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Fireman Sam 2017 New Episodes | Trouble in Pontypandy!

Jun 04, 2021
Don't worry Sara I'll get something he can't hear me dis 14 weird is what they said oh there's Bronwyn he thinks I'm just being friendly. I need to let you know we're in danger, lettuce for danger, something's wrong no answer, better call emergency services, better fill out mountain rescue, don't worry, I mean sir, how did you get here? I had a feeling they might need me which is the problem. I'll call Nurse Flood, why isn't anyone answering her phones today? we are going to be at home we have to take you to a hospital cut this leg x-ray so we are going to need a stretcher down here I will see you come back on Monday right now do what I tell you it is dangerous a fire in the flooded house no, the fire will make a party there's a fire in the floods there must have been an accident with the fireworks new base camp take Jupiter oh different man fool I'm fine no sign of Leon he wasn't in the shed, I'm sure of it I'll take you, but we haven't seen it yet all the fireworks.
fireman sam 2017 new episodes trouble in pontypandy
I think we've had enough fireworks for one night. Me too, next time we do a proper display, he'll be a lot more confident. We will all put out a fire this big. For a long time, so long, I almost forgot how to do it, what was that noise? Did you hear it? Alice, well, he's never a lion, come on, I've stopped falling. Abed, you need to get back to the wall where you belong, you must have been feeding. It's very good Tom scares away the kangaroos, not again, that bird really likes it here. Tom Mountain rescues not just for people, you know, we have to put this right.
fireman sam 2017 new episodes trouble in pontypandy

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fireman sam 2017 new episodes trouble in pontypandy...

I'm sorry sir, I thought I knew what he was doing, it doesn't matter, I got him now, stay where he is. it's Miss Shippen charlie coming up okay the beats there's someone on the beach sounds like good work what happened here Charlie and my foot stuck in the lobster pot I can't get up I'll die and take a look it's been going real fast when you hit that one rock Charlie was trying to be a hero I'll have to take care of your new belt for your washing machine Dilys you must have overloaded it wasn't me it wasn't any man you don't know why I never asked you to do anything Dilys hello hello Mike oh and now I did the laundry no , you broke the washing machine oh, so now you have to ask Mike very nicely if you can wash our dirty clothes in his machine.
fireman sam 2017 new episodes trouble in pontypandy
I wonder if Sarah and James want to skateboard? You know, Norman, I know I really like housework too, but if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing right. Emergencies always happen when you want them away from the peak of the house, we will take care of it from here. Elvis cuts the electricity. Mookie. This time it's my fault, I went out and left Burien, well we can all afford to be more careful, whatever work we are doing we must not lose hope, the lions have been absent before and he has always returned , come on, come on, for all we know.
fireman sam 2017 new episodes trouble in pontypandy
The lion may have also returned there for us at this time. I wish the lion would come back better. Cold mountain rescue sir, tell the top two meters in the 4x4. I must say that I am glad to see that mountain rescue will come out for a cat in our course. will probably never take risks it's not just for people you know hey Tom can we set up a link so you can attract me? Don't worry, buddy, it's okay, work, it's okay, Betty, it's okay, very good, I can't see it anywhere, you must be imagining things, Sara, as always.
I'm NOT, oh no good Norman, we've lost him, we've lost Shantay, it doesn't matter, oh man, we've already put on more lights than anyone else in


before, mom, haven't we? We have another giant Santa, no, no man, that was the last one. Don't you order a wig before Christmas? I couldn't people would never arrive on time. You could tell them it was an emergency. Another message will arrive tonight. Boxer. Alright. Tennis. There are just too many plugs on one of these old adapters. That's what The problem was that Elvis is right, jealous. Those old adapters are very dangerous.
You must be careful not to overload your outlets. You know, Elvis, the jaws of life, they have a great rescue team, but they gamble confusingly in every emergency, they know that he is wet and getting wetter. The tides are rising, we have to get you here, poor Norman, what are we going to do? We better bring the jaws of life to Elvis, just in case, yeah, what Ronnie, he's sweating his feet in tights, how to trade everything that's right. Alex, there's one more. What we should try Can you bend over and tie your laces Norman? I wish I had thought of that it must have floated away, come on we better get back before the tide cuts us off don't be afraid Clinton is here missy you saved my shoe that's what The jaws of labor and it's working again, but I think you need to service it a little more often to make sure it's okay, it smells burnt or something, right?
Yeah, you're right, Roman, I didn't realize that before. m he's been jogging all day Sam I saw him - well he's not jogging now poor guy, he's exhausted, he sure had you two fools jogging all day, honestly, he doesn't shoot at the fish shop I didn't know you had a baby, he's okay Sarah, we'll take care of it here Petie, get the Elvis breathing apparatus, get the horses ready. I knew the rights of the baby. Hello, shame on Missy from Pontypandy. Mountain sap, read our video. Yes sir. Come on, read. Oh, and she calls Mountain Rescue.
The gentleman asked him. meet me at the flood house on a 4x4 radio to organize a search party if we could raise some clothes to cut fight and follow their trail we are our only mountain of pennies where they go and mike im sorry tom I keep shaking my brain. but I can't remember, oh, now that looks like Helens. Here you can read our fight. Helen, we're looking for Penny and your mother. Radar Mandy sniffed your mother's blouse and took us straight here. The radar has the wrong clothes to smell. I'm sorry, I couldn't remember that ruse was a ooze, wait, I remember, I remember where Helen said they were going, so good, the road and over the high hill you can find, oh, you can't play your electric guitar for us without electricity, no, and we can.
I won't cook the sausages either, it's a disaster, it's stopped raining, we can go out, I'll prepare the barbecue and we can finish the sausages. I will help you, we will not do such a thing, we will also need paper napkins, so we can eat the sausages with our fingers oh oh hi penny do you want to talk to Alan yes hi penny I am very sorry to have to ask you Helen is the station officer direct the nose oh sorry Mike won't be long it's the station Officer Steele's News make sure everyone be careful now oh great now we can see Tess a smoke alarm there you go Tillis and the rain stops things are looking up Are you sure, very sure?
Just a touch, oh I'm glad the powers are back. on I don't like the idea of ​​Mike being in charge in the dark. I quite agree that not everyone can stay calm during the conversation. Oh, and here's Hanlon. Oh wonderful, I was just in time and I didn't have to. do anything, that was the plan, oh, the napkins, I'll bring them, no, I don't want you to do anything, remember, oh no, probably something to do with a power outage, I'm back, so there's no No one in sight, you say no, we are. everything here, okay, Peggy will need breathing apparatus, okay, so if you have a power outage, you should always turn off the stove, otherwise you might forget about it when the power comes back on.
Now, what brings you to my kitchen today? Norman is priceless. I mean, I wanted to. to show you something something really cool, you can't fool me cridlington How's dinner going today? Nothing was burned. I trust that I just sent it to you throughout December. It should be ready in about an hour. Very good. Five prevention is hungry work. You know, I say emphasis on the season. Darling. Hello Sam. How's it going with your paper airplanes no one else my station there was a fire extinguisher right next to the fire exit sorry sir I think I panicked you even know what you're doing maybe you're just hungry hey, I know, I have it.
I think my dad was right, this isn't really a rescue dog. Come on, we better get him back to the station, hold on Mandy, I think I heard something, don't be silly, accident movies, coffee, the radio nurse better flood, looks like we might need medical assistance, okay, son , take it easy, Mike Massoud, get you out of here. Be careful, Sam, don't move it. We need to immobilize him in case he hurts his back. They brought the chair from the stairs to get us up. We can't use the stair chair. We can't use the stair chair anymore.
We'll need the stretcher. The Myron stretcher. porta potti mountain and at the top we are on the way we just heard about the fire on


mountain are you sure it's okay? That's Danny Boy. I can't see where the fire was. Dress up Dilys. I saw the bright orange flames. Oh, that's the sunset. Norman Price, if you hadn't been telling your mother so many scary stories, this would never have happened. If you're going to keep this up, we better go home right now. I'm sorry, Trevor, I'm sorry, Mom, I promise not to tell any more stories.
Well, you better call back and tell the fire department it was a false alarm. It's a false alarm. Elvis better come back, here's the fire. I better find Sam and let him know. Hi, hi, Sam. I have located the fire. You better come up here. Oh, what do you tell Station Officer Steele on the way? What happened? Norman Price. What did I tell you about making up all these scary stories? We should never have left the campfire.

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