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First To Escape The Unbreakable Box Wins $10,000

Jun 06, 2021
You guys know I like building


boxes, but what about escaping in breakable boxes today? Whoever builds a box that keeps someone inside the longest also


big shots at danger. Brothers, they made a video like this. I'll leave you a link. to that video in the description below for you to watch you have one hour to spend $500 to build the best giant


box possible wow Trent there are wheels on the wheels where is Jeremy going? He actually takes that challenge from Zach. Okay, why are you fixing my walls? Yeah, he really, yeah, Mike, yeah.
first to escape the unbreakable box wins 10 000
Okay, Jeremy Jeremy. Okay, yeah, you should have gotten a date. They have a lot of great Kirks. What do you have here? You always get strange things. Where is the fence? weird, well, I mean, sure it's metal, which is good because metal is very loud, but it's not garbage, Kansas time, Jeff Chris Koos. I mean, if you want the garbage man to get a jacket, I'll give it to you in the garbage can now, okay, I won't meet. him in the trash can now I'm going to go see what he's doing in a trance you're getting old Zac is here wait you're helping Zach now he would buy me food if I help them okay, resolve your differences just don't go over budget no look for quote yes Michael I've been looking for transfer for too long I found Trent Trent eating a salad with a wrapped fork okay salad really doesn't make sense hey you know time is running out why not?
first to escape the unbreakable box wins 10 000

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first to escape the unbreakable box wins 10 000...

Am I not going to help you shop while you eat the salad? Okay, let's do it the way. No, okay, if there's a trend, he'd probably buy a giant toilet and that would be his thing, but I think Trent is a strong guy. metal, he had won that, okay, yeah, I don't think anyone has grabbed metal, but you grab metal. I said yes, I have a fence, this is better, no, there are a lot of them. I know what Iron Man is made of iron, probably, so I'm not going to say who, but he collectively, the budget went over budget, someone went over budget, it was me, Eric tried it, I'm Bryce, this is a mistake, okay , guys, my walls, we haven't even started building it, this is going to take a long time. so I'm going to give you all 24 hours to build everything right now, this took a lot longer than 24 hours surprisingly, so as you can see, we have Zach Erik Jeremy, me and Trent Trent are no longer here, well, The truth is that guys, Treadwell, he. from the girls who know, I actually beat him in arm wrestling, it hurts feelings, the truth is Trent is still here, but I'm not Trent.
first to escape the unbreakable box wins 10 000
I know you guys couldn't see much of a difference. The truth is that this took about 48 hours and it is a moving day. Trent is moving from another city to this city so he can appear more in these videos, it's a good thing yeah, so I'm replacing Trent today. I know you guys can't say you see this, Trent, not Trent, there's no difference other than that. a big notice up here is up here it's about this how's your box? Yeah, okay, did you pick it out of drywall? Does that have anything to do with my walls?
first to escape the unbreakable box wins 10 000
Yeah, moving on to Zach Zach, I'll show you what you built here, well it's the strongest box of the strongest blocks that I conceived made of really reinforced duct tape, we would just do it, there are other things, okay, okay, Jeremy , okay, welcome to my chicken coop, chicken coop, yeah, okay, yeah, three layers this time of chain link fencing, chicken wire is what it is. called chicken coop fencing chicken wire why is the top open and why is there still chicken wire that's for the top here oh so you're going to put the person in and then you're going to continue wrapping it up that's what we girls call incomplete have fun with this bike well there's a spiked ball there there's a spiked ball but there's no master so we got Trent's base aka Dustin's base aka the best bass bro , it's a cage, it's literally a cage.
I am not going to lie. I built this to hopefully resist Trent. I just assumed Trent would end up here. None of you are going to get out of this. Let's turn a wheel. Let's decide who gets in. decide who goes in which box they're going to come out let's time the box that lasts the longest whoever made that box


my box it's unlikely Jeremy okay Jeremy goes


yeah get the box screw them Eric added bubble wrap yeah Did you know purpose does this have in wood? Yeah, I really don't know. Jeremy has to turn to see what weapon he gets.
Time begins when it begins. We will give you a new weapon every minute. Let's turn again. way who how does time start now buddy well time is ticking so come on technique oh it's not doing it uh maybe try the back of the whip this one the back yeah oh , it's hot here, it's very hot, the gallon in a moment, it's been a minute's turn. again I hope I have a fan there is a fan there a fan looks good still Wow two minutes you are dying of heat exhaustion yes no so when I get the boxing gloves Washing is fine rest between rounds is fine Jeremy what is the moment running, oh yeah, okay, we go everywhere, no Whitcomb, oh, are you pushing?, okay, you're supposed to return the whip, the whip is too much, oh, your progress continues, you can continue with what you have, you can spit again.
That's better, yeah, beer thrown, I don't know how good it'll be better than this, take this away from me, but you're so hot in there, huh, oh, dude, oh yeah, it would be nice to know that you spend your whole body. Hello. Jamie invented a new weapon, he knew how many advances since you got the axe, give me let the action, the axe wait, Zack, oh don't worry, he's being a handyman, Zack, here's the drill, it's literally VIP, it will be you better hurry up. teamwork oh he's coming up this side 5 minutes and 59 seconds you know Jeremy's not bad but he's not good it's not good music it's pretty good I set the bar I said you're sweating right now hello I've got the hottest box a next, we're well ahead fence this is like a universe in it for a new kind of thing okay it has Eric for Eric tell me don't you feel like a lobster right now or like a chicken coop it's like a crab you're probably a slight case of claustrophobia well it's transparent so you can't be claustrophobic Eric obviously can't spin so zach will spin for him Tyler Tyler won by the line will spin time starts now he doesn't do anything we pile up on the list yeah I took a minute top minute It happened, okay, it's been 45 seconds, but let's spin again, respect, okay, that's the last time he used the flamethrower, well, it was fun while it lasted.
I need a new one of these, do you have one, let me know below. First thing, to be fair, I deducted 30 seconds from the time I can pause it, it will resume when I get back to what no clubs, legit clubs sounds fair because it's pretty fast and the clubs come in, oh my god, oh, fishing boat, do you? how fast is this? it's going to work like the Indian War Club has like a spike on the end that's brute force right there that's a dango he works his knees badly making a big dent he continues with that action I'm sure oh he's actually a member of everything yeah go ahead you got it this way time's up though new weapon here we go what is it it's the ax which is actually pretty good well we got a big butt I think I got you wait no I got a peak, it's the peak. and the ax, Jeremy did not grow, well, I chose, we should give myself.
I'm not sure if you know this, but you are currently hitting very close to the ax that is stuck with the pickaxe and be careful. Oh, Zack Scott. You're back, come on man, there you go, you really didn't get the best. Where is that? What you get is that football team. Oh pain, train, here we go, well this doesn't really add to the heat problem, come on man, ever. Playing football in the heat, yeah, so some of your time, oh man, Eric, yeah, guess how long it took, yeah, the bad thing, you're good, you're good, you've covered all the men, well, Jeremy, your box held out for 30 minutes, no it wasn't 30 minutes, 12 minutes and 27 seconds oh that's not bad so technically yours is winning right now Eric the Lily doesn't think you did a good job you just want a little break, stand in front of the fan to see, okay, let's see who goes to the next niche.
I have Zack, there are only two of them, but there are only two boxes left, oh yeah, because I'm not going to grow my own box and you guys are not going to get into each other's balls. There is no good luck because I don't want to be in the middle. Now, so far, Jeromy's coop is in the lead with 12 minutes and 12 something, that's up next. We have Zack in my box. They break down faster than 12 minutes. I'm going to be stressed butter, you're probably wondering how he's doing. I'm going to go in well it's that sturdy Barbie except there's a bar.
Oh my god, it's against the rules to go out like this before starting. I would like to say that drywall is in second place right now. I'm not going to be... he's also in last place what is that what is that Gladys I have the act Zacks no longer rotates by itself my give me action no wait wait wait do you know what you mean a second give him the little acts minutes up new gun new army gun what are you looking at this oh my gosh that's what we like to call rolling the pressure washer shaft oh I have a bad feeling about this okay Zak do you want to spin it yeah it's okay, perfect, what is that?
The swords have all your sword in the right direction, they are probably just tasting watermelon. No, Fanus, everything is infinite, what's happening? I need something else, okay, yeah, that's fair, honestly, we could have been watching him for minutes, keep going with the same weapons, where's that wedge? wedges oh no, no, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. it's a sled 15 minutes and 41 seconds I think my nickname should be Trent Trent Trent Trent zach will now be known as Trent Trent honestly no shade but honestly it might be the best lead to contain Trent so it sure looks like .
Like Dustin, so far my box there is the one that lasted the longest, at 15 minutes and 41 seconds, that means if I can get out of this one in under 15 minutes and 41 seconds, I'm the winner. That's the spinners' choice. I choose the sliding spout. I'll have a pick if you want. This is not the time to joke. See you. What's that? What did you do? Protection Fleck entertaining me until the minutes pass, don't worry, just make a deal. I, let's see, you want to give you some kind, so it's wood, brother, take, sorry, well, give me the god, yes, my boy gave me the good bus, it's a lot of noise here in second if there's not a lot of space to throw things or there I'm splintering, I feel so fucking Jerry, yeah, you're welcome, please, okay, give me like an ax or something, sure, well, you won't be able to catch yourself when you have a turn, just come on, come on, come on, spins well.
Enough, yeah, yeah, give me spirit, yeah, turn, turn, take a break, yeah, where's the beer again? Spin this beer again. What's that? The bow and arrow are safe. I am so scared. Oh, it just peeks out. The word on the back is very thick. clearly I can please yes we'll be done I'm just looking for you to give me something like an ax or a sledgehammer yes it's spinning it didn't make any difference but you're still in the box yes you made a difference just tell me Yo, maybe I need help. I'll be honest with you, it didn't make any difference, it's really just something, dude, this fan, I tried for you, I tried for you, come on, get you something good, yeah, love would do it, oh I never threw this away .
Wow should. Won't grow it now, no good, they're definitely here, so keep something together, last gun please, last one, last one, the girl, boy, that's good, this one's big, oh, okay, komai , big lever, big lever, yeah baby, come on, why is it so heavy? Come on, look to your left, oh yeah, that's not allowed, that's all. I'm out, I'm out times the time 17:30 zack one, that's what this came down to. I didn't hack in the second one, okay, good game. Know that you may not be cheating, you may not be trying to exact words that make money, but the world, our next competition will be something.
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