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Fireman Sam™ || Heroes of the Storm || Special || UK Version

Mar 08, 2024
Elvis, so this used to be the old gold mine and the miners went through that tunnel. I can't see any ghosts, it was still gold down here. Norman, they wouldn't have closed it. I must be shy saying that. I've been left behind oh I think we should forget about the photos and get back to the center mate before the trees start falling don't worry Tom the natterjack tool will bring us back in no time. What is the toe ejection network I am trying? Look for new names for the Turtle Droid amphibious vehicle. You can't really like the natterjack tool.
fireman sam heroes of the storm special uk version
Foreign mites and those are written as stockings. They look very pointy. Why so much water dripping down the walls? Many old mines have underground rivers. Sarah sounds like a fire monster. Sam, what are you? Yes, there is a hurricane for Pontypandi and I need to get you all to safety before the mind flood. Flood. Flood now, don't panic kids, we'll all be fine, but we have to move pretty fast. Alright. Need. To follow Fireman Sam it's going to be really


y when we get there, but once we get to the Mountain Activities Center we'll all be safe and sound, stay back and there's been a rock full, let's do, is there Another exit?
fireman sam heroes of the storm special uk version

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fireman sam heroes of the storm special uk version...

Penny, yes, we can take the old miner's route, but we will. We have to go down before we can go up, well then let's go either way, penny, but there will be a lot of gold down there. We will soon be back at the Mountain Activity Center. Look, I hope everyone in the urinal is okay if the rivers are. It's high, the water must be going somewhere Hello Mrs. Price, I'm Firefighter Phillips, are you okay? No, my sticky buns are floating. You look a little overwhelmed. Let me take you back to the new fire station, where you will be warm and dry.
fireman sam heroes of the storm special uk version
Thank God for that foreigner, are you there? You come to Critlington. I have received three emergency calls, one from Mike Flood, one from Lizzie Sparks and one from Trevor Evans. Let's get to them as fast as we can, sir, but the roads are really flooded, just Fireman Sam. and Penny were here so we kept following the path down and oh no, that's not a path, it's flooded, it doesn't look very far the other way, the path just goes down and then up again, you all stay here. I'll go and check that the other side is clear.
fireman sam heroes of the storm special uk version
Be careful, son. Okay, we hope so because I'm right now. Listen everyone. If we swim down here, we can get back on track. It's not very far, really. Now they're all there. Good swimmers, you just have to take a deep breath and follow Penny now, take a deep breath everyone, thank you, come on James, we have to go, don't worry James, all you have to do is hug me and we can do it together, oh. Now take a deep breath and we'll be out in no time Oh, where's James? I'm sure it won't be long Sarah, at that point I know we're all wet, but we have to keep going abroad to get back to Venus.
We'll need a line, we can't wait, we don't have to go back. Wait for Lily, you really need to wait for Venus. We have to secure the car and make sure the firefighters are connected to a line. Here to rescue people Elvis don't wait all day oh the old miner's route goes this way oh God don't do anything until he checks it's safe first I'm sorry if I am and Sam I thought I saw gold. I'll check it out Sam. I'm lighter than you, I'm safe, one by one, hold on to the rope and walk carefully over the bridge and try not to look down, oh, go on, Sarah, that's it, come on, James, you were brave before. , now don't look down.
It's your turn Mandy, that's it, keep going, keep looking forward Bandy, well done, well done Mandy, sir, I bought the rope Sam, it's too heavy. I'm fine. I need your help. Let's pretend we're a tug-of-war team, come on, no. You're stronger than you, you look like Penny. I had some help. Oh, I never thought that one day I would have to thank you so much for rescuing me. We better go. We have to go back. Pontypandi needs us. We should go back. when I get them, come on Mrs. Chad, Station Officer Steel wants us to take everyone back to the new fire station, it's Cookie's safest place.
Pandy Roger, thanks in advance, Elvis. I'm sorry, I put myself in danger. I was really wrong. I know what you're doing right. I have learned from the best firefighter Sam. I hope Sarah and James are doing well. They'll be fine. Love. They're with Penny. Oh, we should go. We really can't. The conditions are too far away. There's danger out there, what is that? I'm coming to take you all to the new fire station with Sarah and James, they know where we are, don't worry, we'll let Penny know. Firefighter Sam has gone to look for them. Thank God he's here.
I'll take you to the new fire station. I need my chair, don't worry, there's plenty of room in the back. Good work team. We need to get everyone back to the new fire station as quickly as possible. Let out? soon I hope the water is almost up to my pants it will be out in no time don't worry just around this corner there should be an exit how do we get there? Well, there should be a wooden walkway. Where is it seen? all the wood has rotted, it's okay, stay calm, we all need to find a way to make a ladder with what ladder, you're right, well done James, that's our ladder, oh we need something to loosen these bolts, there an old toolbox.
There are so many old mines that have tool boxes. I'm scared, Sarah number two, don't worry James, we'll be home soon, move now, take the other end, penny, come on, as quick as you can, where's Norman? He was behind me a moment ago. I'm going to be rich, you're coming with me Norman Price, oh, he's serious, Sam, I know, Benny, okay, everyone, now keep your helmets on, it's really windy out here, we have to get to the Mountain Activities Center, I want them to be. doing in Ponte Pandy I'm sure Elvis and the crew are fine, but we have to get back there as soon as we can, the big


Dipper, but don't worry, we'll be fine, it was close, oh my gosh, shoot this. door out here oh no there are gas taxis here I would have looked foreign to me this way everyone make sure you have a blanket everyone needs to stay warm and dry yes I hope everyone has some cocoa or tea now always oh I'm glad much that you received it, it's like a lot of original panties here, ah, Gridlington, there you are.
I heard from Mrs. Chen that you were a real hero today. Oh, thank you, Mr. Firefighter Quicklington, it was amazing, sir, everyone has been amazing. Credit. to Fire Station Officer Steele, we don't know where Joe is. I'll go to the control room and see what I can find out. Oh, there's a fire in Joe Sparks' garage. There's a fire in the Juice Box garage and I'm taking you back. To a safe place overseas with all this gas and oil, this is a job for sticky food, Roger, Elvis, oh man, make sure Joe is a safe distance away, right, Elvis, come on, Joe, oh yeah, I think that was supposed to be a rabbit. again Norman, what are the Grizzlies, Tom Moose, I'm so glad to see you guys great, you guys are soaked.
Do you want some cocoa, not as much as a golden penny? And I need to return to Pontypandi. Listen, kids, stay here with Moose and Tom until the storm clears up. They'll be fine, but we have to let them know that you're fine, it's too dangerous for you to go out right now, come in, station officer, steel, over the station officer, steel, come in Simon's hair, I'm with Penny and The children are all safe and I'll give Penny back to Bessie Tony Sam, you can't. Gareth saw a pylon balloon on the other end of the line.
There is no way to get down by rail. I repeat, there is no way to go down by rail. Okay sir, now I understood what they are. what we're going to do I don't know we have to find a way down somehow I know how you can get down what is it they took the keys from the natterjack he said he means the duckbilled platypus what the amphibious vehicle care she is a little hard to handle Foreigner Sam, but you can do it, good luck, how's it going? Fire in Bridgeton in the garage. Sir Simon Sam and Penny are on their way.
Let's hope nothing else happens before they arrive. Big boy. You have to return directly to the station. There's a fire right outside and it's heading towards the gas cans, the tire catches them, they'll explode, we'll get there as fast as we can Mr. Foreigner, but we can only fit two on a four-wheel drive rig. Appliances, you mean Venus, okay? you two ahead on Venus, I'll make sure you get to the station safely, no, Elvis, you on the sword, okay, Ellie, Arnold, we're going okay because I'm still moving, come on, Joe, okay, really, I'll get another fire extinguisher. two are a great team, the fighters are going big just for Venus, sir, and it's turning towards those gas canisters, what are we going to do?
Those canisters contain liquid petroleum gas. If they explode, they will destroy the entire fire station. Oh yeah, we better evacuate. Everyone, I hope Firefighter Sam arrives soon. The fire almost touches the gas canisters. I'm so glad you guys are safe. I am, but the garage doesn't look very good. What can I do to help? Mister. We need to get everyone to a safe distance. Come on everyone follow me what are we going to do maybe we have to abandon it completely we need to cool those gas canisters and put out that fire we are going to need a lot of water and fast but where can we get it? without Jupiter maybe our new fire station can save the day.
I bet those training horses will come in from the extra outlets and keep spraying the Elvis gas cans. I'll be back as soon as I can, thank you. I'll turn them on Penny. keep the gas can School Elvis and I will fight the fire, light it Sam, the rain is going away and the wind has almost stopped and Pontypandi survived the hurricane thanks to the new fire station, it is the best fire station in the world, laugh, ah, fresh air and no swallows, don't worry, delete, it will be done in no time oh, it looks wonderful, oh, nice new boss, more elegant spinning lilies, oh yes, as long as we don't get close to any cliff, look at this even better than before. and now with the new improved 2000 automatic oh dear oh dear oh dear thank you moose you've painted your um platypus Nutter Jack yeah I'll give it to you Sam that's very generous of you are you sure you're a moose of course?
I think I'd rather walk around the force, huh, then thank you moose. You'll need a new name, but what about hydras? It is a group of stars and means water serpent. It is brilliant. I love it. What a clever idea. I don't understand a single one. What he said, don't worry Elvis, I'll explain it to you later, well that's settled, so hydrated, I'm back to work. You all know, I like the new fire station even more than the old one. Me too. Elvis too. Cridlington, how about a nice cup of tea? Sir, danger everywhere, tell me who you are going to call.
They are the


during the storm at the station. They are ready and waiting for every emergency call on a mountain or in the. Ocean, they are willing to face anything, there is no time to waste when people need to be saved, so move when you dance, they are the


who can do it.

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