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Fried Eggs 2 Ways: Sweet & Sour and Golden Coins | Why It Works with Lucas Sin | Food52

May 14, 2024
Welcome back to the Food 52 kitchen, today we are going to talk about well-cooked


, most people are just looking for a perfect, runny egg yolk. All I want to show you today is that that doesn't have to be the only way we cook. our


we are going to cook some





eggs and we are also going to make gold coin eggs which is a sautéed hard boiled egg we are going to make two recipes today the first will be a





egg and the second will be called


egg Co first recipe first, we'll tackle our fried eggs soldiers, okay let's talk about fried eggs for a second, there are different


that people like to fry eggs, I think for example, a sunny side up is a version of a fried egg , but this in Cantonese we would call it what is or in Chinese a and what you are looking for means wallet, it means that the The egg white contains the


treasure that is the yolk inside, so basically all it is is the turned egg However, in true Asian style, we prefer our eggs to be quite crispy on the sides when you see those little brown lumps. bits that's my reaction which is the caramelization of all those sugars and amino acids in the egg white that's my opinion my favorite part of an egg even if I were to fry an egg sunny side up I'd like to see that nice brown skirt so heat walk a very generous amount of oil heat the walk before the oil goes in heat the oil before the eggs go in it will be a pretty quick cook and I'll do one first to show you how it's done and then eventually when you get good at this, You will be able to cook several eggs at once now that it is steaming.
fried eggs 2 ways sweet sour and golden coins why it works with lucas sin food52
I'm going to boil it down to something that's manageable and the egg cracked right into the pan should bubble immediately. We want it nice and golden. We are almost frying the egg, this is the equivalent of shallow frying, if the egg sticks to the bottom of the way it will release when fully cooked. We're not trying to cook it all the way through now because it's going to be seared later so that it's eventually fully cooked, but we definitely want that shape to set. See how easily it slides around the pretty brown edges. Here, once you see that you want to flip it, if we didn't have to solder this, this kind of egg would be. delicious because you get a pretty nice flavor with a caramelization reaction on the outside, but in the yolk inside you can control how runny or how cooked it will be, that's the dunice I'm looking for, golden brown all over, very completely crispy throughout outside, so I still have a little bit of oil inside that way, I'm going to leave it there and make a very quick sweet and sour sauce, plus the fact that today we're going to have well-cooked eggs, the other thing that unites a lot of the flavor profiles of these two recipes with each other is their region of origin, so this is mainly a kind of southwestern Western Chinese cuisine, between that area of ​​Sichuan known for its numbing hot spices and Hunan, which is known for a little bit. more of that bright pepper spice, we call this a braised egg, so we're going to need a lot of salty notes.
fried eggs 2 ways sweet sour and golden coins why it works with lucas sin food52

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fried eggs 2 ways sweet sour and golden coins why it works with lucas sin food52...

The base of today's flavor will be light soy sauce and a little dark soy sauce to give it the typical color in In many solders, the sweet and sour components will be, first of all, vinegar, in this case Chinese black rice vinegar, too known as Jang Jang vinegar, sugar and ketchup, it's a really nice sweet and sour base for sweet and sour flavors because first of all, the ketchup is Secondly, the sweet and sour, um, it's also a nice bright red color and It's got a little bit of a thick bodies, so it helps tie everything together, although traditionally, by the way, the bread and the sweet and sour probably would have come from a fruit like Hawthorne, uh, most likely just the Hawthorne water would give us give it a little more volume, we're going to save some of that water, pour it into our cornstarch and add our cornstarch to the sauce in the At first, it's cornstarch, now it's nice and runny, but it will thicken.
fried eggs 2 ways sweet sour and golden coins why it works with lucas sin food52
Next step, let's start cooking, by the way, today the aromatics, garlic, ginger and chives, and we will add some fresh chili, this is bird's eye chili, but usually in In my opinion or in my experience in real cooking Homemade Hunan, it would be a chili that is a little less spicy and bigger, so you add more, if you want that red burst of color, bell peppers work here too, but obviously they would. By the way, don't be spicy and and if you don't know, this Hunan food is known to be some of the spiciest in China and they can't cook any food without chilies there, so that's there too, but it's totally optional.
fried eggs 2 ways sweet sour and golden coins why it works with lucas sin food52
The next step we are going to solder these eggs, the eggs are fried, the aromatics are prepared, the sauce is ready to use, we will go back to the same pen that we had before, just like you would if you were soldering meat and if Actually, this is very similar to a meat brazing process: we're browning our protein to bring out some of those delicious caramelized brown flavors that we wouldn't be able to get if we went in and just brazed it directly into that path. The ginger is going to go in first, it's going to sizzle, we don't want it to burn, move it around a little bit, infuse that oil with that ginger flavor once it starts to threaten to take on color, in this case the walk is quite hot. the scallions will come in and then our garlic and then our chiles, we'll let everything sauté once you start to smell everything coming together, that's when you'll want to add the sauce, mix it all together, wait for it to boil, you can see it's already starting. thicken because of that corn flake inside and that's when the eggs are going to go back into the pan over low heat now we know that the shape of the eggs is already established so we can feel free to throw them in as if they were as if they were bits of meat or something like that just put all this together let all the flavors come together over low heat let the egg cook for a couple of minutes minutes and we can finish the day one step all the same way pan so fast we'll just cook Cook this for 1 or 2 minutes.
Yes, eggs are a type of protein and we treat them as a protein, but they do not need to be cooked for a long time because they will absorb the sauce quite a bit. Quickly, what we are looking for here is a well-cooked egg yolk that is rich and flavorful. We want the sauce to be nice, thick and shiny. This is a dish that can only be eaten with rice if you are not going to eat this with rice, why are you making this in the first place? Look how beautiful and bright that sauce is. That's why these recipes go viral in short media, but it's good to see them in long format because it's important to break.
Down with the techniques, science and understanding of how this flavor occurs and what the correct backup is. The sauce thickens adequately. Good balance between salt and flavor, so that's the point. Sweet and sour eggs before we delve into this. I'm also Going to Make Eggs with Gold Coins to show you our other approach to making a delicious, well-cooked egg dish. Welcome to our second recipe, now eggs with gold


. Eggs with gold


in Chinese would be called eggs with gold coins, a direct translation of the idea. is sautéing hard boiled eggs hard boiled eggs for those of us who love hard boiled eggs know that hard boiled eggs are quite delicious there is quite a bit of flavor in that egg yolk that can only be eliminated if we cook them completely those are the fats the amino acids, everything which is present in the yolk of the egg, which is in the white of the egg, this is what I stand for, which is taking yourself too seriously when you do simple things that everyone else has been doing for a long time, now there is more qualified people. that I, who have done very exhaustive studies on how to boil an egg, today I will give you the short version for a perfectly hard-boiled egg.
You are looking for a fully cooked egg white with a fully cooked egg yolk that is easy to peel and as much as possible has as few imperfections on the outside as possible. Here is detailed information on most home cooking recipes. eggs from the refrigerator put them slowly and gently into boiling water, not cold water, cook them for 11 minutes after 11 minutes take them immediately dip them into a cold bath when they get to that cold bath, let them cool and let them sit there for at least 15 minutes , it can even last all night, that's by far the short version of how to boil properly. eggs the eggs have been boiled for 11 minutes they are dense and sturdy we let them soak in the ice bath for at least 15 minutes so they are completely cold and then we will peel them and break them with a spoon to help make pretty shapes find a weak point and then try to use the sides of your thumbs to take out large pieces, we are going to cut our eggs and we are going to sprinkle them to set their shape before they fry so the first thing is to have a plate or tray ready and sprinkle the bottom with a little cornstarch they are called gold coins because they look like old Chinese coins and that's why we want the yolk to be placed inside the egg white and when we cut them there will be a good chance that the yolk will fall out of the white, so we just have to put the back on and seal everything with dough so we're looking at a / sliced ​​about a centimeter, just be a little careful, but there you have it, this is going to be fried and they're going to be dusted and protected with starch, so one by one it's going to go into the starch you're going to dust off the top can be a little rough if you want this is corn starch potato starch


I like the starch you have in your house, in general, for me. It tends to be potato starch because it does almost everything that cornstarch does best this dough will do two things this cornstarch one will keep the shape of these golden coins the second will help absorb some of that sauce that we are going to cook it next . Let's configure the shape of the eggs. We are going to fry them in a non-stick pan. They are a bit delicate, so a non-stick pan is safer. It's very similar to the first step of cooking the egg in the previous recipe, where that's when we start to develop some of that caramelization flavor and establish the shape of the egg before it cooks with everything else, okay.
A little oil in the pan, hot pan, al


hot pan, eggs work in batches if you have to, whatever you can do, it's a non-stick pan, so they'll move pretty quickly already, which is good , your eggs are already hard-boiled, which means we don't have to be too nervous about overcooking them, they're already as cooked as possible, we're just searing them to get them a nice brown color, almost like that, it's all the good parts of a fried egg that nice, wrinkled brown. a little bit on the browned side, nice crust, this will get a little bit CR, uh, crispy, which is great.
I'm going to take them out once they're nice and golden brown on both sides, take them out and you can feel them. with the cornstarch they are now crispier they keep their shape the egg yolk should no longer fall out you can be a little less delicate with them the eggs have taken shape they are nice and uniform and the best parts are browned the boiled egg plus the best parts of the egg fried now let's put everything together for the final stir fry the base of this will no longer be sweet and sour, it will be light soy sauce and oyster sauce, let's just combine the two to make it a little easier to pour the volume of this sauce is significantly less.
This seasoning we're making here will barely cover the outside and glaze the egg; otherwise it will be aromatic. Similar configuration: garlic, ginger and chives. Chili. Peppers: This one I'm green and red because the green is a little more substantial, so we're going to add a little bit of white pepper, salt and sugar as our main ways to season. What I want to talk about is a technique called Long Yow. long Yow is a Cantonese technique for preparing your pans. Now the reason we do this is because walks are many times most commonly made from carbon steel, they need some oil and they need the polymers in that oil to bind to the walk. so that it becomes naturally non-stick now, the maintenance of a walk, you can look elsewhere and you will definitely find that after cooking with it, as that black layer that forms on the non-stick layer, we wash a little bit of Each time we try it and at the end you want to add new oil on top, now the way Chinese cooks tend to add new oil to the surface of the Walk is not just after cleaning but before cooking. and the technique is called long Yao long is the verb that describes this movement: you are rolling liquid inside a pan, so the best way to keep the entire pan nonstick before cooking is to heat it until it barely threatens to smoke and then You'll add more oil to the side of the pan than you think you need and then as it heats you'll move the oil around so it covers as much of the oil as possible. side of the road as possible once the oil starts to glow, meaning it's 275° 300 ish, actually pour theexcess oil now, in theory, its path is clear at that point, so this oil can be used again in Chinese kitchens.
Have a large pot of clean oil that you will constantly rinse the inside of the walks with that and it slowly forms this non-stick layer of oil each time. They cook if you cook constantly with a walk, just do this every time you cook to make sure that things don't stick. aromatics, as always, aromatics first, main ingredients and then season on top, first things first. Ginger, second of all chives. keep the heat between high and medium high Larger chiles first smaller second this is going to be a spicy fry up although there isn't much garlic sauce in the end there are so many good things to cook in a walk I think the walk is designed like a container multipurpose kitchen that you can cook at different temperatures.
Its shape means you don't need as much oil as in a flat-bottomed saucepan and people have probably never made this boiled before. it's the hard boiled eggs in the way, the shape is set, so the interesting thing here is that you can skip your hard boiled eggs, just put all those things together, the aromatics are already activated, so we just have to bring all those flavors together with the liquid and In this case, it will be soy sauce and oyster sauce. Whenever you add liquids to your walk, add them to the side of the walk where they are hottest so they caramelize instantly.
Mix, um, I'm just going to try and taste a little bit of this, make sure it's well seasoned, nice, cool, nice, unlike the previous stir fry, we're looking for this dish to be nice and dry, there shouldn't be any liquid in the Bottom line, all that flavor has mixed and cooked into the egg, okay, Sam's here. with us to try our two types of eggs, eggs, can you make them spicy? Yeah, great, so here are some fried eggs that we then prepare and these are the gold coin eggs, which are hard-boiled eggs that are then fried.
It's amazing how beautiful you both are, Honan. Spicy salt dishes, but it has to go with rice, let me know what you think, yes, wait, can I, yes, please, spicy egg? You know how most people like to like the best eggs on YouTube and on Tik Tok and everything, it's like a runny egg is really good for the camera, um and like I like to do things that are a little bit subverted. than you might expect, these are fully cooked eggs, I like ones that have an interesting flavor and aren't just runny. sticky eggs that's what it is I'm really D I love it I think there's a time in this place for all the different types of eggs and then here's the soldier um these are this might be a little bit harder to handle delous ketchup so good, TRUE?
That's cool, mmm, if you like this recipe, feel free to grab the recipe itself from the description box below. If you make it, let us know if you also like to cook the eggs all the way through. We'll see you in a moment, maybe it'll be a few weeks, but we'll see you. in a little bit

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