as I said, today I was telling blatant lies to Absolutely, yes, yes, they don't mind other Saudis if you comfort money. You didn't tell this to Karen Trippier when she said she didn't go. You know that's not about the money. That is different. Why did she uh say she is anyway? she didn't go into music, they said she didn't go anywhere for the money, she was a lion when you look at this kid, we know what we have ahead of us, um, we have live shows coming up very soon in Wrexham, that's it. next one is next I think we also have Blackpool um Barnsley Barnsley is not in Nottingham Nottingham will release the guests very soon and we sort them out.
Oh, and if you haven't subscribed, what are the percentages? 48 48 and the people watching haven't subscribed and it would be nice, where will it be? um, yeah, the only person you pick, do you ever do double balls? Falling off your feet I always talked when I was 13, didn't I? Why do they do it? I forget, look, just lift your foot, no, oh foreigner, I think it looks scruffy, do you think, but it's your appearance, so it's okay. It works, yes, no, unless it's been a long time. Mine are at the top. I know we're obviously done. Have you ever been?
Have you ever put your football boots under and yes, on top, yes, white is cutter, add it? what you need, uh, get a lighter on the end, yeah, the fibers start to come off, there where they were, um, shin guards, they were just small towards the eye when I was, you know, the ones with the ankle guards there and then they actually come back again, yes, but it used to work even more, right? And the plastic towards you instead of predators, yes, it was for me. Did they make a difference? Remember when they first went out and everyone said, oh Roberto Carlos, never them first.
They were amazing to look at and then there were a couple. I only remember Beckham in them, but the rest is shy, you know, when people talk about breaking broken boots, you see that on the yellow boots it is written in yellow and in white. successful also for this break from Greener or White Knight TM if you put and I can't stop scoring. I know I've never kicked a professional ball, but I don't think you can wear white boots at first. Green why I just think you have to be if you wear colored boots you have to be you have to be that yeah that's what they are one of the most insulting things I've ever heard in my life you have to be on top League for me wearing colored boots and for you I'm at the top I went to the top League only



and Conference did you ever understand the language?
That's the only complaint I love about Co-op is that the tongue was too flexible and would never come down, but no, I used to cut it off, but sometimes I used to put the elastic on. I never went for that one, oh yeah, when high tech made one with a white tongue. Gordon Watson could have beaten the Mizunos. What is it? the boot you look at reminds you of the Premier League era in the mid 90s, some of the first Predators for me, the back of the 90s, especially in brother, yes, Michael Owen and she had the tongue was suede Yes, and you couldn't get it.
They were full with no money, so he must have had them bigger, like the umbrella was weird, made special, what about you, Matty, uh, it's horrible? I was gaining threats with him. Think more legendary boot temples. Remember old school temples with it, I think. it actually had tense written on the back yes, very good language, it's all in the language Chris, actually, put it in, put it in, let's go home, let's pretend we're in Dorking, no, sure, I hope you enjoyed the episode, thank you. Thank you very much for listening and we will see you next week again.

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