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Firearms Expert Reacts to Fallout 4’s Guns PART 2

Jun 04, 2024
This is Jonathan Ferguson, the Keeper of Firearms and Ordnance at the Royal Armory Museum in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from across history and in this week's episode, which coincides with the launch from Amazon's Fallout TV show, is taking another look. Fallout 4's


y starter loadout is like a patter mixed with an m202 flash mixed with a generic bazooka with a giant bayonet attached to it. If you want to see more of Jonathan reacting to Fallout weapons, be sure to subscribe as he will. We'll take a look at weapons from The Fallout TV show in a future episode.
firearms expert reacts to fallout 4 s guns part 2
We also have several previous episodes of the iconic The Guns of Bethesda franchise, but without further ado, it's over, Jonathan Place is really joining in, uh oh, it's a horribly shortened version. Remington 700 I will say that the large barrel break makes some sense here, you are losing a lot of round pressure with such a short barrel, but there is still enough to give you uncomfortable off-hand recoil, of course for reasons. because the base rifle I don't think it's entirely clear how that red dot is mounted there, it just sat there, I think if this type of bot um sura sh action rifle makes sense anywhere, anytime, it's probably here , if you are really looking for antique weapons that may or may not work, you probably have some with a bent barrel or a fired rifle or all of the above, where the solution to making a working gun is to simply cut off most of the barrel, how is it possible? you could make a


mith to get to the end of this world, I don't know, do you think you would find, let's say you're scavenging in the Wasteland and you found one of these, they would be like the pieces of metal left, you pick one up and all? the wood just falls a


when you pick up the weapon, something I spend too much time thinking about in general, especially since my initial background was in archeology, so you know, I've seen things unearthed, it doesn't take long, I mean One thing It is the soil that is on the surface and another, what in 200 years the wood would suffer, but the metal too.
firearms expert reacts to fallout 4 s guns part 2

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firearms expert reacts to fallout 4 s guns part 2...

You know that if it is cooked and stored, it will corrode like nobody's business if it is not cooked or prepared correctly. Cleaned liberally oiled, rust will still form on the metal and 200 years of rust, that's not going to work. Firearms would be surprisingly scarce in this world, not to mention that all viable ones will have already been cannibalized and used for at least a century, so we probably shouldn't have many weapons in Fallout. Oh okay, this is mainly HEC 2 as in veg New Vegas, yes, the New Vegas anti-materiel rifle that we covered in the previous episode.
firearms expert reacts to fallout 4 s guns part 2
I think it was based on the devil. Day 2 is also part of the creation club that was Bethesda's mod slash paid DLC initiative, so semi, yeah, it's like the Bethesda-backed community made this second build original with the big square interface yeah some Gunsmithing is pretty cool for B action rifles at least it looks like we added polymer more polymer to make it look more square not really what you would want to do you know it's a firearm slow, it is not a fast-firing weapon. It's not going to overheat too much but it's meant to have some accuracy and by holding something around the barrel you're potentially affecting the accuracy, maybe not, it's a very thick rigid barrel so it may not be that relevant but it is not.
firearms expert reacts to fallout 4 s guns part 2
You won't gain anything unless you really need to hold it in front. I guess if anyone is wondering what that widget on top of the barrel is, it looks like a fired case strapped to the gun, not that there is a block on a certain iteration of the k 2 that has a very sturdy wrap around the barrel instead. of the chassis and on which there is a swivel mount for a carrying handle that is then located next to the gun, you can lift it up and it rotates around that point, the bit that looks like some kind of case head that was throwing me some Research required but that's what it is, it's correct to be there, but I'm not entirely sure the back is correct.
I think it's possible that the lady understood it as something. something else like a laser sight or something or a torch and maybe they modeled a button on the back but we don't have one to look at maybe they modeled it correctly now this looks vaguely Warham is an army in the Universe rifle or is it taken borrowed from some other franchise or what is this, we know it's another creation Club gun oh okay, it's marked as some kind of Wastelanders or Explorer assault rifle aesthetically, it kind of fits, it has that very chunky look without any of direct parallel in the real world, the consequences of which had always been a strange mix in terms of parallel universe things like a 10mm pistol that doesn't really fit in our world, the Chinese assault rifle that does fit, but is quite different and thick in some respects, but it could have been made by people in this world and then obviously at the end of the bar of the spectrum, laser and plasma, and then this kind of thing where it's plausibly mechanically shooting a Army technical term. but it really doesn't make much sense that something so thick and square would be excessively heavy for what it is, all those complicated slots and machining cuts and brebi look cool, but what are they really doing on your gun?
It's a kind of Fallout. take a bar really, don't you? Looks great. I always prefer to see. I think given the extended time period, I always prefer to see things that look like they're from our parallel future and then ended up in the Wasteland rather than something like a Winchester or Tommy gun that really should be rusty and dusty by now, which What kind of mitigates the sci-fi V alternative is that small cartridge and that very small light sound effect and also not a lot of modeled recoil, so it feels like a strange hybrid between an automatic rifle and a submachine gun, but definitely It fits with the universe, that's the main thing.
If it fits, the universe looks great, nothing else really matters outside of my comfort zone with something like this that's so far from reality, but so perfect for Fallout, you know, I would never say not to put a fat man equivalent to the odd one out. whistle of the bombs, we have the um M RV mve, multiple independent reentry vehicle, I think if I remember correctly, it means that that is a real thing from the world of nuclear ballistic missiles, where you don't just get a warhead, it's like a kind of cluster munition for nuclear weapons, so you can launch a Platform One missile that then disseminates a series of its own warheads and destroys multiple cities or sites.
It's pretty scary when you're a kid in the 1980s, learning about this technology. The launcher itself is supposed to be some kind of mechanical artillery. There is no rocket motor ignition assist. There is no expulsion. Charge all there is some kind of stored energy like a catapult or a ballista, maybe someone saw it and this is of course traditional for Fatman, maybe someone saw the British Pat and thought it was launched by the spring of hug inside that weapon, which is not the case. It's like someone took Pat's concept and mixed it with Davey Crockett's nuke.
Yeah, as I think we said last time, this has to be inspired by the crazy Davey Crockett infantry nuke launcher, which isn't shoulder-fired like this, but was essentially fired from a lightweight mount on legs. I wouldn't, I mean, if things had progressed along a different path. I'm sure someone would have thought of a mini nuke fired from some guy's shoulder to at least try the problem you're not understanding. enough reason Force to pull the damn thing out far enough that even a small nuclear charge is somehow safe reconsidering my statement I'm not sure it's ever feasible to do so so this thing is weird, it's just called it emitter microwave, oh okay, I'm sure we've seen some kind of microwave weapon in a Fallout video before.
I think we had the gamma gun at one point. I like the weird types of capacitors that just get knocked around. from the back of the weapon when they run out, yeah, I mean, my microwave doesn't do this, if yours does this, you need to fix it quite a bit, I mean, again, a very, very appropriate weapon for Fallout. Raw machined steel fusion. straps and bolts with vaguely plausible-looking electrical parts and some sort of satellite dish emitter. I quite like it, it's an interesting take on the classic sci-fi ray gun and I suppose it has some strange parallels to reality.
I know people have tried it. Using microwaves as a weapon in the past is like that initiative remains, but the collective thoughts within the people of the Fallout Universe have remained. Yes, we can definitely do some damage by shooting microwaves at people. I don't want to alarm you, Dave, but I think microwave. The weapons still exist. I believe they are still mounted on vehicles at this time and their legality is questionable, but I believe the investigation is still ongoing. It wouldn't look anything like this to be clear. It would be invisible. Microwave radiation is invisible. There is no sport.
Blood, if the person is us, I've added a bunch of different laser weapons because we talked about it before, but we didn't really show it deeply. The Fallout 4 element of taking as a core weapon and being able to turn it into, you know, a laser shotgun. laser sniper rifle laser automatic weapon this is almost like building words in german here with an enormously long compound name for something you've created that just doesn't fit correctly it has to be the font size it has to be reduced it's that big i think it's already I've commented before that reloads are unnecessarily clunky on Fallout las


, like why would we abandon centuries of detachable magazine units at this point for a fiddly thing on top with a lever that looks like you could easily damage it externally. pipes that could get dented there is a reason the gas tube on an AR-15 is under the handguards where it can't be glued, you want to be inside you on the inside but they don't look good when they are on the outside, so okay, I always like the big, thick cast metal bodies for these weapons, the laser gun being remarkably reminiscent of Cold War technology.
I like how things like laser weapons and variants are feasible, obviously, it's like a thought. We no longer know what to change to make a weapon work like a shotgun like an assault rifle, as you can, you can reconstruct in your mind like, oh yeah, maybe if you shoot a laser through a prism and it disperses that it becomes on a shotgun or with the assault rifle, you are rotating components to prevent them from overheating for a heat based weapon. I guess you're just putting a larger barrel on the sniper rifle. I don't know how lasers work, but I'm sure it's a larger laser pen.
It's a bigger laser that's kind of Fallout in a nutshell, isn't it? It feels like it works, but if you look at it over a period of time it doesn't really make any sense. You know it's a laser. a laser is a precise fragment of light energy uh concentrated at a single point almost nothing we see here is how lasers actually work but this is how they work in our Decades of Sci-Fi minds okay this seems like your standard Fallout Minun, which for some reason I think is always chambered in 5mm, is implied to be an alternate universe 5.56, but the cartridge cases always seem larger than 5mm and 5 mimet is too small for an electrically operated Gatling gun.
I think I've seen the Fallout reload for minigun before. It's pretty rigged, but seeing a sort of big spiral of bullets coming out the back and being pushed back is pretty cool, it's interesting and it looks cool, yeah, it's nice. It's like the drum is hollow in the back. Back and you're pushing. Is it a coil of belted ammo or is it literally like a Heiler COR? Yes, it looks like a big spiral of rounds. Queer. Speaking of weird. The cannon unit on this is weird and covered in all sorts of pointy things, which I guess is a bayonet type feature because now I'm watching someone get hit with it.
I don't think anyone has put a bayonet on a minigun in real life, so the real World Parallel because this really isn't the minigun at all, it's the 5.56 microgun version of the minigun lighter because it can afford to be, so if you were ever going to use a minigun handheld it would be a microgun that would fit the 5mm if this is also inity i haven't seen it it doesn't have the motor built in but it doesn't have the Linker the source feed is actually plausible, it has the ammo, we'll let them have the ammo but you're missing some key features.
I hope those Raiders pay for what they have done. Initiator ofparty. Oh now the trigger unit on this lifts right up from the pat so if you look at the pat you'll see it has a huge lever style trigger that rotates right out of the side of the big R guard and that's what this thing has and that strap wrap is a bit reminiscent of WWII launchers, overall the quad reloading unit is a bit like it was mash up with an m202 flash mixed with a generic bazooka with a giant bayonet attached to it so They look like autonomous rockets.
Now why do you need the CH as a launch tube when everyone shoots from some sort of static quad pepper shaker? The barrel assembly is not clear the two2 is just what you see on the can just that rectangular block unit the rocket does its job it's like a milk bottle in principle you don't need a pressure tube in something like a bazooka is there ? a is there to protect you from the exhaust stack, so if you want some sort of m202 style unit or want a pipe that you can refill, there's a reason you won't see this in reality.
What I'm surprised they didn't do is a rotating unit that rotates each of those sports to align them with the tube because actually the first two are going to put the rocket exhaust directly in your face or almost directly in your face, you will never come out alive from here oh, now this thing has the uh, one of those horrible places with the screws just inserted from each side, if you were to do it that way for any reason, you'd want a single screw would probably have to come in from the top to give you a crosshair and you could screw it and unscrew it to adjust your point of impact.
A screw from any side has never made any real sense if it makes you feel better. This is probably the worst weapon in the game. It seems that way. Don't do any direct damage, you're relying on the different ammo you're putting in the rifle, they'll take like different drugs, essentially if you send someone crazy, send them, Cal, get them poisoned, the real impact of that. it doesn't do any damage and it sucks, it's a cool concept, although you know, we've seen a couple of games where things have been throwing syringes of one kind or another and they don't, they just do damage, they don't or such. sometimes they cure. something with a real range of effects that you can offer at a distance is a really cool idea, so it's a shame if it hasn't been implemented very well, it kind of founded the program New Life In The Fallout, where the first weapon of Lucy. you can see it in the trailers so it's not a spoiler it's like an air gun that shoots drugs they don't make super mutants crash and paralyze so they fall humorously but that's cool btw yeah Well, I'm very excited.
The series, one thing makes me go back and play Fallout 4 again and finish it, if I'm watching the TV series, well now that's a very small drop in a very, very big bucket of lots, okay, those were more weapons from Fallout 4. I always loved Fallout, um. We will come back and finish Fallout at some point, I hope you enjoyed the video as always, please visit our website, social media channels, maybe even the royal museums, here at the Royal Armories, we will appreciate it if you do, but we'll see. you're here again next week

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