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First To Break Into Armored Truck Wins $10,000

Jun 07, 2021
I bought an abandoned ambulance but last week I converted it into an



. These are my friends and I reached 10,000 inside. The


one to enter


. The money too. Greetings to funk professionals. They made this video


. Cory is my boy. I'll leave a link to the video of him below. We will start with 30 seconds of peace. We'll see what weapons are obtained. Ah, a non-spinning wrestler. wheel spins the wheels hit the wheel without me hold them spin the wheel come on spin the wheel spin the wheel sports any sports team just sports bocce ball is a sport it's an activity oh my gosh oh wow you got a lot of it splits yeah oh, Oh my God, this is okay, okay, oh, oh my God, just pick one, what if it's a shooter?
first to break into armored truck wins 10 000
I was going to return that, oh there you go, it came like this, I'm sure they'll get it back. Armored


s have it. shatterproof glass who met eric eric okay okay okay just yeah next jeremy off camera and into the game I won't let the place be chosen by the player don't worry it's not even there there it is there you put that there wow I regret this immediately time starts five seconds time already started oh my god nothing we put it in a section in the back well he can't crawl around there can't he? OK?
first to break into armored truck wins 10 000

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first to break into armored truck wins 10 000...

Or I can? I can't no, you can't what is this, I actually don't know what this is, I don't know either, maybe it's like the door frame, so can you put something under it, stop, okay, okay, okay, okay okay next person is trent trent I move on hey trent and we have swords that's not that no wait okay oh we were going to tell you that you can't actually use the spear because it's not a sword beer It's not on the board, maybe it should be, so we'll just let it fly. oh yeah, just so you know trent used to do javelin, did that happen? oh where is he?
first to break into armored truck wins 10 000
No, no, that's a pool stick, bro, okay, pretty good, it's probably time anyway, next person, next gun, oh, you guys think we didn't think. From that look, look at those bars on the inside of the windows, yeah, baby, this thing is train-proof, I feel like he doesn't believe he just broke in, doesn't he, can you fit inside I I I I you're wearing two pairs of glasses? glass, you know, every time you throw this, I feel more and more secure, the number one builder of


trucks, right here I'm going to start my own bank, no one can rob it, maybe maybe something, maybe someone can rob it, but it should if I open it. on my own bench, let me know, oh, you're too close, can I have glasses?, there's only one pair, he's got two, he's got two, he's got two pairs of glasses, one of them doesn't see glasses, it's your time, no there are rules. here this is what it is, it's enough if that continues, no one else has a turn, zach, I want to turn exactly, sorry guys, the pickaxe can't go wrong with the pickaxe, pick the x, okay, eric, no wrong , you are ruining the paint.
first to break into armored truck wins 10 000
It took me a long time to paint this crazy respect so disrespectful I would love some glasses oh what happened it hit me in the balls oh and time I think we need to start increasing the time what do you think? I think so too, going around and around, what a weapon. Will Jeremy get the flamethrower? No, I think I'll regret this. Why not? Why not? uh shooting. Do you have the gas on? Yes, gasoline. You have another tank. I need another tank. I need another tank. Time runs no. you chose the flamethrower you have the place what can I do with this?
I can't do anything without it it's okay it spins again but the clock is ticking it's not the flamethrower it's not the plane throwing up it's stuck with me oh oh my god bow and arrow that doesn't make me feel safe I don't like where this is going look at this light green jeremy you shot an arrow at my door i did it let's take it down? uh jeremy that could have been any of us what are we? Everyone was there, so okay, how do we get this out? Now there will be a leaky hole and it will be cold here in the winter.
Second round for Trent. This is the correct price. Beak. That's not sure. Alright. You can have a gun if you want, oh my god, ah, but there are several bars, you could


bars, all you want, it'll take you all day, good idea, I'm a little scared, I saw sparks, you made them, yeah No, Eric, are you syncing? hide the time time not hide the time we gave you a little more we need to change the rules we do what is that lever I was going to say growth bar it definitely says growth bar we don't have a growth bar oh look at a growth bar oh zach, wait , what did I forget to tell you, look, this is the third round, you have a minute each, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, you know, so far I feel very safe transporting my money in this.
You would not do that? Why what do you mean? Oh, while it's broken like this. Yeah, I mean they wouldn't have that much time to get into a super duper armored vehicle. Oh, okay, Zach got the hood. Oh, so, oh Zach. Time was up, but I was just sitting there out of curiosity. I wanted to see him do that. Only you are aware that the money is not inside the engine. What can I give? Can I give a small destructive bonus? Will I receive a destructive bonus? Absolutely not, it's for the vehicle, not the mud on the warehouse sled.
When did the mud come out? however, no, that's probably a good thing for me, this is all very false, eric, you have a full minute blast door. I like how everyone has their own places that they choose, you know you have it or it, oh my gosh, I've done it all this time. I knew the side door didn't fit, you knew that, of course, I knew I spent literally the entire time welding this guy, yeah, okay, you're going to sell them, yeah, Jeremy has a minute wait, let me count the time first. It didn't even start, but now it started, I don't think I don't like that place, I don't like the place, Jeremy, wait, what, oh, and spear, spear, those spears are back on the menu, no, you lost it again, that It wasn't it.
I was a package oh my god what the hell it looks like you're about to lose 11 jeremy no he's going to


the lock like you did you wanted I have I have the key you do one I don't have the key two I I won't give it to you if I like Yeah, he's trying to waste your time, uh, Jeremy, there's some questionable things coming out of there, that's, uh, it doesn't smell good either, it doesn't smell good, this is probably where the mouse came from that's been in here There was a mouse here yeah, do you think I can get in from the bottom at the bottom oh my god, it's weaker, could you, okay, no, no, you're just, there's just a cloud of smoke forming here Jeremy I blame this no, I'm kidding, it's your fault okay, by the way, time, that's the time, jeremy, yeah, back to the camera, what a sled, Trent's got the sled, oh yeah, he's the sled, the wheels, now, so in time now time is beginning time is is is is has started to change wow oh, I was going to use that to reverse it but it doesn't matter, it's like the steel of a trampoline is flexible apparently that's the time and now You know, speaking of time, I think it's time for a little bit of a twist, okay, a twist, let me tell you what it is, since my armored truck is still standing, it's cool, it's just amazing and you guys suck, what, to be honest, just trent, she said it sucks, no i didn't. just trying to cheer them up im trying to piss them off cuz this just turned into a team game we got zach and eric aka zarek with trent and jeremy aka trent trent just trending just trying to just chat you know you're not doing it you guys have two guns up, let's do it wow, always zack is the best, i know what i see most of this, uh, the metal is sticking to this spoon here, if eric cleans the glass, i will have a clear chance to steal, oh, You told the lever yes, of course, it was a very good choice.
I didn't think they would realize that most of it connects right there, so you can remove the entire windshield, maybe teamwork, they are literally breaking the window frame more than the real one Look at that, wait, wait, Be careful, I never had the option of the deck, it's that the player's trail means that each weapon, you are literally ruining this entire car. I'm impressed, this is the most destructive prize yet, it's actually the most destructive load. Not for long, by the way, I gave them five minutes, five, okay, yeah, we only need three teams. Trend, let's see what weapons they have, what axes are, let's do it.
Trent, okay, Trent, why are you going to the top? That's the weakest part, the top part over here. What is he? What are you doing? He's shaking the whole truck over here. I have a good face for him. It's okay, it's okay. And now I'm fine. Thank you. What's going on up there? I forgot our weapons. Wow, we could be trapped. Oh yeah, it's just me. I'm chilling, yeah, yeah, it's your turn, it's actually across the hall, it's that big right now, you can hear the lights falling to the floor, whoa, oh, I think you're almost in, but you definitely can't fit in and guess what time it is.
Time's up, can you fit in? No, it's okay, no, you can't, time is up. Time is over. This is probably your boy's last chance, but I believe in you. Both teams have gone the same number of times and I don't want the team to go next. have the advantage because they go first, so we will have both teams go at the same time with whatever weapon they choose with no time limit. The first person to enter inside


the money. It's that simple and there's no time but start now oh you could probably fit inside why did it break in the hole? come in, come in, come in, they're going to win, no you're going to come in too, they're both going in, I'm not even kidding as it's an amazing moment please look at you, look at you, zach, zach's foot is in, he's Inside, it's hard to get to the back seat, though hello, here, record this, I've got you, I've got you, oh my God, we've got it, I've got it, who's got it? first me, jeremy wins the 10 grand hey, hey, hey, oh, and trend two, trent also wins 10 to 10 grand, but zach, you get the destruction bonus, man, okay, guys, They should probably get out of there, that's it, jeremy makes the money, boom, boom here. are my last two videos, click on these to see us compete in more competitions and you know we all like to leave on a high note.

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