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Friend Stories! (ft. My friends)

Jun 06, 2021
Hey guys, today I have a little different video for you. My best


s, triplets named Colt Travis and Ava from California, are visiting and we've had a lot of fun


, so we'll share a few first. above is Cole, hello everyone, I'm Cole, so when Bryson lived in California, we did scouts together, we liked it a lot, but the camps were too much for us, sometimes the other kids and our leaders wanted to do it late. hikes and overnight activities, but Bryson and I always wanted to go to sleep at a campsite. After Bryson and I settled in for a good night's rest, the leaders came into our tent and told us we were going to have to wake you up. later for a chat by the fire so don't get too comfortable and we were really tired and Bryson gets a little protective of his sleep so we yelled at him "don't you dare wake us up" and as you all know , Bryson can go to sleep incredibly quickly and it usually takes me at least an hour to fall asleep, so sometimes at these camps I was left in a terrifying wilderness in favor of the comfort that the world of sleep provides.
friend stories ft my friends
We once had to earn our wilderness survival merit badge, this is basically where you have to do it. Make yourself a camping shelter using only the resources around you and sleeping. Ours is pretty basic. It was just made up of a bunch of sticks leaning against a trunk insulated with bark. Once we built the shelter, Bryson had a long night sleeping. and me sitting there, awake and frozen, but for some reason we both ended up awake around 5:00 am. m. It was very cold and our Scout leader heard us talking and dropped a hand warmer in the shelter.
friend stories ft my friends

More Interesting Facts About,

friend stories ft my friends...

He was so excited about the heat and the return of Bryson Knight. grabbing the hand warmer but then Bryson fell asleep with it. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't take it off, but I didn't fall asleep at all that night, so trust me, I know a thing or two. about Bryson sleeping superpower Hi I'm Travis over the summer Bryson Cole Ava and I would ride our bikes downtown to get food and candy it was a lot of fun and we usually spent most of the day downtown hanging out this time even though we were Getting Away from the candy store on Bryce was about to cross the street, looked to the right, nothing, looked to the left, nothing small.
friend stories ft my friends
Bricen knew that while she was looking away, a car sped out of the parking lot and approached him, as Bryson had already looked. right and left he assumed it would be okay to cross the street he started to cross only for the car to crash into his bike and the windshield hit his hand surprisingly Bryson survived barely joking he was okay the owner of the car rolled down the window and said family I'm sorry , you are good, Bryson is a polite boy, shut up Bryson, I will ruin you for being a polite boy. Bryson said he's fine, great and sped away two seconds later, Bryson discovered that the wheel on his bike was horribly disfigured and barely writable. the first of many bikes that Bryson would destroy Hi, I'm Ava and I'm here to tell a story from a long time ago, during the worst three years of high school, so the high school we all went to in California is hosting a musical every year anyone can participate, so when seventh grade came to Bryson, my brothers and I decided to do that year's Beauty and the Beast musical.
friend stories ft my friends
I was gifted one of the worst parts of the show, one of the countless Gaston fans my brother Travis was. Cogsworth the Bryce clock and his Lumiere the candlestick and my other brother Cole was chipping the teacup. One thing I remember from this play is that part of Bryson's Lumiere costume were these giant fake candles that covered his hands like gloves and had light bulbs in them. To make it look like they were actually lit with the flame, Bryson was late to practice one day and had to go on stage in costume, the light breaking on one of his chandeliers during a scene that legitimately caused our director to all stare in horror as she began. yelling at Bryson about how if he had gotten there on time she could have fixed it and how irresponsible she was even though it hadn't even been her fault, this literally ended up making Bryson cry and cost her the mascara running down her face because they had forced to wear makeup so I was the one who wore it the best so yeah living in California was great and I was really sad when my family had to move but we still keep in touch and are still best


I hope you liked it, bye. Greetings


, so I want to know what you thought of that video. They like me? It was very different, but I liked letting my




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I hope you understand, it's okay now to say all those basic things that other youtubers say, don't forget to subscribe and make sure to smash. that like button and share the video with your friends if you have them and follow me on Twitter that's all for now ham chunker's and see you in the next video see you

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