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Father & Son PLAY BOUNCE OFF! / The Trick Shot Game!

Jun 06, 2021
you just took my place damn this is way harder than it should be hi yeah i would like to ask for some spring i mean anything at this point oh wait they'll attack me youtube what Come on, guys, is it totally a toy? The don't hate your dad don't hit anyone moment is a very important part of that but yeah it's turbo toy time my name is Andy and this is my son we make toy videos and today we have a great


. and it's called


uh this is actually your


yeah even though I got it for a birthday I want someone else to take it so Ryden wants to donate this but we'll


it here and show you guys first what we do.
father son play bounce off the trick shot game
What we're going to do is bring this to the table, we're going to look at the box, take it out, figure out how to


and then, we're going to play a little bit, okay, you want to predict two wins, yeah, you


. It's on the table no, no, you want to predict who wins, like who do you think is going to win, loki, loki is going to win, you patted yourself, so I thought you were saying you and you said loki, so, yeah, come on , take it to the table. and let's start with this video, oh and there was a snow storm today and it's April 15th when we filmed this or the 16th, 17th, it's one of those days, why do I have this on my head?
father son play bounce off the trick shot game

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father son play bounce off the trick shot game...

Let's start this video. Here is the front. The box says bounce and you can even see the actual balls used in this game. Did it bounce off your head in this game or do you just bounce off the bounce? Okay, stop touching my eyeball. Alright. Alright. We are going to be. silly and you're about to get tickled that's why you're about to get tickled oh don't you dare tickle me back i'm kidding i'm josh you never tickle daddy you get it but seriously, Let's go back to the box. Guys, you can look through it and you'll see that the used balls were there, like a cat prancing behind us, what was that look?
father son play bounce off the trick shot game
There's bagel there in the hallway, I think Bagel chased it, oh no, the otter is back in the fray, yeah, we got some. aquamarine colored balls, we have some like chartreuse, they are strange colors, this says absolutely no prize winner but I literally thought it was a prize look, it says winner of and it says absolutely no prize winner but who cares that's incredible true? know this look looks like they got a prize but no this game says no prize winner but who cares i don't get it it's funny i promise laugh just laugh that's just a smile that's not a laugh okay it says bounce it in line they rule the two to four player table takes about 15 minutes to play and it's for mattel games i wonder if this is really a prize since they made that sticker uh okay uh ryden what are the ages seven?
father son play bounce off the trick shot game
It's quite funny, it says that everyone seven years old and up, which to me doesn't mean everyone, it means that people seven years old and up, everyone under seven years old, shouldn't play well in the sixth. Still, I'll let him play this game many times. The ages aren't because it's unsafe to play, but because it might be a little more advanced, so if a game or toy is older than your age, just make sure your parents are comfortable with you playing in the back. Out of the box, it looks really nice. Nice drawing, it has these guys arguing right here and then they play and then the kid wins and says celebrate your victory, oh okay, he says trash, your opponent bounced the ball to match the design on the card, I can draw you . trash talk to me, yeah you can't, you can, you can cheat a little, let's have some good trash talk, okay, like your face is so pretty and it looks cool, okay, do it like this, okay, we'll hear you do a good rubbish. talk your face is so cool and I can put my beauty in it your booty no, no, that's not what I meant by good jogging trash I love you, you're done with your potty, okay, too much potty. win the good trash talk bounces on the side bounces on the top bounces on the other side it's just a bunch of bounces and the barcode is on the back so yeah let's open this up who have you played with this?
You and him, he, I've never, I've never played this with you, buddy, did you open this? Yes, you got this for your birthday and you never opened it. Yeah, I admire that you want to donate it, buddy, but you should keep it. a little while and see if you like it and play with it and then we can donate it once you've played it for a while, okay, okay, I mean, it's your birthday present. I can't believe we never opened this, guys. I want to show you something: two times three is six, that's right, good job, what is two times four eight?
Yes, that friend, how much tape do we need? There's so much tape on toy boxes that he doesn't really like it because he just says so. lot of ship is the best thing in the world I love it I love barcodes so here we are so the fact that this is for ages seven and up I hope it's not too hard to put together and play here are the cards that are not a frisbee, please get them. All these balls are everywhere, what are these things for? Well, Ryden is recovering all the balls that went all over this game room. uh, I'm going to figure out how to play.
Okay, so here are these cards. Here, what's happening? If we turn one over and see this design, we have to take turns trying to bounce our balls and make this design first. Whoever gets it first wins this card. First one to three cards wins the game. You get it, yeah, and if you don't do the layout and all your balls are in the thing, just take one of your balls and try again cool, okay, ready for this, I'm going to mix them up, you'll just be like this, oh, and it has to no, it has to bounce we are going to go from this side and you are on that side it has to bounce once and then enter it has to bounce at least once ryden you are the water colored balls and I am the yellow ones, okay ?
Are you ready? You want to go first since you are the youngest. Yeah, okay, you thought you were going to win, so let's see. Wow, the exact card I was teaching with is the card we're going to look for. Okay, I'll put it. it's here, you go first, there you go, boom, oh dude, so if not, no, that's a bummer, okay, oh, okay, I can do it this way, oh, then you can go that way here same, oh my god, I don't think so. so easy to point it out and get it right, your turn, so you want it like here or here or there, okay, I'm going to go this way, I didn't, oh, so one there or there, my turn, okay, Ah.
I need it right there, damn, I need mine, you should get there, oh my God, if you get it there, he wins his card. Are you ready? Oh wow no, I thought that was it, but if you look at the card it's quite the opposite. continue oh my goodness no it's okay oh you did it boom that's your card sir you got one okay second round is a square are you ready? I go first because I'm a loser. boom, go well, yeah, go, oh no, yeah. go, I'm going to nail that, oh my god, go there, go, no, you just took my place, damn, this is way harder than it should be.
I did it right here, what a God, right here, oh my God, okay, yeah, four. right here he has a card I have a card so this is not an extremely long YouTube video we are only going to do three rounds because we are tied so the next person to win the next round will win the third round oh wow to be an arrow, okay, you go first since you won't lose last, this is going to be hard, oh you, you can make that work, I can make that work, how can I make that look boom boom boom, yeah, wait a minute? okay, I can make that work oh okay, okay, oh my god, I just need one more, okay, you didn't sabotage me, no, that was terrible, oh my god, I know, yeah, okay, no , this is going to be intense, go, yeah, oh yeah, look here and here.
That doesn't help me, I know I need that one right there and I win, no, my God, oh I have every single one except the one I need, okay, go ahead, my karate show, don't cut me off, oh my God, Ryden . We're both so close to winning okay what I thought was going to fly and it went there okay go this is where you need it it was exactly where you had it so here's the card and I need dun dun dun dun i I need Ryden done it and he needs that one. It's close again.
This is just him making fun of me right now. Okay, no, you did so well, it's a fun game, right? Yes, you want to play a game. off camera do you want to play do you want to play get off camera yes let's play again so here you go I don't know if that was the most exciting game to watch us play but it was a lot of fun I like it Yes it's almost like training



and I won the next one. Yes, we played again and we improved a lot at that too, so you won again.
You are very good at that. You won three cards and I want one. But it's very fun. I don't know, I'm sure you can get it at Target or Toys r Us or if there are Toys r Us still open around you, but if you end up buying it, I think you'll like it, so I hope you like it. He enjoyed watching us play bouncing is so much fun, I give him two thumbs up, I don't give him everything, that's like four hands, four or four limbs, you give him four limbs, but yeah, putting this together for his birthday and we liked it.
We walked out of our play closet and he said, "Let's do this for turbo toy time." I said, "You name it and we'll do it." So here you go, we make a variety of toy videos, so if you want to see more of our videos, hit the button. please subscribe just below yes there is a subscribe button just below and if you want to give a big support please find a bell button on the page and click it so it will notify you immediately when we upload a video so it would be awesome if we would touch it. that's it we're going to go to dinner it's time for dinner we're going to go to dinner with mom I guess it's time for dinner so I hope it's okay outside for you right now while we're filming this there's a snow storm and it's already half over April is It's very annoying, so if it's a nice little side for you, go out and enjoy it, if not it's doing something creative inside, uh, or just having dinner, yeah guys, have a nice day, peace out and hit the sky and down.
I really want people to subscribe today, right? Yeah, you're just leaving. He cared if he took out the piece now that he's gone. I'll take it out in peace. No, wow, wow.

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