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May 29, 2021
I'm sorry, she's full of talent faster, faster, she's scaring me, I pray, I think we're going to lose, she says there's no way, no, he can't twerk me, he looks at his girlfriend like, yeah, go Mom, whose side are you on with your girlfriend? You're okay guys, you're surviving, come on, you have to recover. Okay, well, we'll cover this. Oh, oh, my God, oh, the beat is dropping. Impossible, impossible, oh no, uh, back to normal, no, we can't now, we can't go back. We're literally on the last round, we're not coming back, I don't care, we're staying here, gold. come on, we got this, we're toxic, okay, the music is nice, yeah, scream more in your daughter's face, please.
friday night funkin with krew
Please, we don't really care about her that much, come on, gold, we gotta kick her ass, team effort, you know what makes it better? if you guys put two of your fingers like on the keyboard so you know oh yeah oh now I didn't have two my fingers are here oh she's going to start doing her solo soon oh oh there she is again yeah, she's doing this again, okay who? up you're the commentator come on rainbow you're the rock star we all have a job we can't fail this come on rainbow you comment this amazing I'll scratch you with my nails good job down down down down down come on we're hitting her, this is just disrespectful to the Mom, guys, are we doing incredibly good teamwork?
friday night funkin with krew

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friday night funkin with krew...

I wonder why, wow, when the mom finds out you're cheating on her, oh she's going to be mad, she's fine, we already know, we have this. we have who's not doing it I'm doing what arrow isn't doing its job uh possibly I you guys are clicking too fast being red up and down okay okay okay come on come on stop singing mom please Please, mom, mom, but her voice is so angelic so four brains against the computer four figures no one can be normally at least who is that are the two oh normal please normal the rainbow's turn because she wasn't the rainbow It's your turn you can play normal it plays normal although the holidays oh look at Santa wait why are they pointing a gun at Santa oh god I told you they are violent I your parents are something else the bride's parents are scary I think they are in a mall oh no oh no boyfriend oh mom just relax right now carolers don't you just love a family holiday special?
friday night funkin with krew
This is so nice. Look, look how far a boyfriend has to go to get a girlfriend. Is it that easy? Oh, do you think it's too easy? You're failing no, oh no, you're going to die. See that rainbow ball? You are clearly failing. Do you need fun help? Yes, absolutely fun. It's okay, normal parents. Let's keep singing. I'm using my right hand. I have this. It never seems difficult. rainbow mind gets it right, easy, it's hard to keep up oh look, they're hugging, yeah, so wicked cute girlfriend, do something, tell her what her nails are like, so her nails, her nails, she just had them done, okay for the holidays, oh wait.
friday night funkin with krew
It's not hard, yeah, yeah, it's not hard, I'm just a bad Santa, you know what I want for Christmas, I want, I want parents to stop bullying boyfriends, no Santa, he's too scared to listen to you now. I like how everyone is at the mall. just chilling and watching this oh my god there are so many cameos in the background santa is what do you mean? oh, it's that super meatball, there are so many cameos, okay, I mean, I'm looking, you can't look like you're trying look, you're in a dance battle, I mean, I admire that shaku in the top right, I see myself where , oh, I see her, why give us a gift, it's good enough for your parents, I'm hitting you, please, yes, stop, they came. from hard mode, did you know this is nothing to them?
Oh, I'm ruining the vacation. They finished. We can go? No, no, no, please don't sing anymore, there's more, what if and what if we don't want to? be part of these two but no, I thought I was over it oh this is like a jingle bop it's like a sleigh ride it's more optimistic it's like we were going for a sleigh ride with friends the mom sings so fast please accept your boyfriend in your family now it's been a while and he hasn't proven himself, yeah oh my gosh we gotta chill out we got you a little bit though this is like jingle bells that of course is something like that it's not copyrighted Okay, come on, jingle bells, let's go, okay, but did anyone notice how long mom's nails are?
Yes, don't you, darling, look, you made me look and I was wrong, I was wrong, where are her nails, oh, I see them, oh, my claws, her nails are beautiful, oh, there's a fight, pushing, I don't leave they push you keep going you can do this I'm scared please please I need the points thank you it's amazing what happened what is this wait what are you doing you made them can you make like a demonic Christmas tree I don't like that who are you fighting why is it like this oh this is really talking oh this is creepy I don't want to sing the song with you sir I want to sing this song with you um saying that sir that was really disturbing sir no thank you no no no no please no no no sir sir please stop sir we love spices wait serve your friends oh I don't think you are cooking your friends no no no no no we don't cook friends here sir yes sir you are a lemon we turned you into a cake okay that was good thank you that was scary last week senpai senpai on the TV screen looks great you won't get rid of your girlfriend senpai even if you look pretty don't fall in love with senpai ah a new The beautiful maiden has come in search of true love, what serenade between gentlemen will decide where her beautiful heart will reside.
He shrinks, he's like an idol, he's really tall, guys, I know, I mean, that's already a benefit. the background and her microphone is what if there are rude fans? Yes, one of them are fans of the boyfriend. Girls rude boyfriends. In fact, it seems that all her eyes are pointed towards him. No, oh, you have this bunny. You can beat Senpai, Senpai, Die Senpai, no. oh he looks so cool, wait why am I falling for him? You suck, working for life, wait, we like senpai now? Can we like each other? I mean, I mean, girlfriend's a little annoying, yeah, girlfriend's a little boring, you know how many weeks we've suffered, girlfriend, yeah. and we still know it c but senpai no, come on, you got this, you're doing great, senpai, please stop looking me in the eyes, I don't even go to this school, she doesn't even go to this school, you don't need to fight for her, where do you come from, yeah, you don't need to fight, you guys are clearly from the pixel school, okay, I checked here, yeah, how does it not look bad for an ugly worm, hey, we're not ugly, beep, boop, Scooby. -doo okay angry wow yeah you don't deserve to be called oh dude this guy is an idiot yeah yeah what's your idiot?
Yeah, you're an idiot, don't worry if I lose the fangirl's eyes, I think they're scared. you're mad angry wait they're mad at my boyfriend I think no, they're not, they're mad at you they're mad at you because you oh, they're glorious, we're sorry, whatever it is, you're going to be the new senpai, uh, me. think, okay, that works, yeah, no, no, I'm making a mistake, okay, okay, you've got this, you've got these things, he's focused, yeah, his bad personality is going to be ruined, he keeps singing, that's two , no, oh, don't talk too much, oh, okay, the gold, win it, please, okay.
I'll try to auger gold steal your pink microphone I want it good, do you feel better when we talk? Yeah, maybe that's okay, but there are so many notes about how cool our outfit is. Oh, no, I can't, I was too angry, guys, so, guys, I. I've learned something, Senpai is very, very angry and I don't think about it. I don't think any of us can beat this. Don't know. We almost understand it. We have two. Yes, don't give up. Yeah, keep going, no, no, don't keep going, you can't wait, hey, I sure got it. We're tricking senpai, just wait until everyone beats you and then what are your fat girls going to do?
So, uh, they'll probably like it, oh God. God, no, no, oh, you guys couldn't even beat that. No, we can't lose our four brains, we can't lose, that will be embarrassing. oh oh oh oh oh oh, we didn't wait, funny, I was going to win on that last one.


you want to take a nap um direct contact with real humans after being stuck here for so long what and she of all people I will make her father pay for what she has done to me and everyone else I will beat you up and make you take my place Until December, you don't mind if they lend you your bodies, right, that's fair, no, thank you, wait, we like ours, it's scary, yes, um, it's like the previous boyfriend, I don't know, look how calm it is, our girlfriend is the devil .
She's like you found all this for me just to get that kiss with four minds, well guys we beat all the obstacles to being a girlfriend but in the end she's still in that boombox, will she ever get out of the boombox? I'll never know, wait until week 1000. Will the groom get the bride's kiss? Will the girlfriend get her ass out of the stereo until next time? Is Senpai really a demon? Yes, thanks for watching, bye.

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