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FERRAN Gets a TATTOO! MOM FREAKS OUT... | The Royalty Family

Jun 08, 2021
Are you sure you want a


? Well, here we go, here we go, just do it, just do it, just do it. I want to talk to you outside real quick, come on, please come outside, we'll be


while we dream of her leaving, guys. she's leaving I have to hide I have to hide guys Andre is about to leave this is about to be so good guys she's gone she's gone I'm Milan your mom's gone and we're going to make a joke are you excited wait I'm not talking ? your language brother I don't speak your language I said your mommy is gone and we're going to play a joke on her are you depressed you're depressed you're depressed Milan are you depressed your mommy's gone come on let's go let's go find


we have to find fur okay, wait here I'll be right back okay don't go anywhere cool okay cool to run yeah bro stop what you're doing stop what you're doing bro stop what you're doing trust me alone stop, stop, just stop what you're doing oh okay you have to stop this is important okay what's up royal


ferran gets a tattoo mom freaks out the royalty family
I didn't get a chance to say hello, but as you saw, I was waiting for Andrea to come out of the house. because today we are going to make an incredible prank if you are depressed, I am depressed, but first tell me what is okay, so today we are going to get


ed, little brother, we are going to get tattooed, what is happening?, what happened? It's just that you're almost 11 years old. you're like 10 and a half yes I'm 10 and a half but I can't get a tattoo until I'm 18. What if I told you we were going to get a fake airbrush? tattoos and we will play a prank on your mom to see her reaction.
ferran gets a tattoo mom freaks out the royalty family

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ferran gets a tattoo mom freaks out the royalty family...

Do you know what is a good idea? You are depressed? I'm depressed. Are you sure I'm done? If you want me to make this awesome prank, go ahead and like and subscribe. in today's video in the next five seconds okay five four three two one hit the subscribe button because we're on our way 13 million subscribers he's here guys he's here okay the tattoo guy is here open the door for him ah guys give me Very funny Hey I heard you guys need some tattoos yeah we need some tattoos. Come on bro let's do this bro but we need some really cool tattoos okay you got it right.
ferran gets a tattoo mom freaks out the royalty family
Let's go to the back, there is a back house. and we will settle there, okay, let's do this no matter what if his mother shows up at any moment, we strongly recommend that you run away quickly, okay, okay, okay, so far you know what you want, yes, I know what do I want. I want what do you want I want and one o p here one o p one o p wait wait one o p yes, what does that mean a chance really yes, I like that style, and now what about our matching tattoo? imagine a tattoo here okay



we're thinking about putting the crown here on our shoulders with the r that would look cool yeah come to our boss real quick what are these doing here?
ferran gets a tattoo mom freaks out the royalty family
Okay so these are airbrush guns these are going to put the tattoos on the man's arm so these are the airbrush guns this is what he's going to use to put the tattoos on it looks great you're a little nervous I'm a little nervous yes why it won't hurt it won't hurt right? um um yeah, we'll find out, we'll find out, are you ready to go? I'm ready, I'm super ready. You're going to get this tattoo now, okay, okay, sure, wait, are you sure you want to do this? That's what we call you brother, like we're sure we're good, we're in this together, us and the whole royal family, so royals, fat man, make sure you subscribe if you're not already because I can tell that Fernan a little nervous and he needs it it's scary can you can't you not hold on to grab the gloves like that that makes us a little nervous here we go here we go are you ready oh yeah I'm finna pop yeah baby hit the place like? summer and some dippin dots jackpot sound, come in, alright, the crown is on, yeah we'll put it right there, right there, it looks good, yeah, right there it looks good, oh that's a good place , oh, it will come out well with the r right under it, oh, her.
Okay guys what's going on right now, he's spraying it, what are you going to remove the decal, let's reveal, here we go, let's see how it looks, oh stop exaggerating, oh yeah, it looks good, it looks very good, not for me, it seems. incredible wow we only need the r the r here it comes o m g oh that looks super cute do you like it? you walk you walk you walk you walk a little bit flex flex looks great okay guys so now let's wrap it up because that's what you do when you get a real tattoo um so how many tattoos did you get? you did one two, you screwed gucci with the smiling face this is the story behind this family friendship, right, okay, and this one means guccifer, who is your best friend, of course, speaking of gucci, what's up ?, well, what else do you have the r with the crown?
Yes, I see it well. The royal family was given the word familia, which is obviously for royal family, but it also means rum ali andrea. Milan and and I have the r and the crown right here, I can't forget about that, okay, let's go ahead and finish, yeah, honestly, it looks so real, oh, okay, guys, now we're ready to go, we've got plastics everywhere. tattoos, are you ready to do this? I am nervous. Quick disclaimer for all the kids watching this. Don't try this at home. Don't think about getting a real tattoo without your parents' permission.
Obviously, we're just doing this for fun. it's going to be a joke so yeah you're ready I'm super ready right now let's wait for andrea to get home and it's show time okay guys we're still waiting for andrea it's been about 45 minutes still nothing, so stay tuned guys. very good guys, 30 minutes later and we are still waiting for her, how are you, brother, are you fine, good boy, are you fine, are you fine, are you fine two hours later still nothing, nothing, nothing, guys, for now now she is coming , she's coming, she's coming, go to your room, go to your room, go to your room, hey, lie on your bed like you're in pain, okay, go to your bed, go to your bed, okay guys, he moment of truth, andre is stopping right now. the tesla oh this is going to be so much fun yeah go to your room go to your room bro she can see you yeah I'm going up too man I'm going up whatever you do don't you laugh, don't smile.
Yeah don't do any of that bro because you're so bad at it, she's fine guys so here's the plan, when she walks in I'll say hello but I'll be as casual as if nothing new happened. and when she sees this we'll tell her we have tattoos and we'll go from there oh I love you baby I love you so much she's coming she's coming yes yes she's coming she came in brother don't take it off don Don't take it off I know but just lie down, lie down , lie down, you're hurting, remember you're in pain, bro, lie down, relax, relax, relax, she's coming, she's coming, she's coming, she's coming, hey baby, wait, she's gone, okay, what's going on?
No she went to her room, okay, so I have to go get her attention and make her come here okay, okay, I'll be right back, okay, baby, baby, do you want to come say hi, we're waiting for you, baby Oh, he's in a bad mood. Ya guys, should we just cut this vlog right now? No, she's coming, she's coming, act like you're in pain, hey baby, how was everything? Okay, mom, okay, before you start saying anything, no, wait, wait, wait, he's in pain, Miami, you can. Don't touch it now, are you kidding me, baby, baby, I knew you'd say no, but we're kidding, this is the tattoo I wanted to get, remember I told you, baby, take it easy, take it, wait, baby, take it ? calmly take it calmly wait wait a second first of all don't touch it it's fresh there are small tattoos they are small baby baby they are small tattoos it's not the end of the world tell me that goes away no, no, no, it doesn't appear, it doesn't come off , why do you mean that, baby, take it, baby, they're just fresh, baby, they're fresh, if you can't just touch them, it's fresh, baby, him?
I wanted a tattoo, I needed an adult, I went to him and wait, that's not just your decision, I know, but we knew you'd say no, we knew you'd say no, so we just went, baby, those are beautiful tattoos, look, farron, andrea milan. You even have your initials here look, it says that's for you, that's how much I love you baby, maybe he's almost 11 and he's got something super cute, he's got a smiling face waiting, oh, oh, baby, baby, baby Come on, cups, baby, come on. outside real quick I want to talk to you I have to talk to you I want to talk to you real quick baby baby baby I want to talk to you outside real quick come outside please come outside, let's talk about this, come on, come don't run just rest okay, okay, gucci, you have a problem, go to them, well, let me see it, wait, let me see, it says r and there is a crown, look, I have one on my shoulder, here it is. r and crown ah oh easy, easy, take it easy, baby, I'm telling you, don't touch it, it's fresh, come outside, let's talk outside, police, let's go outside, let's go outside, I want to talk to you, you should start recording right now, you can go?
Outside, lie down brother, lie down, wait, easy, lie down, lie down, what are you doing with gucci baby, why are you so slow? Come up, man, Mel, touch me, come up, come up me, why are you so slow? just come up, what are you doing now? bro we're in the middle of a vlog come on up bro you're the slowest one more you're eight hours late okay so here's what I'll be honest with you we knew you'd say no but I. I honestly don't think it's a big deal, what do you mean he's been wanting? He has three tattoos on his arm.
I know it's a good point, but I'm just saying it's not the end of the world, there are little tattoos. something that you like something that will be for the rest of your life I know and first you have to ask me I know but we knew you would say no so we went ahead and did it we want to see I know but they are small like I said they are small they are small tattoos one wasn't enough you saw my shoulder one more that I don't care now you don't even like my tattoos the thing is you don't like them even like my tattoos I feel like that's what you did right next time I'll tell you I know next time we'll talk about it we'll talk about it next time we'll talk about it look My son's arms like: Are you kidding me?
Maybe it really isn't the end of the world. This is the end of the war. Where are you going. I know you guys are lying to me. Baby. Where are you going? Maybe he is suffering. Don't just touch the tattoos. It hurts. I tell you it hurts. I'll check it again. Oh, well, but you're here. Why would you go down? You're not supposed to move around too much. Let me see this. Let me. Look, let me see baby, it's fragile, it's fragile right now I want to see it and you guys don't ruin the tattoo, it's fresh, it's fresh, wait, it's okay, let me see yours, it's okay, let me see, I could tolerate the pain a little .
I'm telling you it doesn't come off it doesn't come off it doesn't come off this is not a real tattoo what are you talking about it's not a real tattoo it doesn't come off it doesn't come off I have tattoos I know what they look like but look it's not coming it's going up it's a joke , they get out, you really think I'd go wait, she's coming, she's coming after us, no, no, no, no, no, she's coming after us, baby, really. I think we'd get tattoos without telling you I thought it was true I know but they look real but they're not honestly he realized right now.
He started scratching it and it came off. Now you ruined my fake tattoo, but are they pretty? Great, aren't they great? Honey, honey, I'm so sorry, you know what I'm saying, I think it's time for revenge, wait for it, wait for it, I mean it, honestly, if you have any suggestions, please come. on my instagram send me a private message and give me an idea to prank these guys. He's so scared, oh, we're so scared, oh, we're so scared. video we hope you had a great time, I know Andrea had a good time, make sure to hit the subscribe button because we are on our way to 13 million subscribers, leave a big shout out if you liked the video, turn on post notifications and That being said, one last thing my amazing son would like to say: "Stay royalty, we'll leave in peace."

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