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Jun 23, 2024
The release of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 has brought tons of chaos to the island by introducing Wasteland in a new Lord-filled substance called nitro. This


continues to build on Hope's story and Greek mythology while introducing many new elements. In last


's story, we worked together with the Oracle to build an alliance with the Greek pantheon to prevent Seuss from wiping out the mortals week after week, while the mortals gained more support. Aphrodite would stop her father's wrath, giving us more time and we eventually joined forces with Medusa. and she successfully stripped Zeus of his immortality by defeating the king of Olympus forever or so we thought, the Oracle congratulated us on our Victory, but shortly after warned us that our war had not yet begun.
fortnite chapter 5 season 3 storyline explained who is the wanderer
The skies would darken and cover the island and The Wanderer approached. A week later, Zeus struck Gemma's Pandora's Box with lightning using his Mountain Monument, overloading the gem into Pandora's Box imploded and suddenly a burst of energy escaped from the gem bouncing off the island until it finally crashed. directly into a desert forming a fierce sand storm that drew closer to the island day by day and during that time Pandora's Box had quickly disappeared until now the sand storm has descended on the island completely transforming the southern part of the island in a desert. Wasteland from within the sandstorm emerged a ship aboard the ship is this The main antagonist of the season, Megalodon, a tyrant who plans to raze the island once he recovers his Leviathan, along with him came a mysterious substance called Nitro and the elusive Wanderer, whose identity remains unknown and strangely invisible on the island as Hope and Jones received.
fortnite chapter 5 season 3 storyline explained who is the wanderer

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fortnite chapter 5 season 3 storyline explained who is the wanderer...

Voice lines from this season that give us more information about the characters and how they plan to take down Megalodon. We learn that Jones' personality has changed a lot since we last saw him and that Hope is searching for the missing Pandora's Box through analysis. a mysterious artifact called The Gem Holder that is related to The Box, lastly, on top of the Zenith wall that is still thawing, a mysterious bunker has appeared from within the bunker, metal banging noises can be heard that indicate that something could be trying to get away with the devoured island. In the chaos and so many things happening at once, a multitude of questions arise, such as what happened to the Olympic athletes, who is the Megalodon, who are the wasteland warriors, what is Nitro, what is the Megalodon's plan, what are the Hope and Jones, how far is Pandora's box, what's inside. the bunker and who The Wanderer is, from a mad tyrant to the enigma of Pandora's Box, we have a lot to unpack, so sit back, relax and let's discover the secrets of the Wasteland.
fortnite chapter 5 season 3 storyline explained who is the wanderer
Our first question is what happened to the Olympians near the end of last season. he defeated Zeus and overthrew the king of Olympus in a final act of revenge. Zeus propelled the monument of him towering over Mount Olympus and struck the gem of Pandora's Box, unleashing Megalodon the Wasteland and bringing chaos to the island after the event took place. Fortunately, once the season started, I heard or saw the Olympians, two characters from last season remained on the island giving us an explanation about the whereabouts of the Olympians, those characters were Artemis and Cerberus, according to the NPC bio of Cerberus, the gods had fled the island. after Zeus was dethroned and when we interact with the cver NPC and ask about the gods, the Hound informs us that the gods left to look for new domains far from the island, however both the dialogue and Cerberus' biography tell us who was left behind on the island per Hades' request to wait for her, but we'll come back to that in a moment, it was revealed in Artemis's NPC bio that she chose to stay on the island after the fall of Zeus to test her abilities. hunting in the new and dangerous Wasteland.
fortnite chapter 5 season 3 storyline explained who is the wanderer
In conversation with her we learned that she has come to like the island and the chaos of it, which explains why she decided to stay in the newly added Wasteland which is full of the energy she always sought when hunting for it. She has grown fond of everything on the island and is enjoying its new found peace. Her brother Apollo has apparently also remained on the island and she tells him to let go and enjoy the freedom of iron control. of Zeus. Long story short, Artemis Apollo and Cush are the only remaining members from last season who remained on the island.
With that out of the way, let's answer the question everyone is probably wondering right now, whose arrival is Cush being prepared for? When the cus NPC is asked about his arrival, he mentions a queen who will arrive in the Sweet Summer Wind, that Queen is likely. Panie, who in Greek mythology is the goddess of growth, wife of Hades and queen of the underworld, many people believe that this study skin could be pranie, however, I do not believe it, because pranie is commonly depicted with a natural appearance or luminous that this survey skin does not possess, we will find out soon, but we should expect to see Pranie at some point during the summer update for this season.
Our next three questions are intertwined with each other. Who is Megalodon? What are Wasteland Warriors? And what was Nitro freed from? the gem of Pandora's Box Megalodon and his band of marauders known as the Wasteland Warriors had arrived on their ship the Leviathan bringing with them chaos and a new substance called Nitro to the island until now the Wasteland Warriors are formed by their leader Megalodon The Machinist and the ring. Master SC ring Master scar is the Master of Ceremonies of the Wasteland Warriors and the host of the car circus known as the nitro drone. She helps rule the island's chaos and, using her car circus, fuels the destruction.
Something Scar is extremely obsessed with other than that ring. Master Scar doesn't have much of a story yet and this is all we know about her for now, but hopefully we'll have more information about her in the future. The Machinist is the master mechanic of Wasteland Warriors, she invented Nitro and runs the Redline platform. who is a Nitro refiner B Nitro is an unstable and chaotic chemical liquid that grants its users and vehicles irrepressible powers. When you visit the Redline platform, you can find a board showing how The Machinist invented Nitro, one of the first things you know.
You'll notice that previous name ideas for the substance were quick juice and goo before The Machinist started the name Nitro. Now I know you see that formula, so now it's time for a quick chemistry lesson with me. The formula of this liquid is HG CO2 n. The Nitro formula doesn't actually exist in real life and is considered an unstable formula according to the amazing chemists in our community, which means it was hard to figure out what the name of the formula is, especially since it doesn't exist except for most of us. We have agreed that the scientific name of Nitro is mercury carbon nitride.
Okay, that's all. Go on, as well as being the inventor of Nitro. The Machinist's loading screen descriptions inform us that she and the rest of the Wasteland Warriors use Nitro as a way to promote and Also Control Chaos in the Wasteland Megalodon is the main antagonist of this season. He is described as a ruthless would-be leader, Tyrant, and the Nitro-powered apex predator and, as mentioned above, he owns the Leviathan ship found in the brutal Beach Head, as many of you probably do. I have already noted that the design and theme of the ship with the name Megalodon is based on the ancient extinct shark, the Megalodon, this correlates with its description of being a top predator, meaning being at the top of the food chain. ;
However, Megalodon feeds on Nitro and literally lives off of it. He has tubes all over his body charged with Nitro and has his own massive smoking device built into his mask to inhale and exhale Nitro. Yes, Pandora's Box had a drug addict inside it all this time. Surprisingly, Megalodon also has voice lines this season that can be heard through a mysterious transmission in a car. This is what says weak to my glorious Wasteland to those who bow before me well to those who fear me even better and do whatever you think to confront me your cries will taste sweet darlings I will enjoy every invitation, the purpose is therefore to pray, if not to be prayed for, what good are the weak if they are not games for the strong ?
So live your magnificent purpose as two playthings for my crew, trust me, it is an honor far more glorious than any life if you build for yourself I have heard whispers that I wish to be your king I wish no more to be your king than to be your servant I am the beast that lurks in the night the wandering teeth in the deepest waters I am the last thing you see before darkness takes over me, my rule is evident and your Ro is truly decorative. Guess who is right. The Wasteland Island voice is okay, three bites out of five if I'm honest, all this serious architecture and stuff.
Sad Monument Mountain to the banished Gods, your only God is now me, dear ones, and I will lift this entire pathetic island to the ground once my Leviathan AWS. I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this guy sounds exactly like General Grievous, General Kenobi. anyway, these voice lines show more of Meg's personality, she is extremely intimidating, she likes to use fancy vocabulary here and there and she also has some humor, but aside from all that, she tells us her plan related to our next question , what is Megalodon's plan though Megalodon? He ran the island three out of five, which isn't too bad.
He makes it clear that he intends to destroy the island, unfortunately for him, his plans were halted when his Leviathan ship conveniently ran out of fuel the moment it arrived at the island. so he now remains idle while The Machinist is currently building a huge pipeline from the Redline platform to the Leviathan ship to refuel with Nitro, allowing Megalodon to carry out his plan; However, what I wonder about Megalodon's plan is if he will literally tear this island apart and raise it up. to the ground like he said, that's because if he succeeds, I theorize that he'll possibly accidentally expose the zero point of his dialogue in the second part of this season's story quest, which we'll get to in a moment, we learned that the zero point is still personally I think this theory is very possible.
I would also like to point out how the lake in the middle of the island is starting to dry out and seven mysterious torches that act as monoliths appeared there randomly this season creating a circle, maybe this. is teasing the location of Zero Point or that Zero Point will be more involved in a story again very soon. Our next question is what are Hope and Jones? Until this season, we were very, very fortunate to receive voice lines in the welcome to the Wasteland Quest for Hope and dialogue from Jones and NBC that reveals Hope's personality and Jones' change in behavior before we get to the voice lines , let's first start with the NPC dialogue about Hope and Jones after the defeat of Zeus osar, the society's renowned hunter has returned.
It was discovered that the members of the society barely survived the mountain of Wrath of the Olympians and Valyri fled. Oscar went into hiding and Nisha was no longer able to encircle Fields again, losing all of her wealth and now forcing her to build a new life for herself. What does this have to do with Hope? Oscar's return not only helped us understand what happened to the dismantled Society, but also explains to USD some of Hope's backstory. When we ask him about Oscar's backstory, the first thing he mentions and reveals is when Hope was younger. she was actually part of the Prestige-born society.
Hope had all the wealth she could imagine with her sister Valeria, but she finally realized it and no longer wanted to be a part of the corrupt society that letter to the underground foundation was against her. sister Valeria and society in general, it was a nice surprise to learn some of Hope's backstory as it adds more depth to her character overall and since we're already here, I'll finish what Oscar had said about her backstory, it's not much. but she mentions that she has fought for everything she has ever had in her life, first she started on the streets, then she moved to the boxing ring and finally became a boss in society.
Now that the partnership is gone, she says she will earn whatever comes next in her life. journey just as he did with everything else in his life with that path apart, let's move on to Jones from his dialogue Jones has changed a lot over time and the loss has taken its toll on him now that he has acquired selfish and arrogant qualities that do not define a True hero, Jones boastfully believes that since Hope and himself defeated Zeus, defeating Megalodon will be an easy task, but I personally think he is underestimating Megalodon's power too much. Jones's increased ego and arrogance were acknowledged by Odyssey near the end of the series.episode 5.1 season she claimed that he had strayed from his path but Destiny is not done with him yet, this could allude to the fact that old Jones who was a true hero will return at some point now that we have gone over the dialogue, let's move on to the Nitro Wasteland story missions, the first part, welcome to the Wasteland, it starts with us visiting the Joneses and I hope the NPCs once this is done, I hope to make contact with us and talk for the first time, Jones, you're late.
I just dethroned the king of Olympus, I think. I have earned myself some downtime, first of all, We will dethrone the king of Olympus. Second, no, I've been watching Megalodon. I do not like what I see. I don't care, bring your friend. Okay, from this quick conversation we learned that Jones has grown up. much more tired of fighting but also a little arrogant, however, hope keeps him in check and he makes sure that he will help in a mission to stop Megalodon after completing a mission. Hope contacts us again and says, “Good job” on the card I made.
Smash it. but until that happened, pure magic, so I spent some time snooping around Meg's camp. He was right, the man is a proper man. The would-be Tyrant wants to take the island and he may be strong enough, but he won't make us move until his little shark ship is resupplied, which explains the pipeline. Jones and I will keep meeting until they keep fighting, make us look good. My sister Valeria is a supergenius who found a way to summon Pandora's Box, so I consider myself committed to fixing this ever-expanding mess. You know, Jones, welcome back so you know that I hope I have a bit of a habit here of Choosing to fight the biggest bully I can find, so we need to make sure we're fit to fight.
She has her sights set on Megalodon. Hope explains to us that Valeria, using all of her knowledge, discovered a way to summon Pandora's Box, which is how it was achieved. Hope, unearthed as Valeria's sister, now feels obligated to clean up the mess Valeria has made by summoning a Pandora's Box. Megalodon's arrival on the island is the result of that event and Hope wants to stop him before it's too late, so as per both Hopes' request. and Jones got into fighting shape and also tried out Nitro after watching the test. Hope realizes how powerful Nitro is and worries about Megalodon's real strength knowing that he is powered by it once we finish a few more missions.
Hope and Jones spoke to us one. last time and I said this I heard something out there that I really don't like, maybe it's time we get the surveillance team together like something bad or something bad, just chat. I hope Hope immediately informs Jones that she heard chatter about something she doesn't know about. It's not like anything caused Hope to surround her surveillance team. Jones questions if it's something bad or something very bad, but hope remains vague and he hopes that what he heard was just a rumor. The second part, the assault on the platform begins immediately with Hope sharing it. worries about the rumors she had heard in the Wasteland again.
I'm going to start by saying that there is a lot we don't know, so don't get too excited. Was there something on the tapes? Yeah, but they're probably just rumors, okay? It doesn't seem so safe, I think we need to see what they're talking about in Wasteland. There's not much to break down in this conversation, as it's just wrapping up the end of the first part's missions, however, hope sends us talking. Rust and Bright Raider on the Megalodon plan. After consulting the two, we learned that Megalodon is planning something very secret to the point that he writes it down and doesn't usually yell at someone until he does it.
Rust and Bright Raider informs us that those plans can be seen at the red line platform terminals if we get a key card, so Hope asks us to take out one of the guards and take his key cards to see what is making Megalodon after uploading the data from the terminals to Hope Jones says this is good news. Team Megalodon has exactly one competent engineer and she is dividing her time between building the pipeline and defending the refinery from people like us, we have time, but the moment they get Nitro flowing, we lose Megalodon will be unstoppable, Jones tells us that the driver is dividing it.
Duty between building the pipeline to the Leviathan and fighting the intruders on the Redline platform, if the pipeline is complete Megalodon will win but we still have time before that happens so we are immediately tasked with sabotaging the Megalodon ship to hinder his plan after it is done. Hope contacts us again and follows up on the rumor she mentioned earlier. I've been following the talk on Wasteland. I had the feeling that we hadn't seen the end of Pandora's Box and it worries me. I'm right, the Wastelanders have been. find gems, I think they are from the box, which means we need those outside Surculation to find it and bring it to me uhhuh yeah uh you know you shouldn't criticize your plan, but that's something you should do do you have a better solution , it's just that your family doesn't have a great track record of, you know, not destroying the world.
Yeah, well, I'm the black sheep. Let that be useful for once. Hope was worried from the beginning that Pandora's Box had influence on the island and she discovered that her suspicions were correct; apparently the inhabitants of the Wasteland have been finding gems related to the Box. Hope tells us to get them out of circulation as quickly as possible, but then Jones hesitantly intervenes saying that she probably shouldn't get involved with The Box again, since her family has a bad track record of destroying the world. Hope then responds to that by saying that she's not like her family and that she won't cause world-ending trouble.
That line from Jones is actually more important than many of you. You might think Jones talked about Hope's family, not just her sister Valeria. One theory I have is that Hope's entire family, meaning her sisters, parents, and grandparents, have always posed a significant risk to the island due to their constant need for knowledge and control, something we've seen. happens with Valeria and now maybe little by little with hope she wants to learn more about Pandora's Box and wants to control everything related to it so that the gems do not fall into the wrong hands, but maybe this could be her downfall and accidentally cause one island three. we listen to Hope and recover one of Pandora's gems from the wastelands at brutal Beach Head, then Jones and Hope get into a disagreement as Jones tries to warn Hope about the dangers of what she's doing first.
I mean I trust you, great, then I don't. I don't need to hear the rest of what you have to say. I hope I have direct experience with this kind of thing when I got lost at ground zero. I completely missed it, so leave it alone. Power like that cannot be controlled. at best it destroys you at best and at worst it falls into the wrong hands the Box wants to be found I can feel it and if I can feel it there are other Janes see their younger self with hope in that naive belief that you must carry every burden and, without knowing it, you lose yourself in it, which destroys both your life and the lives of those around you.
Jones mentions our favorite omniversal blueberry as an example, confirming its existence for any of those who still doubted it and explaining why he became so obsessed. with the zero point where he completely lost himself, trying to control it caused a huge loss in his life, he lost his family, his normal life, the Sloan seven, all in the name of controlling and protecting the zero point, he doesn't want it. same. It happens that she is hoping that he doesn't want her to ruin her entire life with Pandora's Box just like he did himself with the zero point, unfortunately this time hope doesn't follow Jones' advice and makes us bring her the gem of Pandora once we bring you the Pandora gem. and give her hope, she tells us that her head started pounding and that's where the second part of the missions ends, moving on to our next question, where is Pandora's Box?
The last time we saw Pandora's Box was when Zeus hit the gem in the box for the last time. time using all his strength after that, he simply disappeared, however, if you paid attention only to Pandora's Box during the event, you would have seen that the Box actually sank underground after Megalodon escaped from the gem, so that the box is once again underground, although there is a chance we shouldn't see that is because Jones and Hope don't know where the box is and Hope, more than anyone, is frantically trying to find Pandora's Box before Visit Hope's new home on the Stealth Steps and you will find that in a room there is a mysterious artifact that Hope is observing according to the leaks.
The name of this artifact is the gem holder. There are four empty slots in this gem holder, so it clearly requires four gems. To activate so far we have obtained one of the four required gems after completing the platform missions ranking. I think I realize that once we get all four gems, Hope could relocate and summon Pandora's Box once again to help defeat Megalodon. In Greek mythology, Pandora's Box is opened twice, the first time is when all the evils contained in it escape to the world, the second time is when hope is released from the box to comfort humanity.
I think hope will open Pandora's Box for the second time in to restore hope to the island after it was lost or give him some kind of tool to help defeat not only Megalodon but also The Wanderer before it's too much. late. Our penultimate question is what is inside the nothingness bunker. In this season, a mysterious bunker has appeared above the enigmatic Zenith wall that has been melting for the past three seasons. As you approach this bunker, you can hear metallic sounds of something moving or trying to escape from the bunker. Listen, but what is this something?
Inside the bunker there are a multitude of possibilities, although one of the first things that came to mind was the Eternal Scout jenos snapshot when the skin released in episode 5, season 1, jenos snapshot, the agilist had left his role as ruler of the sworn ones and began to explore. he eventually discovered the existence of the Omniverse as his description alludes to, however, his other Cosmetics spoke of icy secrets that may lie beneath the Zenith Wall Glacier if Fortnite is going to continue the trend of mocking Jeno like they did with the Eternal Explorer in the season. 1 and Odyssey in season 2, then maybe this bunker could be related to him and the imagined order.
If this is the case, I theorize that Ageless might have found the icy secrets he had been searching for all along and now established a base underneath. the glacier, but if it's not him, it could be someone or something else that could help us fight the megalodon or simply add more fuel to the resulting chaos on the island, leaving us with one last question: who is The Wanderer along with the bunker? ? One of the biggest mysteries of this season too, the first time we heard that name was from the Oracle when he warned us about them shortly after congratulating us on our victory against Zeus, but his war hasn't started yet.
Storm clouds gather. The Wanderer is coming up at this point, nothing is really known about The Wanderer except what they look like. Thanks to leaks, it was discovered that this spray of a mysterious figure cloaked in a white cloak is The Wanderer, it was then noted that this figure could also be seen on the nitrofusion loading screen Megalodon in the background watches eerily at the resulting chaos in the island dialogue from the spine of the rusty power cable Riot Kiara and the Triad Trooper tell us that they saw a hooded figure in the distance and felt the presence of someone else momentarily watching them or being near them, but every time they They look around and there's no one else there, this scares the characters on the island and makes The Wanderer feel that much more unsettling.
Many people have theorized that this could be Dr. Doom due to the fact. that the leaked roadmap showed Dr. Doom as the main antagonist of season 4, however, I don't think this is the case because a Dr. Doom always wears his mask and in the loading screen we can see that The Wanderer He is not wearing a mask. 2 Dr. Doom doesn't wear sleeves, yes he doesn't wear sleeves and that's the evidence I'm going to use against that theory. Lastly, Doom likes to glide in the shadows, but he's also extremely dramatic and if I were him, I'd see the island. in a hurry and reveals itself almost immediately.
I personally believe that the


is an original Fortnite villain, but we will see him in the coming weeks, at the moment there is not enough information to determine who is under that layer yet, but considering the Oracle warned us ominously. just so that the characterhiding in the shadows could mean that wandering could be a big threat in the future and that concludes the entire episode 5 season 3 story


. Thank you all for watching and we'll see you next time. take care

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