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Forcing George To Feed Ducks

May 26, 2021
let's go to the cooperative let's go to the cooperative pan can you do it like this goggy? it's bread you like


I love


you love ducks and geese and you change ducks swamps everything everything everything absolutely honestly personally me I like swans better you prefer swans Why was that actually a complete lie? Don't just say that on the way here. George continued to approach and press the horn. You did it. You really did it. car before


this is my first time that was your first time in a car he almost killed us tell me what he did he swerved into oncoming traffic several times I lived recklessly I didn't do it I don't understand the joke I don't understand it I don't get the joke either, George, stop talking about how people would film the co-op.
forcing george to feed ducks
I would maintain a bread aisle. It's okay, everyone has their own life, so we will all have a loaf each. So who wants to be generic? What is your lip? You're pretty generic. I'm spending money on the ducks with Jack's money. Jack is paying for all this. He is. Wait. He didn't bring his car. George, what kind of bread would you like? um, you have normal bread. I have buns I have blue mash oh some whole grain hot dogs he's an adult so we can do that to him oh my god I'm the youngest I've never been so upset in my life I love these they're so good please stop Why isn't this bun is a gotcha?
forcing george to feed ducks

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forcing george to feed ducks...

Don't tell the others. Don't tell the others. Do not tell. I have named them all. I know them by heart. Alright. Keep going, Dave. it was dave his name was gabe i don't know that's why i was confused the ducks are coming they know we're good people people with food and influence oh the navy the formation of the geese army they're an attack pose this is definitely an attack stance how about If he goes straight to you? Don't worry, I know how to interlude the fat for you, stay away, okay, oh yeah, bro, and you get off a little.
forcing george to feed ducks
I'm just the duck whisperer, hey boss, for you, you earned it. You earned it, you earned it buddy, seriously, it's too much for him, I think you earned it, buddy, break it, break it, break it for him, not that it's Cornelius, now I named him, I named him, he's my boy , that duck is. sneezing me is sneezing it sounds like he's sneezing me why don't they like to raise red ducks what did you just say really why aren't they green? They would like to get together and have a baby and then give them two ducks. pan you need to get out more mr not found


i don't agree i don't think it's real life george you're obsessed with shit yeah that's inappropriate.
forcing george to feed ducks
You'll be age restricted buddy no butt biting on this channel only if you subscribe wait hey goose hey goose you got that name good goose hey goose do you like the name oh it's starting to rain hey goose hey goose it's starting good guys let's do the fool what we are going to do is uh today we are I'm going to eat bread, so what am I going to do? I'm going to grab my wardrobe, grab it, find his bread in town, let me tell you this is for you. You have impressed me today. I'm literally just filming your ass, no, no.
You can't get in I want to be a duck Your shoes will be wet and you'll get your shoes wet in my car and I'll cry Don't put your sock in the bathtub I'm warning you, you'll regret it You will have gotten wet, you're going to fall, I'm going to fall, I can fly, I'm going to fly, I tried it, caught it, is it working? Jack, he looks unfazed, oh, not really, his feathers are like, no, his neck. feathers, that means they're mad, you're pissing him off. I'm bigger, go for the neck, come on, I got it, go for the neck, where's my phone, oh hey, this guy, so where do we go next?
Well, you just said you wanted to


the ducks today you didn't say you wanted to do more okay, okay, bye guys, bye, I have an idea about this, pass me this, okay, the phone should become one with the ducks, what swan you are going to get in your hands. this is still in the crosshairs that there is a man committed to vlogging hey, he doesn't even have that much duck poop on him, I'm not going to hold that up again, that's what you're doing now, jack, what are you doing? I'm just relaxing. This tree is really uncomfortable, please, what are you doing?
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