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FOILING | Tips & Tricks | Do’s And Don’ts Of Foiling

Jun 06, 2021
Hey guys, in today's video I'm going to give you some




that I've learned over the years on the dos and don'ts of shaking, so keep watching if you want to see how to make your client grow bigger. smooth and without a heavy line. demarcation and a much more blended look that they will be much happier to have and if you want you can follow me on Instagram at christy at the cottage um so let's get into the video frustrating the do's and don'ts for the doll that I'm going to use a blonde princess.
foiling tips tricks do s and don ts of foiling
I got this from Amazon, I mean, it's been almost a year and I literally opened the box and here she is and she came with a little thing, you know, for the station, a little stand to hold her up, so if you're looking for a mannequin, I clearly haven't used it yet, but she had decent reviews, it wasn't necessarily the cheapest, but I also wasn't trying to spend a hundred bucks, so, let it go. Let's see if I'm smart enough to figure this out, maybe, oh I am, oh I got it on the first try. You know, sometimes the Lord blesses you with wit that sometimes you can't deny, so here we go, I usually have my position.
foiling tips tricks do s and don ts of foiling

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foiling tips tricks do s and don ts of foiling...

That would take me forever trying to figure out that I'm a bit of an idiot, so we'll try to adjust this so it can move a little better. Okay, give me a second to put it in. I just discovered my scandal, by the way, her name is blonde princess and she's clearly a brunette so I don't know what it is about, so anyway, here it is, her hair is a decent length, so let's get her ready. up and then I'm going to make it so that it separates down the center and I mean, I'm going to make one part like you know and the other part not, to foil, okay, so here's the blonde lady, princess, not blonde . but anyway, we're going to go with this natural part that she has and I'm going to separate it and, by the way, the bleach that I'm using is Schwarzkopf blonde, I'm with 20 volumes, and what I'm going to do What I do is start from this side, okay, and I'll show you what you need to do to foil.
foiling tips tricks do s and don ts of foiling
In fact, I'm going to spin it a little bit this way so everyone knows how I like to do my


. around the hairline I like to start vertically and I really like to do very gently a very soft natural weave okay and then I hope this stays because you know sometimes they don't stay very well yeah see what I mean , okay wait. stay good and you know the reason why if you watch my videos you know the reason I like to do the hairline this way is because it just creates a really nice soft natural shine like the sun It was natural, you know, the sun kisses the hair. the hair looks very soft and subtle, fold it well and then I always do at least two, sometimes you know, if we only do one partial, I only do two or three at most and then the same thing, here we go.
foiling tips tricks do s and don ts of foiling
To do it really well, we've done it and when you apply the bleach, you want to make sure that when you apply the bleach it's like it's nice and thick, you don't want it to not have enough product in there and then it dries out or it just doesn't rinse off well, especially if you're dealing with a client who has darker hair, you want to make sure you have really good saturation and you want to make sure there are no bald spots in the bleach where you can see through the hair a lot, this is how I would do my foil and I would just fold it right in the corner, I don't like to press too hard on this area, so now I'm going to move on to the other side and we're going to do what not to do with the thin aluminum foil, which you guys You've heard me talk about this so much that literally people have come to me just for my thin foils because let me show you what happens when you foil this way a lot of people go right into the hairline and they do this right, first They take a big chunk and do this, the reason you don't want to foil, you know, this way is overhead. because when they take their hair out they're going to have all these lines that I see so often and they make me embarrassed, I mean, if that's honestly what the client wants, then do what the client wants and this is the don't side so I'm not going to saturate very well and I'm going to do some other things that I see people do that they shouldn't do, so one thing is to foil and pinch and press the aluminum foil so hard, what you're doing . when you're okay you pinch it whatever you pinch it because you fold it pinch it whatever I'm going to unfold and show you guys okay look we squeeze the lye out of that area and down here so you can see. as she processes, um, she'll have like little bands in her hair, is what I assume will happen because when she wasn't, you know, when she was starting out or she just didn't know better than that's what she would do and then I always wonder why. it's got little spots on the foil and that's why because you're squeezing out the lye, it's another thing to take a section that's too thick look how thick it is just a straight slice super thick oh I'm.
I'm going to do one on top of the other, I forgot, so when I see people get frustrated and they don't use the whole sheet of aluminum foil, it makes me anxious and it gets under my skin because I feel like you're creating so much more work. For yourself, I'll show you what I mean, look how pretty and you know I don't like to extend my hair too much, maybe I should do it since this is the side that shouldn't be done. I'm not going to extend the hair from here beyond the foil line, let's see, this is what people take as a little this little or even sometimes I've seen people who only have this amount of hair on their foil and I don't understand why they do that because they could be doing, they're doing more work for themselves by only using half the space of the foil, another thing too is not just going through and just sliding it on top.
I'm going to do that here, we'll see. it does come out smeared but I don't know if you noticed it in my other video or not in my other video, my other side that I was going through was coming in like this and I was actually brushing the foil like this, that's how it is. I'm making sure that I'm penetrating this section of hair and I'm getting to the other side to make sure that you know underneath it also saturates so that our side doesn't do this and then people you know bend it. This way, let me show you how I use all the aluminum foil.
Look how much more hair I'm leaving out. I mean, that will create a full corner section if you go up the entire side of the head the same as that side. All you would have left is this back section, but since you're just using this big part of the foil, say you come here the same with that side and then you go up the back, now you'll have these two sections here on each side. because you didn't use the full length of the foil, so you're doing more work for yourself right now somewhere else, don't do it, I'm going to foil like we get out of the mohawk, I'm going to do it. foil this way versus this way and I feel like now the style is really soft and blended.
I mean, I know I see a lot of contrast and dimension coming back, but no and not in the sense that it's the old school way of


, so we're just going to take this section as, look, this is the size that I see that a lot of people get frustrated and you say, wait, you're just not using as much space as you could, like I see people doing this right down the center. mohawk and it's like they're just frustrating this part when they could let you know all this or I see people do this and call it good.
These are pretty big sections here too, so I feel like they're really thick slices that I'm taking, I'm going really fast, it's not like you know how to go this way, I guess it'll be smeared. This is probably what happens when people say, "Oh, my stylist, I'm in and out in two hours and I can assume that you know that she's not doing all the extra detail work that you know, making sure your paper section of aluminum is very saturated, and I have to refill my lye, so I'll be right back. Okay, I'm back, so another thing.
Isn't that what I thought? I've seen a lot of stylus these people do with the. which I've actually worked with in the past. They say they're making a whole head of sheets and then they'll literally mix all of their bleach in like three bowls so it's right next to them ready for that service and I never say anything because I don't want you. know to question people or question them or whatever, it's not my place, but they'll be fine, so I'll start with 10 volumes down on the back and then I'll mix it up and make 30 volumes, you know, the upper section that way can reach the level. and they'll make that 30 volume right away while they're mixing things up to start the foil on the back and what happens then is when you know if you're taking an hour to get here by the time you get to this part.
Do you really think volume 30 is already effective? I mean, it's probably as weak as volume 10 because it sat for so long and oxidized like the power was literally gone, so don't overmix your bowls, don't pre-mix your bowls until you need them, you're going to do more, you're going to waste product or you're going to say: why can't I lift it? and I keep forgetting that this is what not to do. section so you know I'm not going to tighten it to the root again because you know I see people doing that well and I think I'm going to go with one more here yet. and just remember if this is the look that someone wants to have where they want it to be more streaked and you know okay, this works great, I use it sometimes, but I usually do it and comb the section back like that.
It's a little bit softer and has a more modern look compared to the old school foiling so I'm going to finish this side up, I mean you guys I've literally seen people do it like this like where do you see if I can do it or they're just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing and squeezing and squeezing trying to make their um trying to make their foil extremely flat and I don't know if it's an OCD thing that they want to like. nice and clean, you know where they are, just tighten it up and make sure it's nice and flat on your head and whatever it is, I just broke it off like that it's no use so this is my handicap now that we're on.
I'm going to turn around here to our dewy side, so the way I like to do my share of the money if someone wants it to be brighter around their hairline is I know I've got these guys in the way and usually that wouldn't be a problem. it's mainly because I have this, oh, another thing, no, no, don't come here after you've already done your foils and move them, you'll just lift them off the scalp, like look at that. you're pulling on these the more you move them you lift them you pull you say that's what someone does I mean I see a lot of people do that so I'm actually going to do it right now to get them out of the way because that's something you shouldn't do do and you'll see why later on when here you see there's lye right there, now I've removed it and now it's exposed, you can't really see it.
Okay, here we go, it's exposing bleach right here, so when the foils are put back on, they're going to bleed into this hair up here, so never move the foils once you've put them on and if you have to move them. I have a technique that I can show you that way, they're like raised from the head, you don't have to worry about moving them or anything. You know when people walk by and they do the foils and then they want to go. through and do the touch up and everything and then they have to move all their blades and all that just creates bleeds creates lift from the root.
You're not going to have the foils directly on your scalp, so move this around a little more. because here I would like a very soft weave for the money piece area right at the hairline and see, instead of going in like this, I make sure to sweep it out and make sure I get a good saturation. to the bottom of the hair lift this up and make sure you get saturation down there yes it takes longer yes it requires more product and yes the end result is much better so you know it's a win-win make sure you go to come back here, pressing the sheets up to the scalp.
I've literally seen people you know where they drag the sheet down and then leave it like that. Make sure you re-tighten the foil and I. I'm not going to come in here and push this. I'm just going to do it. Normally I wouldn't even do that, but since it's in the form, that's why I'm doing it right and let's just do one more little weave. here I think on the other side I was on the streets because that's not what someone wants okay but generally a weave is preferred for a softer effect right now the style has a softer effect on the hair you know the people don't want to have this hard line of growth and all that, so I mean, do you see them doing any of the things in the don't section?
Is there anything they said? Oh, that's me, hey, that was me at one point. also so you know that we are all here to learn and do better, so okay, I'll go up here and close that side because I usually never close both sides. I close one side to secure it. I don't like to close theother side because what happens is you have a lye that really expands, but you like to secure both sides and close that lye. It's going to like to come out and the only direction it can go is up which will cause more bleeding, where if you let one side open it can expand more to the side instead of up and you won't have the risk of have bleeds, okay, I'm going to drop this side down again, I'm going to show you look how much they've lifted off the foil because I moved them up, I mean, it was tight and secure and now it's completely like lifted up, like this that's not good, okay, I'm just going to start right here, I don't want to go all the way down, so the way I do my frustration is to come out and act like you know, really good. knitting and it really depends on what the client wants.
Do you want pretty, shiny pieces? If they do, you can make just a very soft fabric. Do you want me to have some bold pieces that you can go with as a soft slice? I like it. blend it in because people, I mean, the thing is that all the hair is on top of it, so it's all going to blend together really well, so if you do a slice you're not necessarily going to see that straight part, you know. Blonde because it falls into the hair that's generated on top of it and because you're doing your foils this way until they blend really well when you pull it back, you won't see the lines in the hair that you're going to use. to see the soft sheets we made around the hairline and that's not what I mean, normally I would spread out and like to work all the way up so I never fold the sides unless I get to this section and these are on the path so maybe fold them back remember we're going this way to make sure we get to the bottom of the foil section look at this very saturated underneath and then the next one because I don't I don't think I've shown you the other side. um, I'm just going to slide it down the top before I go over and saturate.
I'm going to show you the difference and now we're going to continue with just a weave again because I just made a cut and tilted my head and I can already see this whitening there so it's like that's going to drive me crazy so we're going to do a very smooth weave and guys, the difference between a baby light. I mean, this is a weave because I see I feel like baby light is a very important term right now, so we're just going to go ahead and do a normal weave and I'm not going to wave it around because I'm trying to show you.
Guys, the difference, so we're just going to go and I don't know, because it wasn't a slice, it might not show exactly, so let's say we only did the top, look at all this stuff below that didn't saturate, so that's you really need to make sure you do it with a heavy hand and just push the bleach through the section that way, you make sure you have good saturation, it's evenly distributed and you won't have to worry about having spots. your sections or your foils or something like that and that's the difference between a stylist doing a full foil in and out in two hours versus taking the time to really make sure that you're doing a good job having great saturation and making sure that your product It fits very well and it is doing an efficient job, so one was a normal fabric.
Here I am going to review and show you just one baby light. I feel like a baby light is like one. fine, small weave, it's a lot less than what you know about a standard weave, but I feel like I see that word in so many baby lights, well, you're really just making a weave, I mean, do you see how fine this is, look what's like me? I'm trying to cover this up, look how good that is for me, light baby, just little strands of hair, that's fine and honestly the thinner your sections the better lift you'll have.
I have people message me and they're like, oh, how do you get your level three dark clients to go super blonde? And the honest answer is to make it with aluminum foil, which takes about five hours because my sections are so thin that it's a ridiculous amount of foil that you're making a ridiculous amount of. of time and product because you want to make sure that you have extremely high saturation, especially with darker hair clients, because you want to make sure that you get that lift in there, so now let's make that stay there, here's the top of our section and we're just going to start with another soft weave, so this is my favorite way to foil the side of the head again.
I recognize that it's all about preference and how people like to frustrate or what their clients wanted as an end result. But a lot of my clients want a partial sheet and I asked them: do you know how you like your growth? Do you like to have softer growth? You know, oh yeah, I don't like to have heavy growth, I like to be able to see a little bit, you know, I don't want heavy roots or whatever, this is a really good way to keep it from growing too much, where you see you know the lines in the hair and, as the hair grows, like a street part.
This way it gets a lot smoother and blends a lot better, that's why I like to foil this way and generally the clients don't care, they just say, oh, whatever you want to do, so yeah , what should and should not be done. of frustrating what not to do, so we'll leave this process and I'll just keep an eye on it. I'll probably let it sit for about 30 minutes or so and show you guys after it finishes processing, okay? I wanted to show you here, look how nice and bright, and even this one didn't stay as long as the other side and you can see it's a very nice, even shade.
Now let's move on to this side. and look how much warmer it is, it has a lot more orange undertones, there are a lot of areas where there are darker pieces and it definitely didn't lift up as well as the other side, um, you can see where the stains are, where we wrinkled the sheets and that's because because we don't make sure we get the bottom. We squeezed the sheets to remove the bleach in those areas, so the lift wasn't as good or uniform and definitely not. It doesn't get as shiny all over as the other side, so on this side, as I'm drying, you can see those lines in the hair and that's what clients don't want to see.
I understand that yes, there may be some clients who do. I want that kind of look and those clients never sit in my chair, so I don't know if there might be someone who would be okay with having that kind of style because they don't know any better or because they've never had their hair frustrated. like the opposite side, but people came and sat in my chair and it's like I saw your aluminum foil where you mixed it to make it grow very well on the hairline and that's what made me decide to come to you in instead of the person they normally go to so I'll show you a little better here, look at those racing stripes, that's when I refer to that in my videos, that's what I'm talking about, right there, those stripes that go around the head and then now I'll show you the other side where it just blends so well it looks like the sun highlights it naturally and when the hair grows you can't see a rough growth outline it just grows smoothly and blends much better and the growth is minimal because there aren't those hard lines of demarcation that show you where the growth is okay and here I wanted to show you how much more blended it is on the sides, so look how fine those pieces are. it blends so well that the whole side looks nice and highlighted, but it's not really super marbled or anything, it just has a really nice, soft, subtle highlighting effect and look how uniform it is, it just looks so pretty and natural and I mean, there's such a big difference with that, so I highly recommend not doing foil like stacked on the side of the head and start foiling more vertically to get a nicer, softer look and that should really do happy your clients because they will be able to go much longer without feeling like they have a horrible growth, okay, now we are on this side, the side that should not be placed on top of the aluminum foil, just outside the line, and you can see how thick and streaky the hair looks and yes this is honestly one of my favorite looks but I still wouldn't frustrate them like this.
I feel like there's a modern way you can go through and do a more striped look, maybe comb the foils back instead of just pushing them to the top of the part because that's They'll have the worst growth, they'll have a line of demarcation very marked and you just won't be as happy with your hair, so here we'll go over it and I'll show you that it's a little hard to see. but when I was doing it in person, you could really see the stains and where we wrinkled them. I don't know if you can see that line there, it's a little hard to see, but there are definitely spots.
Right there there are definitely orange stained areas where we folded the aluminum foil and where the bleach couldn't penetrate very well because I pressed that fold so hard multiple times and that's why I cringe when I see people doing that because I It's like you have bleach stains or whatever, so anyway we're going to go over here and just show you the unevenness of the lights and it's not something drastic like, oh my gosh. That's very obvious, but they're pretty simple things that we notice or that I would notice that make me feel like it's definitely not a good job done and something that I wouldn't be able to charge my prices for if I were working. so because I feel that this is not quality work.
I understand that people learn and we can all like to grow to do better and those are things that I have learned not to do anymore and also move the sheets back and forth, I want to do it. Go in here a little bit more where you can see where the roots are because we lift them back and forth and it's not much, maybe it's just barely outside the roots, but you can see on the side that the blades don't reach all the way. to the scalp and it bothers me if I make a sheet and I can see that my sheet is not directly on the scalp if that bleach does not reach the head as you can see, there is a little bit of only some have already grown and that makes me feel that I did a bad job because they already leave the appointment with a little bit of growth and maybe it's only like an eighth or just the smallest amount, but for me it's enough to feel like it's not close enough to the scalp and it's from moving those blades back and forth, there you can see where we didn't get very close to the roots and up here, on the other side.
I can see that we got down to the roots, it blends together much better, you can't see where one starts and the other ends because it all blends together so well and I'm going to be honest, clients don't know the difference between someone like someone. I'll go in and ask them, "Oh, how do you like your foils? Do you like to go straight to the mohawk section or do you like it to be more blended? And a lot of people, almost everyone now says they want their hair to be more blended." ". and the stylists will still do some of my part, they will still foil that way, but maybe in little thin sheets and much closer and many, many more, but it still creates a part that when the hair grows out you still see it. lines in the hair, that's why I do it this way no matter what, because it just creates a much more blended look and clients are always much happier with this way of foiling and if they've never had their hair foiled this way, Always I say, "My God, what did you do differently?" My hair blends much more, it looks much more natural.
I don't see thick lines in their hair and they are always much happier when I frustrate them. side of the head on the combed side because it looks much softer and blended and they are always much happier to have their hair this way and I'm just trying to show you here that look is much more uniform and that the highlights are from the roots Even the ends have a nice, uniform tone and you don't see those spots that you saw on the other side last time. Here's the side of what not to do and you guys, there is a way to achieve high contrast, and if you want me to make a video about that?
I'll do it and here's the softer side. Softer growth. The client will be much happier when they have much smoother growth than before. There will not be a very clear line of demarcation. Thank you all so much for watching, I hope. This helped me. If I have more


, this is kind of the basics. I'll try to make another video if you want it to have more details, so thank you all so much for watching and don't forget to like and subscribe.

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