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Fixing My Subscribers Beats In FL Studio!

Jun 01, 2021
What's happening? Welcome back to the channel. My name is Simon Cerveda. Let's fix some


before we start the video. I wanted to announce that I am dropping my first official music theory course called Pro Level Beats. This course is pretty much everything I've ever done. I've learned over the last 10 years when it comes to music, there are over 50 videos with over eight hours of content and the best thing about this course is that I designed it for the modern producer. I know music theory can be a little boring, but I don't just teach music theory, I show you how to apply that to modern music and I guarantee that once you take this course, all these little problems like tuning your 808s and finding a progression of chords and making a countermelody will fix it.
fixing my subscribers beats in fl studio
It will be much easier, so if you are a producer looking to take your music to the next level, I suggest you take my course. It will be available in a few days and once it is ready I will update the description as well. like the pink comment, welcome back to the series where I break down beginner reviews and uh let's get into it, brought to you by rockstar, says my first recorded guitar beat, I'm intrigued, I like this one, yeah, okay, this one It's a very good idea, although I like it. all the pieces you have, so the first thing I want to do is separate these two guitar melodies so they don't clash as much.
fixing my subscribers beats in fl studio

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fixing my subscribers beats in fl studio...

Okay, the first thing I want to do is separate them in the stereo, so I want the cables to be very wide and panned and then I'll have that main melody in the center, I'll have some reverb here just to separate a little more, I'll take out some of the treble from the cables, I'll just let the melody have that headspace. What is this? What is that? What are you when you show voices like this? When you play them in a different key, the key will change completely, so you'll get a lot of off notes. One is really out of place.
fixing my subscribers beats in fl studio
This is good. so let's keep it up tall hats are good clap is good let's fix this 808 yeah oh no oh no oh no there it's okay I don't want to add an open hat oh there's an open hat he just makes everything so quiet you don't even notice this one anymore it was a really good beat it just needed a little cleaning up ok funk beat says hey simon please fix my beat it's boring i'll be the judge of that that clap is a little weird ok not bad i can definitely hear what he's trying to do.
fixing my subscribers beats in fl studio
I think we need to change a couple of sounds. I definitely want to check out the applause because I'm not feeling it. Oh, I thought it sounded familiar when I designed it. I really wanted this clap to be for more ambient


, that's why you can hear a lot of layers in the sound, but for this particular beat I think a really loud clap would work well, yeah definitely, same for the kick. I think it's too strong for that's my kick, damn this one is clipped and distorted. I think something a little softer would be much better.
What is this sound? Oh, it's a nice little layer, let's stutter a little bit right before that fourth one. one, then he does this bass riff and he goes up an octave every two bars and I think it might be too much, yeah, I like that, that's cool too. I wanted to go to D after the digital noise distortion, um, so we're doing a D minor. At first let's stay on those notes and then the next chord is something else. I'm going to put in a little delay just to space out those beats and the intro is a good place to bump the 808 up an octave. to export it like this and we can do a high step on it, I think we can automate the volume so it swells, maybe we automate the flute with it, wait, there we go, maybe we automate the reverb, so all we did was a couple arrangement. changes and now it's less boring in my opinion this guy says "your melody" now I have to see what he made interesting from the beginning the first thing I do is make it faster just because the melody I made is very slow yeah if you're adding another one melody on top of that would probably be fine, but if you're going to let this happen on its own, it's not enough, we'll just speed this up until it doesn't sound slow, that sounds good maybe. a little bit faster, this 808 has a little clicking sound, so I'm going to move it up so it's a lot cleaner.
Oh, it's not a key when you have the snare playing the two and the four if you have these between them. We would lower them so you don't lose that initial rhythm or we can lower it in pitch, that would be fun, okay, let's look at the hi-hats, oh, that's a lot, that's a lot of hi-hat. The pattern is cool, but it needs a lot of speed changes just because a lot of weird rhythms are emphasized, so let's make it swell and go down. I'll cut it in half, it's too long, this one is very strange. beats the last thing I'm going to do is the randomizer just play with the pan play with the pitch slightly that's cool let's make it a little quieter oh my god oh no what are the levels?
Get it all down, super simple, let's do it. One more thing with the sample to complete it, so when I'm too lazy to make a countermelody, I like to just duplicate the original sample and we manipulate it there so we can show this. eighth, maybe we can offset it, that's already pretty good and then I just do a different processing to make them stand out a little more, let's listen to the before and after, okay, so we have this guy called shooter, he says he's from India and he's not happy with the pace and okay, okay, let's listen to what's going on, it looks good, that's cool too, this one is interesting because I think all the pieces are there, it just needs some adjustments before nothing, the tempo 109.482, you just have to round it up.
The next thing is that your intro is too long, so we have just one instrument playing and then here we are setting up. I think it's about to drop into this section, but no, it's just more intro then you have the break. here and then I'm thinking, okay, sure he's going to drop it there, no, it's a delayed drop because you drop it right here, it's just a bunch of trickery, so the first thing I'm going to do is move that lift right there . I'm going to move that and we're going to cut it in half.
I'll move everything. Yes, and the intro sounds good. I wouldn't even change this at all. Oh, he's going crazy. Okay, there's a lot of weird stuff mixed in. you've done good, let's look at the drums, it's too much reverb oh my god, that kick is okay, so what's going on with this kick? Okay, so he's superimposing two kicks, oh my God, he's superimposing three kicks on top of each other. look at the clipping come on it's not that serious okay let's bring it all in and then it went oh man that's exactly what the hell it is okay yeah this kick drum is too much if you want a hard hitting kick drum just get a sample punchy, okay, that's cool, I like the idea, I think those frequencies are harsh, I break them down and I would give it a lot of reverb, okay, that's a lot, I don't care, but that can't be that's not the only one pattern you have, we have to space it out, so I'll have it every eight bars, that's a lot of stuff on an 808, okay, the bass just playing long notes like that is really boring me, let's have some more fun with the bass.
It had many good pieces. These were mainly mixing problems. Okay, thank you very much for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed it if you want to be in the next fix my beat video. I practically announced it on my Instagram, so follow me there once again, stay tuned for my music course and I'll see you soon if you have any suggestions, leave a comment if you like this video, leave a like if you really like it. like this video subscribe if you didn't like this video leave just leave get out of here

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