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From Apex Predator To Clumsy Kitten | Lion In Your Living Room (Full Documentary) | Pets & Vets

Apr 09, 2024
beautiful, elegant, mysterious, they are the most popular pet in the world, cute, affectionate and fun, but in every way they are designed for hunting. One of the big draws for me about cats is that they are these little wild creatures that we share our space with. that touch of the wild, what we admire most or something we want to change, can these superlative hunters really become domesticated? I think the cat, if it is to persist as a popular companion animal, will have to change in some ways. you really know about the






a solitary hunter one of nature's most capable


s a symbol of grace, balance and elegance it's hard to believe these



s have inherited the hunting prowess of their wild ancestors


s play a lot I want to say is one of the things that people find very attractive about them, the lovely night games with kittens, it's really just a lot of hunter type behaviors where they pant at things in nature, the game of Hunting would soon give way to the real thing, powerful muscles, flexible bodies.
from apex predator to clumsy kitten lion in your living room full documentary pets vets
Sharp claws, sensitive paws, even delicate whiskers play a role in the graceful movements of a real hunter. Surprisingly, the cat's graceful gait is not very efficient compared to that of a dog. Their gait evolved not to save energy, but to provide the stealth to hide and attack. Evolutionary demands have shaped some of the cat's cutest behaviors, such as the instinct to find a safe place to hide from enemies and pounce on prey. Small but mighty, an average house cat can jump five times its own height, some even more, climbing a tree in pursuit. dinner can be dangerous a slip could end in disaster even if they fall face down they can turn and land on their feet in just 30 centimeters that is not as simple as it seems, in fact at first it seems to defy the laws of physics When the cat begins to fall, its paws rotate, allowing it to make a seemingly impossible mid-air adjustment, all in a split second before hitting the ground, all four legs extend to act as shock absorbers, a useful skill for surviving in the forest or in the high mountains.
from apex predator to clumsy kitten lion in your living room full documentary pets vets

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from apex predator to clumsy kitten lion in your living room full documentary pets vets...

It rises in the jungle where their curiosity can trip them up. I'm Dr. Koharikarman, one of the veterinarians here at the cat-only veterinary clinic located in Vancouver BC. This is the time of year when we start to see what is called skyscraper syndrome and what it refers to. These are cats that fall or jump off balconies and then end up with injuries, sometimes they come out unscathed and people always joke about those nine lives that cats have and sometimes it seems that there is a bit of truth in that cats Cats can fall from very far. tall buildings and they have a very effective and presumably completely instinctive, spontaneous and very fast strategy for dealing with that, if they feel that they are falling from a great distance, they are actually able to parachute, they literally stick their legs out to the sides, which then stretches. the skin on their bellies, which slows their progress, like their large carnivorous cousins, domestic cats spend most of their time between hunts resting, they spend at least half their time asleep, but when they move they can move quickly, a domestic cat can run almost 50 kilometers. an hour at least for a short period and have some unique physical characteristics that can get them out of tight spaces.
from apex predator to clumsy kitten lion in your living room full documentary pets vets
They have what are called floating collarbones, so their collarbones are not fixed to the skeleton. They're floating in


muscles and that's it. how they can get in and out of very tight spaces and they also have a compressible ribcage which helps in that department as well. A cat's evolutionary history as a


that stalks and swoops in to kill is evident in how they play, how they move, and even how their senses work, I'm Dr. Kelly Saint Denis, I own Turing Cross Cat Clinic, It is a clinic exclusively for cats, which creates a really nice environment for us and especially for the cats, which is why these kittens were born seven days ago when the kittens are born.
from apex predator to clumsy kitten lion in your living room full documentary pets vets
They can already smell pretty good, so it allows them to find the nipple so they can breastfeed and get milk. They really don't hear very well and they certainly can't see when they are newborns. Their ears are drooping and their eyes close at about five days old and they can hear and very gradually we can see that their ear flaps are starting to rise so they can hear much better at three weeks old despite being born deaf , it is their sense of hearing that best reveals their wild ancestry. A cat's ears can rotate to help them locate the source of a sound that is pointing backwards, forwards, or sideways.
Once mature, they can hear two octaves higher than a human and a


octave higher than even a dog, I mean. Cats can hear the squeaks of mice and probably find it very useful when hunting to be able to hear what we call ultrasound that their prey generates and allows them to track and locate it better. They can also hear ultrasonic screeching. High tones for human ears are not the biggest surprise due to their physiology, for a biologist they should not be able to hear low frequencies. The really remarkable thing about a cat's hearing is not that it can hear mice squeaks, but that it can hear human voices at a particular low pitch, male human voices, good boy, so the size of its head and the size of its Their ears dictate that they shouldn't be able to hear, it's not just the range of their hearing that makes cats successful. hunters, something that I think many people don't appreciate about the cat is that it has a very good sense of smell.
I mean, everyone thinks that dogs have other species with an incredible sense of smell and of course that's true, but cats still exist. a thousand times more sensitive than us, the area inside the nose dedicated to trapping odors is five times larger in domestic cats than in humans, while we have perhaps five mil


olfactory receptors, the cat has 60 million or more, which many cat owners do not appreciate. is that cats actually have two olfactory systems, so you have the normal system, which is the same one we have, where air enters through the nose and through the olfactory membranes, but also, in common with many Other mammals, cats have a thing called the vomeronasal organ, which is another olfactory organ, the organ itself is located between the roof of the mouth and the nostrils and is used outside of this olfactory apparatus, the vomeronasal organ is used for sniffing to other cats.
Smell and hearing are important for locating prey, but vision provides more detailed information. In approximately seven to fourteen days their eyes will open and begin to be able to see. They will not be able to see very well until they are approximately four months old, at which time in which their vision will be approximately the same as adults, they can hunt during the day or at night, but their eyes reveal that they prefer cats in low light. Pupils have evolved to protect your sensitive retinas. They also have these pupils that contract vertically, unlike round ones, which allows for their pupil size. change very quickly from contracted to dilated depending on what they are doing these well protected eyes see a world that is very different from the one we see the cat's vision is quite different from ours they do not see as much in the color form as we see mainly blues and grays they do not differentiate well between orange and brown and red and green but they have some advantages that we cannot see colors that we do not like ultraviolet perfect for tracking the urine trails of their prey and these are not the only ways in which the cat's eyes are adapted to hunting in the dark, everyone has usually seen those reflective eyes at night or in photographs and that is due to a special area on their retina, the back of the eye is called tabitum lucidum and it acts almost like A mirror, it is iridescent and basically bounces light so it then has a second chance to pass through the lens, which basically allows kitties to bring more light into their vision than is actually there. in the


um and seeing in the dark the cat's night vision allows it to hunt in the dark but its eyes don't work well at close range what that means is that things as they get closer to the cat will probably go out of focus around six o'clock. twenty centimeters from the cat's nose, so it begins to blur and they also lose binocular vision.
At that point, they begin to see twice as many things that are near them when the prey is close enough and their whiskers can sense its exact location. They are thicker than other hairs and are


of blood vessels and sensitive nerve endings. Each of these specialized hairs transmits information about how fast and how far it bends, allowing them to chase their prey through the twists and turns of narrow tunnels even in total darkness. Oswald is a purebred neutered male ragdoll and has been coming to us since he was a kitten. The whiskers that most people are familiar with on cats are the ones on the sides of the cheeks.
They also have whiskers or vibrasays, the other name for these cats above their eyes they also have whiskers on the inside of their paws these whiskers also help with spatial orientation helps them know where they can move in what type of spaces including the tongue of the cat has its secrets elegant creatures they don't lick their drink like a dog looking closely their tongue seems to make a corkscrew as the liquid is sucked in if you've ever been licked by a cat felt an irritating sandpaper like a scraper it's not the taste buds What you feel but little barbs in the center of the tongue Cats spend about 25 percent of their waking hours grooming themselves, actually washing themselves or trying to wash themselves with their paws.
Cats have papillae on their tongue that are quite rough, which will help them with grooming to keep their coat healthy. and without mate, they act like combs when the cat is grooming or like knives when removing the last remains of meat from a bone. The cat's sense of taste is similar to ours in some ways because it is basically the same taste pattern as mammals. taste with taste receptors on their tongues, but in many ways it ends there, the kinds of things that the cat's tongue is sensitive to are actually very different from ours and those differences are because this little lion is a hunter who has evolved to need only meat. in their diet they have absolutely no ability to taste sweets because they are obligate carnivores, they are not really meant to ingest anything that tastes sweet, so it turns out that it is simply of no use to them.
While even the cat's reputation for being a picky eater comes from being a hunter at first, it may seem like a bad idea for a wild creature to be a picky eater, especially an animal whose diet is so restricted that we now know that our domestic cats do it too. They have nutritional wisdom, they are able to choose which of several diets has the best protein content because cats need a lot of protein in their diets, much more than almost any other animal, and they also have a strategy to address potential future problems. nutritional imbalances, which is going out and looking for something to eat that is not the same as the last meal you ate, that is partly behind the notorious restlessness of the cat rescued from a life of hunting and scavenging.
This cat is still very picky about the treats she selects which is much more exaggerated much easier to detect in cats that have had to live on the street if you will, that have had to select a balanced diet to survive and reproduce instead. that their owners simply offered them nutritionally complete food. They are much more picky about what they eat than domestic cats, if you can believe they are born deaf and helpless in the wild, the only thing stopping them from becoming prey to larger predators is caring for their mother which can sometimes be difficult if they are accidentally pushed out of the nest.
This kitten instinctively cries for help, fortunately his mother realizes if they are lions or leopards, in most cat species only the very young ones meow and then only to their mothers, but domestic cats use this sound in other situations when they want attention, mainly when communicating with humans. jesse jack jesse I have a gift for you look, you want all the meows not to be the same jack each cat has its own, but again you want a little noise these are sounds that can have many meanings each cat and its humans must somehow get according to the definitions that some develop a large vocabulary so they will have a meow to say I'm hungry, feed me and another to please let me out the door and so on and these seem to be private languages ​​that develop between the cat nyona and we know this because if I recorded these differentmeows and then play them to different owners the cat owner of that particular cat will recognize him instantly that's the meow he makes when he wants to be let out that's the one he makes when he's hungry but play them to others Cat owners, even cat owners who have a repertoire of meows and can't identify which is which beyond the meows, cats have a series of vocal signals, not that we always understand them, this cat doesn't need to hunt to eat, it's still the old man .
The impulses are there and occasionally emerge in surprising ways. Some cats make a special chattering sound when they are hunting or thinking about how much they would like to be. It is not known exactly why some cats chatter, whether out of frustration, anticipation of killing, or an attempt to kill. Attract prey by imitation. Other sounds they make are less mysterious. When they are quite unhappy, we can see them growling and hissing, also certain vocalizations that sound almost basically like a cat or howling. Basically, he is a very unhappy and very stimulated cat, but fortunately for them.
We, Sybil, are very happy at this moment and are purring happily. Purring is another sound we associate with cats. Curiously, we know little about it. Most people think that purring is an expression of emotion as far as the cat is concerned, that it is happy and nine times out of ten that is true, but the reason for purring is not that it does it to try to make you or another cat do something. That is why kittens purr so that their mothers calm down and care for them and so that this communication continues into adulthood, large members of the cat family, such as lions and tigers, cannot purr, roaring cats cannot.
They purr. but some of the smaller cats, I mean, in fact, the ability to roar produces a change in the vocal apparatus, which means you can't purr. Karen McComb studies animal communication in large animals like elephants and lions and then in her own cat. She peaked her interest in this seemingly simple sound. This happened simply because my own cat was very adept at asking me for food and in particular had this kind of waking up purr routine where he would start doing this very insistent purr in the morning, I thought. Why is this particular purr so unpleasant to the ear?
Why does it sound urgent and so hard to ignore? Professor Mccoomb compared the purrs of several cats, including her own, so this is not the case. I order a pair from my cat and you will see that it is actually a very regular classic purr. In fact, this pearl was rated as one of the most pleasant of all cats, so what I'm going to do is play my own cat's requesting purr and you should be able to hear that within the purr there is a sort of slightly whiny element. . Incredibly, Professor McCoomb discovered that this request had a frequency similar to that of a human baby crying, so it has this kind of slightly manic element to it and if you look at the screen here you'll see that there's a dark band in its case, it's a little bit more 400 hertz, but that's the kind of frequency you like to cry about and it's very strong in each of the main beats of the pair, so there's a frequency that jumps out from the rest of the sign spectrum at the point of this crying. and cats somehow connect with this sensory bias that we have obtained and are using it to improve the level of attention received by solitary hunters who can get another species to do their bidding.
Their dual nature fascinates us. We watch them roll around happily to our hearts. feet one moment sneaking away who knows where the next, unlike dogs, cats Another life normally hidden from us Now, thanks to modern technology, we are getting a glimpse of the secret life of cats. Studies reveal that most have a fairly defined territory, an area they patrol daily, often not much more than a few blocks. Here's Nathan. There you have it my friend, this is obi jones, of course, there are exceptions, brave explorers who travel great distances, this is our kitty. Kinder, lives with a dog Ruby, we have been following Kinder's adventure.
Sometimes you don't need to go any further than a neighbor to get an extra gift, you know what comes here and visits us almost every day, do you really? We love him, he sits with my mom and dad, he actually comes and sits with us and takes his little nap and we will give him a piece of cheese or a little piece of bacon almost every day a cat's daily patrols are anything but random , it's a way to mark and protect their territory, even if you've never seen what happens when there's a conflict over a territory you've almost certainly heard.
The results, studies find that cats often share the same or overlapping territories, They simply avoid patrolling at the same time, like felines, sharing time, meeting rivals is not the only danger that cats


on the streets face, the survival of a large number of strays. Cats and feral cats that have never known human company demonstrate that their wild nature has been preserved. These undomesticated domestic cats give us the best vantage point to understand how these once-wild animals adapted to life with humans. Cats are certainly not completely domesticated. They're like. small wild creatures and still have the ability to exist without us, you would be hard-pressed to find a Maltese Chihuahua or a Teacup Chihuahua that could survive on its own on the streets and forage for food, seek shelter, breed and everything else.
But cats are another story, many cities are struggling with large populations of cats that live all or part of the time on the street. Dealing with the explosion of feral cats is often left to the neighbors, what it means most is the feeling that when you bring in a cat from the street that you see has been lost, abandoned, left aside pregnant because they didn't want to. For her to bring that cat and see it flourish in a home, it responds to love and affection, that is the best thing we do in the world. We've done a lot of work with the City of Toronto and other Toronto Humane Society organizations and we need to figure out how to deal with the overpopulation of feral cats in the city.
Come, muse, they visit the feral cat colony and know who is who and how they relate. Come on guys, breakfast, we were called to this colony by a gentleman who was feeding cats in a field and they called us to help, so when we got here, when we got to the site, we found many more cats than we ever imagined. Now there are probably 15 or so cats left when we got here, there were probably closer to 40 with kittens and we started trapping new ones to come back, feeding them regularly, trapping them, treating their wounds and most importantly, neutering them, They may be the same species as the animals that live in our homes but if they are not exposed to human contact early enough they will remain untamable.
Cuts that have not had socialization with humans before 14 weeks of age are much more likely to have very scared, um I don't want to Humans take a long time to establish trust and are also more likely to be terribly aggressive. It's not that they can't learn to trust humans; that ability is still there and they still retain some behavioral plasticity, but it can be a very long process. Along the way, we have patients who were feral cats and, when they were rescued and taken in by their people, it took months or years before they established trust with their owners.
Those who can learn to tolerate humans can be put up for adoption like these. Cats that seem as domestic as they can be successfully adopted into a feral colony that live without humans for too long do not easily adapt to life with us. One solution is to provide them with shelters where they can receive medical care and live in relative comfort. My name is. janet reed and I'm the manager here at the richmond humane society shelter number six and what we have here is about 500 cats that we take care of because they're homeless, they were cats that were born in the wild.
We never had a home or maybe they abandoned us and we live in the wild, we trap them, we spay and neuter them and we make sure they have their shots in bed and then we bring them here so they have a place to be. Put them in colonies if they come 10 to 15 at a time, which has happened to us, it's a lot of cats to deal with, but we keep them together, they know each other, we don't have to try to adapt them to the rest of the cats. at the shelter and despite what everyone seems to think, this is a cat club.
Medical cats do not always get along with each other when the environment allows, they will live together and establish a hierarchy and generally that means there is some hissing, posturing and fighting for a while until that has been established, then if new cats try to come in they may integrate but there will be some trials along the way but other times a new cat is completely rejected and not. They cannot make their way in a colony. Observing wild colonies tells us about the nature of these very territorial animals and their social lives. Maintaining boundaries and alliances requires constant communication.
Messages of all kinds are sent and received. Warning and recognition signs. A social key. The signal is the tail up. We believe that a tail-up signal evolved from a signal that kittens use to warn their mothers and is used around the time of weaning and is seen in several species of wild cats, not just the wild cat. that's the ancestor of the domestic cat and they probably use it as a way to greet their mother when she returns to the nest with food for them and it may be one of the ways to persuade her to feed them, but in all those other species .
Then they stop doing it once they reach adulthood Domestic cats have taken this kitten to the mother The signal to a whole new level When two cats approach each other, one may raise its tail up if the other is willing to coexist, will respond in the same way then it means two things, it means friendly intentions, I am approaching you in a friendly way, I am not going to attack you and it also recognizes a difference in status, if you want, I am not saying that cats have a mental conception and conception abstract of status, but they clearly need to indicate the type of interaction they want to happen, so what they are saying is that I am friendly to you and I recognize that you are somehow older or smarter than I am studying wild.
Cats have given us more than new insights into their social relationships. Comparing the DNA of several species of wild and domestic cats, large and small, from around the world helped solve the mystery of how cats evolved and eventually became domesticated, making a wild cat the ancestor of the cat. domestic is a species called felis silvestris felis silvestrus is a very widely distributed species that extends from the tip of scotland to the cape of good hope in south africa, from portugal to central china and there are five different wild subspecies of fila sylvester, The wild cat, one of those subspecies, Felis Sylvester's lubica, lived in the Near East and it is that subspecies that gave rise to the domestic cat.
Professor Driscoll pointed to this part of the Middle East as the center where Felis silvestris libica gradually transformed into the familiar Felis Katus kittens, domestic cats of all breeds, friendly or wild wherever you find them in the world. They have their genesis here. Their wildcat ancestors can still be seen outside of cities, but since they prefer to hunt in the dark, it is much easier. If you have local biologists to guide you, fox, this fish farm is a popular hunting ground, but there are no wild cats to be found tonight, these are jungle cats, the largest member of the family that includes both the domestic cat and its ancestor, the wild cat.
They are attracted here by the promise of an easy meal last night in some fish ponds here bordering the Jordan we saw Felix Schaus the jungle cat and we saw how they are getting used to human presence and are following a similar path to what What wildcats did when they come out of the wild and use habitats and human resources in a way that is probably very similar to what wildcats would have done thousands of years ago in the early stages of domestication. The first step in cat domestication occurred here thanks to a unique combination of a small wild cat that could tolerate people and an abundance of wild grains.
This is the habitat where plants and animals were domesticated earlier than we see now, around 15 16,000 years ago. Until 10,000 years ago, people were hunter-gatherers, they had enough to gather and use for their own use, once people settled down that was when cats started moving into that environment and started adapting to that human environment. and then from there they eventually evolved into the domestic animals that we have today, so in that sense you can make it known that you can say that that catHe domesticated humans, he came to where humans were, and then he took advantage of what they made some people think we domesticated. cats in order to control the rodents that ate our grain, Professor Driscoll does not agree, he does not believe that it was mice and rats that attracted them to our homes, it was our garbage, the scene we see here takes place here in Jerusalem and other cities of the ancient Near East thousands of times over the last tens of millennia we have cats that use human waste and waste and are essentially fed by people;
It is through this process that the wildcat was introduced into human civilizations and developed over time into the domestic cat we have today. Cats found our settlements to be a profitable place to hang out, so cats hunt mice. and rats, yes they certainly do and some of them are not bad at it, but that is not why they were domesticated, they were domesticated accidentally. When older people decided they really wanted to get rid of mice and rats, they used dogs as specific vermin hunters, but what did we gain from this arrangement if it wasn't about vermin control?
Cats didn't have a purpose, so they don't have a purpose. They don't have a purpose now, I'm not sure they ever will, but they make good


and that seems to have been enough to bring them around the world, we may never know, but those initial interactions. The contexts of the species became admiration and the ancient Egyptians adored and even adored their cats. Egypt was the first place where cats were bred in captivity. It is a place where domestic cats lived at a high enough density that they are well represented in works of art and archaeological remains. houses of common people when cats were first domesticated probably for half of their domestication maybe the first five thousand years they would all have looked like bobcats, that is, the striped tabby, that's the wild type coat color, The first changes in cat coat color were probably the appearance of black cats, which is actually the absence of color, the coat turning black because the jeans that create the tabby pattern no longer function properly and that probably occurred in Egypt from the beginning, so very few cats or records of cats are found outside of ancient Egypt at that time.
However, the city of Alexandria was a very large port city in the ancient world and cats were able to spread from ancient Egypt throughout Europe and North Africa in a very short period of time, so domestic cats boarded ships that would take them from their birthplace in the Middle East to every continent on the planet as they spread. the world appeared new coat colors one of them closely related to all things the vikings at some point along the line some population of vikings decided they liked orange cats why orange cats were favored it is not clear they are not The best mice are not the most adept at living on ships, but what we found is that the frequency of orange cats is highest where the Vikings traded.
Red or orange cats remain most common exactly in those areas where the Vikings most often made landfall; Over time new coat colors appeared and It is spread more frequently by boat. I think one of the best coat color variations that we know of where there is an association between trade routes and coat color is with the spotted tabby and we know that that mutation arose in Britain in the early 1800s. It was the beginning of both modern cat breeding and show cat breeding. Cat breeding has been going on for over a century and is now true breeding so similar breeds are crossed forming breeds where essentially the offspring look like the parents and the parents have essentially been formed. from several different stray cats from different parts of the world, unlike dogs which were bred for a wide range of jobs and therefore come in different sizes and shapes, the cats did not have any special tasks to perform and the variation It's really just the appearance has something to do with the shape of the head, obviously you have some breeds like Persians with very flattened faces, you have a lot of variations in coat color and length, so many of these breeds are actually superficially different from the average.
Pet cat, rather than being very different functionally, some of us prefer a particular coat color thinking it is related to certain behaviors. Many believe that orange cats are calm and friendly, while white cats are lazy or shy and calicos are believed to be feisty or difficult. Calicos are somewhat recognized for their temperament, they make wonderful


, but they don't tend to adapt very well to new environments and new people, but the connection between jeans coat color and behavior is not at all clear. There is some genetic link that the genes have not found. isolated, so no one knows for sure, but the hows and whys of temperament are increasingly important.
Cats are instinctively solitary predators that patrol the hunting grounds around their homes. Now we want them to stay at home, not hunt and live with other animals. people have their cats at least in terms of their impact on the cat, it's this idea that cats get along, that having one cat is good, having two cats couldn't be any better now it can be better for the owner, but the chance is that it's not going to be any better for the cats that, if not very carefully introduced, those two cats will end up being more stressed for the rest of their lives than they would have been if they lived apart.
For every home where cats live happily together, there are many others where our pets suffer from the proximity of rivals. Living with other cats is not the most difficult demand that we suddenly put on the instincts of our favorite pets. There is no doubt that we love them, but There are some Behaviors that most of us could do without. Where once we were proud of their talents as hunters, we are now ashamed of their seemingly ferocious nature. It's true that cats have had a lot of bad press lately in terms of their role as surplus hunters.
Killers like animals who go out and kill for fun, as people would say. The first thing to dispel is that they are not doing it for fun, they are doing it because it is a part of a very instinctive behavior. that they have inherited from their wild ancestors and more than that during domestication, we have actually encouraged them to continue to do that and there is concern about the long-term effects of our cats on wildlife populations; However, Bradshaw believes that our pets are only a small part of the problem, he believes that a larger part may be due to feral cats, but still, you know that a dead bird is a dead bird, I think you have to admit that cats are doing something that is unnecessary and may not be permanently harmful to the populations, but if you are concerned about the welfare of wildlife and many people are, then cats really are not doing the right thing, too much slaughter or a bit, can't we just eliminate it by keeping our cats inside where they will be too?
Safe from predator fights and traffic, there is much debate over whether people should keep their cats indoors or outdoors, and the outdoors will undoubtedly provide the cat with greater environmental enrichment in terms of being able to explore. the external environment. The problem with being an outdoor cat. I would say is that there are many more health risks, so they are more likely to be attacked by other animals, they are more likely to fight with other cats, they can be hit by cars, asking our cats to stay inside is not As simple as it may seem, we hope that they are happy and the reality is that because they are hunters, they need stimulation, they need to do things and what is happening now is that we are starting to recognize that they are anxious or bored inside. environment for thousands of years we had a mutual understanding a contract suddenly we want to rewrite the terms we are asking these territorial creatures to tolerate other animals living happily inside and give up hunting we hope the cat will make a big change from being essentially a predator that kept in our homes and obtained some companionship as a secondary function of being an animal that is primarily a companion and nothing more and we do not want it to go hunting, I think that the cat if it is going to persist as a popular companion animal it will have to change in some way the key to the survival of the domestic cat may already be in its genes if its wild nature is programmed, so is its adaptability, which has made our 10,000 years last A journey together is possible, they have thrived under our thatched roofs in our palaces, barns and apartments, and this will guarantee these little lions a comfortable place in our lives for a long time.

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