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Franco Escamilla: Payaso precuela 1

May 15, 2020
and of a life spears offered an apology to the people who came invited today I know that many of you are fans who are attentive but I know that some of you also have no idea that they came my partner is a fan of yours I like the net More bananas, no, to those people, I apologize in case I come, I hope it offends you, believe me, my intention was totally number 2, the show is going to be very long, unfortunately for the people who didn't want to come, it's going to be very long, but sit back. feel free to go to sleep, it doesn't offend me, I swear, because of Jon, two or three people pay me to sleep, but at the end of the day, it doesn't offend me because you already paid for two children like this, it's not like the company and separating francs there were two thousand people -5 asleep you get less wool no performances you will wonder why this show is called clown in the first place because I wanted to call it clown why lady opinion second place and more importantly because clown is a curious and forbidden word For many comedians, I don't know because I have many fellow comedians who, when they insult each other, call themselves clowns and there are people who, when I want to offend me, have tried to defend me with that.
franco escamilla payaso precuela 1
You are nothing more than a clown and simple, thank you because I don't know a single one. clown and clowns are good people and I say that chin gold the makeup everything makes me a little nervous about clowns up close from a distance I can see them perfectly but having a clown on one side 101 makes me a little nervous and I remember When I worked in Monterrey, not a blue unicorn, there was a colleague who was a clown, but I didn't know, so the day he debuted, I was coming down from the stage and entered the office, which was like a kind of dressing room for us.
franco escamilla payaso precuela 1

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franco escamilla payaso precuela 1...

I didn't know there was a clown inside. and I entered the face well finishing the show where now the door this arm don't have your father I couldn't talk to that person I was always scared and he told me I'll give you the clowns I said I didn't know they scared me and I I agree very well cucumber that was his clown name I don't know if he still works the same but he told me what do you think if one day I come without a costume and without makeup so that your fear of clowns goes away and I stand in front of you the costume I put on the makeup and it might help you I had an interesting idea I said let's do it next weekend we arrived two hours early he arrived without a costume without makeup and I saw how little by little my friend was turning into a clown and it helped a lot because where I have one of the clowns and I am married to them, this was very cool but it was necessary for you to come naked now I see a courtyard of a palace I want it for you but the word clown made me uncomfortable for some reason.
franco escamilla payaso precuela 1
They use it to offend when someone goes here in the United States the day in vi or you go to the hospital and they treat you ugly, what do you tell your friends, nothing does the clown princess propose to us or someone behaved like an old clown. I know clowns because every mother loves them. because we took something bad was spoken and then I started to think because the word clown bothered me, not on stage but on stage it bothers me, I said this is not normal and practicing and digging I realized that all this comes from my dad to me Dad, keep quiet that you have the funny thing, it bothers them, that's not the case, that's why this comedian navas and you have your mother, but my dad had two battle cries, our clowns, don't be, they were his 2, he says that the young people are going to say frank with tolerance like that but it was the 80s to my dad what's the point of tolerance is to say our clowns and don't be a point no my dad when I was a teenager and he thought I was gay get rid of you know how ugly it is that your dad thinks that You are gay and he said cooking, as he told me he didn't know and you don't believe that my dad asked me like that in an open mind environment that listens to Frank what are your preferences in the middle of the meal or is the whole family without water going to dad very serious Franco Pérez Point like that, eggs, here with the soup I told you, you bastard, I even realized that I raised my pinky to burn it, maybe that's why the spoon didn't reach, seeing in him that he has a gentleman, I'm not, he said sure and that's sure or what I most like.
franco escamilla payaso precuela 1
I'm pretty sure, sir, I like women and I know that my dad, because you don't have a girlfriend, I told him later, I don't know what it was like in your time, dad, but middle-aged women seem to see a fat man with glasses and say, "I've got it, hey, hey, it doesn't work." that way but I was and my best friend at that time the only friend I had at that time was my carnal Rodrigo and I thought he was my partner and he wouldn't let me go out with him and I why I'm not coming back don't be there you had my mom He said don't delay, dad, you're going somewhere else and you're staying somewhere else with your carnal and nothing happens anymore.
I told him, mom, I'd run away to go see a gayer man from that area, not yet and there's no doubt that that same year two of my cousins ​​came out of the closet all cousins ​​children the same year of that son of 1 and 1 every year so they screw me up this way and they will both be lópez on my dad's side not even to blame the


s then My dad became more fond of one of the cousins, we all already knew, I think that many people have gotten to know breeds that since I was little, I don't know what he's going to be when he grows up, but he's going to love it with that cuteness, we had all come out of the closet.
He came out one Christmas when the whole family was gathered in my cousin, he was very serious, he said, family, I have to confess this, no one, not even my parents, know, I'm gay and the whole family, but out of politeness, everyone did but no one knew what to say and everyone stayed silent and the The atmosphere was tense in my white aunt's living room and I saw my moment to shine and my family I also have to tell them that no one knows, not even my parents, I am overweight and all the mystics laughed - Vigo Paz loaded data the heat is a bastard clown effective because this one I'm going to start counting ages with that cousin nothing happens but with my other cousin there with no one no one could believe it no one my cousin toño if they knew him uap for a sucky bastard I met four girlfriends who were all models like that the most cool era ago Galilea Montijo realizes I'm going to be like that that was faith and my cousin was the closest to me by age and when he says that he is gay the whole family and my dad also went crazy because this cousin like his mother was doing better that my parents, this cousin gave me toys that I no longer used or my clothes fit and then imported to play on a motorcycle put his ways because he is not going to stick to you I explaining the imported I dads but it's not like it's contagious clothes, my dad, we know a lot about that, he seemed very informed and powerful and I was already there and I was upset with my cousin because he never told me and I say we are supposed to be the closest because I had to join in like all my friends. senses sold for that reason, not for anything else, and within ignorance, because I was a puberty, a teenager, I didn't know what the fart was like, it was a different time or that it was the 90s, people thought differently now, the gay community, yes, yes, it does receive rejection but it has nothing to do with how they rejected him in the nineties in the '80s this guy had to give up because many people stopped talking to him that he was going to struggle to get a job because we were prejudiced at that time in the nineties and my cousin was worried about that and another and he demanded, don't do this to me, this can't be inhuman and my cousin took it on the other hand, he said why are you bothering, are you going to stop talking to me, crisis is a waste, bastard, I was speaking out of my ignorance and my frustration, I told him, cousin, now I have seen you in the mirror with this face and that body is the number of women you can get and his response fell on my face in seconds it left me cold my brothers my cousin without dropping the ball told me cousin with this face and this body knows the number of men he fucks me he doesn't say anything in the end I tell him because I'm very whole but a virgin and he's not fucking a guy so in terms of men he wins you agree I'm pretty always talked little but tell the stories and quickly Mr.
Francisco Javier López Campos and this is my father's name and for years it bothered me that they love me Francisco because my name is Franco that's what they called me. It's not a diva word for Francisco, it's a name that exists and that they called me Francisco just like me. dad, for some reason they touched my balls and no no no my name is


and artistically I adopted the name




originally I said it was because my children carry my father's last name my work on stage is going to lead to the mercy of My mom, that was always my answer and always my reason, but there was something else out there, and for my brothers, he is the alpha male par excellence.
Not if you look in the alpha dictionary, a photo of this impressive bastard comes up because my dad, men like him. I understand that my dad was very good at kicking, very good, I never saw him fight, I can tell you two like this quickly, on one occasion we were eating and a cousin of mine who lives nearby came crying and I only heard because he knocked on the imported door and opened it and nothing more. I heard what this guy said, I don't know that I cried, I cried, and my dad runs out in flip flops and that's how he left, but he was extremely accused, issued to Michael, who was with us visiting, he saw that he was going, he runs out and runs away, I stopped, too, my mom, thank you, miss, there's A problem is over, I told him, hold on, I have to go see what's happening, I swear, my brothers, that's how long it took me.
I have to go and see what's happening. I run out and my cousin is outside crying and there are two men asleep on the floor, for God's sake. holy and there is my uncle michael who does not speak and is like this all serious impact saved huffing no and tells my cousin mind let's go to the girl what happened and my pale uncle still tells me that I can handle your dad way I'm getting there I find out what she did and then I find out that my cousin was coming from school and these two gentlemen were following her and they invited her, my mother who was one and a half years old, my cousin came running scared to the house, the first goal she found was my dad told her, uncle, he's been bothering me. the gentlemen and my uncle Michael says that when he arrived and there was one very asleep in the mother or how they put the other to sleep and he told me that your father is a bastard, the man arrived fainted and the mother, looking at the other and they were already both lying down, arrived the police and although they are asleep bastards it is good to hire them in case I was afraid of them soaked when I see that the students that I now told them in the 'stress tests' crouched and their younger brothers my uncles López told me their stories and measurements that Your dad is a fighting machine when we were in fifth grade, a guy told me when we were in fifth grade, your dad got into a fight with a guy from the first year of high school and he gave him a whore, many say it's a big deal, hey, fifth grade, whore. a high school student, even if he is in a wheelchair, it is worth sage, it is worth working very two years older because then that was my father or what to add that my father was very good at playing soccer, very good, my father played for the unam pumas, so you I'm going to say because my dad was paid to play, unfortunately the year he was going to debut in the first division, my grandfather kicked him off the team for stupid things that only God knows but in Capaya we get paid to play and dad had that security.
I'm good with kicks. and they pay me to play soccer obviously he had plenty of ass all his life and my mother says that when I was born my dad went crazy my dad was happy, proud to have a son and he shows it off to everyone in a vain way like that Like even all the people in Cuautla went to see Paco's son, maybe it's showing off to everyone, my son and he came out macho, he was going to be just like his father or he was going to be left-handed, he was going to be a soccer player, he was going to be a rage for the hell, he was going to be to have a lot of old women and how these walks happened to me over the years because it was my home

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