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Found Working Nuclear Bunker with Vehicles & Gear

May 29, 2021
So, like that, I've been trying to get into this


for three years and now I don't know. I'm finally here. This one is huge. I'm going to walk around. Turn on the lights. I show you. I do not do it. I don't even know where to start with this one there's a ton of


around me there's a ton of rooms yeah I'll start from these cars going clockwise and I'll end up in the room I started in makes sense okay nope I don't even know what brand it is. It looks cool, what the hell is this thing?
found working nuclear bunker with vehicles gear
These are supposed to be the pedals, that's a cool thing stopped, oh, Chevrolet is an American car down here, oh, there's a bad thing on the door, that's a little weird, this is a lot, I think it smells like diesel. Brilliant. I'll get back to the fire truck, damn it, and see what's here. Wow, new unused gp7 masks, oh yeah, these are baby masks, those are the sun, damn Chernobyl helmets, medicine packs, we have huge filters and gp5 masks, mask bags. I've seen


s with equipment like this and I've seen all this equipment spread out individually around the bunkers, well you've been hiding here holy shit it's a damn beat up btr but it's a tank in a bunker well it's definitely seeing its dip, damn it, even though it's rusty.
found working nuclear bunker with vehicles gear

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found working nuclear bunker with vehicles gear...

It's so cool that they hide it here in case the nukes drop and they need to deploy or something. Okay, that's the exit that's closed. It's time for the fire truck to arrive. Well, it still has all the equipment inside. I had never been inside a fire truck before this. The same model of fire truck that they used throughout the Soviet Union, which means they used this type of fire truck in the Chernobyl disaster and I'm just thinking like I'm behind this huge wheel and this guy didn't have a can rolling into an open reactor. Okay, I want to go up on the roof of this thing, the water cannon mermaid, I guess those water bombs, damn, this is crunchy.
found working nuclear bunker with vehicles gear
I see that whoever owns this bunker just threw away all their garbage, but there are very interesting tutorials here on how to build a self-maintaining bunker, this is what it looks like boom boom and this is what you will feel a lot of headaches about the vision, wow, yeah, these are all the consequences, so using the equipment, those are the procedures, you still learned a lot of this from the Chernobyl disaster, even though it was basically around the At the same time, they were building these things, a lot more signs there, but they are terribly obstructed by this garbage, that's what happens with bunker preservation.
found working nuclear bunker with vehicles gear
A lot of people see them just as storage units and just throw everything old you know, historic to the side. make room for their fire trucks and tanks, but you know, looking at this car I can appreciate the new owners here girl it looks like a damn batmobile like wow, this is a comfortable seat, okay, and there's two more, it's like a limo, so this is the main entrance, huge ceramic doors, balance, probably thick as hell too, so there's the yeah, this is where the energy is kept, I really don't want to mess with anything here, huge filters, I think It was supposed to be a diesel engine but there are no more boring toilets and showers so this is the area I started this is where the actual command is done in this command bunker we have a planning room communications room key room bathroom you have everything here we go, I think this is The management charts and construction plans for this bunker I will study them when I review the images, but if they reveal the location I will have to hide them, but this I think is the warning board, pay attention to everyone and I think this is the exercise they have to do when one of them turns on, yes, one is dead, okay, this is the closed command room, of course, oh, I guess this was the speaker, I wonder how many


weapons I'm launching right now, what was this? dead of course, imagine just sitting here and waiting for the end.
Damn, cute. I guess this is the entrance to the realm of command, so this place really makes me feel. It's like a trip back in time. Basically everything works afterwards, like me. I don't even know how old, 1990s, man, that lamp is really humming. I have to write signs. I guess another speaker mask. I guess I'm going to have to blur them too because I see that they show the location. What the hell is? This is international or something. These are the phones that should work to communicate with I guess the Kremlin or whatever. The radio still works, just the antennas don't work because they are outside.
This is gamma in immersion, it won't show it. Okay, so this is it. the water room, a bunch of these all over this place, there's like two, three more water rooms with a couple of these huge things, showers and the key room, luckily for me everything was already unlocked, yeah those They're ugly shoes, well, here it is, damn it, this. It is the most impressive bunker I have visited so far. It's not the biggest. The biggest one was the one I had to crawl through a bent pipe to get to. It had like two connected bunkers, both two stories underground.
That's ridiculous. I have bats flying around. I'm right, I'm going to turn off the lights and turn it on so you

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