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Filling my ENTIRE House with BALL PIT BALLS!! **insane**

Mar 23, 2020
We really have a light bulb on in our living room so California was shut down for two weeks with everything going on around the world so I just want to let you know please be safe, stay home, practice distancing social and wash their hands. Since we're in quarantine for two weeks, I decided to clear out my living room and maybe put a hundred thousand pool


s in here, that's cool guys. I ordered one hundred thousand colored


s and we are literally going to fill as many as possible. as we can in my whole


so let's see how much it fills okay so this time a thousand let's do it we decided to get 10 air mattresses to fill a lifetime oh what's up Kayla okay fill the whole life? the


living room, so we can make the ball pit really high, so we have a lot of work to do, right?
filling my entire house with ball pit balls insane
Yes, we definitely need to start, okay, let's do it. This living room will be filled with air mattresses in three, two, one. Guys, we have the


room full of air mattresses. Wait, who's down there? Oh hey, what's up? Guys. Lock up, what's up, ruff, honestly this is pretty cool and this is without a hundred thousand


. This is like a small trampoline park. It's kind of low-key, like we can go from one different mattress to another, but look, you know, hey, these mattresses are at least three feet high, so the ball literally fits and will cover the entire living room.
filling my entire house with ball pit balls insane

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filling my entire house with ball pit balls insane...

Well, we still have a lot of work to do. wait I forgot to show you how many boxes we have these are all the pool


and we need to transfer them all to the living room okay you're ready to go let's do this guys quick update oh I feel like a little kid this . it's so sick so right now we're still taking them out of the big brown boxes we still have like 20,000 left oh you know what this bubble thing reminds me of Ezra well I was going to say for all of you oh geez , the power of rug rats with Brian, from the beginning, remember the foam pit, the foam pit, this reminds me of the foam pit guys, it's crazy, we have baby boxes at school and again we have so many left so we will continue the process and this whole living room will be Full this is crazy guys that is not the like button if you miss the previous phase carpet the crazy videos this definitely reminds me of that.
filling my entire house with ball pit balls insane
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filling my entire house with ball pit balls insane
I think the best thing about this is that everything is done through your phone, like you don't have to go to an actual store. bank, even if you want to deposit a check, just take a photo and it will be credited to your account. You can also overdraft up to $100 for free with no fees and you can send and receive money instantly for free. Get instant notifications when you spend and get paid and you can also connect your account to venmo cash on apple pay google pay all that fun stuff like what's not to love about this make sure you download it current the links will be in the description.
I promise you you won't. I'm sorry, other than that let's get back to the video, wait guys, oh there are so many friends of mine. Great, we actually can't get up. Okay, wait, no, okay. Caitlin Salmon, that's his man, there we go, he's good, oh man. There are so many guys we still have all these bags like these bags hold 100. I don't even know what challenges Brian has planned for us to do here because come on, it's eliminated, you know, we're not just going to fill it up and go to sleep guys, cut and stick around because I have a ton of fun and cool challenges to do once this is all filled up but this is crazy oh my god I've wanted to make this video for so long and my dad's not home and he has no idea of what we're doing, so, you're lucky, Brian, it's going to kill me, hey, anything for the Rugrats, you know, guys, what's going on here, wait, it's heaven for you, okay, guys , jr. and Anthony just arrived, they haven't seen the ball pit yet.
I see a little bit of whatever. You are ready there. I'll check. This is halfway. We're not even close to being done, but I have some fun challenges planned. for you guys oh my gosh you wanna help no no no okay okay guys after four hours of preparing this whole video the ball pit is officially finished bro how crazy is this sacred literally They have a light bulb on in our lives. Friend of the room, this is crazy, who is right? It's not that deep. I thought it was going to be a lot deeper, but I mean, this is still crazy, it's just sick, so we have some challenges set up for this video and the winner of the challenge, whoever it is. has the most wins at the end of this video gets a big shout out whoa, I like you guys, whoever wins the challenge, you have to spam their pages, show them no love, follow them, subscribe to them, whatever you want, but they have to win, that's not all. about giving $10,000 for every video, not because I'm going broke or anything, it's just that you know, okay guys, I have a funny joke.
Can I be retained? mm-hmm, what is the name of a snail on a ship with such a long claw? No, a snail type. max I like the button subscribe to the channel we better have some fun look for the first challenge. I have this white ping-pong ball that I'm going to hide somewhere in this ball pit and whoever finds it first wins the first easy game, yeah. yes, Master Pro wadis I'm going to win, okay, we'll see. Yes, really, this is the only video I really wish I was in. Everyone leaves while he had the ball and comes back.
Okay guys, tell me why this is seen. like the Hunger Games, but you guys are on your platforms right now, ready, there's no way it's going to be really hard for you, oh my god, we're not going to find the guys, let's stick together to collect taxes, what else will the guys deliver? cabinets? ping-pong oh yeah, hey, robot is the winner of the first big job, okay, next challenge we are going to play hide and seek, the last person to be found in this ball pit wins, where will we hide? I don't know, you have a dig your


and damn it, just lie down and hope I don't step on your face, okay, Scofield, I'll let you guys have a minute.
I'm going to hide, don't make any noise, don't make any sudden movements. I'm guys, help your guy, it's okay. Oh, you taught me. Oh, okay, guys, you're in hell. Can they be? Oh okay, here we go, here we go, someone will be here, it'll be scary, they'll grab my food. I know there's someone under that mattress, oh, I called on the phone, what, hey, it's my phone, oh, sure not, I didn't have it, okay, so Jay, you're gone, I'm not Jack, okay, okay , leave me, go back to sleep. Please, okay, one down, one down, three to go, whose pink shirt is that rock swinging here oh wow, good spot, okay, it's last friend's turn, no, now come back down , Patrick, okay buddy, did everyone really hide under a mattress?
Hmm, why? Didn't they all hide under a mattress? Where is Brandon? Okay, Brandon, you're the last one, literally the craziest way I was sucking everything, you know just so the crazy can be so flat, I don't know, it's all good Brandon, it's two out of two for the challenges. Wow, okay, for this next challenge we have the Ninja Warrior course and I'm going to show you how it works, so here's the starting line, you're going to run, you're going to jump on the trampoline and you're going to surf on this mattress and then when you surf, we're going to jump there, we're going to jump there and we will jump there and then the finish line is jump to the ball, dive just when your legs hit the ball pit, time stops, oh the poets have thrown politics, exactly the opponents will be standing in the middle throwing . balls that can mess you up and if you guys fall into the ball pit at any point, like jumping from here to there and then you lose, I'm going to show you how it's done, that's why I'm using these three two. one, wow, I have no way, what do you think I could complete this Ninja Warrior course? ready, wow, my God, Anthony, sorry about that, ready, ready, come on, okay, three, two, one, 22:13, come on in first person, 22 seconds, I feel like one is going to come after me hard because I already won two challenges, so they don't want me to win this fight, let's see, okay, ready, let's go, oh my God.
Oh no, if not, then you have 10 seconds, no direction, okay guys, let's get a slow motion instant replay after further review of which one is your right foot touched after three challenges here's the score, okay , so we have one more challenge, so basically it depends on rockin vs. bro wadays okay so it depends on the bottom two if rockin wins. In this challenge, there will be a sudden death tiebreaker, but if you win this one, you will come out with a tough shot, let's do this right, you will have 30 seconds to collect red rocker balls and Brandon's purple balls, rockets vs suckers, yes, 30 seconds. you can use your pockets you can use your shorts whatever you want but after 30 seconds we will count who has the most and that is the winner are you guys always ready okay in three two one 30 seconds come on, come on, always using the pocket method, pockets Also, come on, you have to go faster than that, use all the purple balls.
Holcombe rockins dropped some here we go come on my generation style yeah oh my god come on let's take this job guys comment below right. now there are 5 seconds left 5 3 2 1 stop collecting now you have to take them to your platform but I dropped one, can I pick it up? okay, rocking, well, looks like we can count yours, oh, okay, ten, ten, Brandon, oh guys, two, four, oh, me. I only have four, oh wait five, okay, okay, okay, we don't even have to count for second places, we just need the first one to lose mana, I got it, the new gap, guys, hey, you played well, Brandon is the one winner, rug rats, go show him some love. follow him subscribe to him spam your accounts that's what you get for winning a run phase video love you guys, come on guys, that's the end of the video.
I hope you all enjoyed


my entire living room with ball bulls if I want to watch another challenge video here. I'll leave them here for a week or two, maybe last one out or a 24 hour challenge. Let me know because I'll do what you want to see and I hope you did. Have a good rest of your day, subscribe to the channel if you're new, other than that it's been a rug and I'm not at peace anymore, also don't forget to download the current version, the link is at the top of the description and it's okay , hello, Tina, you.
I know we love you, yes we love you.

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