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Free university, cannabis, replacing the Tories: Nigel Farage answers your questions

Jun 25, 2024
So, all these


have been submitted by social media followers. Millions of young people do not plan to vote in these general elections. What would you tell them to get them to vote for reform if you are really happy with the way the country is? be directed with


prospects, don't vote, stay home, but if like me you think life is pretty unfair for young people, the lockdown has greatly affected


chances of getting a house to get a well-paid job or worse than ever . worse than for your parents and grandparents check out what I have to say I am standing I have led a revolt against workers and conservatives I want real change Go to the reform website Have a butcher shop What is your stance on the University? tuition rates, would you reduce them, keep them the same or increase them?
free university cannabis replacing the tories nigel farage answers your questions
I wouldn't charge anyone, uh, tuition fees at the University if they were studying science, technology, engineering, medicine or mathematics, uh, for the rest, many of you again, University you're dating. massive debt R runs down their necks it would have been better to learn trades and skills and earn real money very quickly what is the reformist stance on illegal drugs and would you legalize


? I've always thought that we should have a royal commission to look at whether we should decriminalize


and yet I look at the United States and the states where we have decriminalized cannabis or drugs that are even stronger, and it really hasn't made much difference and, To be honest, the law is the law and it doesn't apply anyway.
free university cannabis replacing the tories nigel farage answers your questions

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free university cannabis replacing the tories nigel farage answers your questions...

All I would say is that cannabis has more long-term harm than most people realize, and what do you think of this newfound friendship between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un? Would it be bad for us? I think Vladimir Putin is with Kim Jong-un. UN, but more significantly approaching President XI of China, there is an alliance of nations being built against us and we need many more young people to enter the army, the Air Force and the Navy, we need a strong army to keep the peace and Can you take advantage of these last legs? Well, the show is going to be killed, that's true and I've been saying this since I launched it on June 4th.
free university cannabis replacing the tories nigel farage answers your questions
I came back and said, look at the Election ended cattle work. The Bulls have lost. I think the general public is now beginning to understand that, for us, that is a remarkable situation. Situation number one. All the surveys you see today. The field work was carried out 8 10 12 days ago in one case until 28 days ago, things changed, so we are much higher than what can be seen today because the surveys do not support us, but I think this is the first general election in a long time in which we know the result sooner. we get to it and that gives people the


dom to vote with their hearts and I think this could hugely benefit UK reform because you know, let's say you're a Brexit supporter concerned about high levels of migration, but you think you're voting well for the workers yes I know that Starm is going to be prime minister.
free university cannabis replacing the tories nigel farage answers your questions
It could be very useful in the House of Commons saying, wow, you know, don't bring us too close to the European Union and equally if you're a Conservative and you agree with what I'm saying. and you are dismayed by 14 years of high taxes by 882 young people who crossed the English Channel alone on Tuesday again you can vote with your heart it's almost like a European election now you know if you really like me you can vote for me It won't hugely affect the result , but it will mean that there will be a real opposition voice. Final question.
You say Brexit is a disaster. Do you still think it was a good thing? Brexit is good. We are independent. We're


. We are not. be governed by a group of bureaucrats in Brussels, but Brexit was about border controls, about not having massive population explosions through immigration, the Conservatives have done the complete opposite. I wish I had been in charge, it would be very, very different.

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