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First Presidential Debate Of 2020 Election | NBC News NOW

May 30, 2021
tonight donald trump joe biden face to face on the


stage for the


time i think i prepare every day i can't wait to


whether the president will personally attack people who say he was using performance enhancing weapons and can Keeping Biden focused on the pandemic and Trump's record is strange the things he is saying and doing regarding Kobe, a political clash that has been months in the making is about to begin. Good evening, I'm Chuck Todd and welcome to NBC News' special coverage of the



debates. Right here at NBC News it's now 35 days until Election Day and we're now just an hour away from the start of this


debate. between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the first of three scheduled debates, by the way, the way you watch it live. at the debate site in cleveland, ohio, where a socially distanced crowd will attend, everyone in that debate room is being tested for the coronavirus and everyone except the candidates and the moderator will be wearing a mask, there will be no handshake before of the debate and not even a bump on the elbow, these are just some of the reminders tonight that this debate is taking place in the midst of a global pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 people in the United States and more of a million people around the world and that is unfortunately increasing.
first presidential debate of 2020 election nbc news now
Again in quite a few states tonight, both sides are preparing for a fight over a number of issues, but expect the virus to be a major issue. One of Biden's biggest challenges may be his ability to stay focused on the president's handling of the pandemic. Well, I hope they try to steer the debate in other directions, any direction other than the pandemic, obviously they'll want to talk about the economy and maybe make the issue of unrest in American cities more important as a front-runner in this race. former vice president joe biden has the most to lose tonight his performances during the democrat primary debates were charitably uneven at best and they trail in the polls president trump is expected to attack biden in very personal terms as we have seen in past debates the president and his team are no strangers to employing tactics that would otherwise indicate desperation or maybe that is exactly what they are indicating desperation, let's dive in, let's go to cleveland and catch up with our


reporters from nbc following Allie Jackson's campaign inside the debate room following President Trump and Mike Memoly is socially distanced outside the debate room following Vice President Joe Biden, so Hallie, you're inside that room, you know the buzz of a


debate without people there, it must be strange, it's different, right?, and I was actually, talking to someone who has done these things before and talked about it, yeah, you go in and you usually make contacts, you go and you know that the room would already be filling an hour before the debate, you talk to people and see what happens.
first presidential debate of 2020 election nbc news now

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It's definitely not like that. I'm looking behind me. I just want to show you here so the seating isn't socially distant. The seats themselves, but there are signs that you can't see from this angle that say you know you don't. Sit here, we are enforcing social distancing so that people are spaced out within the auditorium, people will be in family groups and you are seeing that every person here is wearing a mask, that is not because they want to, maybe they want to. because they have to be right we all have to wear a mask the only exceptions will be the three people who will be on stage behind me and that's the moderator Chris Wallace and then the two presidential candidates that everyone needs. a Covent test as well and I think you set it up very well at the top of your program here, chuck, which is a very vivid reminder of the backdrop of all of this, which is the coronavirus pandemic that's going to emerge, it's going to be a topic in this debate tonight and Joe Biden's team, as Mike Memoline well knows, will look to potentially go for the jugular here against President Trump, the President for his part, uh, has arrived in Cleveland and what is his talk about? campaign, listen, they're talking about headphones, they're talking about you, you know this possible drug test, these conspiracy theories that have gained a lot of traction online about joe biden, uh, and that's kind of the thought, now there are other pieces of this as well, I think you're going to hear something about Hunter Biden's son, Joe Biden, some attacks on him, that's something that campaign aides have been frankly anticipating for the last 24 hours.
first presidential debate of 2020 election nbc news now
It would be surprising to not hear that president succeed and just give you an indication of where that is. Come on, who's been helping the president prepare for this debate, Rudy Giuliani, someone who's been among Trump's global allies, the person who's been leading those attacks on Hunter Biden, so I think that gives you an idea of ​​the deal. what we have here. I understand that Rudy Giuliani will be here as one of the guests inside the debate room tonight. Another guest, Chuck Alice Marie Johnson, we understand she, of course, is the grandmother whose life sentence was pardoned by President Trump for a drug conviction as part of her job. on criminal justice reform to have people in the audience for the president is about highlighting his hopes and the people around him are looking forward to his second term, which he would do if he wanted to again, but as you well know, chuck, this is a president who often likes to air grievances that have happened before, so we'll see how it goes.
first presidential debate of 2020 election nbc news now
I was just going to say Hallie until the moment you mentioned that he was going to ask if the president has any plans to try to tell people. What he wants to do in his second term because he has never fully focused on this campaign has been through the lens of trying to delegitimize Joe Biden. Are they so empty right now? But you know, it's interesting to pull the people around the president. They don't want him to be talking about a second term right when you're talking to everyone, but with the president, there's a discussion about hey, he's going to lay out this vision for a second term, some of these concrete pieces, but when the rubber meets the road down the road, it's the president himself who, in an environment like this, is going to have to deliver on that and that's a big question mark here tonight, Mike Emily, it looks like Joe Biden's biggest challenge will be navigating whatever whatever we do.
Donald Trump throws him: Do you have what it takes to take charge of the debate and not just sit there having to respond or Perry or where will you do it? It seems to me that that is his biggest challenge. was a 70-something presidential candidate who, about two decades, three decades ago, in a presidential debate, used a very successful response against his opponent, and then you do it again and you wonder if that's exactly the kind of thing that Let's hear from Joe Biden. A lot tonight, one thing I heard from aides who participated in the debate preparation is that perhaps you preconditioned the audience at the first possible opportunity to say listen, America, we know who Donald Trump is, it's something Biden has said .
Often on the campaign trail we need to tell them who we are, but the other thing about this chuck is that you use the right term. Those 11 debate performances we saw in the presidential primaries were uneven, but why is Joe Biden the nominee because Joe Biden sold himself out? Democrats as the best candidate to go toe-to-toe with Donald Trump, and despite all those uneven debate performances, Democrats believe that was true, he fought Donald Trump early in his candidacy in that video and so it is. The Democrats want to see him on stage tonight, they want to see Joe Biden fight him, but Chucky wonders if this approach would be different if he were behind or ahead, and I think for the two prime-time debate performances that Joe Biden had in 2008. against sarah palin in 2012 against paul ryan in 2008 he was the one who, you know, on defense, back off, you had to be very careful when debating with sarah palin, especially when they were in the lead in 2012 after Barack Obama had a very weak performance in the debate against Mitt Romney.
They needed Joe Biden to turn it up to 12 and really go for the jugular against Paul Ryan to light some fire on the ticket. Biden really has a tough balancing act, I think he's going to play tonight because he needs to show that fight and at this point he already says he wants to bring the fight, but a lot of the preparation has also been about how to play defense, how to deal with President Trump's attacks and that's what we'll see how that preparation plays out, because one thing is Chuck and all the conversations that we have.
What you would have at this point is before other debates, they would know to preview their approach for the night and then we would see something completely different on stage and there is no way to predict what we will see, especially against Donald Trump tonight, very quickly Hallie. he gave me a list of people who will run for Trump, who will run for Biden. Well, we know Dr. Biden will be there. His sister Valerie will also be there. One of the guests is Kristin Urkisa, that's a familiar name. Of course he had a big role at the Democratic convention saying that his father had only one pre-existing condition before his death from covid, which was to trust Donald Trump, that's it, we don't know if any other members of the Biden family are obviously great question as I know Hunter Biden will be part of the debate tonight, if not in the audience, Ali Jackson and Mike Memoly at the debate site, one inside, one outside, both wearing masks, stay healthy both of you, now let's go to Steve Kornacki, the big board.
You might also check the state of the race heading into the first debate, so Steve, I'm trying to think of the last time a candidate had such a big lead in the first presidential debate. I guess you have to do it. go back to bill clinton and bob dole in 1996. the last time, yes, yes, the last time a sitting president entered a debate behind 92 george hw bush and of course that's the last incumbent to lose here, this is the nbc polling average in the north of eight points biden's lead has been steady it's been consistent that's what trump is up against on this issue and of course there's the question of how many people say in these surveys they have already made a decision.
Can you find people who might think that? A way to reconsider might be part of the challenge here. The other thing is that we know the topics that will be discussed in this debate tonight, at least according to moderator Chris Wallace, he posted a list and we have some polls. here about what voters think about these issues the economy this is a poll that was published in recent weeks who you trust on this issue who you prefer on this issue variations on that this is Trump's lead is consistent this is our poll here in 10 point 4838 lead in the economy, of course, there is the issue of crime and violence, safety in the streets, you have a slight, and I mean, a slight 43-41 lead for Trump, then there is the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court, Trump's vacancy. has nominated amy coney barrett who you trust most to fill the supreme court vacancies.
Biden is the one with the advantage there. We've seen in a couple of polls every now and then it starts to build for Biden, you get to the double-digit coronavirus lead. there's one more thing that wallace says will come up tonight, that's the biggest issue looking for biden over trump and there's one more that will come up tonight, we weren't sure how to measure this in the polls. the question of


integrity that is going to play a role tonight this is from a recent CNN poll that asked first of all if the loser of the


has an obligation to accept the results and admit overwhelmingly the answer is yes, there it is the follow-up Okay, do you think Trump believes that Biden, if they are defeated, will accept the results and accept?
About two-thirds said they think Biden will barely make it. A third said they think Trump will do it if that happens. You know, Steve, what jumped out at me. Me in that presentation on topics where even on Donald Trump's best topic he can't get over 50. Yeah, he doesn't get over 50, no matter how you measure it, even on his best economics topic, you look at Biden, we see it . going over 50 in battleground states, we see him going over 50 when it comes to trust issues, you're just not seeing it with the president right now, the question is how many people are saying they definitely won't vote for him or think about it. that number is already too high for him, it might as well be and that's why this debate might be the only debate that has a chance to impact this race.
We'll see Steve Kornacki. Thanks for starting this so join me now as she always does for these big nights on nbc


now casey hunt nbc news capitol hill correspondent and too early anchor on msnbc joshua johnson anchor of the week with joshua johnson on msnbc and michael bechlasour nbc news presidential historian casey uh let me start with this and I want everyone to weigh in on this, but I want to start with you at the end of the day, the behavior of the president, today and yesterday, is this the behavior of someone who believes that can win an election?
He doesn't seem like someone who thinks he's going to win an election, I mean, as you just explained quite well with Mike Memoly, how candidates typically think about things when they get to the top is certainly not what we've seen from President Trump. , who is basically trying to, you know, has adopted a conspiracy theory about Joe Biden's headset and you potentially know what you're ingesting before you go on stage. What is that really preparing? You are setting that up so that Donald Trump can argue that Joe Biden cheated in the debate if it is very clear that Joe Biden comes out as you know what.
You can define yourself as the winner in this debate or at least you know that he comes out after giving a good performance and you know that's the tactic that Donald Trump has adopted time and time again and it's the foundation he's laying for the election as a whole. You know, as reflected in those numbers that Steve Kornacki had on whether Americans believe that these guys are going to accept the results of the election, Joshua Johnson, that's right, I think it's present, you know, at the end of the day we know donald. Trump is Donald Trump and somehow I don't know if there is new information anyone can learn tonight.
The new information is on Joe. It's going to be with some kind of Joe Biden. How does Trump manage? To me, it could be a trap in some way, you know? Is it better for him to just ignore WWE's antics or does he have to? He has to punch him. A good little question. I think there will be some bumps. I'm pretty sure I could expect at least one or two punches to be thrown at you, but you know that old saying about wrestling a pig, you just get dirty and the pig has its fun. I think the Biden campaign knows that if you look at some of the campaign ads that they've been running over the last few weeks one of them is just part of the DNC speech that he gave there's no music there's no effects there's not even fade outs it's just him giving a very presidential style speech and I think that's By the way, I think the idea is to paint Joe Biden as someone who could actually be a presidential president who feels like a president unlike President Trump who came to the power making it very clear that he was not that type of person. who was a businessman and a bomb thrower, that's why I think, as Casey rightly mentioned, a lot of what we've heard from the Trump campaign is the same kind of bomb throwing, you know, anti-behavior. the Washington establishment that dragged him into whether or not he's going to commit to that, I don't know, I don't know politically what makes the most sense in terms of capturing those 11 percent of voters that our polls have shown have not yet decided 100 percent. percent on a candidate, but Based on what we've heard from him so far, unless the president makes it personal unless he goes after his family, he may or may not even bother going after Donald Trump, frankly, I think you might as well just talk politics if the american people are overwhelmed by the last four years and are ready for things to settle down i think joe biden being sleepy might be the best thing for his campaign because there are millions of americans who would really like to rest right now michael beschloss as a historian there is no historical parallel to donald trump no one is right no one has ever tried to take the wwe and apply it to presidential debates but this is what he did he did it four years ago he is doing it again my biggest fear is that it is normalizing American politics I am seeing more candidates further down the ballot using anti-antics like yours or tactics like yours thinking this is the way to succeed how do I have to say how are we going to get rid of that virus from our politics, well I think what will happen is if Donald Trump tries that tonight and you're right Chuck, you notice it on his personal guest list as a UFC fighter so I guess that's a metaphor of what he's going to try tonight, but if you look Let's go back in history and I don't think it's changed in


the guy coming off stage tonight where people are saying that someone who looks like a president will be the person who beat Donald Trump. as president as an incumbent you may be making a mistake because look at the first three series of debates in history, each of them was a perfect scenario for an incumbent to be cut down to size.
Richard Nixon in 1960 was trying to make it clear that he knew John Kennedy when he was a young man with false teeth, not above. For my height, I have debated Nikita Khrushchev and served alongside Dwight Eisenhower for eight years. At the end of that first debate, many people said that JFK seems more presidential. 1976, Gerald Ford, the sitting president, said that Jimmy Carter had no experience in foreign policy. then in the second debate Ford behaves like a donkey or that's it, there is an association of match referees with donkeys so I won't use that term, but he behaves in a really stupid way by saying that there is no Soviet domination in Eastern Europe and people were wondering if this was so. the guy who knows foreign policy, jimmy carter, looked more presidential than ronald reagan in 1980, right in cleveland, the same city we're talking about tonight proved to be president, so we can see that tonight with joe biden, ya You know, and Casey, I think it's you.
I know I've heard a lot of people try to make the 1980 comparison more than anything else, and there are some that you know Jimmy Carter came out of nowhere to be president. Donald Trump came from nowhere to be president. Jimmy Carter was fired. in his midway cabinet there was always a kind of confusion, so I understand some of the parallels, I think they apply, um, a lot of them, no, um, this is not comparing the character of the two men, not even you can't even. make that comparison or stuff like that, but there's this idea that all Biden has to do is show up, if he looks presidential, it's game over and the other two debates may not matter, do you believe that conventional wisdom?
Casey, well, first of all, I completely agree with you about jimmy carter and donald trump, it's hard to imagine two men more opposite in character in terms of power, our history in presidential politics, uh, but I think there's some truth in that, I mean, it would really shake. In this relatively stable race where Biden seems to have a considerable lead and has been successful, he seems to be making the argument that he's been making all campaign long and he has this going for him, if you have a consistent message, it works much better. that if you're all over the map trying to figure out what you stand for, he's been saying that I stand for a return to normal, I stand for a return to decency, and I think one of the things that's going in his favor is that he's quite easy. continuing that on the debate stage in the face of donald trump's nasty attacks not that his responses are necessarily going to counter the basics of that message, but you know, i think there are greater risks for biden because the race is so stable, yeah for some reason something happens tonight that shakes that or shakes people's confidence in Biden's ability to do the job, that would really be a problem for him and I think they know that and I think we've gotten to know the president as well.
Trump. and I don't think anyone will be surprised or surprised by what he's offering tonight, and by the way, that's different than 2016. Back then, there were a lot of Americans who were maybe paying attention to the Republican primaries as a sideshow. but actually his first experience with Donald Trump as a possible real president was in those debates against Hillary Clinton, that's no longer the case, so Joshua, and this is all purely speculative, but if Donald Trump does poorly in the debate Tonight, what is the probability that it will appear? for the other two i think it's probably around 100 with zero rounding error because if there's one thing we know about donald trump from his entire life and his business career whose providence is now in doubt after the new york times report it's that he doesn't will admit defeat does not admit loss does not back down is a student is that when they hit you they hit 10 times harder deny deny deny I don't buy the idea that he won't show up because it would be too easy to show for the Biden campaign look, look, I'll show you we said, we told you the moment you hit him, that whole paper tiger crumbles didn't even burn, it just took a bunch of ashes, not even the paper, look, this is exactly who Donald Trump.
I really don't think he personally will allow the Biden campaign to control him now, you may be right, I heard what you're saying, that he may try to take his ball and go home and say ah, I knew the debates were rigged I knew they were flimsy knew it was fake but I've read too much shakespeare and too many greek tragedies to not believe in arrogance I just don't necessarily think he'd be willing to say "okay" I was spanked I think the risk, especially, you know, especially looking the guest list that you mentioned, UFC fighter Colby Covington, Coley Covington got in trouble for saying some very racially insensitive things about you, who just fought in the ring.
This happened in the USC match. surprised, well yes, but I just don't think the people he's surrounded himself with tonight, the messages he's had so far, even saying that the debates are rigged in the press conferences last week, he said he really isn't I'm preparing for the I prepare for the debate all the time. I do my job. That's my preparation for debates. The idea is that he can come in, sweep the floor with Joe Biden and walk away. I may be wrong, but nothing in his character suggests that he's okay with conceding defeat on any level, oh.
I never said I would admit defeat, I just came up with a new way of saying: I'm going to do my own debates or I'm going to do my own business or I'm going to do my present. biden has the entire stage on all the major broadcast networks to himself. I don't think donald trump will let him have it. At the end of the day, he is Donald Trump, so we will all find out in real time. casey joshua and michael you stay, I'm going to take a break here later, we're going to hear from some undecided voters in tonight's debate, uh, in the great state of Ohio, about what you expect to hear tonight, but first during all this hour.
We're also going to share some memorable moments from the first presidential debates in years past, emphasizing the word first, let's go back to 2012 and right now with Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and moderator Jim Lehrer, the president started this segment, so I think I get the last word, so I'm going to take, I'm going to get the first in the next segment, well, but he gets the first word of that segment, I get the last word that says well, I hope you'll let me make this comment, this It is a situation in which the state continues to struggle to expand its testing capabilities.
Protesters feel like they need to come out in full force and support their community because they feel like they are not getting that support from Portland police. Another election day is approaching with the backdrop. on how to keep voters safe in the middle of a pandemic, the time to truly understand who we are and who we say we are is here at our feet, you should get a four-year degree, but a four-year degree is very expensive, We have created a system where the ticket to the middle class is something that middle class families have to worry about, borrow and get back on their feet, why is this happening with Chris Hayes? subscribe now you're watching nbc news now we have some breaking news. in fact I saw a large convoy of the national guard pass by here it is news made for your live broadcast world from Monday to Friday starting at 6 a.m.
ET this morning across the country what will the new normal be like for schools many teachers are left making difficult decisions between work than loving and their family when I step aside taking care of my children or having a job that is an impossible decision you are creating a small community school this is the time we can develop ourselves and develop our community let's hand it over to the students how do we do it? what they really feel about going back to school what I miss are my teachers are resilient a rise in coronavirus infection new developments on several fronts the story tonight the United States broke the record for most coveted cases in a single day since everyone Angles what is your level of concern that children who have been told they are going to be home indefinitely will not be able to catch up on the ground.
Do you have faith that this will bring changes soon and in depth here in Portland? More protests are expected tonight. Do you think the police in this country are under attack? NBCNightly News with Lester Holt. The news business is dynamic and has probably never been more important with everything we face. I am very proud to provide the perspective of a black woman, the daughter of immigrants, the wife and mother of a husband and children who are unfortunately more vulnerable to police violence because of their color, a proud nerd and a representative of the emerging United States in the cable news i hope the great gwen eiffel and my mom philomena carolina look down from heaven and be proud, welcome back, although we could get a hundred million viewers for tonight's debate, the number of undecided voters who You'll see tonight it will be much less than 100 million, we don't even know if there are a million of them these days, polls show that most voters are already made up for tonight's first debate, but we swear there are a handful of undecided.
Our surveys say there are at least 10 of them. Our MSNBC senior national correspondent Chris Channey sat down with a couple of them as undecided voters. suburban Cleveland, near where tonight's debate is, near where Chris, where you grew up, I know, find out what they'll be watching, these are in Ohio, they know what it's like to be courted as an undecided voter and we didn't think they were. There will be undecided voters when this year starts, but right now they are, in fact, Chuck. I told my family at the beginning of the year no. Expect it to show up a lot during the election year because Ohio is no longer a swing state.
This tells you what my forecasting skills are. Look, there's a reason this has always been so important. There is no state that boasts a little and has predicted more. accurately, the 1964 presidential winner since then, Ohio always went for the winner, having said that, looking at this year, I thought okay, this is going to be very issue-oriented, because I think seven percent is what polls now show of people who are undecided here because the unemployment rate is higher than the national average, coronavirus hospitalizations are rising, and yet when I talk to undecided voters, the word that keeps coming up, chuck , again and again, it's character, here's part of my conversation with those Voters I've historically been a Republican this year I feel particularly hesitant because of the personalities Trump puts you off, oh yeah, yeah, but you could still vote for him because of the policies that could make a difference in the debate that I would like to see.
If the president can tone down the rhetoric if it's less about him and more about the questions and in both cases I'd like to see if they can answer the question and be civil, can Trump be civil, can Biden craft a thought? comprehensive? I don't think there is any specific problem or that you know the policy I'm looking for. I'm looking for an answer. I want to see how Joe is able to handle himself under the fire he's going to receive from the president, right? nervous about him, i have some concerns, we talked to a lot more voters on the phone and one of the things that really resonates that trump has said, chuck along with his supporters, is joe biden's age, the other thing hunter biden be on the lookout for that tonight we will be In fact, in this beautiful backyard because those people are going to come back here.
Let's watch the debate together with them. We'll see if they change their minds or if they get carried away in one way or another. of biden's mental acuity has made its way into those comments you have there says a lot about the power of the president's messages fascinating chris jansing thank you with me now there are two men who know a thing or two about how to prepare a candidate for a debate john podesta chair of hillary clinton's 2016 campaign founder of the center for american progress and lonnie chen policy director of mitt romney's 2012 presidential campaign and now a fellow at stanford's hoover institution john podesta hope you heard that last one segment because to me it's kind of an interesting little theme that the Biden campaign has, I think it's a strength, maybe, um, but I'm curious about this lingering theme, it's certainly had a lot of help from prime time. of Fox News in some of the mediocre conservative chambers, but the president has been in This idea that Joe Biden cannot muster a sentence before a first debate is that Biden could have asked for a better bar to clarify with that voter with whom We just talked.
I don't believe it. Actually, Chuck. I think he needs to do it. He really needs to spread his positive message, not get caught up in Donald Trump, who I think he has to change the dynamic of this race, he will be on the attack from the beginning. You know he has a formula. I'm great. It sucks, you know, this is why you know you're going to be terrible for the American people. I think what Biden has to do is, instead of getting a tit for tat, he just has to show that he has a plan for the country, uh, that he delivers it seriously on Covid, on the economy, uh, and I think that he will do well, john podesta, do you think he has a doe?, take a couple of hits at Trump, I mean, there is one thing to ignore. most attacks, but can you afford to ignore them all?
No, you know, look, I think he has a criticism of Trump that is very deep and that he will be able to have many opportunities. They're going to do 15 minutes on Covet 19. So I think he has a lot of shots that he can take on Trump. I think it would be a mistake for him to try to get into this crosstalk that Trump likes to get into. He should make sure. that he knows exactly what that criticism is, he attacks it and if Trump, you know, attacks his family very unpleasantly, etc., I think he can deal with it and you know people are worried about his temper.
I think there are times when seeing you timing a little bit is really helpful, yeah michael dukakis got criticized for not losing his temper, possibly I was, I was, I was in a room and my heart sank when I saw that response to the debate , the election ended at that time, uh, Lonnie Chen, I hesitate to say. What should Donald Trump do tonight? Look, you've had to prepare more traditional presidential candidates for the presidential debates. This is not traditional. I guess if you could get inside his head and reprogram him, what would you do to a sitting president tonight? he dropped seven points with a raging virus if he were a more traditional kind of incumbent president fighting for re-election, well, I mean, chuck, you heard it from those undecided voters in Ohio, I'd have him talk about what his plans are for the next four years.
He would have him talk about the economy, it's a problem. In all the polls we've seen recently, the NBC News poll over the weekend, other media outlets, the economy is a natural strength for the president, regardless of where things have been since the coveted shutdown of the 19th. So I would really ask you to think carefully about what are the various points of the economy that can be emphasized even looking back at the first period, the right record, they can talk about what they have done with China, they can talk about some of the manufacturing that he's back can talk about regulatory relief and fiscal relief, so there are elements of the president's record that he can talk about elements of the plan in the future that he should emphasize, but that would be a little disingenuous about who is right Donald Trump .
Trump will come out and walk away and there won't be much message discipline. Alright? Let me ask the question, then this way Lonnie will know who he is and he will play at doing what he can and what he alone is. comfortable doing what would you advise this version of donald trump to do? He would advise him to keep the pressure on Biden. Look, I mean, there's no harm in keeping up the pressure in a variety of areas, just when you want to attack Biden personally. uh, problems with the Hunter Biden stuff, you want to attack him for having a light schedule, you want to attack him for being, maybe, a step slower than he was in 2012, when I had to prepare Paul Ryan to debate him as vice president. so you know there's no downside if you're Trump, I think to keep him on the defensive and you never know what's going to happen, you could force a mistake, you could show that Biden's not really up to the challenge, there's a lot of things that could get out of this, so if you're Trump, keep the pressure on and see what happens, let's talk about the history of the tax return, John Podesta, how much would you use it if you were Joe Biden tonight?
Look, I think Chris Walsh probably will. Start there, you probably start with the economy and you start with filing your taxes and I think the point you need to make is that as president of the United States, you paid 750 in taxes in 2017. You know, that's what you think you're owed. to the country when uh. people who earn twenty-five thousand dollars pay twice as much in federal income taxes people who earn at the middle income level can pay ten times what he earns he paid I would take that, that's very, I think It's a very complicated number, maybe even more than zero, that's what he believes he owes to the American people, to the frontline workers, to the people who are fighting wars abroad, that's his contribution to make America great, $750 and I think that says a lot about His character speaks a lot about the way he does business and you know, I wouldn't.
I think I'd spend my time on that instead of learning about all the shenanigans he's up to on his tax returns back in New York. Times has exposed, I agree with you that 750 is somehow worse than zero 750 from what you said, it's a stickier number, Lonnie, what's a good defense for this? I mean, you know it, you know it again. I'm putting you in the, you know, I think we know what Donald Trump is going to say. Oh, that's not true, is there a defense to this? Well, I remember when Mitt Romney was attacked for paying an effective tax rate of 14 uh, so how?
How far the discussion has come since then, yes, I think the most effective strategy might be the one that is native to Trump. I went back and watched the first debate in 2016. And there were several responses where basically the premise was uh, you're wrong, it's made up, it's all false and you know, here's other things I'd rather talk about and there's really no great answer to that. this, I mean, he could say look, I just took advantage of the laws that existed, I mean this. It doesn't seem like a very effective defense, I think it's much better that it does what it naturally wants to do, which is attack and just deflect, and it's bad news and there's not much else you can do with something like that. except do what you feel comfortable doing and don't try to be someone else john vanessa lonnie chen I think you guys did a great job on the preview tonight.
I think they've both given us an idea of ​​what these 90 more minutes are about. it's going to be like tonight thanks to both later north carolina can officially start processing votes today and there's already a sign of trouble we'll go there and to the battleground of michigan next but first let's get back to this moment of debate classic in 2000 when the blood was white and the eyes were white one minute the man was practicing confusing math again there are differences so this is a situation where the state continues to fight to expand its testing capabilities protesters feel they need Come out in full force and support your community because I feel like they are not getting support from the Portland Police.
Another Election Day is approaching against the backdrop of how to keep voters safe in the midst of a pandemic. The time to truly understand who we are and who we say we are is here, at our feet. You have to get a four-year degree, but a four-year degree is very expensive. We have created a system where the ticket to the middle class is something that middle class families have to worry about, borrow and fix, why is this happening? with chris hayes subscribe now you're watching nbc news now we have some breaking news we actually saw a huge national guard convoy pass by here it's news made for your live streaming world weekdays starting at 6 a.m. m. this this morning across the country what the new normal will be like for schools many teachers had to make difficult decisions between the job they love and their family what do I decide to take care of my children or have a job that is an impossible decision you are creating a small school community this is the time when we can develop ourselves and develop our community.
Let's pass the word on to the students. How do you really feel about going back to school? What I miss are my teachers. They are resistant. An increase in coronavirus infection. These developments on several fronts. Tonight's story. We are breaking the record for most coveted cases in a single day from every angle. What is your level of concern that children who have been told they will be home indefinitely will not be able to catch up on the ground? Do you have faith? that this will bring changes soon and in depth here in portland more protests are expected tonight do you think the police in this country areunder attack?
NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt The business of news is dynamic and has probably never been more important with everything we are facing, I am very proud to provide the perspective of a black woman, daughter of immigrants, wife and mother of a husband and children who unfortunately are more vulnerable to police violence because of their color, a proud nerd and representative of the America emerging on cable television news. I hope the great Gwen Eiffel and my mother Philomena Carolina look down from heaven and feel proud to be welcomed back as we head into tonight's debate. Both candidates will direct their responses to voters in key states or are expected to but there are new signs of trouble for President Trump and the key places he flipped in 2016 Pennsylvania Wisconsin in Michigan Two recent polls show Biden leading in Pennsylvania Latest poll NBC News' Wisconsin mayor shows Biden now leading there by 10 points Trump has the same level of support in our Michigan numbers, he's sitting there at 44, although Biden's numbers are slightly lower than that, he still has a eight point advantage.
Our own Dasha Burns is talking to voters in Kent County, Michigan for our county project, but what? They want to hear from the candidates tonight, so grand rapids, what are you listening to, dasha? Well, chuck, there are a couple of things that are different about this night of the first presidential debate in Michigan than in the past. The biggest change is that many voters in this state actually have their ballots in hand right now, they became available to voters last week, so over the last few days we've spent time with Kent County Democratic organizers and Kent County Republican organizers and volunteers while they have been using this. time as a really critical period of time to engage with voters and make that outreach much earlier than they normally would because people are going to vote this week, chuck and the approaches are quite different.
One difference is that the Trump Republicans won this county in 2016. I'll be up by a narrow margin, but their chairman, Joel Freeman, tells me they're trying to essentially replicate that in 2020, they're trying to keep that enthusiasm going in 2016. They had many first time experiences. voters come out for Trump and he says they will come back again. In fact, he told me that he doesn't see a big difference between 2016 and 2020. The Democrats, on the other hand, are trying to make the opposite happen this time and we're saying that this election feels completely different than 2016. They're seeing a lot of new volunteers who have never been involved in politics before in terms of what people really want to hear, although it's interesting from these candidates, it seems like everyone wants to. seeing their candidate be the best version of themselves, which means they want Trump to be Trump and Biden to be Biden.
Listen to some of what I heard. I feel like it's one of the biggest things that really appeals to your base and, as you know. the irritated common voter is how he is and he really doesn't have much restraint, so let's just let Trump be Trump. What I want to hear is if Vice President Biden stays away from the personal attacks that I think we know Trump is. he's going to throw stay committed to his focus on his vision of his plan on what sets him apart from another four years of president trump throw that second voter you just heard about that's mitch monan and he's actually a republican he's voted republican in every election of his life except 2016 when he became a third party, we actually met him at the Kent County Democrats office while he was picking up a Biden Harris sign to put in his yard and Chuck, I gotta tell you I don't have statistics or big numbers on this. but every time i have been to the kent county democrats office i have run into a republican there and mitch is actually a veteran army ranger.
He says he's frustrated with the way Trump has handled military affairs and will be interested to hear what they say. They both have to say tonight, well, dasha, that's why we're in Kent County, that's why it's one of our counties, and if Biden has any plans to win this election, he better hope more Republicans show up at the polls. Democrat in Kent County anyway, Dasha. burns in the michigan forest dasha thank you let me go south we go to north carolina election officials are now counting mail-in ballots, but data shows that black voters have their mail-in ballots rejected four times more often than white voters morgan rafford in north carolina with more and morgan these are the first two days of early voting we saw that immediately there was a four percent one percent rejection rate uh among white voters and the fact that it still holds it's pretty disturbing that's right chuck and this is kind of where they're starting to count those mail-in ballots because like you mentioned today is the first day in North Carolina.
North Carolina is one of the few states to begin counting those mail-in ballots before the election. This is the Mecklenburg County Board. elections, so Mecklenburg County, for example, is holding Charlotte here in North Carolina and they're actually having a board meeting right now where they're going to get 35,000 ballots that they're going to review tonight before they open the next one. batch next Tuesday, but This is the thing in Handchuck, you mentioned the fact that state statistics show that among those mail-in ballots, Black voters see their ballots rejected or returned for inconsistencies at a rate four times higher than those of white voters and when we talk to the state board of County Board of Elections, both in Monroe County and Union County and here in Mecklenburg County, they all can't give an answer as to why that discrepancy exists , but they say the inconsistencies that they're seeing that are causing them to return those poll taxes are things like this, for example, this is a mail-in ballot, it may not have a voter's signature on it or it may not have a signature from a witness, which is required by law in North Carolina.
We spoke to one of those voters, a 70-year-old man. black man who said he didn't even know his ballot was rejected until we called him, I heard what he had to say, so he decided he was going to vote no matter what, if he called him, if he had to . Tracing it, I would have gone to the data showing that Black voters have their mail-in ballots rejected at four times the rate of white voters here in North Carolina. Why do you think that's okay? You know, it's funny how that works, you know? If you think that after all this time it took us to get out the vote, you'd think we still could, but it seems like we're still struggling to vote in 2020.
When we talk to nonpartisan election experts, they tell us the best explanation they can. What comes to mind now for this discrepancy is perhaps the fact that many African American voters in North Carolina tend to be used to voting early and in person, so many of them are voting by mail and by ballot for the first time and think that could be the mistake, but the reality is that state election officials are upset that there are these calls, uh, that there is this racial discrepancy, but the reality is that those numbers exist and that impact is real for the people that I've talked to.
Chuck, well, in a way it's important that we find him before Election Day. North Carolina gives people the opportunity to fix their ballot. and New York is, I mean, excuse me, North Carolina is one of the states that allows people to correct their ballots, but of course the county board has to notify them that in fact there was an error and they have to be able to correct it. before the election and it turns out that sometimes we have to do the notification uh and it probably wasn't planned for us to be the notifiers anyway morgan radford on the ground for us in north carolina thanks morgan and I'm sure the voter thanks to you too, our panel is back right after the break with what they'll be looking for, uh, looking for when President Trump and Joe Biden face off for just a few minutes, but first this debate moment from 2004, when John Kerry took George W.
Bush to task on his response to the war on terrorism in response to your question about Iraq and sending people to Iraq, he simply said that the enemy attacked us, Hussein's son did not attack us, Osama bin Laden attacked us, Al Qaeda attacked us, this is a situation where the state continues to fight to expand its testing capabilities protesters feel like they need to come out in full force and support their community because they feel like they are not getting that support from portland police another election day against the backdrop of how To keep voters safe in the midst of a pandemic, the time to truly understand who we are and who we say we are is here at our feet, you must earn a four-year degree, but a four-year degree is very expensive, we have created a system where The ticket to the middle class is something that middle class families have to worry about, borrow and get back on their feet.
Why is this happening with Chris Hayes? Subscribe now while you're watching NBC news. Now we have some breaking news that we actually saw. A large national guard convoy passed by here is news made for your live broadcast world Monday to Friday starting at 6 a.m. m. this morning across the country what will the new normal be like for schools many teachers are left making difficult decisions between the job they love and their family, what am I going to decide? Take care of my children or have a job. It is an impossible decision. You are creating a small community school.
This is the time when we can develop ourselves and develop our community. Let's leave it in the hands of the students. How do they do that? i really feel about going back to school what i miss is my teachers are resilient a rise in coronavirus infection its developments on several fronts the story tonight the united states breaking the record for most coveted cases in a single day from every angle What is your level of concern? Children who have been told they will be home indefinitely will not be able to catch up on the ground. Do you have faith that this will bring changes soon and in depth here in Portland?
More protests are expected tonight. I think the police in this country are under attack. NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. The news business is dynamic and has probably never been more important with everything we face. I am very proud to provide the perspective of a black woman, daughter of immigrants. the wife and mother of a husband and children who are unfortunately more vulnerable to police violence because of her color, a proud nerd and representative of emerging America on cable news. I hope the great Gwen Eiffel and my mom Philomena Carol Amina look down from heaven and be proud, you know what she's been doing for 47 years.
I've been doing it for three and a half years, so you should be able to beat me. I think he has a lot more experience. It will give you a great opportunity. or something like that and he'll go, you'll have energy surges, he'll have energy, he'll be like Superman for like 15 minutes, I can't tell you what I'm going to do, I mean, I don't know. I know I'm going to go to the debate Steve just ask if I'm going to go on the attack uh I have no idea although I think this is all the big preparation you know what I do is pay for the preparation every day I'm answering questions From you, all the time, welcome back to NBC's special coverage of the 2020 presidential debates as we are now just minutes away from the start of the first of three scheduled matchups that was the sound of how President Trump has been preparing for tonight. here's joe biden, can't wait to deal with what he himself calls a stable genius.
I think everyone knows that this man has a somewhat pathological tendency not to tell the truth. I have begun to prepare by reviewing what the president has said and the multiple lies he has told. He is a fool. The comments are simply stupid. Get ready Mr. President. Here I come and I am used to dealing with bullies. Instead of saying how I am going to do it, new look at me casey han joshua johnson and michael beschloss are back to wrap things up michael i'll start with you i think we fell short in the last segment with you so take it from the perspective of joe biden and the challenger here um we haven't had a challenger so far ahead against a sitting president since Bill Clinton, although with the Ross Perot thing he was part of it and then I guess before that you would have to go back to Jimmy Carter, what do you expect to see? joe biden tonight i hope joe biden basically treats donald trump like a child who is having a tantrum that he can't do much about and lets people choose between these two figureswe are in a real crisis tonight we are in a crisis of democracy we are in a crisis of a pandemic that has claimed 200,000 lives and trump's people are so worried that they supposedly asked moderator chris wallace not to mention that our economy is too It is in very bad condition.
Tonight they think they have the luxury of electing a next president who is not prepared to do this job. The other thing, chuck, is that you know tonight we're going to see things we've probably never seen before, but historically sitting presidents usually lose a first debate which was true in the case of Carter Reagan, the two Bushes, even Obama, who is known to be of this great order, so the odds are probably against Donald Trump being able to use this to his own advantage. You know, Casey Hunt, I have to say that I am one of the developments that What surprises me most is that there is no new relief for the virus and we are in the first presidential debate.
It doesn't mean it won't happen before Election Day and I know this is your pace. I'm still surprised we're going in tonight. with an unknown as to whether the federal government will help rescue many people due to this unknown virus and we are just a day or two away from thousands of airline workers losing the help that kept them afloat. The Walt Disney Company just announced that they're going to lay off 28,000 people because we haven't been able to deal with this virus, I mean the numbers are just amazing and people are really suffering and it's pretty amazing that we've left this kind of thing behind. in the background and that is ultimately the responsibility of Congress when they have not been able to keep it in the foreground, I think today's conversations seem to be further along, or at least trending in a more positive direction and I think that was surprising to many of us, who already know.
I've been reporting on this all the time that both sides are basically still a trillion dollars apart from each other, but I think that reflects the fact that you know the Democrats are under a lot of pressure to do something here, obviously President Trump is he's running for re-election, but again, the closer we get to election day, the harder it is for either side to come to terms with the other, I mean, I think the other question here is whether the economy is really suffering so much that there is absolutely no alternative, I think you can go in that direction chuck joshua johnson this has been the part that has been going through my head is how this is being left up in the air and I think this is the issue why which both candidates will be punished if they're not talking about virus relief, economic relief and relief on the healthcare front if they're not focused on it because I think a lot of people are actually tuning into some answers on this.
I absolutely think covert 19 is the issue that you know should significantly dominate the political parts of this debate because it intersects with so many other things. I mean, the economy is listed as a separate issue from covert 19. As you just heard from Casey, it's all tied together, I'm talking about those 28,000. Disney layoffs, the company says the reason they're laying off those people is because they have no guidance on Covet 19. Another thing I'm interested in hearing about in particular is the section called race and violence in our cities and the way in which that Obviously, there is a concern about violence that has been peripheral to the Black Lives Matter protests.
It's worth noting that in the early Black Lives Matter protests over the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, you're no longer participating in protests protected by the First Amendment, so the framing of that. It's going to be interesting in terms of whether or not the candidates have a plan to deal with that and whether or not these two rich old white men are capable of speaking to an increasingly diverse young nation about the future of race, equity and the diversity that is One thing I think Joe Biden could excel at in this debate is that he projects empathy very well and if the president is trying hard to be purely island and insulting and tough, Joe Biden would do well to let that slide. and then Look straight into the eyes of the American people and say: Hey, forget about everything I see.
I see what's happening and this is what's happening tonight that could change the calculus of who we consider the winner of the debate, but with Donald Trump dressed in white. House, I think the calculus of who wins and loses these days changes every day, it seems, and I think that's a good point, I mean, without a doubt, empathy is what Joe Biden has been selling to the American people, Michael. Beschloss, we are running out of time here, I want to give you the last word in terms of the scope and the history of this thing that you mentioned, we are facing an unprecedented crisis, what is at stake tonight for our country not to present a solution . national plan to address it, people are suffering in this economy in a way that is different than any other time and the other thing, if I may say Casey, I don't know whose idea it was to put the words race and violence in the cities in the same sentence as a topic that will be discussed tonight, but I think that should never have been allowed because they are two topics that should not be linked and it is almost an editorial comment in itself, no, I think it is a fair point and There certainly was some criticism about that, I mean, the reality here is that race has been something that we, as a nation, have been dealing with, you know, because of the founding documents of our country, so I think that's the case. a very good, very good point, I mean there is a lot at stake here.
I was reading michael bech via atlantic story today about what could be at stake here tonight in terms of how this election will end joshua johnson michael beschloss thank you Thank you both so much for being with us this hour. NBC News' coverage of the first 2020 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden continues. NBC News. The presidential debate. Here are Lester Holt and Savannah Guthrie. Good evening everyone, welcome to the first presidential debate of 2020. Donald Trump and Joe Biden face to face with Election Day just 35 days away and voting already underway by mail or in person in 30 states and the stage is ready is in cleveland ohio tonight the case co-hosted by western reserve university at cleveland clinic The moderator is Fox News host Chris Wallace and the stakes are high.
The presidency and the future direction of the country are at stake tonight. Lester. There's a lot of ground to cover in Savannah over the next 90 minutes. Candidate records, including President Trump's tax returns. the supreme court vacancy the pandemic the economy racism and civil unrest and the integrity of the election itself we may need a little more than an hour and a half but the debate commission has established the rules has determined by the way that the moderator does not is responsible for fact-checking the candidates tonight, but our team is ready to do just that and provide expert information and analysis and to fact-check live during the debate, you can visit, so let's get started, we'll go first to the white boss.
House correspondent Hallie Jackson, who's inside the debate room, Hallie, what are you hearing from both sides? a couple of things about you having two very different candidates and two very different types of debate prep that's been going on, sources close to President Trump, for example, say he's actually been doing more informal Q&As with his top advisors on Biden's side. People familiar with his planning say the focus this week has become more intense as he has held practice sessions issue by issue, essentially when talking about issues, be on the lookout for President Trump to try to turn this race into less of a referendum. and more in an election, he will probably attack, probably according to aides who have been anticipating this by getting personal with joe biden, potentially going after his son, hunter biden, on the other side, joe biden will. focus on the pandemic, he wants to keep the focus on that and you won't see much live fact checking from him unless something is particularly egregious.
Savannah. Okay, also with this one is NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd. chuck, what are you watching tonight? Well, I will tell you that it is an unusual situation when the favorite is the challenger and the person who has to move up in the race is actually the incumbent and that is Donald Trump. I'm curious to know. See, President Trump has been telegraphing that he's going to get personal and basically do whatever it takes to shake up Joe Biden, but is he really telling voters what he wants to do for a second term?
It's something he hasn't done for Joe Biden. What is obvious is that he is able to dodge Trump's attacks without chasing him down rabbit holes. We're about 30 seconds away. Andrea Mitchell, chief Washington correspondent, is she there? The moderator is in her place. This race has been remarkably stable, but there has always been a debate. the chance to change things completely, andrea and donald trump enter this debate, further behind in the national polls than any incumbent since george herbert walker bush in '92 against bill clinton, but that was a three-way race with ross perot, still has a lot to do.
I try it, but I wouldn't bet on conventional wisdom tonight, he's an entertainer and of course we have to see how he performs tonight. Well, Andrea, thank you and with the debate about to begin, we want to go to Cleveland and moderator Chris Wallace, good evening. case western reserve university health education campus and cleveland clinic i'm chris wallace from fox news and i welcome you to the first of the 2020 presidential debates between president donald j. trump and former vice president joe biden this debate is sponsored by the commission on presidential debates the commission has designed the format six segments of approximately 15 minutes with two-minute responses from each candidate to the first question and then opens the discussion to the rest of each segment, both campaigns have agreed on these rules so that they are recorded in the minutes.
I decided the topics and the questions for each topic. I can assure you that none of the questions have been shared with the commission or with the two candidates. This debate is carried out under health and safety protocols designed by the Cleveland Clinic, which acts as the commission's health safety advisor. For all four debates, as a precautionary measure, both campaigns have agreed that the candidates will not shake hands at the beginning of tonight's debate, the audience here in the room has promised to remain silent, without applause, boos or other interruptions so that we, and more importantly, you, can focus on what the candidates have to say no noise, except now when we welcome Republican nominee for President Trump and Democratic nominee for Vice President Biden.
Hello gentlemen, a lot of people have been waiting tonight, so let's get started. Our first topic is the president of the Supreme Court. Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett over the weekend to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court. She says the Constitution is clear about her and the Senate's obligation to consider a court nominee like Vice President Biden. She says this is an effort by the president and Republicans to hinder an appointment and what you call an abuse of power. My first question for you two tonight, why are you right in the argument you're making and your opponent is wrong, and where do you think a Justice Barrett would take the chief justice?
Trump in this first segment, you go first two minutes, thank you very much, Chris, I'll tell you very simply, we won the election, elections have consequences, we have the Senate, we have the White House and we have a phenomenal candidate respected by all the best academics. in every way good in every way, in fact some of her biggest sponsors are very liberal people from Notre Dame and other places, so I think she's going to be fantastic, we have plenty of time, even if we did it after the election , I have a lot. of time after the election, as you know, I think she will be outstanding, she will be as good as anyone who has served on that court, we really feel that we have a professor at Notre Dame who is very respected by everyone, she said that she is the best student that has had, has been a teacher for a long time at a great school and we just won the election and therefore we have the right to elect her and very few people would knowingly say otherwise and certainly the Democrats wouldn't.
I would even think about not doing it if they had the only difference is that they would try to do it faster, there is no way they would give up, they had the garland of merits, but the problem is that they did not have the elections, so they were detained and that would probably happen the other way around, it would definitely happen the other way around too, so we won the elections and we have the right to do so. Chris, President Trump.Thank you, same question for you, Vice President Biden, you have two minutes. Well, first of all, thank you for doing it.
This and I look forward to this, Mr. President, the American people have the right to have a say in who the Supreme Court nominee is and that decision happens when they vote for United States Senators and when they vote for the President of the United States. We're not going to have that opportunity now because we're in the middle of an election, the election has already started, tens of thousands of people have already voted, so what should happen is we should wait, we should wait and see what the result is. of this election is because the only way the American people can express their opinion is who they choose as president and who they choose as vice president.
Now what's at stake here is that the president made it clear that he wants to get rid of affordable prices. health care law that he has been running and that he has not been governing, that he is in the supreme court right now trying to get rid of the affordable health care law that will deprive 20 million people of having health insurance now if they are going to the court and justice and I have nothing, I do not oppose the judges, she seems like a very good person, but she wrote before sitting on the bench, which is her right, and she thinks that affordable care the law is not constitutional, the other thing is in court and if it is overturned, which it is, women's rights fundamentally change once again, a woman could be forced to pay more money because she has a pre-existing pregnancy condition.
We could. Could. charging a woman more for the exact same procedure that they did to Amanda and that ended when we actually passed the affordable care act and there are a hundred million people who have pre-existing conditions and they will have those pre-existing conditions removed as well. The insurance companies are going to love this so it is not appropriate to do this before this election, if you win the election and the Senate is Democrat or Republican then move on, if not we should wait until February there is no one hundred million people. with pre-existing conditions as far as opinion goes, people already had their opinion, they're fine, Justice Ginsburg said very powerfully, very strongly at some point about ten years ago, she said that a president and the senate are elected for one term. of time, but a president is elected for four years we are not elected for three years I am not elected for three years so we have the senate we have a president elected for the next during that period of time during that period of time we have a vacancy I am not elected for three years I'm elected for four years and 100 million people jill the one hundred million people are dead wrong I don't know where you got that number the biggest problem you have is that you're going to wipe out 180 million people with their private healthcare which is simply not true, well, you said no, you are going to be a socialist, now you are going to be a socialist, and gentlemen, now we are in an open discussion, discussion, discussion, yes, I agree, go ahead. vice president number one, uh, he knows what I proposed what I proposed is that we expand obamacare and increase it, we didn't erase any of the great debates that we had with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, we were saying that Biden I wanted to allow people to have private insurance, but they can still do it, they will do it according to my proposal, not what you have said and it is not what the party says, that is, the party simply does not say what their party wants. go to the socialist party it's a socialist I am and they're going to dominate you joe you know I'm the democratic party right now the platform of the democratic party is what I actually approved what I approved now here's the deal the deal is it's going to end with pre-existing conditions and, by the way, of the 20.2 billion of the 200,000 people who have died under his rule, how many of them have survived well?
There are sevenMillion people who signed up for Covet, what does it mean for them in the future if the Affordable Care Act is struck down? Joe, you've had 308,000 military members die because you couldn't give them proper medical care in the military, so don't tell me. I'm happy to talk about it and if you were here it wouldn't be 200, it would be 2 million people because you came very late to the draw. You didn't want me to ban China, which was very infected. You did not do it. They want me to ban, okay, gentlemen, which was largely president, you would have been much later, Mr.
President, you're talking about two million people, you're not president, we're going to talk about coveting in the next segment, but go ahead, let me finish the The point is that the president also opposes Roe v Wade, which is also on the ballot and the court on the court, and that is also in play right now, so the election is The only thing is that you don't know what's on the ballot, why? on the ballot what because it's not on the ballot it's on the ballot in court, I think so in court, well, nothing happens there, Donald, would you?
I don't know his opinion on Roe v Wade. I don't know well. we're okay let's talk we have a lot to unpack here gentlemen we have a lot of time so on healthcare and then we'll get back to Roe v Wade okay Mr. President the Supreme Court will hear a case every week. after the election in which the Trump administration along with 18 state attorneys general are seeking to repeal that's right, Obamacare, to end Obamacare, you've spent the last year because they want to provide good help, if I may ask my question, sir , good medical care. For the last four years you have promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but never in these four years have you put together a plan, a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare, of course I have.
Well, I'll get rid of the guy I'm going to give you. you excuses i got rid of the individual mandate that was a big part that is absolutely a big thing that was the worst part of obamacare chris that was the worst part let me ask my question well I'll ask Joe if the individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect from Obamacare I removed it, we will protect it and I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer it. Over the course of these four years he has never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare.
And just last Thursday you signed a largely symbolic executive order to protect people with preexisting conditions five days before this debate, so my question, sir, is: What is Trump's health care plan? Well, first of all, I guess I'm debating with you, not him. but it's okay, it doesn't surprise me, let me tell you something: there is nothing symbolic. I'm cutting drug prices. I'm going with the favored nations, which no president has the courage to do because you're going against Big Pharma's drug prices. going down 80 or 90 percent, you could have done it during your 47 year period in government, but you didn't, no one has, so we're cutting health care, all the things we've done, I'll give you you're a For example, insulin is going to destroy families, destroy people, the cost, I get it for so cheap, it's like water, you want to know the truth, it's so cheap, check out all the medications we're making, prescription medications. prices that we are going to allow our governors to now go to other countries to buy medicines because they pay only a small fraction.
This is an open discussion sir, you will be happy. I'm about to pick up on one of your points to ask. The vice president, that is him, notes that he would like to add a public option to Obamacare and the argument that he and other Republicans make is that that will end private insurance, end private insurance and create a health care takeover by the government. It's not like that, it's only for those people who are so poor that they qualify for Medicaid, they can get it for free in most states except governors who want to deny Medicaid to people or the poor.
Anyone who qualifies for Medicare would mean Medicaid would automatically be enrolled in the public option. the vast majority of the American people still wouldn't be on that number one option, so you agree with Bernie Sanders on the far left of the manifesto. That's because you socialize medicine. Look, listen to it. The fact of the matter is that I didn't beat Bernie Sanders much. beat him so much I'm here I'm here standing in front of you you would have left two days earlier you would have lost all the prizes oh he knows how to support on Tuesday you have to look very little there I was very lucky and very lucky tonight too and tonight I will make sure because this This is the deal, this is the deal, the fact is that everything he is saying so far is simply a lie, I am not here to call out his lies, everyone knows he is a liar except you.
I just want to tell you that first I want to make sure that you have ordered less in your class tonight. Oh God, I want to make sure you're president. Can you let him finish, sir? No, he doesn't know how to do that. He elected you, the left just lost, you agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan, absolutely yes, socialized medicine, Mr. President, I'm telling you that you are not here to help people who need health care because, in fact, you already It has cost 10 million people. health care that they had from their employers because of their recession number one number two there are 20 million people getting health care through obamacare now he wants to take it away he will never look you in the eye and say that's what you want to do take it away oh , I want to provide the numbers with better healthcare at a much lower price.
Go ahead Mr. Obamacare, it's not good, we made it better and I had to make a decision all over again. We eliminated the individual mandate. We guarantee pre-existing conditions. but they took away the individual mandate, listen, that's how it is and that destroyed that they shouldn't even call it obamacare, so I had to make a decision: let my people manage it very well or badly, if I manage it badly, they'll probably I blame him but they will blame me but the most important thing is that I want to help people okay I said you have to manage it very well that's all and I just had a meeting with them and they said that the The problem is no matter how well you administer Obamacare. it's a disaster it's too expensive the premiums are too high so it doesn't work we want to get rid of it i have to give it about the same time please let the vice president speak he doesn't have a health care plan yes please he sends his hopes up he has executive orders that have no power he has not reduced drug costs for anyone he has been promising a health care plan since he was elected he does not have one like almost everything else he talks about he does not have a plan he does not have I do not have a plan and the fact is that this man does not know what he is talking about.
Well, I have one last question for you. Sure, Mr. Vice President, if we Senate Republicans were originally talking about the Supreme Court here, if the Senate Republicans move forward. and confirm to judge barrett that there has been talk of ending the filibuster or even packing the court by adding the nine justices there you call this a distraction on the part of the president, but it wasn't actually mentioned by the president, it was mentioned by some of your Democratic colleagues in Congress, so my question to you is: you have refused in the past to talk about it, are you willing to tell the American people tonight whether or not you will support ending the filibuster or filling court?
The position I take is that that will become the issue, the issue is that the American people should speak, you should get out and vote, you are voting now, vote and let your senators know how strongly you feel, vote now, make sure that, in fact, let people know that no, we are senators, I am not going to answer the question because you answered that, because the question is radical left, well, you should listen to who is on your list, joe, this is on youtube , gentlemen, I think. This is so disgusting, we are not going to give in one bit, we are done with this segment, we are going to move on to the second segment, which was really a productive segment, wasn't it?
Keep barking, man, people understand, yeah, 47 years. They have not done anything, you understand well, the second issue is covid19, which is a tremendously serious issue, so let's try to be serious. We have had more than seven million cases of coronavirus in the United States and more than two hundred thousand people have even died. After we produce a vaccine, experts say it could be months or even years before we return to anything resembling normal. My question to you both is based on what you have said and done so far and what you have said you would do starting in 2021, why should the American people trust you more than your opponent to deal with this crisis of public health in the future?
In this case, the question is for you first, sir, two uninterrupted minutes, good luck, two hundred thousand dead, as you said, more than seven million infected in the United States. claims that in fact we have five percent or four percent of thedifference according to the experts and we do it outside, we have tremendous crowds, as you can see, I mean each and every one, literally 24 hours notice and Joe does the circles and he has three people somewhere, okay, for true, in one of the last big rallies he has and a journalist approached him to ask him a question and told him no, no, go back, put on the mask, put on. a mask they tested you I'm very far from those other people that's what he said I can't I'll be fine he's not worried about you he's not worried about the people outside breathing in one of them we haven't had any negativity negative effect we have not had any negative effect and we have had thirty five forty thousand people we want to lead the Israelis just finish quickly because I want to move on to the next yes I would it has been Totally irresponsible the way you have handled social distancing and the people who wear masks basically encourage them not to.
Okay, he's a fool. If they could draw the crowds, they would have done the same, but they can't. No one can, gentlemen, can we move? Let's move on to the accusers, gentlemen, can we move on to the economy? Yes, the economy is there. I think it's fair to say that it recovered faster than expected from the shutdown, much faster in the second quarter. The unemployment rate fell to 8.4 last month. The Fed says the hit to growth there won't be as big as they expected President Trump, you say we're in a V-shaped recovery, Vice President Biden, you say it's more of a K-shape, what's the difference?
What does that mean for the American people in terms of the economy, President Trump in this segment, you go first, so we built the largest economy in history, we shut it down because of the Chinese plague, when the plague came, we shut it down, it which was very difficult psychologically, he didn't do it. I don't think we should close it and he was wrong and again two million people would be dead now instead of 204 thousand people is too much one person is too much it should never have happened in China but what happened is we closed it and now we are reopening and we are doing record business, we had 10.4 million people in a four month period that we brought back into the workforce, that's a record like we've never seen before and he wants to close he'll close it again he'll destroy this country.
You meet a lot of people between drugs, alcohol and depression. As you start to shut it down, take a look at what's happening in some of your Democrat-run states where they have these strict shutdowns. and I tell you that it's because they don't want to open it, one of them came out last week, you saw that, oh, we're going to open on November 9, why on November 9, because it's after the elections, they think they're hurting us by keeping them closed, they're hurting the community. people people know what to do they can social distance they can wash their hands they can wear masks they can do whatever they want but they have to open these states when you look at north carolina when you look and these governors are under siege pennsylvania michigan and a couple of others you have to opening these states is not fair what you are talking about it is almost like being in prison and look at what is happening with the divorce look at what is happening continuing with alcoholism and drugs it is something very, very sad and this guy will close the whole country will shut down the entire country and destroy our country our country is coming back incredibly well setting records like we do not I need someone to come in and say let's shut everything down okay you have two minutes sir now we move on to you like I said raising the question, the president says it is a V-shaped recovery, you say it is K-shaped. recovery what is the difference the difference is that millionaires and billionaires like him in the midst of the Culver crisis had done very well , Ray's other billionaires have made another $300 billion because of his wasteful tax proposal and he only focused on the market, but you Home Friends, you live in Scranton and Claymont and all the small towns and working class of the United States, how old are they?
This guy paid well, a total of 750 in taxes. Wait, no, sir, I understand he agreed to the two minutes, so please leave us. he's got it, i get my time back, the fact is, he's actually worked on this in a way that he will be the first president of the united states to leave office, having fewer jobs in his administration than when he became president, less jobs that when befriended first in American history, secondly, the people who lost their jobs are the people who have been on the front lines, the people who have been saving our lives, the people who have been out there , dying, the people who have been putting themselves in danger. the way to make sure that we can all try to achieve it and the idea that he insists that we go ahead and open when we have almost half of the states in the United States with a significant increase in deaths and hidden cases in the united states of the United States and you want to open it more, why do you want to open it?
Why doesn't he take care of America? You can't fix the economy until you fix the greed crisis and he has no intention of doing anything about it. Making it better for all of you at home in terms of your health and safety, the schools, why are they schools open? Because it costs a lot of money to open them safely. They know they were going to give their administration masks for teachers and students. and then they decided no, they couldn't do that because it's not a national emergency, it's not a national emergency, they haven't done anything to help small businesses, nothing, they're closing, one in six is ​​gone, they should get to work. work and take care of yourself. of the needs of the American people, so we can't open a safe, your time is up, sir, let's get to the I have to answer that, well, you both had two minutes, sir, excuse me, you made a statement, the people He wants his schools.
Nobody wants their schools to be open They don't want them to close They don't want their state to close They want their restaurants I look at New York It's so sad What's happening in New York It's almost like a ghost town And I'm not sure I'll ever what they did in New York can be recovered. People want their places to be open. They want to get back to their lives. People will be careful. But they want their schools. I'm the one who brought football back. The way I brought back Big Ten football was me and I'm very happy to do it and that's okay, the people of Ohio are very proud of me and they're not going to understand that, gentlemen, we're going to get to your economic plans. forward in a moment, but first, Mr.
President, as you well know, there is a new report that says that in 2016, the year he was elected president and in 2017, his first year as president, he paid 750 a year in federal taxes about income in each of those years, I know. You pay a lot of other taxes, but I ask you a specific question: Is it true that you paid 750 in federal income taxes in each of those two years? I paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars in income taxes and let me tell you there was a story in one of the newspapers that was your tax I paid 38 million one year I paid 27 million show us your tax returns I went uh you'll see as soon as It's finished, you'll see it, you know if you want to go to the electoral board?
There is a report of approximately 118 pages that says everything. I have all the banks I have. I'm totally underleveraged because the assets are extremely good and we have a. I built it. I'm asking you a specific question. Let me tell you that I understand all of that. No, Mr. President, I am asking you a question. Could you tell us how much you paid in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017? Millions of dollars, paid millions. of dollars millions of dollars millions of dollars and you will be able to see it and you will be able to see it but let me tell you Chris let me tell you something that was the tax laws that I don't want to pay The taxes were before I came here I was a private developer I was a private businessman, people like Every other private person, unless they're stupid, follows the laws and that's what it is, passed a tax bill that gave us all these depreciation privileges. and for tax credits we build a building and we get tax credits like the hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, you get a huge one which, by the way, was given to me by the Obama administration.
Yes you can believe that now the men were fired right after that happened, but why does the president want to respond? Yes, I want to answer. Look, the tax code that made him put him in a position where he pays less taxes than a schoolteacher earns on the money a schoolteacher earns. It's thanks to him. Here, he says it is. smart because you can take advantage of the tax code and you do take advantage of it, that's why I'm going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts and we're going to eliminate those taxes and make sure that you invest in the people who actually need help, people need help, but why What hasn't done it more than 20 in the last 25 years?
Because he wasn't doing it because he wasn't president, ruining things, he was a senator. and you are the worst president america has ever had, let me tell you joe, i have done more in 47 months, i have done more than you have done in 47 years, joe, we have done things that you never thought about being right, including Fix the broken army you gave me, take care of you, Mr. President, we are talking about the economy. I would like to ask you about your plans in the future because, Mr. Vice President, your economic plan if you did. being elected president uh focuses a lot on big government big taxes big spending I want to focus first on the taxes that you proposed over four trillion dollars over a decade and new taxes on people who earn more than four hundred thousand dollars a year and on corporations President Trump says that kind of tax increase is going to hurt the economy as it is just coming out of a recession.
Well, just look at what the analysis of Wall Street companies says that my economic plan would be to create seven million more jobs in four years, number one and number two, it would create an additional trillion dollars in economic growth because it would be about buying Americans, what we have to do, we are going to make this federal government spend 600 billion a year. year on everything from ships to steel to buildings and the like, and under my proposal, we are going to make sure that every penny of that has to be done by a company with respect, so I'm talking about taxes that are not well spent, for TRUE.
I'm going to eliminate a significant amount of the tax. I'm going to make it that corporate tax 28 should not be 21. You have 19 companies, 91 federal companies, meaning in the Fortune 500, that don't pay a single cent. make taxes billions of dollars why didn't he do it billions of dollars because Obama because he actually approved that was his tax report he did it and you know what happened it lowered it our economy boom is never boom the economy president allow me sir President, let me resume that you would continue with your free market approach, lower taxes, more deregulation, right, not lower taxes, Americans excuse me, but in Obama you talk about the booming economy, it turns out that in the last three Obama's years as president more jobs were created a million and a half more jobs than in the first three years of his presidency had the slowest recovery since the night economic recovery since 1929 was the slowest recovery they also seized something that was here down all you had to do what you do is turn on the lights and you pick up a lot, but they had the slowest economic recovery since 1929.
Let me tell you about the stock market, when the stock market goes up, that means jobs, it also means 401k if you get in, if you ever get in. president with the ideas of he wants to end my taxes my taxes I will tell him what he will lose half of the companies that have arrived here will leave and many companies that are already here will go to other places. They'll be gone and you'll have a depression like you've never seen. Look, we inherited the worst recession, other than a depression, in American history. They asked me to bring her back.
We were able to have an economic recovery that created jobs. you're talking about we handed him a booming economy, he ruined it, it wasn't him, it wasn't booming, it was weakness, it's fair to say he ruined it when, in fact, when there was record low unemployment, yes, before of greed, yes. but because what he did even before the covert fabrication was ruined, the fabrication was over. Excuse me number two, number three, they said it would take no, you're number two, no, Chris, Chris, they said it would take a miracle to get manufacturing back, I brought it back.
Seven hundred thousand jobs brought nothing, they gave up standard rate manufacturing I'm the guy who gave up completely. They asked me to bring back Chrysler and General Motors, who brought it back here in the state of Ohio and Michigan, ruined it. They left, he ruined it and, in fact, hewere Ohio had the best year they've ever had last year Michigan had the best year they've ever had Not many car companies that came from Germany, from Japan, went to Michigan and went to Ohio are not happy and they don't They came, Mr. Vice President, so look at what you've actually done, you've done very little, your trade deals are the same way you talk about these big trade deals, you know you talk. on the art of the deal that China has made, perfected the art of steel.
We now have a larger deficit with China than before. We have the highest trade deficit. China with Mexico. It's okay, China ate your lunch, Joe, and it's no wonder your son is leaving. enter and take out take out billions of dollars take out billions of dollars to manage earn millions of dollars and also since we are on this why is it just out of curiosity the wife of the mayor of Moscow gave her son three and a half million of dollars what did he do to deserve it what did he do with the baristas totally discredited totally discredited and by the way well wait he didn't receive three and a half million dollars Joe the vice president got it through the president that's not true actually Mr.
President it's an open discussion by Please, it is a good fact, there are no people who have raised a problem, this is a discredited vice president, my son did nothing wrong, I think so, Mr. President, you do not want to let me respond because you know that, yes, the truth is that your position has been totally discriminated against by everyone, well, by the media by our allies by the world bank by everyone has debunked a fact testified under oath in his administration said I did my job and I did it very well who they are Alright, I'll give you the list of the people who tested it.
You already fired most of them because they did a good job. Some people don't know it, but here it is. Wait a minute, you'll get the ending. Well, it's hard to talk to this clown, excuse me, hey, let me tell you that no, no, I'm Mr. President. That's simply why he deserved three and a half million from Moscow. Look, here's the agreement we want to talk about. families and ethics I don't want to do that I mean your family we could talk about all night your families are my family my family what is the fortune that comes and helps us with the government sir that's not true you don't want to talk about it What do you, the American people, need, this is about you, that's what we're talking about, okay, that's the end of the segment we're moving on, we move on, it didn't take you vice president, I can be honest, it's very important.
Try to be honest, the answer to the question is no, why shouldn't it be any different than the two of you? So this is the good point, we have six segments, we have finished that segment, we are going to move on to the next segment in that segment. Each of you is going to have two uninterrupted moments in those two interrupted minutes Mr. President you can say whatever you want I'm going to ask you a question about race but if you want to answer about something later but I think the country It would be better if we allowed both people speak with fewer interruptions.
I ask you, sir, to do well and he too well, frankly, he has been doing more interruptions, that's fine, but he does much less than sir, no less. of what you have, please let's continue with the topic of race vice president biden, you say that president trump's response to the violence in charlottesville three years ago, when he spoke of very good people on both sides, was what led directly to you launch this candidacy for the presidency, oh. Yes, of course, President Trump, you have often said that he believes he has done more for African Americans than any president, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln.
My question to you both is why voters should trust you and not your opponent to deal with the race. The problems that this country will face over the next four years, Vice President Biden, you go first, it's about equity, it's about inequality, it's about decency, it's about the constitution and we have never abandoned trying to demand equity for all, equality for all over America, but we've never made it but we never got away from it like he did. It's true. The reason I entered the race is with those people. He closes his eyes. Remember what those people look like coming out of the fields with torches and their veins bulging. and simply spitting anti-semitic bile and accompanied by the ku klux klan they killed a young woman and asked the president what he thought, he said there were very good people on both sides, no president has ever said something like that, he is now the second lord.
The second point I want to make is that when Floyd was killed, when Mr. Floyd was killed, there was a peaceful protest in front of the White House, what did he do? He came out of his bunker and the military used tear gas on him, so he could walk up to a church and hold a bible and then what happened after that, the bishop of that same church said it was the disgrace, the general who was with him said the only thing he ever wants to do is divide people, not join. people at all this is a president who has used everything as a whistle to try to generate racist hate racist division this is a man who actually talks about helping African Americans one in every 1,000 African Americans has been killed by the coronavirus cona and if you don't do something quickly by the end of the year one in 500 will have died one in 500 African Americans this man this man is the savior of African Americans this man cares at all this man has done practically nothing Look, the fact is that you have to look at what you're talking about, you have to look at what you did and what you did has been disastrous for the African American community, so President Trump has two minutes, why should Americans trust you over your opponent?
To address racism, an anti-crime bill was passed in 1994 calling them superpredators. African Americans, superpredators, and they have never forgotten it, they have never forgotten it, Jeff, no sir, they are their two minutes, so you did that and they called you a super predator and I'm letting people out of jail now that you've tried. the black community, you have treated the black community as badly as anyone in this country, you did 199 and that's why if you look at the polls, I'm doing better than any Republican in a long time because they saw what? did? You called them super predators and you called them worse than that because you look back at your testimony over the years.
You called them much worse than that when it comes to the church and when it comes to the generals. we are concerned we just received the support of 200 thousand 250 military leaders and generals full support for law enforcement almost all law enforcement groups in the united states i have florida i have texas i have ohio i have all the excuses i portland the sheriff just came out today and said I support President Trump. I don't think you have any law enforcement. You can't even say the word law enforcement because if you say those words you're going to lose all your radical left supporters and why not? saying those words Joe, why don't you say the words law enforcement?
Because you know, if they called us to Portland, we'd put out that fire in half an hour, but they won't because they're led by the radical left. democrats if you look at chicago if you look anywhere you want to look at seattle they heard we were coming the next day and they raised their hands and we took back seattle minneapolis we took it back joe because we believe in law and order but you don't know it, the top 10 cities in almost the 40 major cities are run by Democrats, in many cases radical left, and they have you in their grip to the point that you don't want to say anything about the law. and order and I will tell you what the people of this country want and demand law and order and you are afraid to even say it right I want I want to go back to the issue of race vice president biden after the grand jury in the brianna taylor case decided not to indict no homicide cop you said that raises the question quote if justice could be applied equally in the United States do you think there is a separate but unequal justice system for black people in this country?
Is there simply a systemic injustice in this country in education and work and in the application of the law and the way it is applied? But look, the vast majority of police officers are good, decent, honorable men and women, they risk their lives every day to take care of you. us but there are some bad apples and when they occur when they are found they have to be resolved they have to be held accountable they have to be held accountable and what I am going to do as president of the United States is call everyone together A whole group of people in the White House ruin everything from civil rights groups to police officers, police chiefs, and we're going to figure this out, we're going to figure this out to change the way we have more transparency.
When these things happen, these police officers are not happy to see what happened to George Floyd. These cops are not happy to see what happened to Brianna Taylor. Most don't like it, but we have to have a system where people are held accountable. when and by the way, violence and response is never appropriate is never appropriate peaceful protest is violence is never appropriate right? what is peace protest when they review the I promise we'll get to the topic of law and order sometime this month His administration ordered federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or theory criticism of race, why did you decide to do that to end racial sensitivity training?
Do you believe there is systemic racism in this country, sir? I ended it because it's racist. I finished it because a lot of people were complaining that they were being asked to do absolutely crazy things, that it was a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools everywhere, and you know it and so does everyone. otherwise, totally racial sensitivity training, if you were a certain person, you had no status in life, it was kind of an investment and if you look at people, we were paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas. and, frankly, very sick ideas and and they were really teaching people to hate our country and I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to let that happen, we have to go back to the core values ​​of this country, they were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it's a racist place and they were teaching people to hate our country and I'm not going to let that happen.
Vice President Biden, no one is doing that, he's just the racist, you're just not, here's the deal. I know much more. In this regard the fact is that there is racial insensitivity people have to be aware of what other people feel what insults them what is degrading to them it is important that people know that they do not want many people do not want to hurt the feelings of others people, but it's amazing, it makes a huge difference, it makes a gigantic difference in the way a child can grow up and have a sense of self-worth, it's a bit like how this guy and his friends look down on There are so many people who look down on people. like Irish Catholics like me who grow up in Scranton despise people who don't have money they despise people who have a different faith they despise people who are a different color in fact we are all Americans the only way to unite this country is bring everyone together there is nothing we can't do if we do it together we can confront this and we can defeat racism president, I mean president Trump Sir, during the Obama Biden administration there was tremendous division, there was hate, look at Ferguson, look , go to a lot of places, look at Oakland, look at what happened in Oakland, look at what happened in Baltimore, look at what happened, frankly, it was more violent than what I'm even seeing it now, but the reason is that the Democrats who run these cities don't want to talk like you about law and order.
Are you violence for law and order? I am in favor of the law you follow. Are you in favor of? sir, you ask a question fairly where people are treated fairly and the fact is that violent crime decreased 17 15 in our administration, it has increased much more during your tenure, okay, Mr. President, Mr. President, all the records in Mr. President, you We will be very happy because we are not going to talk about law enforcement because we had problems with cities governed by Democrats. That's exactly my question. There has been a dramatic increase in homicides in the United States this summer in particular and that is often blamed.
Democratic mayors and governors, but in fact there have been equivalent spikes in Republican-led cities like Tulsa and Fort Worth, so the question is whether this really is a partisan issue. I think it's a party issue. You can give a couple of examples, but if you look at Chicago what's happening in Chicago where 53 people were shot and eight were shot dead if you look at New York where it's increasing like nobody's seen anything the numbers are increasing one hundred and fifty two hundred percent uhcrime is crazy what is going on and he doesn't want to say law and order because he can't because he will lose his radical left supporters and once he does it's over, but if he ever gets to govern this country and they govern it the way they would he wanted to run it, we'd have our suburbs disappear the way our suburbs disappear and you'd see problems like he never had a suburb unless he took a wrong turn oh I know celebrities I grew up in the suburbs this ain't 1950 .all these dog whistles and racism don't work anymore. the suburbs are generally integrated;
Today, there are many people who take their children to soccer practice or take whites, blacks and Hispanics in the same car as before. time in the past, what really is a threat to the suburbs and their safety is their inability to deal with greed, they are dying in the suburbs, their inability to deal with the environment, they are being flooded, they are being burned because their refusal to do anything, that's why the suburbs are interested. However, I want to talk about this issue of law and order, and in the joint recommendation that came out of the Biden Bernie Sanders task force, you talked about, first and foremost, reinventing policing. means and you support it means let me finish the question, what does it mean to reinvent policing? and do you support the issue of black lives matter? uh, calls for community control of policing.
Look, what I support is that the police have the opportunity to deal with the problems they face and I am not totally opposed to defunding police officers, in fact, the local police are the only ones that defund in their budget requires a cut of 400 million dollars in assistance from local law enforcement, they need more assistance than they need when they show up to a 9 11 call to have someone with them as a psychologist or psychiatrist to prevent them from having to use force and power deter people. We have to have community policing like we had before, where the officers know the people in the communities.
That's when crime went down, it didn't go up, it went down, so we have to be in this case, they're talking about Chris, that's not him. is where they are, he's talking about defunding the police, that's not true. It has no legal support, it has no law enforcement, that's not true, that's not true, look who you have, name a group that supports you, name a group that came out and supported you, go ahead, I think we have time, We don't have time to do anything, okay, a law enforcement group that returned, gentlemen, I think I'm going to remove the moderators and I want to get to another topic, which is the topic of the protests in many cities that have become violent in Portland, Oregon, especially, we had over a hundred days in a row of protests and I think you would agree that you talk about peaceful protests, many of which turned into riots, Mr.
Vice President, you say that the people who they commit crimes they should be held accountable, the question I have is is as the Democratic candidate and tonight you said you are the Democratic party right now. Have you ever called the Democratic mayor of Portland or the Democratic governor of Oregon and said hey, you've got to stop this, bring in the national guard, do whatever? It's necessary, but you would stop the days and months of violence in Portland. Now I do not hold public office. I am a former vice president. I made it clear. I made it clear in my public statements that the violence should end. prosecuted, must be prosecuted and whoever commits it for the people, excuse me, sir, you have never called on the leaders in Portland and Oregon to call us in, bring in the national guard and end a hundred days of riots.
In fact, they can take care of it. of that if you stay out of the way look here oh really here oh really no one catch the murderer of the young man in the middle of the street they shot him and for three days president trump portland did nothing I had interrupted the we, marshall, go ahead, sir and by the way, his own former spokesperson said he knows the riots, the chaos and the violence, helpless because that's what this is all about. I don't know who said that. I believe. Kellyanne Conway. I don't know. I think she said she said that and here's that, but here's the point, the point is that's what he keeps trying to irritate everything, he doesn't want to calm things down instead of going in and talking to people and saying, "let's bring everyone." together let's figure out how to deal with this, what does it do?
You just constantly pour gasoline on the fire and every solitaire is fine, and to end this button of this segment, I will give you a minute to respond, sir, you have criticized repeatedly. to answer your things you have not said no, you have been talking, you made a statement, I am asking you, I would love to know, sir, I would love to know if you want to change seats, we could do it very quickly, but I. I would say that the national guard would end, there would be no problem, that's fine, but they don't want to accept the national guard.
You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically denouncing Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups, but is he? willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and say that they need to stand down and not escalate violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha and as we've seen in Portland, are you prepared to do this? I would say that almost everything I see is from the left, not from the right, what are you, what are you, what are you saying, I am willing to do anything, I want to see peace, lord, say it, do it, say it, will you? call it what you want to call it give me your name give me a white surprise and you would like me to continue proud stand back and wait but I'll tell you what someone has to do something about it antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem this is a left-handed director this he's a leftist white supremacist antifa is an idea not an organization you got it that's what his FBI tonight your administration is telling you the truth is he has a bad idea what I'm going to ask a question when the president seeks a second term , it's usually a referendum on his record, but Vice President Biden likes to quote one of his father's sayings, which is: don't compare me. to the almighty compare me to the alternative and in this case sir you are the alternative looking at your two recordsI'm going to ask each of you why voters should elect you as president instead of your opponent in this segment, President Trump, wow the first two minutes because there has never been an administration or a president who has done more than me in a period of three and a half years and that despite the impeachment hoax and you saw what happened today with Hillary Clinton, where it was a big scam , but despite going through all these things where I had to fight on both sides, behind me and above, there has never been an administration that has done what I have done, the best before greed came. in the largest economy in history, the lowest unemployment numbers in terms of employment, everything was going well, everything was going well and, by the way, unity was going to happen, people were calling me for the first time. in years, they would call and say maybe it was time and then what happened?
We got hit, but now we're rebuilding it again, a rebuild of the military, including the space force and all the other things, and a repair of the va that was a disaster under his command 308,000 people died because they didn't have proper medical care he was a disaster and now we got a 91 approval rating at the VA our vets we take care of our vets but we have rebuilt our military the work we have done and I will tell you something that some people say is maybe the most important thing in the end of the first term I will have approximately 300 federal judges and 300 appeals court judges and, hopefully, three great supreme court judges, that is a record that very few people have and you know, one of the reasons why I will have so many judges is because President Obama and he left me 128 judges to fill when you leave office, you don't leave any judges, it's like you just don't Don't do that, they left 128 vacancies and if I were a member of their party, because they have a philosophy a little different, I would say that if you left us 128 vacancies, you can't be a good president, you can't be a good vice president. president, but I want to thank you because it gives us almost that you will probably be above that number at the end of this term 300 judges is a record looking at both records why should voters elect you as president instead of President Trump, you have two? uninterrupted minutes under this president we become weaker sicker poor more divided and more violent when I was vice president we inherited a recession they asked me to fix it I did we left him a booming economy and he caused a recession regarding being weaker the fact It's just that I have come face to face with Putin and made it clear to him that we are not going to take any of his things.
He is Putin's puppy and still refuses to tell Putin anything about the bounty on the Americans' heads. soldiers millions of dollars and, by the way, Mr. Price, wait a minute, Mr. President, his campaign agreed that both sides would get uninterrupted two-minute responses. Well, his side agreed and why not look at what his campaign agreed to as a ground rule. sir, he never keeps his words no, no, I'm not at all, that was a rhetorical question, can you go back 30 seconds? Yeah, that might be okay, move on, so thirdly we're poor, the billionaires have gotten a lot richer to the tune of three to four hundred billion dollars more since you've been home you have less you have more problems that before in terms of being more violent when we were in office there was 15 percent less violence in the United States than there is today he is president of the United States, he is under his command and with respect to the most divided, the nation does not can stay divided, we can't be like that and talking about my son the way you talk about the military, the way you talk about them being losers and being and and just being fools my son was in Iraq spent a year there he got he got the bronze star he got the conspicuous service medal he wasn't a loser he was a patriot and the people left behind were heroes and it bothers me you're talking about hunter you're talking about I'm talking about my son beau biden you're talking I don't know I don't know beau I know hunter was kicked out of the military he was dishonorably discharged that's not true he used cocaine and didn't have a job until you became vice president what do you mean he made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow , it is simply in several other places, my son, fortunately, in general, my son and did not have a judge, my son?
Like a lot of people, like a lot of people we know at home, he had a drug problem, he overcame it, he fixed it, he worked on it and I'm proud of him, but why was I giving him millions? giving 10 million that is totally president totally you have already passed fully accredited we have already been through this I think the American people would prefer to hear about more substantial issues well, you know as a moderator, sir, I'm going to make a judgment call here three million and half of the mayor's dollars on moscow i think that mitt romney report on that committee said he wasn't worth taxpayers' money that reporter was written for political reasons you know i would like to talk about climate change joe and I'm fine, the wildfires in the west are ravaging now that they have burned millions of acres, they have displaced hundreds of thousands of people when state officials blame the fires on climate change, Mr.
President, you said I don't think science knows. For years he has pulled the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. It has rolled back a number of Obama's environmental records. What do you believe about the science of climate change and what will you do in the next four years to address it? I want crystal clear water. and air, I want beautiful clean air, we now have the lowest level of carbon emissions if you look at our numbers right now, we are doing phenomenally, but I have not destroyed our businesses, our businesses are not out of commission if we We look at the Paris Agreement.
It was a disaster from our point of view and people are actually very happy with what is happening because our businesses are doing well when it comes to fires, forest management is needed, on top of everything else, the soils of the forest are full of trees, dead trees that are years old and are like tinder and leaves and everything else, you throw a cigarette there, the whole forest burns, you have to have forest management, what do you believe, what do you believe about the science of change Climate, sir, I think? We have to do everything we can to have pristine air, pristine water and do everything we can, that's good, you know, we're planting a billion trees, the billion tree project, and it's very exciting.
I think human pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming. I think a lot of things do, but I think to some extent.Yes, I think to some extent yes, but I also think that we have to manage our forests better every year. I get the call: California is burning. California is burning if it were. cleaned up if that were so if you had good forest management you wouldn't get those calls you know in Europe they live in their forest cities they call forest cities they maintain their forests they manage their forests I was with the head of a major country it's a forest city, he said sir, we have trees that are much bigger, they light up much easier than California, there shouldn't be that problem, I talked to the governor about it, I get along very well with the governor, but I told him, you know?
At some point you can't burn hundreds of thousands of acres of land every year, but that is burning for lack of lord, if you believe in the science of climate change, why have you rolled back Obama's clean power? plan that limited carbon emissions at power plants why have they relaxed because he was driving energy prices through the roof? Why have they relaxed fuel economy standards that will create more pollution in cars? Well, not really because what is happening is that the car is much less expensive. and it's a much safer car and you're talking about a small difference and then what would happen?
Due to the cost of the car, you would have at least double and triple the number of cars purchased. We have the old slugs that are 10. 12 years ago, if that was done, the car would be safer, it would be a lot cheaper, but they just took a lot of cars off the market because people could afford a car now, so by the way, let's do it. See how it turns out, but a lot of people agree with me, a lot of people, the car has become very expensive because they have computers everywhere to get a little more gas and I also agree with electric cars, I think I'm totally in favor of electric cars.
I have given great incentives for electric cars, but what they have done in California is crazy. Vice President Biden, I'd like you to respond to the president's record on climate change, but I also want to ask you. On one concern, you propose $2 trillion in green jobs, you talk about new limits, not abolition, but new limits on fracking, ending the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity by 2035 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse effect by 2050. The president says there are many these things would ruin the economy and cost millions of jobs. You are absolutely wrong number one, number two, if in fact, during our administration, the recovery act was able to reduce the cost of renewable energy to a price cheaper than or as cheap as coal, gas and oil, nobody is going to build another coal-fired plant in the United States, nobody is going to build another oil-fired plant in the United States, they are going to move to renewable energy number one, number two, we are going to make sure that we can take the federal fleet and turn it into a fleet that runs on its electric vehicles.
To make sure we can do that, we're going to put in 500,000 charging stations and every road we go on. that we are going to build in the future, we are going to build an economy that will actually allow us to take 4 million buildings and make sure that they are air-conditioned so that they emit significantly less gas and oil because the heat is not going to turn off there are so many things that we can do now to create thousands and thousands of jobs we can get to net zero in terms of energy production by 2035 not only not cost people jobs create jobs create millions of well-paying jobs, not 15 dollars an hour but prevailing wage by having a new infrastructure that is in fact green and the first thing I will do is rejoin the Paris agreement, I will rejoin the Paris agreement because with us out of this, look what happens. is happening, everything is falling apart and we are talking about someone who has no relationship with Brazil's foreign policy.
Brazil's rainforest is being felled or bulldozed. More carbon is absorbed in that rainforest than every bit of carbon admitted into the United States. Instead of doing something about it, I would get together and make sure that we have to come the countries of the world with 20 billion dollars, say here is 20 billion dollars, stop cutting down the forest and if you don't do it, then It's going to have significant economic consequences. What about the argument that President Trump basically says you have to balance environmental interests and economic interests and he drew his line well, he hadn't drawn a line?
Still, for example, he makes sure that we want to make sure that methane is not a problem. Now we can emit more methane without it being a problem. Methane. This is a guy who says you don't need to have mileage standards for cars that exist now. This is a guy that says the fact that it's all true and here we are thinking about the green new deal and it's not 2 billion or 20 billion like you said, it's 100 trillion dollars that I'm talking about, they want to take down buildings and rebuild the building, it's the silliest thing, the most redundant thing where two car systems are out and they also want to take out the cows, you know, that's not true either, right, this is 100 billion, that is, more money than that our country could win in a hundred years if it weren't like that, okay, let me.
Let me, let me alone because I'm really waiting a minute, sir. In fact, I've studied his plan and it includes upgrading four million buildings, weatherizing two million homes over four years, building one and a half million energy efficient homes, so the question becomes something the president says. I think some people who support the president would say it looks like it's going to cost a lot of money and hurt the economy. What he is going to do is going to create thousands and millions of jobs. Well-paying jobs. Let him finish, sir. He does not do it. "We know how to make that 100 billion, the fact is it will create millions of good paying jobs and these tax incentives for people to adapt to the climate, which he wants to get rid of, will make the economy much safer, look how much we are".
Now you're paying to deal with hurricanes. By the way, he has an answer for hurricanes. He said maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon on them. It's possible I never said he actually invented it. And this is the deal you make. up we're going to be in a position where we can create good, hard jobs making sure the environment is clean and we're all in better shape we spend billions of dollars now billions of dollars on flooding hurricanes sea level rise We're in. A real problem, look what's happening in the Midwest with these storms coming in and leveling entire sections and counties in Iowa.
They didn't happen before. Due to global warming, we account for 15 percent of the world's problem. In fact, but the rest of the world we have to get them to come, that's why we have to go back to the Paris agreement, okay, guys Chris, so why didn't you do it for 47 years that you were vice president, why don't you did you get the world? China throws real dirt into the air. Russia, India, do they all do it? We're supposed to be good, and by the way, he made a couple of statements, the green new deal is. one hundred billion dollars he said I said something about the army he and his friends invented it and then accepted it I never said well the final question is I don't remember which one of those are ramblings I'm having a little problem myself, but uh, and about the economy and on this question of how much it's going to cost the economy, I'm talking about the green new deal and the idea of ​​what its environmental changes will do, the green new deal will pay for itself as we move forward.
I'm not going to build plants that are in fact big polluting plants. Are you going to build a new agreement? Sorry, you support, no, I don't support the green new deal, no, well, that's a great statement, I support it. the radical left I suspect that I support the biden plan that I presented okay, the biden plan that is different from what he calls the radical green new deal very well gentlemen final segment electoral integrity as we meet tonight millions of Americans are receiving ballots by mail or If we are going to vote early, how sure should we be that it will be a fair election and what are you willing to do for the next five weeks or more, because it will not only be election day but also the counting of some ballots submitted by mail after? on Election Day, what are you willing to do to assure the American people that the next president will be the rightful winner of this election in this final segment, Mr.
Vice President? First, prepare to let people vote, they should go to and decide how they are going to vote, when they are going to vote and what means they are going to use to vote. Their own director of homeland security, as well as the director of the FBI, say there is no evidence that the mail and ballots are a source of being manipulated and cheating said the fact is that there will be millions of people due to greed that they are going to vote by mail and ballots like he does because of the way he sits behind the desk resolute and sends his ballot to Florida. number one number two we're going to make sure that those people who want to vote in person can vote because there are enough poll watchers there to make sure that they can socially distance the polls are open on time and their polls stay open until the votes are counted and try to try to dissuade people from voting because he is trying to deceive to scare people into thinking that it is not going to be legitimate, show up and vote, you will determine the outcome of this election vote vote vote if you are you can vote early in your state vote early if you can vote in person vote in person vote in the way that is best for you because it cannot prevent you from being able to determine the outcome of this election and in terms of whether or not when the votes are counted and they are all counted that will be accepted if I win that will be accepted if I lose it will be accepted but by the way if he actually says he's not sure what he's going to do accept well let me tell you something it doesn't matter because if we get the votes everything will end he will leave he can't stay in power it won't happen it won't happen so vote just make sure you understand that it is within your control to determine what this country will be like in the next four years, is it going to change? you'll have four more years of these lies, Mr.
President, two minutes, so when I heard Joe talk about a transition, there has been no transition since I won that election and if you look at corrupt Hillary Clinton, if you look at all the different People, there was no transition because they came after me trying to stage a coup, they came after me spying on my campaign. They started from the day I won and even before I won, from the day I walked down the escalator with our first lady. They were a disaster. They were disgraced to our country and we caught them. We caught them as much as we could. all on tape, we've caught them all and by the way, you gave the idea of ​​the Logan Act against General Flynn, you better take a look at it because in a sense we caught it and President Obama was sitting in the office that I knew. also so don't talk to me about a free transition when it comes to ballots it's a disaster a requested ballot okay, requested okay you're requesting you're asking to send it back you send it back I did that if they have an unrequested vote they are sending millions of ballots all over the country there is fraud they found it in creeks they found some with the name trump coincidentally they had the name trump the other day in a trash can they are sending them all over the place they sent two in a democratic area they sent a thousand ballots they all received two ballots this is going to be a fraud like you have never seen the other is nice on November 3rd you are looking and you see who won the elections and I think we will do well because people are very happy with the work we have done, but you know what that we won't know, maybe we won't know for months because these votes are going to end, take a look at what happened in manhattan look at what happened in new jersey look at what happened in virginia and other places they're not losing two percent one percent cent which by the way is too much an election can be won or lost with what they will hear 30 and 40 percent is a fraud and it is a shame and can you imagine when they say that you have to have your ballot before November 10 November, that means that's seven days after the election theoretically should have been announced? okay we have made your states with that man all run by democrats two minutes all run by democrats president trump it is a gerrymander that will be able to continue he has been charging for months and mail voting is going to be a disaster you say you are rigged and will lead to fraud, but in 2018, in the last midterm elections, 31 million people voted by mail, which was a quarter more than a quarter of all voters that yearwho voted by mail now that millions of mail-in ballots have been sent, what are they going to do about it?
Do they count on the Supreme Court, including Judge Barrett, to resolve any decision? Yes, I think I count on them to review the ballots, definitely not. Think about it, I hope we don't need them in terms of the elections themselves, but for the ballots, I think we do because what is happening is incredible. I just heard I read today that at least one percent of the ballots for 2016 were invalidated. we don't like them we don't like millions of ballots I'm asking you about the fact that millions of people go and vote you go and vote like before millions of people or do you chris a requested ballot where are you sending it they are sending it back and you you're shipping they have a postman with a bunch of it, did you see what's happening?
Check out the mailman in West Virginia selling the ballots, they're selling them, they're abandoning them. in the rivers, this is something horrible for our country. You don't have to request the ballot that is sent to you, it is sent to your home, what we are saying is that it has to be postmarked by Election Day if it doesn't arrive until the seventh eighth. ninth, it still needs to be counted, you are simply afraid to count the votes because you are wrong. I want to continue with you about this vice president because he gets things wrong a lot when he makes a statement.
Sorry, Vice President Biden, actually the biggest problem over the years. Historically, with mail-in voting there has not been fraud, but sometimes considerable numbers of ballots are thrown out because they were not completed correctly or there is some other irregularity or they must have passed the deadline, so the question is What? What I have is are you concerned about the Supreme Court with Judge Barrett resolving any dispute? I'm worried about any court ruling this because this is the deal when you file when you get a ballot and you fill it out you're supposed to have an affidavit if you didn't know you have someone saying it's me you should be able to do that if in fact you can verify that you when before the ballot is discarded, that is enough to be able to count the ballot because someone I made a mistake and did not put the dot in the correct eye who they voted for testify say who they voted for say that it is you who is totally legit is very excited I have a fight it's flooding my system you know it can't be done you know it can be done And already election workers are prohibited by law currently in eight states from even beginning to process the ballots, even removing them from the envelopes and flattening them to the Election Day, which means there is likely to be a big increase in mail-in voting. that we are not going to know on election night who the winner is, it could be days or weeks until we know who the new president is, so first for you, sir, finally for the vice president, I hope that neither of you will interrupt the another will urge his followers to remain calm during this extended period to not engage in any civil unrest and will promise tonight that he will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified.
President Trump. I am urging my followers. Let them go to the polls and watch very carefully because that is what has to happen. I urge you to do so, as you know, there was a big problem in Philadelphia today. They went in to observe. They were called election observers. It is a very safe and pleasant thing. they were kicked out they weren't allowed to see you know why because bad things happen in Philadelphia bad things and I'm urging, I'm urging my people, I hope it's a fair election, if it's a fair election, I agree one hundred percent but If I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated I cannot accept that and I will tell you what that is, from common sense, does that mean that they are telling people that it means that they have a fraudulent election? sending 80 these people are not equipped to handle it number one number two they cheat they cheat hey they found ballots in a trash can three days ago and they all had the name military ballots they were military they all had the name Trump they vice versa, I think it's good, Vice President Biden, last question for you, will you urge your supporters to remain calm while the vote is counted and commit to not declaring victory until the election is independently certified?
Yes, and this is the agreement, we count the balance. as you pointed out some of these ballots in some states can't even be opened until election day and if there are thousands of ballots it will take time to do so and by the way our military has been voting ballot first since the election. end of the civil war in effect and that is and that is what happened is going to happen why it was not like that why for them in some way it is not fraudulent it is the same process it is honest nobody has established at all that there is fraud related to the male imbalance that is somehow a fraudulent process has already been established he has no idea what he's talking about here's the deal the fact is that I will accept it and he will too you know why because once it is declared to the winner after all all the ballots are counted all the votes are counted, that will be the end, that will be the end and if it is me, in fact it is okay, if it is not me, I will support the result and I will be president, not only for the democrats. being president for Democrats and Republicans and this guy I want to see honestly gentlemen, would you say this is the end of this, this is the end of this debate, this vote counting will continue in more debates as we go, uh, president, Trump, vice president? biden it has been an interesting hour and a half i want to thank you both for participating in the first of the three debates in which you agreed to participate we want to thank case western reserve university and cleveland clinic for organizing this event sponsored by the upcoming debate by the commission of presidential debates will be a week starting tomorrow, october 7th at the university of utah in salt lake city the two vice presidential candidates, vice president mike pence and senator kamala harris will debate at 9 pm eastern time that night we hope you watch Until then thank you and good evening, if you hear that this debate has ended with music to your ears, you may not be alone.
What might have been a low point in American political discourse, certainly in any modern debate we've seen took place for over an hour and a half if you showed up looking for a food fight, you had a fight between these two men language that is rarely we heard from the candidates in a political debate a name that reached a new level uh, frankly, savannah guthrum I'm a little I have no words to describe what we just witnessed, maybe because I think, like many in this country Seeing this, they were speechless. They can't pretend this was a normal debate.
A normal example of American democracy at work. you know, the fight between enemies this was different, it was a total grudge match, it was undignified in many moments, it was cringeworthy in many moments, um and you, just as I turned to Chuck, we can't pretend that I can't. I'm going to you, Chuck, with my normal question, give me a political analysis question because I think we need to pause for a moment and say it was crazy, what was it, it was a train wreck, um, but it was a train wreck created by one person. I mean we know who did it.
President Trump did this and in some ways it's the only way he knows what to do. He crushed the moderator. He crushed Chris Wallace. He crushed and at times made Joe Biden nervous, but I don't know if anyone wouldn't have done that. been nervous about the president's behavior in the president's performance, it was a pure train wreck, I don't know how that helped anyone if you were watching this as an undecided voter, I don't know if it helped at all, huh, I just don't know what you learned . Did you stay on the channel? I got a lot of texts from people saying I turned it off.
Yes, I also received a lot of those comments from both real strangers and friends and family. people seem to turn this off, it's um again, I'm back, I'm trying to figure it out and I'm trying to find, okay, did this help anyone politically? I will say that Joe Biden's campaign has been trying to make the case. Basically, President Trump is a fraud, a bully and he has no plans, that was something that seemed to happen, I think at times, and certainly President Trump played the bully role quite well. The Trump campaign has been trying to paint Joe Biden as out. of this and captive of the left, uh, I think his people are going to think that the president scored a few points here or there, but you know I'm looking at it, I think a lot of people will see this and feel like maybe a little empathetic to anyone who had to be involved in this, let me talk to andrea mitchell right now, andrea, a lot of the things we talked about in the last few days came true in terms of the president's strategy to try to get under joe biden's skin.
He pursued his son Hunter on several occasions, even when Vice President Biden was talking about his son Beau, who had died honorably serving as a soldier. It's true, I mean, but this was such a hot mess that you can blame Joe Biden for maybe letting the president get on his nerves and not delving into the tax issue and other issues, but, frankly, in the format, and that the moderator is to be blamed for the way the questions were posed once President Trump ran over them and obliterated them because I didn't talk about greed as much as I did about race, violence and protests.
I mean, he was really in the president's ballpark because he kept bringing things up on that topic and wouldn't let Joe Biden answer a question, so he blew it all up. and trampling on everyone else, he didn't let joe biden make the points he was willing to make until maybe the last half hour, the last hour, maybe 45 minutes, where biden seemed to regain his balance and the contrast was clear, but he He been watching debates covering debates since 1976. I have never seen anything like this. I don't think any of us have compared it to any debate in presidential history.
Frankly, this was a disgrace and the president simply did not observe any of the formats that his own campaign had agreed to, so I'm not sure what Joe Biden could have done other than try to speak and try to answer the questions that were asked . Let me go to Hallie Jackson, who's in the debate room. A couple of things here, the famous maxim within Trump world is to let Trump be Trump, he was definitely Trump, but even an oversized version of himself, so whether or not that was part of the strategy, I'd like listen to it about yes or no.
It's not that the campaign was going there with that motivation and Biden, on the other hand, had his opportunities, he made the most of them or he lost them, a couple of things in that savannah when talking about the idea. of the president's strategy in addressing this and the idea of ​​letting Trump be Trump, as they so often say, the campaign hears. Sources close to the preparations here had said they wanted to see the president attack, that was part of what they were getting into. This obviously happened, it was an incredibly aggressive Donald Trump on stage tonight, he went after, as expected, Hunter Biden multiple times, of course, the vice president's son, you talk about Savannah, Vice President Biden is on the defensive to that point. due to the nature of the interruptions.
Frankly, from the president it seemed like it was difficult for Joe Biden to be able to respond in a substantive way when the president was kind of rat-tat-tat with these attacks on Biden repeatedly over and over again on Hunter Biden, I can tell you. You know, there's already a sort of appreciation from people in Trump's world for those Hunter Biden attacks, that's something you're going to hear over the next 24 48 hours and beyond, as Chuck points out, there are some different moments in the that the people who support President Trump are taking advantage to say listen, he was on his game, he had energy, it is a kind of thought here, he came out and attacked, on the other hand, I think it is notable when we talk about the substance of this debate, a couple of points and things the president just didn't say can't go unnoticed that joe biden the former vice president directly called president trump a racist president that trump didn't respond to that the president was directly asked to denounce white supremacy and the proud boys that the president said to back off and stand still, which is not a complaint, the president was directly asked to urge his supporters to remain calm during the vote counting before election day.
President Trump didn't do that. I think, in essence, those are some of the things you're going to hear. about the next few days and just to give you an idea I have to tell you that within this debate room I have been in other debates this was very different for many reasons, in particular for some of the coveted precautions and the much smaller ones For the audience, it was a much more intimate feeling and, frankly, that made it jarring to watch this chaos on stage collapse just when someone inside the room was okay, let's bring in our guest RichLowry, editor of the national magazine, also Claire McCaskill. former democratic senator from missouri both are political contributors to nbc news uh senator, let me first talk to you about where obviously there's a lot of focus on what donald trump did and his performance, but isolating, if you can, joe biden, his reaction to it, his Uh, losing your temper sometimes, how much does that hurt you?
I listen to anyone who tries to characterize this debate as somehow equivalent in terms of the behavior of those two candidates is not being fair to joe biden donald trump was a bully he was not presidential he was Downright scandalous it was sad to see as an American he is the president of the United States and behaved like a 12th grader, it was terrible and Joe Biden I think showed presidential self-control. He now called and told him to shut up a couple of times. Frankly, you know he was watching. I want to strangle the guy and Chris Wallace.
I mean, I know it must be hard to control, but he really got hit by Donald Trump's outrageous behavior on that stage tonight. Will it hurt Donald Trump? Politically I'm not sure that's the case with his followers, but I guarantee it won't help him with those suburban women, it won't help him well, that was the question I wanted to ask Rich Lowry, who of course is the editor of the review. national conservative, I mean, look, if you're a Donald Trump supporter, this was a great night for you, you love this guy, but what about those undecided voters, what about the suburban women, what about the people who are undecided, do you feel that aggressive performance was a good look for donald trump well, i think the whole night was discouraging.
I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't another presidential debate in the cycle and at least I think the presidential debate commission has to consider cutting the microphones of people who aren't supposed to be the person who isn't supposed to speak and whose time it isn't, but look, this was Trump's strategy and even it wasn't a strategy, this is his nature, this is how he is and I think you know he Biden got nervous at times, the quiet man was not great at first, since Joe Biden Biden he was evasive on some key questions, but the most important thing is that he didn't fold, you know, he stood there for 90 minutes and took it and called it good.
As you got and with Trump, I think the problem is especially with Hunter Biden, some of the points he was trying to make didn't really land that well because of his own uneven style and excessive interruptions, so I agree with Claire I .I'm not sure it hurts him, but he is someone who is disturbed by the way he has behaved as president, but is undecided about him. Are you guys going to look at his performance and say he's unlikely to be my guy, so it's probably a debate about the status quo, but it's Trump, that takes track record, this race to change, okay, rich man, thank you, let's take a short break here.
We'll be back with more information on tonight's debate in a moment. This is a situation where the state continues to struggle to expand its testing capabilities and protesters feel like they need to come out in full force and support their community because they feel like they are not getting that support from Portland police, another day. election that comes against the backdrop of how to keep voters safe in the midst of a pandemic. The time to truly understand who we are and who we say we are is here at our feet, you must earn a four-year degree, but a four-year degree is very expensive.
We have created a system where the ticket to the middle class is a Something middle class families have to worry about, borrow and get back on their feet, why is this happening with Chris Hayes? Subscribe You are now watching NBC news. Now we have some breaking news. In fact, we saw a large National Guard convoy coming. This is news made for your live streaming world Monday through Friday starting at 6 a.m. ET this morning across the country what will the new normal look like for schools many teachers are left making difficult decisions between the job they love and their family what am I going to decide, take care? of my children or have a job, that is an impossible decision, you are creating a small community school, this is the time when we can develop ourselves and develop our community, let's leave it to the students, how do they really feel about returning to school?, what I miss are my teachers are resilient an increase in coronavirus infection these developments on several fronts tonight's story the United States breaking the record for most coveted cases in a single day from all angles what is your level of concern that children who have been told they are I will be home indefinitely will not be able to catch up on the ground.
You have faith that this will bring changes soon and in depth here in Portland. More protests are expected tonight. Do you think the police in this country are under attack? Nightly News with Lester Holt The business of news is dynamic and has probably never been more important with everything we face. I am so proud to provide the perspective of a black woman, daughter of immigrants, wife and mother of a husband and children who are unfortunately more vulnerable to police violence because of their color, a proud nerd, and a representative of emerging America in cable television news.
I hope the great Gwen Eiffel and my mom Philomena Carol Amino look down from heaven and are proud of this year's elections. To be a little different Instead of an Election Day, we now have a voting season, that special time of year when the polls can open weeks before Election Day, when your mailbox can become a booth voting where how you vote is as important as who you vote for how when and where to cast your vote depends on your state 'tis the season to prepare this year plan your vote welcome back to our ongoing coverage of post-debate analysis I'll be the host from an nbc news town hall with democratic candidate uh joe biden on monday, next monday from miami at 8:7 central time, we hope you'll join us, then savannah, okay, I'm speaking to casey hunner, correspondent for the Capitol Hill, I mean, debates are this kind of cherished ritual of our democracy and presidential campaigns, a lot of people.
Do you remember seeing them when they were little children? Can you imagine how you would feel if you were a mom or dad with your kids watching that debacle tonight? I wonder what you're hearing from your sources on the hill and in the campaigns, do you think? there's a chance that one or both campaigns will just say, forget it, we're not doing any more debates, there are two more presidential debates scheduled, one vice presidential debate scheduled, well savannah, first of all, I'm thankful my son was too young to look at it very differently. the likes of which I remember watching as a kid, some of which made me want to get involved in the American political process in the first place.
There are certainly sources in both parties who are currently suggesting to me that maybe it's Joe Biden. At this point, who shouldn't participate in future discussions while we were negotiating up to this process? Remember that there was a lot of concern about whether President Trump was going to be the one to show up and a lot of the ways it was negotiated, including the moderator choices and some other things seem to suggest that maybe it was geared toward him, but now I have more from a source saying: Hey, you know, maybe Joe Biden won't benefit much from getting back on stage. like this savannah, okay Casey, hold that thought, another break now we'll be back with some final thoughts in a moment.
This is a situation where the state continues to struggle to expand its testing capabilities. Protesters feel they need to come out fully. strength and support their community because they feel they are not receiving that support from Fulton police, another election day approaching with the backdrop of how to keep voters safe in the midst of a pandemic, the moment of truly understand who we are and who we say we are. We are here at our feet. You have to get a four-year degree, but a four-year degree is fantastically expensive, we've created a system where the ticket to the middle class is something that middle-class families have to worry about, borrow and recompose why is this happening with chris hayes? subscribe now you're watching nbc news now we have some breaking news we actually saw a large national guard convoy pass by here it's news made for your live streaming world weekdays starting at 6 a.m. . m. this morning across the country what will the new normal be like for schools, many teachers were making difficult decisions between the job they love and their family, what am I going to decide?
Take care of my children or have a job. It is an impossible decision. You are creating a small community school. This is the time when we can develop ourselves and develop our community. Let's turn around. To students, how do you really feel about returning to school? what I miss is my teachers, they are resilient a surge in coronavirus infection, developments on several fronts, the story tonight, the US is breaking the coveted record for most cases in a single day from every angle. Their level of concern is that children who have been told they will be home indefinitely will not be able to catch up on the ground.
Do you have faith that this will bring changes soon and in depth here in Portland? More protests are expected. Tonight do you think the police in this country are under attack? NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. The news business is dynamic and has probably never been more important with everything we face. I am very proud to provide a black woman's perspective. daughter of immigrants, wife and mother of a husband and children who are unfortunately more vulnerable to police violence because of their color, a proud nerd and representative of emerging America on cable news, I hope the great Gwen Eiffel and my mom philomena carol amina will watch from heaven and be proud this year's elections will be a little different instead of an election day we now have a voting season that special time of year when the polls can open weeks before the election day when your mailbox can become a voting booth when how you vote is just as important as who you vote for how when and where to cast your vote depends on your state 'tis the season to be prepared this year plan your vote chuck todd final thought Well, nothing else has changed the trajectory of this race.
And while we're all going to talk about this debate tonight, I doubt this will change things much. Okay, and there will be more discussions next Wednesday. Vice Presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will face off in Salt Lake City and then. October 15th the second presidential debate you may not be ready for more, but there will be more a week later the third and final debate moderated by our own kristen welker well everyone, see you tomorrow morning today until then good night to all of us on nbc news thank you for being with us

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