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Faulty appliances: Repairmen reveal industry secrets (CBC Marketplace)

May 09, 2020
last 10 years at most we used to say 15. I mean, I'll tell you it lasts 100 years, but you know that in all honesty. I mean, you will. You will get at least 12 years out of your refrigerator, that's what I like to say, it's kind of a ballpark nowadays, how long do these things last? Now, refrigerators or any


are around 10 to 12 years old and are problem free throughout. time, it's okay if you're lucky, it surprises me, I want to do it, yes, not even the salesmen can sugarcoat it, today's


have a much shorter lifespan and that says our experts are also by design at the end of the day, uh , if it is built. in obsolescence when they say 12 years they don't say 12 years No problems they say that at 12 years you will probably have to throw this away and between those 12 years well at 3 years you go To have a problem with a plate potentially at 5 years, you will probably have to invest another 300 dollars for another plate in 7 even years that you are going to have a problem with and they don't tell you how long it will last.
faulty appliances repairmen reveal industry secrets cbc marketplace
Is trustworthy? Nothing is reliable and that is our next secret. If you're hoping to keep your appliance for the long term, keep your repair technician on speed dial in Milton. Mark White couldn't afford buy new War pool machines how much did Enda pay for all the repairs here over $1,300 and none of it under warranty? None of that, we asked Whirlpool to talk to us on camera about the problems with his products, these things shouldn't be breaking down. like he's 20 years old when he's like a year and a bit so they turn us down but send us this Whirlpool Corporation has been manufacturing appliances for over 100 years and product quality is among our top priorities.
faulty appliances repairmen reveal industry secrets cbc marketplace

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faulty appliances repairmen reveal industry secrets cbc marketplace...

I think the manufacturer should pay. for repairs Terry Lak is about to put that to the test in Vancouver. This is absolutely unacceptable. He is calling Samsung with an ultimatum. I need you to fix this bridge or give me a refrigerator that doesn't do this and our experts share one last opinion. secret, they can do whatever they want because they don't have to worry about buying new appliances, don't get burned. Find out how we at Marketplace take you into the world of major appliances and


some of the biggest


. what the


probably wants on the back burner in Vancouver Terry Lak's Samsung refrigerator broke months after the one-year warranty expired and it's leaking here, it's been leaking water and it's freezing.
faulty appliances repairmen reveal industry secrets cbc marketplace
Now I have a refrigerator full of frost which probably causes a design problem and there are tons of similar complaints about Samsung online they don't seem to be of any help they don't even acknowledge that there is a problem with this refrigerator that's what Samsung gives you he said the first time he called, thanks for calling Samsung, but Terry won't give up on appliances, please press one. She believes Samsung should cover the cost of the repair. I need you to fix this refrigerator or give me a refrigerator that doesn't do this. This time he communicates with the superiors, you said. that the water leaked into the right drawer, yeah, a minute or two at home, so I can't know more about the pleas, okay, you bet, thank you, thank you when you've been waiting for almost a year, one or two minutes on hold, what's another two minutes?
faulty appliances repairmen reveal industry secrets cbc marketplace
Finally, thanks, sorry for Wai, some good news. I think we can provide a one-time courtesy repair for your case, but we need to copy the invoice. What if Samsung offers a free repair, but Terry wonders? What took you so long? Are you aware of the problem with this refrigerator? Honestly, we've had a few calls, so we're trying to fix the issue, okay, but it's not a recall yet, so we wouldn't call it yet. a recall, okay because I think it should be a recall because it seems like when I go online, all your dogs have this problem.
Samsung doesn't deny there is a problem so the repair guy comes and asks me to turn off the refrigerator um before it gets here so it starts to defrost we ask Samsung to appear on camera they freeze us and instead They send a note. The company says it is committed to delivering high-quality products and promises to offer phone support to customers with problems. Samsung, it's a real shame you didn't come to Marketplace to explain your position on this and what you're willing to do for your customer. The technician installs some new parts and says they should eventually fix the design problem. done the right thing for me, you have to keep pushing them, that's for sure, companies don't want to compete to have you as a long-lasting customer and create products that last and build loyalty. competence.
I don't see competition anymore. Really, in the end, that's because, despite all the brands out there, our experts say that only a handful of companies make them the same people, the same people, so you have no choice, we don't We have no other option, not really and I think that's where the lack of interest starts when all of a sudden you don't have as many options anymore, they can do whatever they want because they don't have to care, because where you're going to go there's no more. many players in the game and that's our ultimate fixer's secret the lack of competition means the


has no incentive to improve in Milton.
Okay, I just received a package this morning. Oh, a Whirlpool bulb. Whirlpool is repairing its reputation after we got involved, the company is. In a hurry to please Mark White, they offer to buy back his stove, even fitting a light bulb for the hood. Oh look, you say no to the new stove, but guess what Whirlpool is offering to cover your $1,300 repair bill. I want to thank you. Thank you so much for getting this right for me, our experts Phil and Jeff. I hope you did the right thing by coming forward if we can help someone make the right decision about what they are buying or be a little more aware of their decision don't be fooled by the flashy guys thank you for sharing your stories with us I appreciate it thank you for inviting us thanks they have gone offline so they can come back online next week on Marketplace us orange juice is it worth squeezing out extra money? premium orange juice that's all there is in 100% orange juice what some juice manufacturers don't want you to know: they don't want this to be perceived as a highly processed product Market viewers are freshly angry, I'm angry, I feel fooled and help us


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, give it a whiff, what do you think is one squirt at a time?
That's orange juice, that's orange juice, mhm.

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