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Fizzy the Pet Vet Helps Disney PixarTurning Red Mei Panda

Mar 14, 2024
what's going on im trying


magic on myself well you know its very hard to do


magic on yourself but i know someone who can help who am I oh yes you can use phoebe magic exactly what kind of magic I need to do, well, Phoebe, I'd like to have. teeth I have an idea phoebe ah phoebe what did you do some magic phoebe now miss hands can make you teeth oh okay fizzy so fizzy doesn't have teeth he wants teeth so I'm going to give him teeth okay this can It doesn't seem like much right now but If I put some dough in these little teeth molds, I can make teeth that look like this and put them in his mouth and teeth that look like this and these look like molars, so I'll put them in the behind his mouth there are teeth that come like this, they're called canines, they go up and look at this tooth here, this looks like a molar too, so we'll put it in the back of your mouth, oh miss hands, I don't.
fizzy the pet vet helps disney pixarturning red mei panda
I think he has enough teeth, but don't worry, Phoebe, I'll put all the teeth in his mouth. Oh, great, let's put in the rest of your teeth. Stay very still. I will be kind and gentle. We'll put the top tooth in. very carefully, they are very important teeth here we go, how are you doing with gas? I'm fine, great, I'm glad you're fine. We have another canine tooth coming in up here and we're almost done with your top teeth great, are you doing my bottom teeth? The bottom teeth are next, okay, half of your bottom teeth are in, we just need to do the other half, There's one, two, three and now your teeth are ready, how do I look?
fizzy the pet vet helps disney pixarturning red mei panda

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fizzy the pet vet helps disney pixarturning red mei panda...

You look great with fizzy teeth, wow fizzy, your teeth are so white. and beautiful, how do you take care of your teeth, miss hands, that's a great question, Phoebe, so every day in the morning and at night I want you to brush your teeth with toothpaste, take the back of your teeth , the front of your teeth, make sure you have your bottom teeth, your top teeth and the inside of your teeth and I want you to also floss between your teeth because your toothbrush can't reach between those teeth. Can I get braces? Oh yes, I can give you braces.
fizzy the pet vet helps disney pixarturning red mei panda
Hey, what color would you like your braces? They will be red red braces, but first I need to make the metal wire that goes around your teeth, so I need to extend my metal. We have some metal wire ready to go and I'm extruding the metal wire for the bottom. teeth because we are going to make it a little thicker than the wire for the upper teeth. Now we are doing the part of the braces that is going to be red. We just roll this around here and now we put them on your teeth. these will hold the metal wire in place okay let's go ahead and put the metal wire on okay gassy go ahead close your mouth a little bit okay and now we put these on your top teeth and we have one more to go great now.
fizzy the pet vet helps disney pixarturning red mei panda
I just need our metal wire to go to the top teeth and fizzy, you have braces, how amazing, thank you miss hands, you're welcome fizzy, take good care of those teeth, I'll appreciate it, miss anne, see you later, bye fizzy, no I can wait. Go eat some ice cream, what was that soda? I can't wait to go eat ice cream, soft with sugar and make sure you brush your teeth, okay, bye, five minutes later, oh soda, what are you doing? I'm about to do it. eat some ice cream, oh okay, but don't eat too much sugar, make sure you brush your teeth, I know, I know, delicious ice cream, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, some more, yum , yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
I'm very sleepy I think I'll stop brushing my teeth tonight I'll just brush my teeth in the morning oh dizzy you need to brush your teeth at night and in the morning just this time I won't brush my teeth oh fizzy be careful when you start doing something it might become a habit which means you might keep forgetting to brush your teeth oh interesting tomorrow time oh I forgot to brush my teeth okay I'll do it tonight more ice cream fries it's time to go for a checkup but oh my teeth hurt teeth maybe it's time to take off my braces hello fizzy how are your teeth they hurt a little oh no let me see what's going on open up and say ah okay let's see here oh god there are a lot of cavities here especially on the back of the teeth.
Have you been brushing and flossing your teeth? Sometimes, sometimes, every day, no, not every day. Remember that you should brush every day and when you brush, you should recover the back. of your teeth all right, not just the front of your teeth, oopsie, okay, gassy, ​​we're going to take these braces off and we're going to take care of these cavities, okay, so first we're going to take your braces off, we're going to take the wires off, okay? ? these little brackets that keep the cables on, oh there was a cavity under that one and the last one down here okay take the ones on top okay now that the brackets are out let me take another look oh boy yeah , many cavities are gaseous, we will drill.
This cavity is fine and now we are going to put something called a filling that fills the hole where the cavity is, we are going to need to work a lot on these back teeth because there are many cavities, many perforations and many fillings wow I needed so many fillings it looks like a gold tooth in fact this tooth is also gold and over here another gold tooth and right here is another gold tooth so bubbly I know you weren't brushing your teeth especially in the Come back here, tell me about the food you're eating. Lots of ice cream, chips and cookies.
Wow, that has a lot of fizzy sugar in it. Let me feed you and show you more healthy options in our refrigerator. Here, oh, we have an apple. Here you go, mmm. Yum Yum so the fruits and vegetables are very healthy to eat down here I have carrots for you Yum Yum Yum Yum and here we have peas Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Eggs are also healthy Here you have Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum and let's take our fruit bowls and we have a banana here, wow, that's a long banana, let's make a fruit smoothie, we can put the banana in there, we can even put spinach or kale, which you won't even taste, trust me, and a strawberry in there.
Come on, let's just turn on the blender. Wow, when we mix the yellow banana with the red strawberry, we have an orange smoothie. Pour it into this cup. Are you ready to drink your fizzy smoothie? Here you go, yum, yum, delicious, although these are healthy foods. They contain sugar so you still need to brush your teeth at least once in the morning and once at night, it got fizzy, I have one more thing, phoebe, wow, I'm back, awesome, hey, where did your teeth go? ? We may have to do it. Do more magic to give me teeth again.
Oh, that will be fun. We hope you have a fantastic and busy day. See you next time.

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