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Father & Son PLAY SNAP TRAP! / Don't Get Crushed!!

May 31, 2021
so number five, actually, i immediately lost my first turn, geez, my shoulder problems youtube, what's up guys it's my dad, andy, and we made toy videos and today we have a game called


chat, yeah, You just accomplished all that, right, buddy?



and it's right here. I found this, I think on the Internet. I ordered some games online recently. I don't know if you can find it in stores, but either way we have it and we're going to grab it. on that table and we're going to show you all about the box, we're going to figure out how to


and then


with it and then play deeper with it, well you could probably find it in a different country, maybe.
father son play snap trap don t get crushed
I don't know, it could just be an old game from 2016. It was probably in stores in 2016. But now it's here and we're going to play with it. Are you ready? Are you ready? This video started. Yeah, okay, bombs. No, no, bombs, I'm not going to throw this away, uh, I'll carry this on this table and be careful with the good, that was good, let's put this video here, we have the front of the box, are you making fun of me? here I say I have a blue henry hat I have a blue henry hat that's pretty cool okay yeah okay so here's the front of the box that says Snapchat the cheesy game of quick instincts if you can choose oh you can choose. here is a photo of real children playing with him what is his name? um if I can go back in time her name is if I could go back in time okay wow I'll name her and her name is her name is highway through the danger zone okay okay yeah so they're playing a little uh playing the game uh shows a picture of the game here uh here is a more exciting cartoon and there is a mouse and there is a mouse and there is a mouse looking at the mice uh it's nice it's a nice box this is made by life instead From the mouth I was referring to more than one mouse, which would make them mice, it's called plural, you know, obviously, yes, mice is a plural noun, exactly an adjective, uh, but it's a nice box, okay, uh, how old are you to play this five?
father son play snap trap don t get crushed

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father son play snap trap don t get crushed...

I will be a full four if you are under four. Just that your parents are probably playing with you in general anyway, but make sure your parents know what you need. minus two people to play this maximum of four um it's four kids it's 19 pieces which means we have to build something to make this playable and then this is for ideal games and their slogan is time to play fun to play Snapchat on the back of the box has, uh, if you can go back in time and the highway to the danger zone, playing the game right there, but it shows you a breakdown of everything included, okay, it contains a squeaky


. , four mice playing with pieces, look what we have, purple, we have, green, we have. blue, we have orange, yeah, and then there are 14 cheese cards, which actually you know, maybe we don't have a building to make because then all of that adds up to about 19 pieces, but it says, let's say cheese, a game of luck for two .
father son play snap trap don t get crushed
Four player cards tell your mouse which piece of cheese to eat, but watch out, watch out, a different piece triggers the truck trap every time it sounds like it's the crocodile dentist game oh yeah, we'll see, oh um, yeah or that um oh look at the back, the front box is fully assembled and ready for action, so no, we don't have buildings, how do we not notify? I don't know where we were, you were probably talking about turning back time and all that. things um and plural nouns uh but the side of the box looks good the top of the box is the same the side of the box is the same but the bottom is all brown it's around the bar the jet li how are you ?
father son play snap trap don t get crushed
I generally know a deadly barcode. I was like how do you know who Jet Li is? Oh, graciously, you'll figure it out eventually, so we're going to get this out there, figure out how to play it, and then play with it. We're going to play with this, me against you, but no, no, no, we're going to donate this, so we're going to open it carefully and then hopefully we can put it all back in the box for whoever receives this. It has a nice box, not a broken and holey box, it's okay, and guess what's in here, a bag of mice and you can open it right, everything is in bags, in fact, there is always tape on everything, here it is, so This destroys you, okay?
We're kidding, that doesn't hurt, uh, I've always been afraid of mouse traps because I've never been


by a real one, it doesn't hurt at all, but this is great, I don't want to be. um, you know, this looks like a lawnmower too, where are the pieces of cheese? oh, here they are, they were hiding here, here they are, I knew it, oh, you put a mouse on your finger, that's adorable, here are the pieces of cheese. Are you trying it? You're going to smash the mouse's face. Now I'm going to figure out how to play.
Okay, so you have to mix them, but these are triangles, it's not easy to mix. By simply putting them there, you have four mice in your hand. I think we're ready to play, so how does it go, the youngest player goes first, you draw and do what the card says, okay, so this is 10, you would hit the number 10 cheese, but there are also cards that say reverse play, which honestly This is pretty much a jump card, but it would work. If you were playing with four people, it would reverse the flow of the game. But there is also a turn skip, basically, in a two player game, we make the number or we skip our turn, which is a good diary of the captain of the game, then you may not hit the right target, it is possible you hit the cheese that makes the thing go down and then you lose, okay, so whoever it is, basically, in a two-player game, whoever does this.
The thing swings down and catches them and catches them loses, so we'll play three games, best two of three games, okay, I'll shuffle the cheese cards, okay, you go first, I'll be the blue mouse, you will be purple. very good 12. it's 12. so use the mouse you have to use the mouse can you put your pineapple? Okay, that's it, it's a little hard to do that, isn't it? You're safe, so number five, really. I immediately lost my first turn jeez and also if you were worried not because it hit us the bar doesn't hurt but it hits the mouse and not your hand anyway don't freak out but wow okay reset I'm going to shuffle this we're going to follow this is totally a game of luck you go first you are the youngest I wonder how people make me eight eight okay please lose immediately now look I'm going to lose a first turn again five again okay, your turn four ooh oh, e11 yes , I'm doing great, two, that's the one that's going to ruin you, you're not good, okay, oh, skip a backflip, do one, done, done, done. oh yeah, they ruined you it's one on one whoever wins the third round it's the ultimate victorian trap are you ready?
No, I'm afraid, at least I know it well, at least I survived more than one turn the last game, he's back here you are ten, are you going to have my luck? oh yeah, no one waits, it's a seven seven, what do you do if one is the one now, oh eight dun dun dun dun skip a turn, I'm lucky with those, right? oh three he says he's not going to hurt you nine oh yeah don't be the other way around okay 12. good luck 12 this far aren't you going to hit another piece of cheese cheese pizza cheese pizza four what is it , six, friend? this is intense this is really getting there it has to be five I know reverse game come on I got each of those two if I could spin there will be five I know one I don't remember we said well we thought it was one it has to be five it literally comes down to two pieces of cheese, this is intense, I mean, it's luck, how did you know it was going to be five, it's five, the only one left and they ruined me, good game, I lost, I knew it and it's okay to lose? the important part of losing is that you go back, you get up and the cheese crushes you no, what's the important thing about losing, you get back up and try again, you use your losses to motivate yourself to be better next time, yes, at least that?
The last game was good, we got to the last piece of cheese and we made the last two and I said no, everything would be fine, then I understood, yeah, it was like that song that will be, it might be five, there was instant cheating. Did you like Snap Trap? Yes, I think it was better than the crocodile dentist because there were cards and it was like a game of luck. Yes, there is a little more depth. It's a game of luck. It's like it's the same idea as the crocodile. dentist, but it's a little more fun, I think this is a better game for younger kids, you know, I don't think there's a huge skill, if you're older, but then again, you're only four or so, so I mean , if you're a three, you could play it as if that bar didn't hurt.
I think it's easy to understand. It's a fun game, especially if you have it. You would hit the mice. Yes, hit the mice. He doesn't even do it. Usually I hit you, very cool concept, I like it, I like anything that has to do with cheese, just the fact that, like grilled cheese, rolled cheese, wait what's that string cheese, baby tea, I like string cheese, yeah, I mean, rolled cheese sounds great too, is that bell for babies? That's what it is baby, that's some cool cheese, I think that's the one, yeah, anyway, thanks everyone for watching, we make videos here all the time every Tuesday and Saturday, so looking at it, you want that we feed him, um, yes but yes.
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He doesn't even get the food he will get. eventually it is foreign

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