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Frank Zane the King of Aesthetics

Jun 08, 2021
Alright, what's going on guys? Nick powers urban dictionary. I think it's finally time to make a video about the legendary Frank Zane, so obviously Frank Zane is most notably a three-time Mr. Olympia winner won the 1977, 1978 and 1979 mr. Olympia competitions and then in 1980 when Arnold Schwarzenegger made his return he would basically dethrone Frank Zane and not only would Frank Zane be dethroned but his ran


s would drop to third place, now Chris Dickerson came in second at this year's Olympia , as he would later. go on to win mr. Olympia in 1982, but needless to say, Frank Zane was not happy with the fact that he arrived at this Olympia as a three-time Mr.
frank zane the king of aesthetics
Olympia, he was the defending champion and would fall to third place behind Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had taken a multi-year hiatus from the sport, and Chris Dickerson, someone you actually know, came out of nowhere to beat Frank Zane, which is reportedly why Frank Zane was so upset by the results of the 1980 campaign. Mr. Olympia who threw his trophy against the wall behind the stage now that Mr. Olympia Frank Zane suffered a life-threatening injury, so he was recovering from that and was noticeably much smaller. I mean, his physical condition was a little off compared to previous appearances, but overall, the 1980 Olympia was not a happy nor happy time for Frank Zane would again return the following year in 1982 and compete against Chris Dickerson and Chris Dickerson would would defeat once again, so it marked kind of a slow decline of Frank Zane and the ran


s, and you really know the best, you know the best. points of his career during that '77 to '79 era when he was winning the Olympia, so oddly enough you could make some sort of comparison between Frank Zane and the great Ramy, now Frank Zane was known for his


and not because of its size and its great Romney, obviously.
frank zane the king of aesthetics

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frank zane the king of aesthetics...

He's known for his size, hence the nickname Big Rami, but the reason I say a comparison can be made between the two is because Frank Zane came in at the end of the Arnold era, so Arnold Schwarzenegger essentially retired. in 1975 and then Franco Columbu would win in 76, but essentially Arnold Schwarzenegger was just Dom, the sport he won every year in a row and Frank Zane was continually behind Arnold on these shows, so I think this is very similar to the big romantic situation that he had during the Phil era. Heath and Phil Heath will continue to win shows and I bet the great Romney probably won't win mr.
frank zane the king of aesthetics
Olympia until the Phil Heath era is over, not until Phil Heath retires and walks away from the stage. Now the reason I say they are similar is because they both represented a paradigm shift in bodybuilding, so when Frank Zane arrived, he was noticeably smaller than Orel. Black Swartz Arnold Schwarzenegger weighed between 230 and 250 pounds on stage. Frank Zane was known for being on the Olympus stage in the 180s, sometimes in the 190s and sometimes even weighed 200 pounds, but it is noteworthy that he competed in the 180s, which is very, very small again, that's almost a 60 pound weight difference compared to where Arnold Schwarzenegger would compete at his biggest size and that's almost what Phil Heath gives up to be gourami in terms of size, so the paradigm shift with Frank Zane was more well a very small size. aesthetic physique and the judges started to look more at the lines in the paradigm shift with the great Romney, you know?
frank zane the king of aesthetics
This bodybuilder who is like 50 pounds heavier than most bodybuilders on stage and represents this change, okay, this is a new level of massive monster. This is a guy who could weigh over 300 pounds conditioned on stage, so this is a paradigm shift towards a whole new realm of size and muscle development, whereas with Frank Zane it was focusing on a smaller realm of size. and muscle development, focusing more on lines, so that's the similarity that can be drawn, since you know the great Romney was waiting for the Phil Heath era to end and Frank Zane was waiting for the Arnold Schwarzenegger era to end and, unfortunately for Frank Zane, R would come back and more or less CRUSH his dreams at that in 1980 at Olympia.
I'm sure he wasn't too happy about it, but the difference is that I think one day, when Big Romney starts winning mr. Olympia will remain undefeated for a long time when he finally perfects his conditioning and does it correctly. I think he can win the Olympia indefinitely, unlike Frank Zane, who won three Olympias. I think good old Romney could win, you know, for 10 years. directly once they call him and once Phil Heath is out of the picture, sure, so let's go back to Frank Zane for a minute, so in addition to being three times mr. Winner of the Olympia, he also won Mr.
Pageant of America in 1968 Mr. world competition in 1969 and of course the legendary NABBA mr. universal competition in 1970 and 1972. Now I have said this many times on my channel that Mr. NABBA. The universal competition in the '60s and '70s was as big, if not bigger, than the Mr. Olympia competition, so winning the sailing broadcast universe was a very, very prestigious title and I think it's important to cover to the winners of that program, as well as the winners of the Olympia because mr. The universe title was a huge title, especially in the 60s and 70s, when Frank Zane won it in 70 and 72 and also notably in the IFBB mr of 1968. universe, he defeated the Integris armored force as a different lord. universe then mr NABBA. universe so Frank Zane won that 1968 mr. universe put him above Arnold Schwarzenegger, making him one of only three bodybuilders to beat Arnold, including Sergio Oliva, obviously, Frank Zane, and a guy named Chet Jordan who I also did a video on, so three-time Mr.
Olympia , the man who defeated Arnold Schwarzenegger mr. America Mr. world several times mr. universe, in addition to all these bodybuilding accolades, Frank Zane was actually very impressive off stage and he was also a master archer, and one of the things that a lot of people don't know about him is that he was very, very talented in the sport of shooting with bow There are a lot of famous photos of Frank Zane and the military and Egger shooting some bows together, that's cool. I am very interested in archery and I go shooting from time to time, so I thought there is a very interesting fact about Frank Zane and him.
He was this master archer, he even taught archery courses at certain universities for the students of the archery clubs and all that, so he also has a very high level of education, so he has several university degrees, he has a Bachelor of Science and education from Wilkes University. Arts in Psychology from Cal State, so he has two bachelor's degrees, he has a Master of Arts in Psychology also from Cal State, he has a lifetime teaching credential in California, so as an educator, he hosted an Eagle Scout , which I guess is noteworthy based on their website with over fifty merit badges, including the Order of the Arrow, which is one of the highest arts that honors our archery in the Eagle Scouts, so He has been a teacher, he has been an archer, he has dominated the sport of bodybuilding, he was also a composer, he is very good. published author, has several books, is a member of the IFBB Hall of Fame, received the Arnold Schwarzenegger Lifetime Achievement Award and that's one of the places I see him all the time, he always has a little booth at the Arnold Classic.
Expo where he sells books, signs autographs and meets fans, so he is still alive today at the age of 75, so in terms of his bodybuilding stats he was around 5 feet 9 or 1.75 meters tall at his competition weight between 180 and 190 and his off-season weight was around 200 pounds or 91 kilograms, maybe a little more or a little less, depending on the year his bodybuilding nickname was at the pharmacy and his posture of most famous bodybuilding was obviously his notoriously famous vacuum pose in In my opinion he had arguably the best vacuum pose in all of bodybuilding, it looked absolutely insane.
That's one of the things that really motivated me was the emptiness pose of him. Now some people loved his physique and some people hated his physique. Many people you know prefer. much larger physiques and some people say they didn't like the Frank Zane one in my opinion in terms of


and lines. Frank Zane had possibly one of the best mr. Olympia physiques of all time, smallest waist. I think you know the best vitae, the four best vacuum poses. He was excellent at pulling off those classic, legendary poses and again, I'm pretty sure when he won all three of his mr.
Olympius, weighed less than one hundred and ninety pounds, some even in the 180s, that's how powerful his lines and aesthetics were, that he didn't need that muscle mass like Arnold Schwarzenegger had, although Arnold was taller again, he still weighed between 50 and 60 pounds. heavier than Frank, saying that at one time he was a very impressive bodybuilder and Frank Zane, very legendary. His chemist nickname obviously comes from having his Bachelor of Science degree and he got those other degrees as well, just to give you an idea of ​​someone who has a bestseller. books he wrote sensibly to achieve a beautiful body, super bodies in 12 weeks, Zain nutrition, fabulously fit forever, which I think is a very, very well-selling book, Frank Zane, mind, body and spirit.
In fact, I have a copy of Frank Zane's training manual. High definition manual and mind and body bodybuilding, so his final bodybuilding competition would be in 1983, he would be mr. Olympia and he would again place fourth there, suffering another accident in which he was very seriously injured, requiring extensive welded shoulder surgery after that competition, so when he retired in 1983 his position fell to fourth place, so that It was the end of his career, so I hope you guys enjoyed the video, give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Nik's strength and power when logging out.

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