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Fischer's Game Was So Complicated Commentators Thought He Lost

Mar 18, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome to that special day of the year that is the birthday of the great Bobby Fisher, since every year it comes one day after the birthday of the great José Raúl Capablanca. Yes, you, of course, know that International Women's Day is Kappa day. birthday and the next day is Fisher's birthday and here's a


I haven't shown on the channel yet. It's actually one of Bobby Fisher's best


s against American Grandmaster Robert Bayern, not to be confused with Donald Byron, er, Bobby Fischer, a few years ago. Before this game, he defeated Donald Byron in his famous game of the century when he was only 13 years old and that game traveled around the world, but basically overnight, and I mean, it's still considered one of the best games never played, even today.
fischer s game was so complicated commentators thought he lost
So that's not him, this is his brother Robert Barn and although he is a great player in his own right, he even won the USG championship, not this one, but the one in 1972, when Bobby Fischer was playing for the world championship title against Borisposky in 1974. He played in the candidates tournament and represented the United States in the Chess Olympiad nine times and won seven medals in those competitions, but as you know, history often has a clever way of working out things for which it is remembered mainly for losing. This game for Bobby Fischer, at least you know it among chess enthusiasts, as Bobby Fischer was one of the most famous players who ever lived and in those days he was definitely the most famous, so let's take a look, it's from 1963 to the 64th US championship and the reason it's 63-64 is because it starts in December and ends in January of next year and you have the black pieces against Robert Byron.
fischer s game was so complicated commentators thought he lost

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fischer s game was so complicated commentators thought he lost...

Fisher has won the previous five US Championships, the Championships he played in, and I actually won this one too with a perfect score of 11 out of 11. But we're going to discuss that a little bit after we watch the game because the game is simply spectacular, so here, Robert opens with D4, we have Knight to F6. for Fisher c c four we have G6 G3 now uh and pawn to C6 then the king's Indian defense for Fisher and now bishop to G2 and here Bayern says that they prepared it very well for Fisher because last year uh in the uh 1960 to 63 Championship USA, Robert played Ponte D5, the game continued with a very crazy variation of B5 D captures B captures and C four captures C and D7 controls Knight B captures on D7 and Bishop to G2 now attacking Fisher's Rook Rook on B8 and here Knight to a three bishop to G7 and both players just castled and Fisher had kind of a weak leak where he had immense pressure along this diagonal and the B-file and he finally won the game, so here, Robert tried something else. we play Bishop to G2 we have Pawn to D5 now since D5 was not prevented and now C captures C captures and now Knight to C3 with Bishop to G7 E3 and the fish are just castles we have Knight gte2 Knight to C6 and here we have Castles by by Robert , we have the Fanta pawn B6 on B3 and now the bishop on A6 pressing this diagonal.
fischer s game was so complicated commentators thought he lost
The rook is still on F1 and the bishop is on A3. Also with a very similar idea, a Fisher plays the rook to E8, moves the rook and here it comes. He reigns to D2, a very interesting idea that was presented by a gentleman who was watching the game, but he only asked Fisher about it after the game because he needed to play the d8 Rook. Fischer wanted to play the Pawn on E5, so he asked. F4 is a good idea here and okay, I mean you, the five-time US champion, who also crushed the tournament, you suggest the move, I mean, it's a very bold thing, Fisher actually responds with the best evaluation, um, uh. aligned by the engine, it says only Pawn on E6, you will challenge White's bishop with the bishop at f8 and double the rooks in the C file, that is exactly what the engine offers, you can even play something like B5 and queen on B6, so that's the idea and Black will always have the advantage but here we have the Queen to D2 by Robert and now comes Ponte E5 by Fisher the captors The knight captures and now comes the Rook F to D1 and this is the star move of the game uh because it's what allows Fisher this incredible brilliance and it's always the issue uh what tower to put in D1 or what book to put in E1 or what tower to put in C1 uh it's, uh, even if you understand the basic principles and what rule goes and where when you're actually playing the game you never know this and here Fisher says in his book uh my 60 memorable games uh adds another uh to those Melancholy case histories uh titled the wrong Tower, the right one was Tower 8 D1 and this is the most interesting part of what happens if Rook ate the D1 because after the Rook after D1 uh what follows is brilliant but it is also very important to explore what happens after the Rook a D1 uh because it was not played in the reason the game is so much better is that the D3 Knight here for Fisher wouldn't be as spectacular because he only Queens to C2 and now what do you do here?
fischer s game was so complicated commentators thought he lost
The Knight isn't really in a big square, you're threatening to pick it up, you have to come back with something like a Knight. D5 and then you start capturing the Knight on D5 and so on and White is better tonight, D3 is impossible if you play Rook a to D1 another idea, that becomes possible, which Fisher says he planned if he didn't. plan to play it, he had it prepared in his home analysis, maybe if the Rook is played with a D1 and then, for example, if the Knight is the E4, give the following line Knight captures an E4 D captures on e4 The Bishop captures an e for now The Queen captures and D2 The Rook captures and mounts knight to C4 attacking The Rook here and the bishop on A3 The bishop captures 78 The knight captures on D2 attacks the other rook, so Rook to D1 The knight returns to C4 attacks the bishop on A3 and now B captures on C4 and now after The rook captures an A8.
You get this position where you could argue that Black is a little better because the game is on both sides of the board and because Fisher has the bishop pair; however, the average told Fisher that he had errors in his calculations and that instead of B capture and C4, White should simply play bishop to C6 now attacking the rook and now you are in trouble and the best thing you can do is capture here and the knight captures on A3 and then the bishop captures on E8 the bishop characters on E2 attack. Rook here and Rook to D7 and now the df7 pawn will fall and White basically has a winning advantage and Fisher was very, very interested in this line that the reverse suggested and then he


, well, isn't there something better that could be? played here it's not it's the game I played in Fisher won a brilliant surprise for this game is flawed if uh if the rubber band actually played the right Rook to D1 uh there would still be nothing he could do and then he found it if Rook ate D1 uh the idea was uh Queen to D7 and now none of White's ideas basically work and Black has a very clear plan of what to do, the rule can easily come into the game, the queen comes to F5.
We are going to play Knight for F3, eliminate White, a stronger bishop with a lighter score, and the object of the game is that Knight capture on D5 is not possible and the reason why it is not possible is because now , after the Knight captures on D5, the Bishop captures. on D5, uh, there's the Rook a to d8 and now there's no good move you can make here, it's a really dumb position, but basically you'll want to play E4 here, but if you play E4, just Knight to F3, check and pick up the queen , so the bishop is essential to protect the F3 square, you could play something like Queen to C2, but then you run into this very annoying line from Queen to B5 which now puts pressure on the Knight and after the Knight C3 attacks the queen , now the Queen is at A5. attack the bishop here and once you play bishop on the B2 rook, the C8 rook and Black has a significant advantage here as everything is hanging and being pressured, there is immense pressure here on the C3 square, the rook and F1 They're hung, too, I mean. uh it's just a wonderful position, the bishop here, I can't really move freely, it has to be considering that F3 square all the time, so it's a wonderful position for Black, so maybe he won't win by force, but It would be very, very difficult to refute this, so that was Fisher's answer and what the move would be if the correct move was made after the Knight captures on E5, however, Rook 8 to D1 was not played on the game Tower F, D1 was played and this can make a big difference in the game. position, but you, of course, will.
For those of you who haven't seen this game yet, you'll have a chance to show why Fisher is now playing Knights the D3 and now the same idea we've shown no longer works. Queen the C2 though, here Robert still plays it, he plays Queen to C2 and now it's absolutely crushing what Fisher has so feel free to pause the video and beat the game for Fisher while I give you a couple seconds so which, for those of you who were able to do it, congratulations on spotting this brilliance, as the game gained a brilliant surprise and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show, it's not that that night you captured an F2 and now you have to capture the Gentleman. otherwise your position just, you know, falls apart, so the King captures an F2 and now Sets up the G4 with the King on G1 and the Knight captures on E3 attacking the queen and the Queen of the Rook to D2 and here is the real star move of the game because up to this point. uh Robert was thinking why is why Fisher does this this is uh this is just


on him there's nothing in this line that um that's mysterious or is it just a dumb, dumb move, he sacrificed material for nothing and now there's no good way to go on, but then after the game, Robert Byron, says this about the game and, like I said, wondering why Fisher would choose that line because it was obviously


for Black, suddenly the idea came up for Knight to capture in G2 and this is the star move of the game, you can also start with D4 because both moves are essential, but Knight captures it in G2 and this dazzling move was a surprise and the culminating combination is of such depth that even at the same moment in the that I gave up the two grandmasters who were commenting on the game, the gameplay of The Spectators in a separate room, they believed that I had won the game, so they also believed that the game was only winning for him, for Robert, but here after Knight captures G2 look what happens King captures and G2 Now Pawn to D4 with the threat of raising the Knight but also this opens the diagonal for light Square Bishop now Knight capture on D4 is a given defeated but Bishop on B7 finds that the compensation is too immense and now there is no good square for the king.
If you try to go to a dark square, let's say you play the King up to G1, then look at this, just the Bishop captures on D4 and you give up because if you capture, then Rook, controls E1 and now you can't capture because then the queen hangs, like this you have to move the king with the king to F2 now the queen captures on D4 comes with the hint and now it's fine no matter what. captures you are going to capture the rook and A1 you are up, you are up in the exchange, of course you are completely winning here, so after Bishop to B7 controls the King, F1 was played trying to go for a clear square, but here Fisher I just played Queen to D7 and it was in this position on move 21 that the rubber band left the game as there is nothing else to do here, so it was an absolutely spectacular game by Fisher, not just the game, the entire tournament , as I said, won this edition. from the US Chess Championship also with a perfect score of 11 out of 11. uh, but here you quit because there's just no answer to um uh, the queen to the H3 check and okay, maybe you could try trying some moves, but there really are.
Look at this, the rook controls this, the light square bishop controls this diagonal, the dark square bishop is also very very impressive, the queen comes to H3, she just can't hold on to this like the knight to F3 doesn't really matter just Queen to H3 with check and now you don't really have a move with Queen to G2 uh this blocks the check, but now you can play Queen to G4, how are you going to stop this? This is, eh, you can prolong the game for a few moves, but it doesn't make sense, if you play Rook to D3 you can defend the Knight, there is even Bishop to A6, now it is impossible to even suggest a move for White because the position is so bad and that's why after Queen to D7 and Robert didn't want anything more with this game and just quit, so it was a really brilliant performance from Fisher and like I said, here are the sorry, those aren't the rankings, those are the different classifications, let me find these. positions uh, there we have it good.
I just prepared them under a different name by mistake, sorry, yes, here they are, so these are the standings for the 1963-64 US Championship, as you can see, Robert James Fisher won. the event with a perfect score of 11 out of 11. That is absolutely spectacular, followed by Larry Evans with seven and a half points, then Paul Benko with seven chefsky similar Antonio City Rubberbine Raymond Weinstein Arthur bisgaar Willie Madison Edmund Madness Robert Henry Steinmeyer and Donald Byrne in last place with two and a half out of 11 points and um uh there's even a joke that Hans made fun ofthat after the tournament Larry Evans was actually the winner of the tournament and that Bobby Fischer just won the exhibition as uh Well, it wasn't really a question of whether Fisher would win the tournament, I mean, he wins all the chess championships in USA that he played here, it was, you know, it was just a matter of who really wins second place, that's the winner of the tournament.
Like Fisher we all know Fisher will win but yeah that's the game and if you haven't seen it yet the game against Robert's brother against Donald Byron in the famous game of the century check it out it will be the first link in the description to below and if by any chance you haven't seen my Bobby Fischer saga, check it out and you'll learn. a lot about one of the greatest chess champions who ever lived, Robert James Fisher, so yeah, that's the game. I hope you enjoyed it. I


we'd celebrate Bobby's aviat birthday, uh, birthday, with a nice one, so I hope you enjoyed it.
I would like to thank Dame Dazzling Wolf Reptiles YouTube and uh Williams for a contribution to my channel. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it as always. You can see two of my previous videos here. Thank you all for watching and I'll see. Soon you will continue to check out your wonderful suggestions and anything else happening in the world of chess, so thank you all. See you soon and have a great rest of the day.

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