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Four Square Volleyball Challenge!!

Jun 02, 2021
oh I think I found my calling Hey guys welcome to Four Square


today we have



s and it's a


yeah the key here is each for themselves one in this


one in that square one in that square one in that square We have Today there are three different types of games, the first is


square volleyball, we can only hit it once each and we are each in each four squares, there are many each, great, wow, and the loser of today's


remains wrapped in all the volleyball nets. so make sure you follow through to the end guys make sure you click the bell icon on desktop and mobile to get notified when we go up because we actually comment again.
four square volleyball challenge
I'm going to comment for the first 30 minutes after this upload, so be sure to do that. I'm sure you guys click on it and you'll be there, oh presto, what are you doing? What can't they? No, they can't, they can't go right next to the net and South, no, they can't hit him in his own area, absolutely agree with J. but his response was like well, I didn't mean to do that, you have to survive from your Corner Surf cor, yeah, look at this, oh, hey, hey, sorry, be a good sport, sorry, he's just dancing, no, wait, that happened, no, that happened because of this. hole that went through the hole Yeah, that went through the hole, went through the hole, I hit it over Dave said it went through the hole, this is what he did, I don't really believe it, so I just demonstrated a perfect, the truth will. comes to light yes no you KN my on your C wasn't that guy that distracted me I almost tore whatever these muscles are dude, it's your Gro the Gres Conor I'm not, we got him that t-shirt with his name spelled wrong just so he You know 'cause I'm in charge, it's supposed to be an oh, spell my name wrong and I'll be your employee next time, spell a shirt right, come on, you're the one who did the oh, you're the one who did it whoopsie no, It's like he's going here going like a poop he likes to prance around like a little smart oh is it over again?
four square volleyball challenge

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four square volleyball challenge...

J FR no, is it my serve again why is it my serve again? Cause you lost, you lost, you suck oh yeah, yeah, yeah. no, I almost had it, what we talked about now, what I couldn't even stand now was that a no, the corner was in the corner I was in the corner in the corner I serve from my corner okay, so that's a defective s , that's a faulty s that's a faulty sword that's a faulty sword hey what's a faulty sword it's a faulty one it's a it's a was a fault it was a fault reserve OMG in the corner they're working too hard because he's getting hurt and all that oh oh my what the hell CH brother so Conor ain't got no finesse he ain't no finesse he's just like oh you're like a little my strategy from now on just hit it to Conor just hit it to Connor Conor Conor for the good well I'm not gonna shout out your channel right now, team gaming, Connor is from Team Edge Gaming, if you guys aren't familiar with that, check out that channel in the description, it's just gaming


s, oh my god, o o o o o o o o oh man. it's very close to the network solid rally, good rally, solid rally, good rally, hey, if you hear that notification, comment below with the secret word of Chupacabras, Chupacabras, put that in your comments so we know you're part of that squadron.
four square volleyball challenge
Just in this game, which is game number two, we're going to use this ball and the way you score is you don't get negative points when someone hits negative points, oh man, the big guys are the ones who have the most problems, a negative point . for JA, ew, it's on oh no, Conor, it had a spin, it had a backspin, so when I hit it with my finger it just slipped, you stopped Conor, who's Conor? Conor, good job, Connor, oh I didn't know where I was going to go. Son, no, hell, I hit my tailbone so hard, oh no, just see other people like those short little T-Rex arms that do it for you, no, hit that wall, uh, there goes Team Edge , took a nice little jump, though Flo entered. the airway for a nice little jump, the guy started choosing my targets wisely, oh man, I can never tell Joey is really good at looking, it's called faking it, find out what you gave him, so, that hurt your finger.
four square volleyball challenge
I bent my finger back, the ball hurt your finger. Like last time, I went to hit her and completely missed and stubbed my finger and brought it back. I'm going to have to go to the hospital after this guy, oh the beach ball, hey man, I thought you said this was regulatory soft. get some, oh, I made him, oh, that's what's up, that's what's up, uh, uh, what was that guy, Point Mah, he just defies the rules of gravity, which means he can challenge the rules of the game, whatever it is, I'm not going to argue with that? move dancer kick flop that was EP if it's good enough you get the point oh chill bro that was crazy revenge that was a lot of revenge J is mad, he doesn't have a smile on his face I'm mad, look at the smile on his face J is angry look at the smile on his face he doesn't have a smile hey hey jred super happy look at that frown no oh what was in bro come on come on buddy why don't you grow up oh oh what happened Ah yeah, he tried again an Once someone hit negative 10 points in this game, the round is over when we move on to the next game.
No, you should hit. No, why did he just raise his hand? You shouldn't have hit her, that's how it would have been. Conor loses we move on to the next there is no winner in this game there is only one loser me me me me me me before we start the next round make sure to click the subscribe button if you are new here because we make videos on Mondays. Wednesday and Friday, okay, this round you can't use your hands, you can use your head, legs and any other extra appendages you have there, you go so hard, this is so hard, who, oh my god, did I just hear something terr, oh no?
Joey, oh oh, I think I found my coling Daman, you'd be surprised how talented I am with my talent, I'm limbs, oh, good grip, Spike, I'm struggling with this one, guys, you had the initiative, he's not flexible, that one is the problem. Why did you headbutt him? Because he wanted to be elegant. I just want to make sure I don't touch it. I like your I like your spite I feel like a dolphin oh oh oh I got it You got it I didn't I think this was going to work That's outside, that's outside, oh, it went over the lamp, that was impressive, Dude, coming right at your face, slow, Conor Conor Conor, everyone give up for Conor, his first team, Edge video, his first team, Edge video, oh. no one else one more why did you give up literally everyone was like one more I was waiting for you to headbutt him he healed are you afraid to headbutt him no what?
Hey, volleyball is a fun game to watch. uh yeah that's right pay attention the other way around he's here C Baby come back oh J that's the move oh come back oh that was the farthest home run oh jeez dude you knocked yourself out oh The knock on the knee, oh why does he do that? Why does he do that? What are you doing? what to do what to do why the ball doesn't like me and it curves oh oh now you know what it's like I have three Brian has five masses he has seven Connor has eight first to reach negative 10 loses in the round it's over oh oh oh where did he go where did he go where did he go oh oh oh okay yes he did are you okay Dave? okay, he just fell no, we're tied oh, you sure turned him down, not always, man, it was that 10, it's 10, Connor loses everything Right now, Connor had a big, stinking loss, so we're going to wrap him up in the web of volleyball like a little fish caught in a net.
I don't know how I feel about that, oh my god, oh my god, wait what happened. you love it, you love it, no, it's trapped too, stop, dude, let me out, dude, you're going to regret this, I'm the monster, guys, make sure you watch the volleyball blindfolded, it was a lot of fun, as you can see from that miniature. There, Brian couldn't see through the net, so he was really scary when the ball went through because you had no idea what was happening, go see him. See you there.

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