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Filling our ENTIRE Pool with 500 Bath Bombs!

May 20, 2024
okay, so we just got home, are you guys ready? Orbeez I'm ready to drink oh the Orbeez are the big Orbeez yeah oh the Orbeez just got so much bigger oh my gosh hey. Liam, do you see it? He looks disgusting. I'm getting tired of this scary looking W. That's great. Can we get something to get it out? Let's see how it feels. I'm getting hungry. I have it. Oh, Leo is going to take it out. Yes, actually. Good thing no, I'm not going there, oh, Liam's picking up, oh wait, life, what look, what does it look like, I'm getting it, I'm getting it, bro, you didn't get it, you got it, look, look, look, oh.
filling our entire pool with 500 bath bombs
Oh my god, look at this around you, look at this aala, let me get you, ew, show me, show me how, how it feels, it feels like worm slime, watch out, yeah, this is the stuff they put in Boba's gross daddy, yeah, open this up, okay, we'll open it now, okay, so this I think you already know guys, I think if we leave this for more hours it will fill up, yeah, but let's do the bass pumps now, come on. Come on, I said, we'll take them out from the balcony, why would you let me try one?
filling our entire pool with 500 bath bombs

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filling our entire pool with 500 bath bombs...

Let me go up. I SOC, why I'm excited because it's cool, okay, so we'll do this and then we'll show you the end result, peace. take me to California take me to California I feel like the day is coming to an end and my eyes are drawn no brother, don't throw it no, you can't throw it brother, we don't have enough, you threw, he threw one he threw it look well, actually It looks great no, no, don't throw it, don't throw another one, don't throw another one, please, it's okay, almost brother, our hands hurt like mine are red, look how crunchy they are now, but why what's here?
filling our entire pool with 500 bath bombs
What baking soda and food coloring and I don't know what, okay, but it actually looks really good, so we have this, this is


up and then there's a bag there and then a bag with Ronin made with honey. Are you getting into the water? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, what are you going to give me? I feel like you have to give me something honestly. I'm going to do this for everyone who wrote to Teala in the last video. Amelia kobir ska 5250 let's say hello girl comment team Anna and I will mention your name in the next video team Anna comment comment team no we will mention your we will all mention your name in the next video okay guys Moment of Truth wait guys we have these, yeah, oh yeah, okay, actually not bad, why am I wearing and have pants?
filling our entire pool with 500 bath bombs
It's cold? No, actually it's not bad, what a lie. I swear to God, it's actually not bad. Okay, come on, dude, the Orbeez feel so weird. Come on, come on, come on, wait, it's colder than my body, come on, that's why I didn't want you to come in with me, I reminded myself every time I did fun things like that, but you weren't attracted to it, yeah. I'm going to make my own channel with fun stuff, all our stuff, we're going to be like everything has to be clean, we're going to cook perfect food that's satisfying, we're not going to have any problems, all life is going to be perfect, oh .
I'm leaving, okay, come on, stop, then, oh no, what do I do, what do I do, let me in, okay, come on, don't touch me, stay there, I'm not going to touch you, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, are you you? smart guys 5 4 3 2 oh my god oh my god, the water is pink, how cool does it look, it looks sick, bro, do you see this? It looks so red and smells so good. Well now that we put them in the water, we're going to turn this place into the biggest bubble


in the world your Splash here we go oh my god it smells like a bubble 1 2 3 he's splashing me oh it's working it's not that crazy just look look oh that's it C I love you guys so much and see you in the next video w w w what oh my god you oh my god I just wanted to swim oh my god I'm leaving wow Leo that's how you end the video don't subscribe guys I love you he made that everything will get wet

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