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Jun 09, 2024
Well friends, it's been a week of the new season of Fortnite. We have had the opportunity to digest everything. Let's see what they are posting on the PK Crypto Reddit. Now, what if you could personalize your car's license plate like the boss car people would? make up some inappropriate things that epic isn't going to do, I'm just going to tell you an honest opinion right now, how shocking you are learning this season, honestly there's really only one answer and it's still the mythical cous shotgun if you're good with that, the new combat is good, the bomb is good, the Oscar frenzy, auto fire, okay, you know, in my personal opinion, the biggest success I've had is the Mythic Curus shotgun, it's still so good , one thing if you didn't know when If you have Nitro, you reload faster, so with the fastest reloading attachment on this shotgun, the Mythic and Nitro version, the reload time is like a second, so you fire three shots, you reload in a split second with Nitro and you shoot again, it's really powerful, my face. after losing the 20 bomb to a Nitro fisted kid, why was he making this face?
fortnite is at war
I'm wearing the same shirt, the same hat, why was I making this face? Idk worst aspect of the battle pass this season, this is easy. one's pretty good, I mean, he's fine, look, it's not even the hair or anything about his face, man, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to get into it, but he's got his classic groove, he's tough, he's got that . I mean the lineup, he's tough, he's me too, look at this jaw, what the hell, she's fine, he's cool, yeah, I mean, if we had to pick the worst, I mean, there always has to be the worst, right, which one do you prefer at the beginning of the season, I actually like the grenade launcher, but then I changed it and felt like I was having more success with the machine gun turret, especially against other cars.
fortnite is at war

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The machine gun turret is much better against other cars, but then they became weaker. the accuracy of the machine gun turret is a bit lower, so now I think they are both pretty good in their own way. The machine gun turret is probably even more useful in most situations. Boogie bomb, Boogie bomb on the back, but I think it's just temporary. I think the Boogie Bomb has a lot of power, especially this season because it's so easy to give someone a One-Shot if they don't know what the Stratocaster is. I already figured it out in the first hour the Boogie Bombs came back, all they need is a crossbow, a boogie bomb and a shotgun, you bomb the person and then shoot the crossbow near their feet but don't hit them because you don't want to.
fortnite is at war
Breaking their dance, you simply fire the crossbow near them and then pump. them when you explode and you only do 200 damage and a split second and they are dead but luckily the boogie bomb cross is temporary they will bring back emps instead of boogie bombs in the next update. I think POV caster Anvil on vacation gets a call. That's great, that's great and it's so true. Fortnite improved cars a lot, but what about bikes, low-key brother like you? You're a hero, a hero, if you drive one of these, there's literally no reason, there's no good. about bikes right now, I'm pretty sure you run faster on foot with Nitro than Cypher bikes after seeing someone waste a full magazine of ammo on a robot, I mean it's disappointing you know, I guess with everyone the educational comments I put out there like you guys have it all together, but some of you are playing with your feet, a little sketch of Cipher I did, damn, this line from John is lethal right here, okay, I like it , he got angry with me, are you? eating his cousin, of course he's mad at you, bro.
fortnite is at war
Bros minis was tied up wait what did he do oh he's playing Flo he's got the floor is lava and he actually touched the floor here come on bro casually waiting for Cypher to make a video watching. Reddit and I hope I get it, you posted this 3 days ago, you really turned into a skeleton in 3 days, come on man, 1 in 1 million chance of it happening, do you really think so? So I'll be the judge of that. a million is crazy, okay, I mean you could actually be honest, something like that you landed on the Nitro thing, you hit it sideways and it landed on someone and killed them.
I'm not going to lie, I didn't even know that stuff. it could hurt so this is it bro you could be the only person in the world who did this your friend says your lobbies aren't even tough agent Peter bot, you're not really going against Peterb are you? Yes, Peterb does not. He plays with whoever the hell these guys are, whose side are you on? Most competitive players have complained this season due to overpowered cars. I see a big battle between competitive players and casual players, and as someone who is a casual content creator, but also competes in competitive events much more recently and covers competitive content with professional players.
I want to say something guys, at the end of the day, we've all been playing this game for a long time. Some of us have been playing for 7 years. Some of us, you know, a couple of years ago. Some of us are just getting started, but the point is that the game is supposed to be fun. Some people take things too seriously. No one will get angrier. that like pro players, oh I know, oh I mean even even competitive players like Cipher, Cypher will trigger a lot, yeah even competitive players sometimes don't want changes, they want the game to be the same over and over. again. so they can practice the same meta practice the same rotations with the same weapons and the truth is that


would have died a long time ago if they weren't trying things and it's not just trying things and changing things it's also taking risks maybe we look back in this season and we thought okay, the cars were a little crazy, but the point is they keep us on our toes and keep the game fresh at the end of the day, let's just have fun.
Guys, there is no need to create like civil war between casual and competitive players. There is simply no need for grandma to press the Strau code. Hey, she knows you're better than me. What the hell am I? The friend who misses all his shots. We're cooked, brother. Every time I have food, my dog ​​comes up and looks at me like that. My family is hungry. I end up giving him food too, which is why he keeps coming back. What the hell just happened? Oh shit, bro, I discovered a new take of High Ground. how i look after dying for the 20th time to a guy with fists, bro why is this picture cursed, man like that, he's that low key, this is Chubby PK, right, which is fine, there's nothing wrong with be chubby, but why is it like my


tracking photo?
I never uploaded this to Fortnite Tracker, the Fortnite Tracker people put it there themselves, like posting a more relevant updated photo of me please, I don't look like this anymore, why do I look like this? I got groceries in the back and I'm like raise the camera to see what bro thinks Armstrong is, why she just T, yeah, she's just racking up those hits, bro, plug this into the dumper, what do you think? Fan art for my Pooky, I'm not your Pooky, what the hell is the same thing? different thing Time chapter 3 season 2 resistance fortnite chapter 5 season 3 hey, you're H for something.
I should have stayed in the car, that's what almost everyone says when they die, I should have stayed in the car, you have 14 Health if you plan to jump out of the car, do it calmly, like parking the car, make sure it stops moving and then get out, don't jump out while the car is moving, be careful when heading towards a gas station. Just like you probably didn't know you had Nitro and yeah, what's the new season episode 5 season 2 going to be like seriously, aren't you exaggerating a little bit? Welcome to the apocalypse Mr. Squidward, you really became that low key, what the hell was KFC playing?
Coral Castle where actually oh actually they are that's valid bro welcome to Wasteland uh match wait low key bro my games aren't like that why your games are so fun I wish my games were like that I feel like people like my games sweat too hard, does anyone know what this is or what's inside, uh no, and we'll probably never find out. I'm going to be honest with you, man, Fortnite is known for placing bunkers in random places and then never telling us anything about it. be real here describe this season using just one word 1.2k comments there are a lot of you out there just commenting chaos that's good yeah chaotic mhm mhm rage okay Ninja on his alternate account vehicular manslaughter these guys work together to do that Carnage, okay, smart, this could be our winner right here.
I'm a little angry. Okay, this person is a little F a little enraged. Let's see why the early drop. I am not going to lie. I didn't see it coming. There are some? indication that this is about to happen oh my god and it's marshmallow 2 running over you what a stupid meme i made a while ago meus has a golden touch everything he touches turns gold okay midus did I really say muses is that right? just when season 2 came out and I didn't know who Midas was masus has a golden touch everything he touches turns into Gold M bro how did you find this bro?
This is literally like the first day of episode 2, season 2, Kitty loves Cipher. PK oh that's adorable that's adorable and we thought snipers were bad well the problem is you're using your fists and you're not saving any of your movement so now you're about to use this last charge on zero constructions behind brother. serious damage brother, why did they turn against you like that? They didn't like that you got involved in their fight. The Nitro caught him. Why don't you defend yourself? This man is cooked. He's just dancing. Why is he dancing? I feel there is skill. -It's also based on boss matchmaking, man, when I fight him he starts hitting me and pads out my season 3 experience so far, well you gotta see your fall bro, that's up to you.
H, we need to work on our builds a little, Uppercut, Uppercut, why? Are we hiding? We have Max mats. Why are we hiding behind structure? Well, he's not having a good time, but I hope you guys are having a good time this season and I hope the season gets better and better with each update. Thanks guys. Lots to see, join Reddit and don't forget to like and subscribe.

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