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First Take Crew Gets Into Heated Dispute On Durant Declining White House Invite | First Take | ESPN

May 30, 2021
I like both of us, we all do this with good will, I think in general these people at home who listen to this is what I'm tired of, I'm tired of you not listening to me, I'm tired of you listening to what you want, listen, I'm tired of you, you're empathetic, listen. I'm tired of you listening to the good and the bad my side on the bad side I'm hot I'm tired of you saying anything that doesn't agree with you is beyond the realm of politics so I'm tired of being more I'm tired of you saying it's moral versus not boring, then Craig Kevin Durant is on one side and all the amorals are on the other and don't be a nun the process if it wears the guise of this clear morality that anyone who has the slightest shade of disagreement with you is somehow evil.
first take crew gets into heated dispute on durant declining white house invite first take espn
In the process of doing that scary strut on TV you don't listen to a single thing anyone tells you


. everything when I say Kevin Durant it still remains when I say that Kevin Durant has the right and I compared him to Matt Berkowitz Obama max get out of here without making moral equivalences you are so addicted to last week's language but she made a stupid comparison there I didn't say they were equal, so once I said that they are equal, why did you use it as an example? Well, because I show maximum consistency, that's the difference.
first take crew gets into heated dispute on durant declining white house invite first take espn

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first take crew gets into heated dispute on durant declining white house invite first take espn...

I am not convenient, I show concert, you are only one. Edison, you just want to show yourself good, you don't want to show yourself consistent, yeah, yeah, well, yeah, you're there. I'm nadiyah, out here, what you're implying is that you're right, max. Do you know what I did here? I wanted to come here and draw a correlation, a Barako equivalence between Barack Obama and Donald Trump, that's exactly what I did, you did a good job, let's go without realizing it, you do a good job of not listening to make the exact point what you want to express. which is a simplified reduction of anything into moral verses of good versus evil and well, that's what you sigh of jelly you get okay, it's not okay fotomat Gautama so we'll sit down, we're so challenged when it comes to understanding what that the great omniscient fully defines you know, super educated world trader you want to be I'm asking you I'm asking the question could you tell me exactly what you said about Kevin Durant when you're going to lose when you know with that's what it's about it's about it's about politics?
first take crew gets into heated dispute on durant declining white house invite first take espn
I didn't say that you know me what you say I won't just say you know what it's not an insult to say please listen well and the one able to make some mouths and some


s Europe that's the world and I can't believe the question stop talking and I will . I can't provide them to you while you are offended because I question your bond, your listening skills, when you questioned the very morality of someone who disagrees with you, but you are offended, this is what I said. Kevin Durant is right, everyone has the right, no one should have the moral imperative to have to support anything they don't support.
first take crew gets into heated dispute on durant declining white house invite first take espn
I have maintained that position consistently from management to lead after I didn't finish not once did I hear happen each other please I didn't finish. It follows that Kevin Durant is making a decision that, by the way, I don't inherently disagree with what I said in my exact statements when I opened. Yes, I think to some extent a line has been crossed from my high, but I don't. put more in primordial exactly I want to hear, so come back to me, what do you say statesman? I'm about Kevin Durant on politics instead of being personal, that's what I want to know what you're saying, I don't even know what you're saying.
We're referencing now, but I'm working my way through my position. I see today. I'd like to hear what it was. I'd like to hear what we're saying. It's that a line has been crossed on a personal level. Matt. that you can make decisions for yourself, which I honor and respect Kevin Durant, is not necessarily something that I should imitate or that I should demand of other people, but you do it and you say that those that do not reflect your image reflect your choices are those that they are amoral and that is what good will not always not always be good here is an example you are arguing the principle you are arguing this in terms of principle and in principle I agree with you everyone has the right to do that one should not impose their beliefs on another, etc., but there are moments in the history of humanity in which there is a clear moral choice, generally applying these principles is correct in terms of nuances, but there are moments in which there are very clear moral choices and if we intend that there is ambiguity in this choice, that is incorrect but it implies that in American history there is a clear moral choice, don't you agree with that?, but for a moral choice for me, max, a moral choice for me, do you understand it?
Understand the difference I'm not a dictator I should know I thought if I see people wait, wait, swastikas, the Confederate flags and the use of


supremacists at Logan's. I guess it's a moral choice for everyone, you know, this is amazing, Stephen, this is what you mean about the last one I did like I said, I don't think Kevin Durant's analysis of Donald Trump and his reasoning is one that I look at, yeah he nailed it there honestly the thing is I don't think Dom God is that free of sports at some point and that's why you ruined it because I don't want to just not just a political discussion Donald Trump doesn't have some people for some people those he is against, he is not in favor of anyone, in favor of some people. himself that was not very like that but that was not my We all agree that that was not my point against what you were saying.
I was telling you that you were comparing Kevin Durant's actions to gods of the past who may not have gone to vote or the White House may have done so with a different upbringing, let me know what is implicit in four dozen of what I said. What I'm telling you is that what you were telling me was that it's a political position that Kevin Durant took. and I say it has nothing to do with politics when they are thinking about this particular individual it had nothing to do with politics that's why I said I couldn't believe what you were saying that you would deduce his words or you would have deduced that actions are something political when they are not at all, that's all.
I was Charlie. One says it's not political when they think there is no other potential side than the one they have, even if I agree with you two and we all said. We could make the same personal decision, do you know what the difference is between the three of us? I don't call everyone who disagrees with me stupid or immoral, unless they actually write a letter, what am I waiting for, wait, we're not even doing? a normal road, an island on a road that makes you fake right now just because I'm even now you try to act like us always to have a night of TV, you're right, even this is Miriam, I guess we'll bury That conversation attached, you're right , Stephen, you're not going into that nuance today, okay, this is a very important point, it's not that there isn't a point of view on every issue, but that there can't be disagreement on every issue.
On this issue, people of good will are lucky on this issue and there are a few shoes throughout the history of humanity on what is true and this is one of those eight and my question to you would be if this is not useful for what it serves. It has to be the last word, we have to


a business record, there's something you can't really discuss during the break and come back, okay, okay.

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