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Fondant Potatoes - Crusty Potatoes Roasted with Butter and Stock

Jun 06, 2021
Hi, I'm Chef John from with



. That's right, if your grandfather was a European aristocrat, this may have been one of his favorite potato side dishes, so basically what I'm trying to say is that this is an old school recipe. It is more popular in England and Europe, probably because it has more than one step. Americans have never adopted it, but I really think it's a great recipe and there are never enough potato recipes. Okay, so this is what we're going to do. to take some russet


you have to use the russet, that is the texture that works best here, try to give them the most uniform shape possible because what we are looking for are perfect cylinders, very well, we are going to cut both ends because The next step after cutting off the ends is turning it over and cutting it with the knife, peeling it and giving it some cold edges, so you can peel it, but this is the traditional method and of course the potatoes. they're going to vary slightly so as you're doing this step you're going to try to get them all to be about the same thickness when you get to the bottom just feel free to clean it up like this and then once they're peeled we're going to lay them on their side and we're going to cut in half as evenly as possible.
fondant potatoes   crusty potatoes roasted with butter and stock
Okay, that's pretty close for YouTube. We will throw them in a container with cold water and let them rest. for about five minutes just to remove some of the starch from the outside, at which point we'll transfer them to a paper towel to dry them. We don't want any water left on the surface when they go to the pan and once our potatoes are completely dry we are going to move to a heavy bottom pan. I'm using a cast iron one. I'm going to put it on high heat. I'm going to put a couple of tablespoons of grape seed oil or something else.
fondant potatoes   crusty potatoes roasted with butter and stock

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fondant potatoes crusty potatoes roasted with butter and stock...

Canola oil with a high smoke point would work. I think it would be fine with any vegetable oil. When the oil is very hot and shiny, we will add our potatoes. If you want to put the sexier side down, it doesn't really matter, but. If one side is a little flatter and looks better than the other, place that side down first, at which point you can lower the heat to medium high and we'll let them sit there for about five or six minutes until they brown nicely. While you wait, you can season them generously and I don't know exactly how long it took for my first eye to brown.
fondant potatoes   crusty potatoes roasted with butter and stock
I don't time these kinds of things, I just go by eye and we're not talking about barely golden. We're talking about they're pretty well browned so be patient because it wasn't ready yet so I'm going to let them go for a couple more minutes and that's it so when they look like this you can go ahead and flip them over and there. point that the vegetable oil has served its purpose, I'm going to take a paper towel and absorb that oil because we're going to replace it with


, that's always an improvement, so we're going to add a knob of


with a little twigs of time and if you're not sure what a knob of butter is, you can ask one of your British friends who know it and again we're still on medium-high heat and we're going to swirl that around the pan, that butter.
fondant potatoes   crusty potatoes roasted with butter and stock
It's going to be infused with that thyme and you want a spoon or paint with the time sprigs on top and what we're looking for here is for the butter foam on top to change from white to a light tan color. take a couple of minutes while we wait, let's go ahead and season this side with a generous amount of salt and pepper and of course it's always a good idea to make sure the potatoes are evenly spaced and as soon as the butter foams. start thinking about browning I want you to pour in half a cup of chicken broth because these potatoes are going to be


in that broth to finish cooking in the oven and by the way all


potatoes mean broth


potatoes. or at least that's what they told me in cooking school and why they just made that up, so let's pour in the broth and immediately place it in a preheated 425 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the potato chips look like This will be very, very tender and creamy on the inside and of course the edges will brown and crispy, the bottom will become nice and sticky from the broth, which gives a little extra richness to the potato and of course Of course, if yours are.
It's not cooked yet and you've run out of broth and are worried about the bottom burning, just add another splash and let it cook a little longer. Okay, that's you cooking. I'll just bring you closer. You have to figure out the rest and then finish, of course. I'm going to transfer this to some type of serving plate. If I were you, I'd pour some of that thyme butter and since I have a garden, I'm going to put some thyme flowers around it. I like my food pretty and then please. Do what I tell you, not what I'm about to do now to really appreciate them.
You have to let them cool a little. This is too hot to bite into, but I'll do it anyway. I have a video for shoots and if you've never had them before you'll be amazed at that dense, moist and rich texture, really great of course you have that butter and thyme which is always good when you're talking about potatoes and of course the real magic It's the contrast between those crispy edges, let's listen a little, oh yeah, it's those crispy edges contrasted with that moist, creamy center. It really is a tremendous potato technique and of course I always wished there was one.
There's a dish already called scalloped potatoes because I would call them scallop potatoes because it looks like a giant scallop, but since we can't do that, it would be too confusing. Hey, I ordered the scallop potatoes, not the scallop potatoes, so obviously that would be It doesn't work, there would be like a whole scene, so we call them fondant potatoes, it's a good name, so I really hope you try it. Visit for full ingredient quantities and more information, as usual and as always. enjoy you

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