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Film Theory: Captain Marvel's Big Twist - Who is an Undercover Skrull? (Captain Marvel Predictions)

Jun 06, 2021
a part of today's episode is presented by Google pixel 3 hello internet and this is the



, the program where we always expose the so-called heroes of the psychopaths who really are today, we are talking about Captain Marvel, can it be her? He trusted no, no she can't, therefore we must unite and Bram, what's going on here, look, it's an imposter scroll of mine, yes, the real mad bat, no, I'm pretty sure I'm the real one. matpat. I think the viewers are smart enough. To tell the difference, you understand very clearly that this is me, you can tell based on that buttery soft voice, this other guy's voice is all kinds of unpleasant sounds, like a copy of the Green Goblin, look at him there with that smug smile, You know this is the real Pat angry because of this voice.
film theory captain marvel s big twist   who is an undercover skrull captain marvel predictions
My voice is annoying to the vast majority of the Internet and it shows because my voice is pretty annoying right now. I mean, look, it's me. I'm even holding a Diet Coke. It looks like he's drinking. a Mountain Dew or something I don't know I don't know I don't drink a Mountain Dew at least it would be a Diet Mountain Dew Diet sodas are just what I prefer when my stomach doesn't adapt as well to fully sugary sodas, it's just the fact about the matter, you know he's the imposter, does he even wear his hair that way?
film theory captain marvel s big twist   who is an undercover skrull captain marvel predictions

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film theory captain marvel s big twist who is an undercover skrull captain marvel predictions...

No, no, I probably won't listen to these episodes plus their podcasts. I'm not an evil double, how dare you suggest? who even said hello internet and this is


ed that's not the phrase he doesn't even know the phrase oh how could you go with this guy that's not what I say in every episode oh come on hello internet welcome to film


, the real one The theory of cinema does not accept substitutes and how do I know that you are not a scroll? Now you're joking as we prepare for the upcoming release of Captain Marvel. He had become less obsessed with her as a character and more with her enemies, the shape-shifting scrolls. as the trailers have shown anyone, even a kind grandmother, the Subway can turn into a highly trained deadly Skrull warrior, well there's your first clue, Captain Marvel, this is in the Los Angeles subway, no human being normal travels in that thing, that's not a statement. about the people who ride it, it's more about Ellie's mediocre public transportation system anyway, if you think Kevin Feige and the Marvel team are going to be content with revealing some random old lady as a scroll, then I don't think you've been paying. attention, Captain America's best friend killed Iron Man's mother Loki, he's been presumed dead several times, oh yeah, all of Shield's good team turned out to be controlled by his arch-nemesis.
film theory captain marvel s big twist   who is an undercover skrull captain marvel predictions
The Hydra Twist reveals are as integral to this franchise as the topless shots. Men, so with Captain Marvel being the only movie left before we head into the endgame in the next phase of the MCU, I think we can all expect one last big shocker or two that reveals some familiar face we've been seeing for the last few 10 years. It could just be an alien in disguise, so today my goal is to predict where the secret scrolls are hidden in the MCU while also exonerating any of the key suspects. Can we see the


s ahead before it hits the feeders?
film theory captain marvel s big twist   who is an undercover skrull captain marvel predictions
It's probably not based on my track record, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to use evidence logic and a solid narrative structure, damn it, and in case it wasn't already obvious, spoilers for every MCU movie up to Ant-Man and Blossom before we start, let's review everyone. our Skrull basics to make sure we're working with the same set of knowledge because the scrolls haven't officially appeared in the MCU yet, even if they've been hidden there all along, it means we're not one hundred percent sure. what characteristics of these characters will be used from the source material, but it's probably still the best place to start the scrolls.
They were an ancient race of green-skinned humanoids with pointed ears who were initially peaceful when interacting with other civilizations due to their genetic instability. They are blessed with the ability to shapeshift, making it easier for them to facilitate trade and conduct diplomacy. As a result, their civilization grew and prospered well, at least until they learned of the Creed. You are a race of noble warrior heroes. about that Captain Marvel, it must depend on who you ask, since our only exposure to the Kree up to this point has been the guardians of the galaxy in which the old purple-eyed blue dragon, Ronan, the accuser here was of the Kree race, which should give you something. example of your setup, I think for 1000 years of Kree justice on Xandar, someone is angry before the scrolls and Kree go to war for hundreds of thousands of years changing the scrolls into a warrior race and from then on basically It's never a good thing when neither the Kree or the scrolls appear on earth as I mentioned, the scrolls main ability is shapeshifting and it's usually limited to that form able to copy pretty much anything organic like a cow or inorganic. like a lamb capable of copying inorganic things perhaps the moment The stone was actually a scroll in disguise, but that's not all.
They also have the ability to copy memories, making them even harder to detect. The scroll had his appearance, his voice, yes, but it also had his memories. It was a perfect copy in every way once you reveal it. a scroll, the fights are just beginning, well they're not a problem for heavy hitters like Thor or Hulk's scrolls, they have major superhuman strength and a healing factor that goes far beyond that of a normal person. There is also a special species of so-called super scrolls. who can even absorb superpowers in the canceled MCU-tied video game The Avengers, there were even super Skrulls who seemed to have absorbed the powers of Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor all at the same time, practically making everyone the MCU.
A suspect, no super-powered rage monster or sorcerer supreme is completely safe from suspicion, but we make some logical deductions to narrow down our list of suspects for as bold a move as that would be. I think it's pretty safe to say that Tony Stark is the de facto one. The main character of the MCU up to this point is safe from being a Skrull, if he were he would come out of nowhere and be very cheap in all of our experience so far with this universe, a


for twist just wouldn't be worth undermining a decade of emotional investment in this guy.
The same can be said for Captain America, who has already dealt with multiple imposter situations in these movies between the reveal of Hydra and the reveal as an assassin, the trail is just part of his everyday life, so for him to take off Scooby-Doo's proverbial mask to reveal himself as someone different would simply be unmotivated bad storytelling. Next, we can reasonably eliminate the victims of the snap in Infinity War. Sorry, according to the novelized links, it's now called annihilation. I like to drip on terrible horror movie names when the trees are out to kill humanity, which wasn't happening without hash tags, regardless of whether they'll go to the trouble of removing someone from these movies just to bring them back, They probably aren't.
There will be a Skrull reveal piled on reveals, it'll just feel a little cheap from a storytelling standpoint, or if they came back they'd come back and scroll, in which case your Gong Franco sounds are also included in the group that killed Infinity War. Loki, who you know is definitely not dead yet, but being a Skrull would be one too many things and Loki is on top of not having died twice. Clint Barton, who you may know as Hawkeye, appears to be returning in the Ronan persona and endgame avenging his attack on a family based on them saying good family just before showing him in his new outfits, it's not impossible that he's a Skrull, but it would greatly cheapen his dark revenge arc and would also be safe from a narrative perspective, his black widow who was about to get her own movie turned into a solo movie as a recently discovered alien imposter will really affect acceptance of that new intellectual property by the fans, so it certainly seems like she will be safe and lastly, her boyfriend Hulk, who certainly acted strangely and endlessly in the past, Bruce.
I could never remember the things that happened when he was all who is Ashley, kind of run, you actually did today's house for a while, I did, what happened, you and I had a fight, I won, no, I won , he is that and yet he remembers an infinite war. both Thanos and the Infinity Stones as a banner, he is also the perfect candidate for a scroll that takes over a generally confused type of professor who after the age of Ultron disappears for years, meaning there were plenty of opportunities for the old man change with a higher than average knowledge of the universe. and a best friends list that includes a bunch of superheroes, but I also have to take him off the list since Hulk, as a separate entity within the banner, would certainly reject the imposter and not in the way we see in the movie, but even with that big part. of candidates out of the way we still have a number of juicy options left first Thor, the juiciest of the bunch Thor just went through a massive character change, going from dark, brooding and reflective at the end of Age of Ultron to a grand old man Silly in Ragnarok, sure it was a correct course for a character who is struggling to resonate with the audience, but still, that change could be explained through a scroll that takes over you, no one else could be explained through control of parchment, his ineptitude when it comes to finding Infinity Stones.
At the beginning of Thor Ragnarok, he says this outright and I went searching the cosmos for some magical, colorful infinity stones. I didn't find any, oh you didn't, that's strange considering at the end of Thor, the dark world, even this Asgard. Grunt knows the location of two, but if I may ask why not keep it safe, the tesseract is already upon us. God is not wise to keep two Infinity Stones so close together, it seems that not even Taika Waititi, director of Ragnarok, could completely pass through them. from Thor's dark world and lastly, let's be honest, it's a little strange that the god of thunder is repeatedly taken out by an electric shock to the necklace.
Hemsworth has hinted that there is more to come, so making a drastic change to the character, such as revealing a scroll, would risk reverting the character to a duller version of himself when he has finally found the popularity he was in. searching among the public and, secondly, among a From the point of view of the story, until the hammer breaks and Ragnarok Thor carries it with him without problems, bringing the OL closer is not a question of strength or super abilities, but rather of dignity, a scroll purporting to be Thor would not be seen as worthy by the hammer and therefore should.
I won't be able to lift it, therefore Thor is safe, so who is left, who are the Secret Scrolls or are we just looking for revelations that will never happen? I don't think so, the first candidate that I and a group of other online theorists really feel. Trust General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, who I hear asks well. Ross made his debut in the second MCU film to launch the oft-forgotten Incredible Hulk, where he did what General Ross always does in Hulk stories: he helps create Hult and fights the Hulk then lets him go before hunting him down.
He once again creates the Hulk in his obsession with Captain America's super soldier serum, then uses the Hulk to fight the abomination, but along comes the Captain America Civil War. Ross is singing a totally different tune than the general. He resigned from the military and has now risen to the position of Secretary of State, but what really stands out here isn't the change in role, it's the change in him when it comes to enhanced humans. He is a strong supporter of the Sokovia Accords, which practically impose restrictions on superhero activity. The opposite of his views in Incredible Hulk, he explains this change of view by telling a story after 13 hours of triple bypass surgery.
I found something in perspective, it's one of those strangely specific moments in a movie where the lamb shades the clear retcon of his character or his establishing some strangely specific details that will pay off once the change in perspective is revealed to be a acquisition of Skrull anyway he is now the driving force that is trying to restrict the actions of the heroes he is responsible for a bill that drives a wedge between the The team thus weakens the Avengers and scatters them throughout the world, making Earth vulnerable to attack by the scrolls. He has a high rank not only in the military but also in the government on a national and international level andits reintroduction in Civil War and its entry in Infinity War later.
Eight years of silence in the MCU is suspicious beyond measure, especially since his involvement in the previous film was initially teased as quoting a new General Ross and I don't have to take my word for it from the actor himself, quoting what Lo What they did was take a character that was Ross from the previous movie and they made a new version. This is a much newer Ross, a very different Ross and quote, we're with you, the new General Ross will surprise anyone when he reveals himself to be the little green man that you are on the inside, so in my opinion, General Ross is almost certainly a Skrull, but that reveal won't have that much of an impact on anyone, is anyone really watching at home with their General Ross action figures nearby? his chest is like he can't wait to see more of this guy.
No, I guess not, but there is still a very interesting option whose impact could have a little more. Rhodey, also known as war machine, James Rhodey Rhodes is Tony Stark's best friend and as such. One of my man's oldest and closest advisors would already be a fantastic target for any intelligence organization, but Rhodey is a double whammy because he's also a high-ranking Air Force officer with the ability to call off strikes against hostile aircraft. , which is quite a useful Ability in case the scroll is looking to attack and that's before you even start to consider his possession and mastery of a heavily armed mech suit.
He also disappears in the Iron Man Mark 2 armor for a long and suspicious period of time in Iron Man 2 before taking it to his superiors in the In the military we know that Tony lives in Malibu, California, and the movie expressly tells us that Rhodey finds him. He flies to Edwards Air Force Base, which is close enough that you can drive between the two places in a matter of hours, and yet it's nighttime today. Where were you all that time? Rhodey may give that suit to your scroll friends to inspect from a narrative standpoint. Rhodey is one of the best possible options.
He's an important enough character to have a familiar heroic face, but he's not important enough to have one. a secret identity would undermine a lot of the emotional stakes we have in the more established characters, plus the reveal of Rhodey as a scroll would be the final blow for Tony, who has already undergone so many changes throughout these other films that his motivations have changed. . his morals have lost that arrogance and arrogance and have been replaced by paranoia. He's connected to a surrogate son who he later loses and has been forced to question almost every belief he had in 2008 when this whole mess started, so Rhodey left and betraying him reveals that he had been body swapped somewhere before.
Iron Man 2, when Don Cheadle took on the role, then Tony would really have to question the last thing he's put his faith in, even his closest friends, but in search of real evidence we return once again. For Captain America Civil War, he is one of the few Avengers to actually sign the Sokovia Accords, which helps ensure that the superheroes have restrictions on their actions. He was also seriously injured during the film's airport confrontation when Mrs. Vision. The falcon's wings and instead hits the roadie's power supply causing him to plummet hundreds of feet seeing the scene the first time I was shocked then I was shocked again because they told us he was still alive and that I was just paralyzed.
A fall like that would kill any human. especially a human with hundreds of pounds of armor, no doubt, but an alien who is a little stronger than a human and has a healing factor definitely much more believable and speaking of that healing factor, the recovery of the roadie is equally strange in just two years in the movie's time, it's strong enough. to fight in the battle of Wakanda, I don't think so, surely Tony builds him artificial legs, but look at the famous specialist Evel Knievel, who fell from much lower and broke no less than 35 bones in his body, his recovery time It was often years and he himself reported. who spent more than half of the years between 1966 and 1973 in hospitals in wheelchairs and on crutches, there is no way rody will fight for him again so quickly without some levels of healing, so unless rody is at point to reveal that he's been hiding Wolverine in his basement, which I have to admit, would be a pretty fun way to explain where the X-Men have been all this time.
We may need to start considering that Tony Stark's best friend may not be who Tony thinks he is, but hey, that's just a theory, ah. movie theory and cuts, can we seriously talk for a minute about how excited I am for superhero movies? At this point, the Spider-verse was so good, one of the best animated movies I've seen in a long time, the trailer for Far From Home. I'm very excited to see my boy Mysterio on screen and I'm curious to see where they take that story, not from a literal point of view, since it's obviously about a trip through Europe and Endgame is the climax of a decade of amazing superhero crossovers, and you know.
When he returns from being dusted, Peter Parker will focus on that epic superhero selfie now that he's an official Avenger, except here's a problem: how to fit all those capes and broad shoulders into one epic selfie? There are too many of them, esp. when one is a giant green rage monster, well, it would be a problem if it weren't for the sponsor of this part of today's episode, Google Pixel Free White, literally the superhero of phones and nothing shows this better than the phone camera . many Superfriends in your photo, well the Pixel Three has two front cameras that allow for super wide shots, turning the selfie into the groupie, no longer did you depend on the guy with the power of the elastic arm to take the photo, make sure you get your full cell or the superhero fight that happens behind you in the picture every time and we all know that superheroes like to work at night, which leads to some terrible photographs.
Usually low light would produce something that looks this muddy and dark, but with pixel threes nitesite which uses a combination of algorithms and machine learning, the image becomes this is not a neutral crime fighting moment in copyright, we will seriously miss it, although this mode is like magic and I use it a lot during the holidays, it was amazing, eat your heart out. out sorcerer supreme and last but not least there's Top Shot, where Google's machine learning can process the frames before and after you press the shutter to find the best possible image of you, ensuring that each image shows smiles and not blinks, which is a great feature for family photos and a little less relevant if your face is covered by an expression with superhero masks to hide your secret identity all the time, so if you are a teenager looking to take some cool photos during your international trip, you struggle to adjust to your full superhero self. in the frame or just looking to put better selfies on the world wide web i.e. check out the pixel 3 literally the superhero of phones for more information check out the link in the description now if you'll excuse me. to go see spider-verse again there are so many easter eggs those are all theories for another day movie theories and

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