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Formula 1 Driver Daniel Ricciardo Breaks Down Racing Movies | GQ Sports

May 30, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm Daniel Ricciardo, this is my fake microphone. I'm a Formula One


and this is the breakdown. This is Jeiza Thunder when she was a child. This is probably my most watched movie. Yes. Tom Cruise Ozzy Nicole Kidman. Are you kidding. I loved. all the car scenes was obviously like a bit of romance too, he's a little boy who moves very aggressively, so yes, we talked to our


engineer, but that level of conversation is a bit theatrical. but we will do it. I'll go back and forth a little bit, but it's more like a few words at a time.
formula 1 driver daniel ricciardo breaks down racing movies gq sports
They are talking? You definitely like to push the limits sometimes and if you go back and forth with a


during the race and if He, if you feel like He's pushed the limits with you and been a little dirty, then if you have the opportunity to return the favor, you can tighten it and yes, there are subtle little ways you can do it that drivers know exactly. What's happening doesn't happen to that extent, at least in Formula 1. I'm going to push the limit, but I'll never put another driver in danger because I think that's the respect that brothers have for each other, so Black Flag is basically You've done something dirty, illegal, something really bad and a black flag is a sign that you have to pit and your race is over, so you're basically disqualified from the race if you get a black flag.
formula 1 driver daniel ricciardo breaks down racing movies gq sports

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formula 1 driver daniel ricciardo breaks down racing movies gq sports...

It didn't happen in any race. I don't think I've ever been in a normal race and at this level you'd expect drivers to be a bit more uneducated, you know, when you turn professional you shouldn't be doing things. that's giving you a black flag so I mean loud burn shame okay yeah I mean Tom falls in love rewind please. I've seen it happen in NASCAR quite a bit, so a lot of times the driver will signal if he has someone on top. his bumper could see what I'm going to do in the pits and I guess he just avoids the risk because he has to start slowing down at some point and I guess it gives the driver behind him a chance to get out before he starts to fall. down so he probably doesn't run backwards and crash so I guess it's a bit of a safety/courtesy thing for both of us but in F1 it's not like that so we can't like that you can't do it . seeing the other guys with their hands on the car the way cars are designed and built.
formula 1 driver daniel ricciardo breaks down racing movies gq sports
I mean, I've pointed the finger at guys before, whether they saw it, they usually said after the fact on TV. I enjoy it because it makes me hurry. he's got more horsepower than everyone else the way he's capable obviously he likes to effortlessly pass the rear markers so the rear bump is just the guy being further back like everyone else they have everyone they should have very similar cars when it comes to horsepower in power output, so how is he able to get ahead so easily, that is very dramatized, it will usually leave a mark, especially in NASCAR, they have spotters, so yes there's an accident, they'll say, "Okay, stay, hey Carlos, so they'll give you a little bit of guidance through an incident to try and basically get them to avoid there as another set of eyes for them, so there was no information there and then they were also called very, very brave, he actually stepped on the gas and sped through the danger, which I think is something you normally wouldn't do, but since he's the hero of this story, Cole was. something very heroic, so it spun very fast and my immediate thought was like there was oil from the accident and the oil made it spin like that, but The reason cars like Lewis control is that, at the end of the day, you have a lot of horsepower. force on a race car and only a certain amount of grit comes out of the tire and at some point you reach a breaking point where the grit exceeds the power. grip for example, that's where, as a


driver, that's what makes you good, is that you find that limit to push the tire and the level of grip that you have to the point where you're almost spinning, but You have control like that, the accident scene was very good as far as the car rolling and you could hear every impact as it rolled and flipped and then hit the track again, I mean it rolled like that.
formula 1 driver daniel ricciardo breaks down racing movies gq sports
It was pretty spectacular, but I don't think they overdid it too, so I think they did it pretty well. I mean, it's hard for Cole. I'm only laughing because I know Nicole comes out ahead and he makes sweet love to Nicole Kidman in The Hospital Is Next. We have a baby driver, it's not right that when he reverses, he likes to have a throttle, when he likes to release the clutch, he likes to keep the ramps high, so you have a little bit of acceleration when he releases the clutch. That will give you a little. Like he will turn and allow you to probably back up a little faster without stopping, so his plan is safe.
I wish I could listen to music when I run because I think I'll go faster, but my engineering wanders me all the time. So drifting so you can see what helps drifting, I guess in your case now, if you take off the handbrake that works on the rear wheels, we call it in racing, we call it oversteer, turning too much and you'll like to catch it. back of the car and what the handbrake can do and as they showed it locks the rear end so if you turn and release the handbrake it keeps the front end pivoted and you just turn the rear end so it takes the part off rear and then You can get to that point, then you can release the handbrake, you are already on the slide and then you can handle it as if it were your accelerator.
It's actually quite difficult to explain, but if you can do that. like you're good, like you've got a good feel for the car and it's like, I guess, it's like on a motorcycle, someone who likes a wheelie stands up, gets that balance point and then can feel it and just and hold that and it's a bit like a car slide, you kind of reach a little balance point and you can just play with a little bit of direction in the launch so you can get into tighter spaces better if you're good, like dodging traffic, if applicable , skidding is not a bad thing, a sharp corner cut in front of the truck, any handbrake, a bit of a slide, so I just allowed it to cut the angle. just quickly sliding the rear end turning in and the cop couldn't react fast enough.
I'm really going to lie to my audience here. I've never done that, but it was pretty quick, like a jerk or a jerk of the handbrake on the steering wheel and that gave it a very quick slide, but then to check that it did it pretty well, I just told it that I never did it. I've done, look at that, that's like what we call a hairpin, I mean, like a 180 if I had done it. like he's driving something he normally wouldn't have been able to create, he'll turn the car at such a sharp angle, which was pretty cool because he had a lot of forward momentum when he broke the handbrake, he's accelerating but the momentum is still pushing him back. and then the tires find enough grip and traction and then drive forward that kind of stay still sequence like rolling backwards then lunging forward that's cool, do you have a flat tire? not very real answers made so far, but that's not happening good soundtrack, although it's a good movie, it has some good drift tires.
I doubt the service operation would stop, if it did they would disappear or you would have big flat spots, because you have removed the handbrake as many times as you have removed the rear brakes. They're stuck and they're sliding, so you're removing the rubber from a certain tire patch, the car would have a good attitude, ooh, that's cool, like the Flying V Mighty Ducks. I drive around women or friends, I really don't. because when you're driving fast it can actually be quite uncomfortable, like you're cornering like you've seen in the back seat, actually John and easy, it's John, that's his name, yeah, John Andy, so they're like you knew they throw them.
It's always more comfortable for the driver because you know what move you're going to make and you also have the steering wheel to hold onto, unless the person is prepared for you to drive fast, it's usually not as comfortable because they like it. be shaken, so I actually focus on first thing is making sure there's a good soundtrack, good music and then just being smooth, being gentle and making it just a beautiful bride getting to her destination and then she can let go. in the club below, fast and furious, like the kids we did, my friends would like to make fun of this, like we love it, it's so over the top, but it's cool, to me, that was unnecessary because it doesn't really make sense because it is already at such a low speed.
I think it's like the car swerved and I promise to emphasize that it was going quite slow, like it didn't look really good, that was strange, but also yes. They take off like 1 2 3 4, so their reaction time was terrible. Vin Diesel. How about we freeze this frame? The computer, the laptop, so there are so many sensors in a race car. All the data you get will tell you. you know, engine temperatures, what this is like, it can be used for reliability, for the engineers to just check that everything is okay and if we have a problem, they fix it quickly if it can be fixed, like I'm not kidding. you're in an F1 car, I'm actually guessing, but I mean there's like a thousand censuses, like it's crazy, no, so we don't have.
I didn't know nice existed until I saw this beautiful movie and then naturally everyone was nice. It was like I didn't have my license, he said it was like how can we get a bottle of nos in our car? That deceleration is felt all in his neck and, in fact, he pulled, he showed it quite bravely when he pushed us back. need to train your neck before this movie, you absolutely should have had neck training, but yes, as a racing driver, just like in F1, many of us, many people talk about our necks as if we don't have thick necks and g forces.
So there's a lot of force, so when you brake you get a lot of negative G's, so everything is pushing you forward, so you need to take all that force and keep your neck up, basically, so we do a lot of neck training to support that, Otherwise, it's like massive whiplash. My heart rate is peaking right now. First of all, I feel sorry for a government like Monaco. It's so good. So where did they go wrong? All that racing gear is flame retardant like the Nomex material. I think that's what it's called, but it's a fibrous material.
I have not been in this situation. I never wish to be, but I think you might like it. It's still on fire, but you don't see the flame right away, so it's possible that it's still burning something somehow, so the bailiffs should have extinguished it anyway, so shame on them for letting my dear Ricky Bobby was there or not. No, let's get to this, besides the point, my teams should have contained it too. He had a head injury from that accident, they should have let him race like that, the marshals ran him around the entire track, so I guess they won't do that.
I would like it as soon as I can because I will be at some points on the tracks where you will have the quickest access and then there will be docks and the suitors will like it, so if the doctor saw that I was like a bad dog, don't do it. I don't go right away and I'm on the track, the track would be like yellow flags, which means like slow down, so we would probably take the risk of getting out on the track as soon as they could, even if the other cars are still in it.
Let's all slow down if we saw a big accident so as not to put the marshals at risk, yes they will go and if there is a fire, turn on the fire extinguishers in a straight line and try to make contact with the driver, try to be like a thumb. up or something, they're conscious and they're there, okay, but how did he get to her underwear so quickly? I love these briefs. I mean they were probably from World War II, they look pretty prehistoric sir, racing cars have what we call a five point harness so you have crunchy constructions that go over your crotch and then up to your waist and all that, and he's under the dads with baggy, when you make the crispy tight, you want everything to be a little streamlined I'm not convinced those briefs are aware that he keeps things streamlined, so he runs the risk of getting got a nut caught in his belt, but he's got bigger problems right now, he's on fire, the next one is driven.
I saw this when it was in theaters and I'm going to be very personal here I felt very uncomfortable for probably the last half hour of the movie because I didn't want to get out of my seat but for some reason I think I drank too much frozen cocaine or something. I had to pee so much like I was about to pee my pants during this movie, so the last half hour might be a blur. I really don't understand why they like the change in acceleration of theaccelerator, that's how I understand it. people you know, like onlookers, will see that and say, oh yeah, he's speeding like he's trying to go fast.
Actually, I don't know what they had back then because at one point I'm sure they had three pedals, so accelerator, brake and clutch and they had a gear lever, but for a while now we've had, so we lost the clutch pedal, so so we only have two brake and accelerator pedals and all the gears are on the steering wheel, so the up and down shifts are like paddle shifts. like the cars were real like the cars they are showing like one of the guys there was Chip Ganassi on the pit wall like that was his car the target car like he was a proper team owner and all that so The cars they are showing are real, but the pedals and all that I'm not convinced.
The whole wheel thing is, I don't know what they're trying to show as a quick maneuver. I guess at those speeds I also like to spin the wheel as fast as if you had the ability to spin because like with that speed and that faster movement, there's a chance that yes, you'll break the grip, so the race engineers most part of the time they will give you, I guess it's feedback, some advice, some instructions, so feedback could be your first sector. Therefore, the laps are normally divided into three sectors, so you could say that your first sector is excellent, you can improve the second sector, so think about braking, try to push your braking point three meters later for the turn 10 and see how the braking goes.
The point, yeah, basically the way we divide a race track is to say there are 20 corners and when you approach a corner, the first thing you do is obviously you're accelerating if it's a straight, but the first thing you do is doing is the first thing. What you normally do is to brake, so you choose your braking point to be like a reference and since we are going so fast you need to collect references on the circuit to improve your precision, so it could be like a small signal on the track. It could be a taller patch of grass or something on the side, but that would be your reference, like finding your breakout limit, so a breakpoint is essentially the moment you take the turn and it's a reference that will bother you. . the wrong circuit, rewind please like, how is it possible to pass it so easily?
It's like, yeah, I forgot to put the pedal to the metal, yeah, I'm going to do that now so I can pass him and again, like these guys are so competitive. If they are, if they're that close to each other in skill level and all that, you're usually not going to pass a guy effortlessly and on the first move, actually, where I am, where he passed it, it was like, I think in like a left right and I like a kind of chicane that also wasn't a realistic curve where I would pass it like it wasn't, it was kind of a single line curve.
I'm having a lot of trouble with this right now in the upcoming American Graffiti. I already like it, what the hell are you doing there? Yes, she'll go with me, come on, let's go back, so Harrison is blinded by love, so everyone knows it, in a race car, wait, wait, saving is crucial, full of lungs, the cars are practically built with fiber carbon. because carbon fiber is yes it is strong but it is very light so saving weight is everything that is why we as drivers also have to be super light because basically the weight slows you down so Harrison you will get it after the race if you win your chance to win now it's tainted because you're carrying more weight silly Harrison who is that guy?
Is he supposed to be the boss nerd? What's happening with a small victory on the grass? I don't know if you're driving on the street you shouldn't lose control in a straight line in a street car like it's a drag car with like a thousand horsepower maybe that shouldn't happen whether it's an old car or not , it shouldn't, I mean these thin wheels, I'll give it that They are very thin tires, they don't offer much grip, but in a straight line it still could have been his cowboy hat, it could have slid down that way, you know where it was The girl sat, in the passenger seat, on the right side, she made the car roll, idiot, stop, brother.
I don't know where the fire came from in the first place, but it can happen anyway, but it happens too much in


, it's Hollywood, thanks for watching everyone, the crisis was emotional, thanks for enjoying it with me.

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