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Fixies auf Eis: Das ultimative Akrobatik-Duell! | Die Fixies | Animation für Kinder

Apr 09, 2024
very nice to her and you pet her, then the sun sets and you hear that she thought it was excellent coffee. the machine flashes when you are ready to work again turn on the screen you see that she responds to us as if she were really alive then the coffee machine makes coffee it is very possible that it is time for a surprise but don't tell our secret, you fixed it, what is it your secret? Simply put, if you are good with the devices, then they will handle you well. The magical taste of coffee was first enjoyed in Arabia.
fixies auf eis das ultimative akrobatik duell die fixies animation f r kinder
That is why the most famous type of coffee is called Vika. Coffee trees grow all over the world in mountainous regions where it was and is humid, the branches of coffee trees are full of coffee bears, but to drink coffee we don't need the bears, only the seeds they contain after the beans are roasted. and then they are ground, hot water is added. Each culture serves coffee differently. some hot, others cold, with sugar, with milk, with ice cream, with cinnamon, with ginger and even with salt or pepper. They say that coffee gives people energy and helps them not feel so tired but it is important not to drink too much.
fixies auf eis das ultimative akrobatik duell die fixies animation f r kinder

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fixies auf eis das ultimative akrobatik duell die fixies animation f r kinder...

You are very much a true incredible magician I never thought that an ordinary coffee machine could be so emotional poor thing forgive me yes and that's not all if you are very good with a coffee machine you can even sing a song to Augustin August now I can I hear voices now you have completely enchanted me Tom Thomas it's time to go Augustin oh dear Augustin Augustin why did you sing? Sorry, it didn't happen like that. Yes, with me too, sing it to me again. Yes, exactly Christine Augustin August Plastik, that's how it was. a great moment if you train even harder now you will break the record yes yes it's the right time to take it in your hands Wait a minute please did you take out the trash?
fixies auf eis das ultimative akrobatik duell die fixies animation f r kinder
I didn't have time for it. Well, that's exactly what I wanted. listen and the bottle on the table you need it super thank you I have five more and that's just the beginning of our mission our rescue mission rescue mission it could be dad it's maybe the super you think you're too weird that's so funny who else stays on a secret rescue mission and the bottles? Do you mean you need them? Their heroic feats managed to separate plastic waste. Ha. is a man-made material, thick and durable. Many practical things are made from it, toy packaging, gadgets and even furniture, but plastic should not be thrown away like that: nature cannot break it down, so at some point the earth could be buried under a thick layer. plastic layer.
fixies auf eis das ultimative akrobatik duell die fixies animation f r kinder
We can all help prevent this catastrophe. Throwing plastic in plastic containers instead of harming the planet with it, you could turn it into something useful, no, that doesn't make sense. Kika superheroes, let's not collect garbage, we are proving ourselves, you see, of course, that is our evolution, I mean the revolution, together we save our earth. Really lucky Thomas, together we saved our land. Do you have more plastic in the room so I can take a second? But you still need these things for something like this noble mission. No problem. We must take care of the usable things.
Dad. I really like. help you with what you are doing you know that the mission is to save the planet as you said on the phone you mean to collect plastic or of course I already have some boxes with me full of plastic we take them to recycle why and If we don't do what we can to recycle, I fear that our planet will become a huge garbage dump. There are many things that people simply throw away that can be turned into something completely different, for example a pen can be made from ordinary plastic. a bottle, a watch, a chair, plates and even clothes;
For example, there are factories where old plastic is sorted, shredded, washed and then stretched to form threads that can be used to make clothes, not fantastic, but that is only possible if people learn to throw away together. unused bottles and bags, glasses and other plastic pieces separately from the rest of the waste. Imagine how happy nature would be if mountains and mountains of plastic disappeared from the forests and seas. I thought you were trying to save the planet like a superhero actually we are superheroes and we are a bit like magicians. Actually, one moment you see this t-shirt that is made from recycled plastic bottles like these, it's cool or amazing, so you are ready for these happy moments. people go, they can throw away the trash and we sexy ones do everything we can to extend the life of the devices so they don't get thrown away and we should also separate the trash, that's a good idea, helicopters are very important and I need your advice later, girls, I can. don't wait hello hello we have this in mind what is important we don't want there to be any problem in our project it's a long time and the fire is full it's full of blood it's not me pepper aviator Helicopters fly with the help of propellers the biggest one is called main rotor wing.
When the raw int rotates, the rotor pushes the air down with such force that it puts the helicopter out of commission. Of course, helicopters can't fly as fast as airplanes, but you can easily do it. Land in a small area and unlike airplanes, helicopters can fly for a long time, stay still in the air and even fly backwards, it helps guide us to the left, now leave it, oh yes, good morning, I'm stupid , but you're smart enough to know that. how dangerous is it wait, wait, that is a fascinating motor controlled machine. Leonardo da Vinci himself made a design and look at how they drive now, that is very impressive, you are a genius, the way you drive it and you are so smart and brave.
Girls think that boys like that are very cute, yes, that's how I understand it, you're great and now I'm landing Eva, we have to jump, you could have crashed and if it weren't for us If you hadn't distracted our pilot, everything would have gone good. A real pilot is not easily distracted and first has to learn to fly correctly with a simulator. But we don't have anyone waiting here. Trains and even cars are complicated machines that are difficult to handle and if you don't pay attention to what you are doing you can quickly have an accident.
That is why future pilots, machinists and machinists receive comprehensive training in which they learn to fly. an airplane or control a train with the help of simulators that can. For example, the exact copy of a cabin only without wings and with screens instead of windows. You operate the wheel and the cockpit moves as you fly and on the screen. You see the land passing under the clouds. Is awesome. Professional pilots have to do a lot of simulations like this before they can fly a real plane. Our pilot simulator is ready. Oh, amazing, I tried it and voila, kids, that's right, pepper.
I'll come see you so you can take a look at it. You know how sometimes they help each other. I'm just paying attention. Hey, wait. I'm here now. Boys can't be serious. They are always doing stupid things. We have to take care of an important matter, you're right, I just don't know how to use them, maybe at Paco's market, oh yes, that's very important, not like the kids with their nonsense, Eating bread with butter while playing, that's what your mom does. I said, come on, don't distract me oh no, now that I've lost it's called Murphy's Law no Lake no, that's the bread and butter law the bread and butter law that's not a real law they always say open the bread the butter side falls, scientists laugh about it, but there is some truth in this, first of all, a sandwich usually falls off the low table and that's why you only have time to turn it over half;
Secondly, the side of the breast with the butter is heavy and that drags it to the floor and thirdly, people remember the bad things that happened to them so they believe that bread and butter always ends badly, that's nonsense, right? I believe in this law it is true and money is not only connected we have masses here we distribute we put it on the bread and we throw it all clear That is what we are doing now on the side of the jam in the background aha the side of the cheese too and The chocolate spread is also no luck, the mozzarella didn't turn out better, don't believe me, however, we'll see what happens next, we try other throwing methods, oh, that's nothing anymore, there, yes, where.
Have you seen him, hey turkey, show him how to fall properly? I didn't say vandals, why are they allowed around here? food no, that's terrible hey give it back to me please let's try the law of bread and butter you're not serious your mother will totally do it It's great, you can finally put Halloween on the plate it's too hard for us to hold it it's good, that's right Tonis Do you have any idea how much more delicious this turkey is? I think it is a healthy food with a lot of protein. Vitamins and what are the micronutrients.
There's more if you're the turkey, then you'll grow through this sandwich. You can definitely grow. 1 cm yes and that will give you extra strength that you will need when you clean the kitchen People not only eat to get stronger but also to grow and develop look at all the different foods do you think there is something in common? In reality, each food has nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the correct combination is the secret of nutritional science. Eating carbohydrates and fats gives people energy, while proteins are essential for children to grow. People like to eat delicious, fresh and varied foods. to eat the healthiest foods possible.
Salads and soups have to be potatoes and meat and not just sandwiches, but when it's time to do a little trick, a sandwich can be ideal and is very easy to prepare. bread come on, there's only one slice left, I did an experiment, a real one, I understand now scientists require sacrifices and without a doubt scientific experiments are much better than all day playing with the cell phone, right, can you give me another piece of turkey, no, I don't know why, but today I'm really hungry, oh, that's what I call Murphy's law, no, that's got daddy's heart, I've got a screw loose, why do you know what you're doing?
Because I have a real problem, what is happening? Don't know. I don't know which group to choose Johnny has enrolled in robotics and Katja Fischer that is a problem Go with Johnny, why not with Katja but then I won't do robotics Mom says I should go to mine Listen to the heart, do you know how? do it I have it by then I have to start the heart is the main pump of a living organism it is a unique muscular organ with numerous blood vessels hanging from it the main function of the heart is to constantly move blood through the human body Point of the heart around of six liters of blood per minute although this pump is not too big soon the fist your heart is about the same size to ensure your heart stays healthy you have to exercise a lot and eat healthy please help me why I'm interesting and do you know What does the word heartless mean?
I think it's a human disease. Can I say heartless is when a sexy person or person neglects someone who has a problem? Thank you, very young. I mean, boy, fuck you. The lack of hate remains forever. Of course, we don't have to help each other more often. That's right my friend, here I am. How are you? How am I? Why do you ask? By the way, now I know how to listen to your heart. You need a tube called. deathscope but I don't have one for that I'm here for this it's too small your mom has one oh yeah and it beats loudly and what not she doesn't say a word to you and now it beats what was that? absurd a heart can't speak you know why why don't you try again who's there it's your heart that speaks boom boom can you hear me aha?
I think robotics is right for you and what about chess. Who cares about chess? Robots are so much cooler, that voice reminds me of someone, so this is what you look like, my sweet little heart. Now it is done when a person's heart beats in red between 60 and 100 times per minute, this rhythm is calledPulse beat put two fingers on your wrist or on your neck you can hear it boom boom boom boom you can count the beats when you sleep your pulse It slows down but when you wonder you run or you worry or you're afraid your heart beats faster and pumps the blood harder sometimes it feels like it's beating so fast you say oh my heart is still jumping out of my chest but you don't.
Worry is not jumping anywhere and when someone says listen to your heart it doesn't mean that the heart can speak, it means that you should trust each other and listen to your feelings and then you will definitely find the answer that you are looking for. It seems that in the end I have no heart. I couldn't help my friend at all. Zero, you really helped. I finally know which group I should go to. I don't want to go, I want to learn medicine. The traffic light is yellow, green, okay, let's go. Why do we stop then? pedestrians pass by.
Wow, why do we stop here? There is no zebra crossing, but that is a barrier. You have to let the train pass. Wow, that's great. Hi nolek, how come this traffic light is new? Is it a real traffic light? yes it looks great just link and seeQuick, are you crazy? What have you done? I just wanted this cool traffic light, look what my dad has that he just gave me today, she gave you this, you ran out into the street when the traffic light came on. It was red. A traffic light is a streetlight that sends multicolored signals to vehicles and pedestrians so that they do not get in each other's way when they go up.
On the street, the traffic light is red, that means stop, you must stay where she is, the yellow light shows her bike. Be careful, stop immediately. You will only be able to cross the street when the traffic light shows green, and even then it is important to move in both directions and look before crossing. the street, you understand, you can only cross the street when it's green, noelix says, little kids know this, but the traffic light was green, no, it was red, my green was green, I swear, maybe you're colorblind or something like that, yeah, possible, um, what's that colorblind thing that means you can't distinguish colors, so you don't know what red and green are?
That's exactly me, you've never mixed colors before, okay? The color is the red city at night and the plane there oh that's green What about me? What color am I? Green Blue Brown Gray I'm blind Like I said Okay, we'll fix it at home and what do we do with the traffic light, we'll fix it and your car too, what color is the purple car? If you say we have a lot to do, so sit down before you mix things up even more. The road can be a dangerous place. There are so many cars. and pedestrians on the road and everyone is in a hurry to reach their destination, but be careful even if a driver notices a pedestrian on the road and brakes.
He still has a short distance to go before he can stop completely to avoid accidents. each other when you have to cross the street Go to the next traffic light at the zebra crossing or pedestrian signal while at the zebra crossing Look right and left and pay attention to the distance Change cars, motorcycles. or bicycles then stay where you are, the driver is responsible and friendly, he stops when he sees you from a distance, if you want to make yourself more visible in the dark, put safety reflectors on your clothes, then it's for everyone. on the street everything is well operated I turn on the light and it works Yes, on your marks, everything is clear, let's go for your marks, get ready, the game is over, you are not color blind, do you know what a fraud they are aha, well, I have a little here and sometimes it goes up here what's up again I'm the good detective who goes here this movie was great this detective immediately identifies the crimes it's not exactly easy but it sure is very fun ah I think it would be a great case to solve where is it My luck? screwdriver I can't do anything without it there we have it this could be the crime of the century detective are you ready but we're not going to escape? destiny we are not colleagues the time has come if to become a detective or investigator you have to be very attentive and astute because detectives clarify inconsistencies, find lost things and kidnap the craziest cases, for example, those who ate the whole cake without permission .
Detective, the details of these enemies immediately fall into crumbs under the sofa, footprints in the room or in the hallway when you see them. The gays come to the bowl, a real detective will find at the same time that everything is clear, it's time to find out who stole the screwdriver. Can't we find the screwdriver? Now we have to find the thief. Oh, she's the digital pepper. Why are you back in the lab? School ended long ago. I want to talk to the teacher. I have a great idea, what an idea. , it's secret, it's not very believable, everything is clear, suspicious, what did you do after school, what do you mean by suspicious, that must be a misunderstanding, you know the question, you're trying to change the subject, that's all. leaving no screwdrivers or experiments and that's why you stole his lucky screwdriver you are arrested the most important skills of a detective are intelligence and logic Logic is an ancient science that teaches people to use their minds to think in ways that problems can solve the position and riddles you want to know how to feel like a real detective so try to discover what I am describing to you I am thinking of an animal that you can find at home or on the street it has a long tail What do you advise? a dog, a cat or a mouse, aha, the information is not enough either, but if I add that he says meows and sleeps all day, then the answer is clear.
A detective works in the same way, collects the facts and decides which of them is important and Get rid of what's not important and only then find the right answer you understand then you're ready for another puzzle say who doesn't belong here you go oh for a party or I'm under arrest right? playing some kind of reel game do you think an object would bring luck or not oh yeah well and then it's clear that you say yes because you like lucky charms school how long do I have to wait great you have to see that we have caught the criminals who stole the professor's screwdriver awesome come on coil She's staying here for class yeah I get it come on we're not kidding oh and what evidence exactly can you bring what evidence do I have so that's what I thought you don't have fire, she is the accomplice, you, what I say, I will not do it ah, you also know how to be with the other criminals hey we are partners or don't you wait my second now I think you are exactly me I don't know, I swear, I am, for Please tell them you saved it.
I've told you 100 times, please stir. You don't notice my chaos, apparently I was on the wrong path, you would have been better off. Looking for the screwdriver, detectives, I also said, well, we need a new tactic for the next case, what do you mean by that, the next case, where is my lucky welder, so detective, the telescope, did you scare me? with you there is only light he said it would help us beautiful wow look at those stars this telescope is correct the simplest telescope is a tube with two lenses that collects and reflects the light we point the telescope at the distant forest moon we see mountains of cats and cracks in the surface as if they were very close through a telescope we can examine the stars and comets, distinguish the colors and shapes of the planets and find their moons but you can only observe the sun through a telescope if you have a special one. filter that protects the eyes but the best thing is that it rotates not really now let's start let's not go to zero we're not enough I'm writing you a message we're on the computer here I am hello where is everyone yes maybe but I don't eat, what do you mean eaten by monsters ?
That's good. I took a bad turn. Who is the monster? He's huge behind the board. Oh yeah, I think I know what it is. It's a sexy diner, but not sexy faces. It doesn't really exist, it's a monster from a distant planet which is our sun and the earth is not the only planet that revolves around it, but people couldn't even imagine that until the telescope was invented astronomers could finally see what it looks like. our solar system. organized the planet of The closest to our sun is a small planet called coldest, followed by the planet Venus then the Earth then the Sea Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune the farthest it is possible that only life exists on Earth so far not even bacteria living things have been found on the other planets found and much less human life, but we want to believe that deep in space some creature is looking through a telescope and just like we dream of finding its alien brothers, get out now, go to the shit in the face, we need a bait where we can find a zero of milk, lie down, he already knows it, don't worry, it won't hurt you, hand on the heart, the face comes out of you immediately, I got you, Dagi, you liked it, where is the fixi diner?
Have you seen the monster exactly how? the monster is lying down now, where do you got the Gobbler fixi? I saw it through the phone. Buggy, could you go to that corner up there? Uh-huh and now feel free to say or Buggy, what do you think the glue is here now? They are a cool team, I'm right, no, why not, we are super cool, the super cool team in the universe, what do you say we do everything together and never argue? Okay, kids, if you look here, you can see that the handle of the teacher's favorite.
The cup has broken and it is our duty to repair it by gluing it back here. We are inseparable friends. Please, you two are late today, why don't you fly to the warehouse for us and bring the glue? Brilliant. jump into the tube, great, more than enough, we will glue it, go ahead, you can almost do it with the help of glue, glue everything, paper, plastic, glass, rubber, wood and even metal, glue works very well because everything, even a Plain sheet of paper has a rough surface. Look at these holes and it's wet. If we take two sheets of paper, we fill these grooves with glue and press them to bring the molecules together.
After that the glue just has to dry and now the kids are flying haha. good idea everyone will have fun yes keep your heads up well done people sit down and put your hands on the table we can't do that we walk against each other strengthen our friendship it's true my animal could you really look for friendship 1 2 3 if I have to go but I still want to be there it's all your fault and whoever said I should jump enough is enough I'm tired of your nonsense from now on you're no longer my friend It's not clear how many of the substances people use.
Glue was also invented by nature itself. For example, fish glue their eggs and mollusks produce a sticky liquid with which they can stick to the surface. net a bird uses saliva to hold its nest together while caterpillars use their saliva to spin their coconut the resin of a pine or birch tree is glue and the sticky protein can be used as a glue base, but today most glue is manufactured in factories if you are with When working with glue, you should be careful to ventilate the room so that there are no harmful fumes and other safety precautions and do not try to stick somewhere, it may be very difficult for you to separate. again Fire, you didn't save us, we separated, maybe that was the bad thing Glue no, we tried to separate you until the glue lost its adhesive properties and our friendship no longer sticks, you know what, null, sorry, we don't need glue and to stop be friends Peace Peace oh oh just having fun the jewel Tom Thomas lunchtime where's the cheeky one?
Do you have this little one? I don't think he can ask my dog. However, Hello Fixies, maybe you can help me. One of these stones is missing and this pin is the valuable one and the stone even if I have it. Not finding the stone soon means the end, honey, your food will be cold. Don't panic too much, we will find your valuable stone in a moment yours can be really valuable they choose are the rarest and most beautiful stones of all, but you can't find the same amount the man is Emeralds Rubies Sapphires People can be found under land and within the mountains Brave divers dive to the bottom of the sea to find pearls People have performed heroic deeds and committed crimes to obtain these precious jewels The magical brilliance of jewels can enchant and destroy minds Only honestly acquired jewels make you happy I can't Find it anywhere Maybe I barely have it in my mouth She saw that it was valuable and you're right Okay, why is she angry because she has to return the stone?
What stone can I find? I can hear completely. Dogs are actually supposed to guard treasures. but this one, eat it, maybe you didn't look hard enough, for example, that's good, it's a waste of time, it's not on the ground, we lost it here. So everything is clear, it looks like a diamond that will fit perfectly in my backpack , but I found it on mine and it looks perfect too, so let's get it now and try saving it here just to be safe. Who could do it? We still have to take it, but you are not serious, she is going to eat you, where are you going inside Karobakter to pick it up quickly?, please, I am willing to do anything for my friend, why the hell did she do it?
You find it and it was buried. It looks like a diamond, but to be sure we have to test it. A rudiamant looks like a normal stone, but after cutting it and polishing each facet, this special stone becomes a rare and very expensive gem that you can take out. a chain, a crown or in a museum display case. In truth, only a small part of a diamond is used as jewelry. This is because diamonds are the hardest rock on the planet, making them ideal for cutting glass. Diamonds are They are used to make strong ear inserts and cutting plates.
Many important medical devices cannot exist without them. With the help of diamonds, you can even live on a mountain if you build a tunnel. Diamonds are so valuable that they can cut an ear and match well with a dress. it's not pretty at all Unfortunately it's not German, here's a star and now it's good, well done, thank you dear Fixies. I thought my valuable gift was lost. Who is the gift for Katja? I hope you like it. I have to tell you something. Tom Thomas the stone is worthless the stone simply exists made of glass I know but that doesn't matter what I risked my life to save a piece of glass firstly it was for your friend and secondly it's not about the price of a giftlight through volcanic lava.
Do you remember the fairy tales in which an evil witch turned everything she lives into stone? , only without any type of magic Some animals and plants were petrified by condemned people and have remained that way since then, thanks to them we have an idea of ​​what life was like millions of years ago, this is a type of squid mushroom. of squid how do you know all this when I was your age I collected fossils and stones come with me I will show you my collection you think some of our ancestors were selinie it's a shame why my imagination went with me like that There were no original solutions in this world, but I still believe in you.
The correct stone has not been found. The weather, but still I'm sure.

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