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Finding the IMPOSTER in Minecraft Among Us!

Jun 07, 2021
cookies, look, look, there's food, okay, it's time. to do my task in a very unsuspicious way I have to know that I have to look like I know what I'm doing so let me go find a button that's glowing everyone is following me this is not good uh let's pretend it comes in here no, Look, I'm just a newbie, I just don't know what I'm doing, where my tasks are, this doesn't look very good, where is the task, oh, there it is, look, I'm pretending. just looking at me it's too fast I'm going to get angry here it's really not looking very good to me oh god I'm scared this looks too fake this looks too fake in my opinion I told you it was okay I could frame it's in Rainbow it's Well, Rainbow is a stinky follower who is trying to follow and catch me.
finding the imposter in minecraft among us
How about she let them complete some of her tasks and then I go kill the next one because I feel like someone is watching what the problem is? I don't see anyone. She's dead yet, yeah, because no one can do her homework, why didn't you click? Why did you call an emergency? Because funny I wasn't doing anything. I thought it was suspicious, so it was taking me quite a while to find where the office was. It was because I got lost, rainbow, literally, gold is whispering, I have to admit something funny, how come the task you were doing kept restarting and you couldn't finish it and I had to finish it standing over that dead body for too long?
finding the imposter in minecraft among us

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Yes, she tried. three times and nothing happened and I thought: either she's stupid or she's not an impostor, I ate, I hate being a pasta, it's too hot, whatever, let's vote for rainbows, bye-bye, rainbows, yes, of course, who voted for me, no follow people into small rooms. stabbed wow, I didn't know you were the killer, okay, please, I don't want to be an


anymore, thank you, I'm fine, see you guys, I'm proving myself, I'm a crewmate, I'm good, that doesn't prove anything, You know? What I changed my mind guys, I normally complain about not being an


, but when I am an impostor, the stress levels are too high, it's too stressful to be an imposter.
finding the imposter in minecraft among us
She knew Gold would like to find out that she was faking it. I was like, “Okay, this looks really bad why not.” It looks like I'm heading towards them, so let's go find our homework. Who's there? I'm afraid. I wonder how random this is. Oh, it's automatic. Okay, we have some automatic doors. Do I hear anyone care if I change? What if I go oh oh? oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't you sneak up behind me uh uh uh uh let's report that's so shady why is she moving she's moving so no oh no no no no no no no no let's go look for well gold gold gold gold gold I saw someone down there well I saw someone down there yes gold you have to be careful yes I bet you oh there she is the murderer luna how does she feel oh yes she pretends to stab me I'm dead? oh jacko is here hmm okay shady things shady things im going to do my test though i hope no one presses that button and just calls everything i'm just going to do this yada yada i feel like i'm going to press the button for safety, you're probably wondering Why did I call an emergency meeting?
finding the imposter in minecraft among us
I wanted to see if anyone was dead and it looks like Luna is dead. Well, that's a problem. Well, the only people I saw with Luna recently were me, Bunny, and Rainbow. I only saw Draco. Well, I saw Rainbow in this place. I'm also leaving, but I don't know where the body is, yes, I just finished the task, what he told me. I know you're not laughing too much and you were mumbling so I'm just going to vote, vote, this is a big fail. I can't do this with a crewmate, but outside the office where I murdered her.
I thought it was funny that they voted for me because it seemed suspicious. I was about to reach the moon, but why are you following me? Rainbow is bad. Rainbow and I are very bad. impostors should we stop oh bad disguise start another round and you're serious I'm impossible once again statue it's rainbow draco is talking but we're supposed to be muted draco get your stuff together boy I'm going to stab him okay why am I an impostor again please ? Please, please, please, someone don't follow me or I'll stab you in the shins. Who is following me?
Someone, come, hide and hide around the corner. Is there anyone in this room? Where are everybody? Oh, I hear someone. you see the moon i think it's following me white what's going on no one i want to make sure no one is dead see at least you guys can check the vital signs wait how you don't have to call him wait what the vital signs are i don't really know under the signs vitals In this game, well, I just wanted to make sure no one died. I'm sorry for caring about people, unlike you people who just let people die.
Okay, I'm just saying I don't know if I should get an IQ of 6000, but I think it's lunar. not gold, she was following me for a while and i got scared and then draco came after me. I was afraid of both of them because luna was standing near a vent ooh luna wait can you vent this way? Yes, here's a lesson for you, the imposter. He's more afraid of you than they are of them, but did I ever skip there are still five, we can't take the risk. rainbow okay, let me check the test. her i'm obsessed yes thank you i was doing something stupid so your gold and gold drake games are a success for you so don't come near me luna or i will press the button again okay stop press the button, why okay, vote? jump so we can get out of here so yeah stop pressing the button you're wasting your time rainbow sorry I'm just making sure no one dies that's toxic so it looks like Jaco is trying to peek through the corner, I don't understand. trapped again yeah, people come in, oh yeah, this way, I totally know what I'm doing, relax, relax, I have to do a task, I have to pretend, I hate faking a task in front of gold, she's so annoying, she's okay, I did, hopefully, that proves Okay, mate, she's totally crawling on me, her and Draco, okay, she and Jack are going to stick together, so I'm getting out of here.
Oh, she saw me, she saw me. Okay, that's not a good thing. Oh, what's up? Moon, no, no. I'm not going to kill in front of her. I'm just going to pretend against Rainbow because it seems like Rainbow was following me. Maybe we could go for a walk, man, it's so hard, it's so hard to kill people. What's going on here? Who is playing with the doors? Where are you in Rainbow friend? Can I invent? I can't vent. The struggle is real. Okay, time to take some action. Someone is dying today. Okay, Gold and Draco still follow each other.
I wonder if they can hear me. I don't want to. Although for a change, it's okay, they'll probably stop by the room. It's my turn to pass. Okay, what's going on? You can stop? Just look at that. It checks to see if anyone died, but I'm guessing no one died, so the common denominator here is fine, so Rainbow, I'd just like to know why. You were walking into the sample room when you didn't have any assignments oh you know why because I heard a lot of noise and I thought someone was going to be killed in decontamination so I wanted to see what and there's a common denominator in all of this is like detective work, okay, okay, Gold Draco Lunar and I are constantly together none of us have died.
I wouldn't say you're a rainbow, I'd say a rainbow, there's no common denominator because, first of all, this map is new and I. I'm lost and where did you have Redstone again? No I wasn't, you could literally, you could ask Gold and Dracco announced that Funny went on three different tasks and didn't come back to finish any of them when I finished my task. I don't think it's funny who was doing it. I don't want to get off the boat, friend. You know what I'll just plan it? No, it may be funny guys, it's not, it's funny, please, it's not, it's not a devotee. skit but I think it might be funny it's not me oh guys I'm just going to stab you all you're going to die today that's why the guy pretending tasks is so hard here it's so hard I hate it it's so easy for you to figure it out I was like oh look gold, the stupid little girl will just realize whatever it is that I myself am rejecting the one time she gets to be an imposter and can't even play it properly.

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