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Frank Martin on Parents Coaching From the Stands

Jun 15, 2024
I know. I'm the most animated coach you've probably ever seen when my team plays. I'm going to watch my children play. I don't say boo. I don't move my arms. I don't try to train my children. With all due respect to most


, I probably know more about basketball than most of them. Well, but I sit in the


and don't say a word. There are two guys refereeing a fourth grade game on a Sunday morning. What can they do? I would possibly be making twenty bucks for a game I used to make, I used to make $12 for ten and under 15 for 15 and under and 17 or 18 dollars for high school age kids, okay, on a Sunday morning instead of being At church those guys are out there trying to make a couple dollars to pay their bills and feed their families.
frank martin on parents coaching from the stands
Do you think they really care what the fourth grade team wins? Do you really think they like to sit at home so I can't wait to officiate that game tomorrow because that's a team, I can't wait to catch that 10 year old kid and embarrass him in front of people, do you really think that's what what are they doing? I don't try to tell my son how to play, you know what I told me? two guys, when they come up to me, they deviate from why you ask me, man, I didn't coach your practice, go talk to your coach, but don't talk about your coach in front of me, man, because if you do, then you're not playing basketball.
frank martin on parents coaching from the stands

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frank martin on parents coaching from the stands...

I don't understand why you didn't play better go talk to your coach I'm not your coach I'm your dad someone disrespects you so I'm here if you fail good deal with that I'll help you up but don't come talk to me about training like I do for a living man I'm not going to criticize a guy who is trying to help you and then the other party, so those are the officials that you think are those coaches that coach the fourth graders. make money, so there's someone who gives up their personal time on a free Sunday to help other people's kids, but we're going to have adults in the


screaming obscenities at the referees, criticizing every decision the coach makes, yelling at kids like kids, they're ten years old, like there's a plan of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade and the NBA Finals, like they know how to handle their coach here and their


here yelling at them, so we wonder why kids They get confused, man, what. children rebel why children don't know how to listen how can you listen when you have so many voices in your head at the same time you know what life teaches you to close things off and that's the part that I find frustrating if someone like that wants to be so lively when there is a basketball game, then go train the team, do practices, show up every day at six at night and run an hour and a half of practice and then have your team train or be an assistant coach sit in the bank yells at you I don't care the people at the bank yell at my kids I have two kids who if they don't take care of my kids they won't be on my kids they won't be on your team Mike my son misbehaves or doesn't do the right things way that he is expected to do them, not me, and they allow it too.
frank martin on parents coaching from the stands
I take my son off the team. I want my son to be challenged. It could be that they both challenge him. My children, I want them to grow up, I want them to understand what life is about, but that's the sad part.
frank martin on parents coaching from the stands

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