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Father & Son PLAY PENCIL NOSE! / Draw Off!

May 15, 2024
trampoline yeah, we're both right yeah, I've got a


, my


in your hand, oh, I've got my nose in my hand, hey, I'm sorry I couldn't get to my water bottle, did you call? Hey this is what


nose time sounds like Weird time it's cool but it's a fun time yeah YouTube what's up guys we're toy time yeah it says it on your shirt we have turbo toy time and we make toy videos and today we have a fun game called pants oh no buddy look. This looks like what dogs do to paint. Have you ever seen a dog paint like that?
father son play pencil nose draw off
Oh yeah, that sounds like a very Internet thing. Yes, you turn your nose into a pen,


or marker and you can


and he is


ing a dog, does he come with a pencil? Yes, it comes with everything we need to


this game. I saw it at a local toy store here in Cincinnati. It's actually close to our house. It's called King Arthur's Court. It's great. It's really great. uh toy store, I was 25 and when I saw the concept of this I thought: yes, we are doing it, it says: can you draw a drought with your smell?, a trout with your snout.
father son play pencil nose draw off

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father son play pencil nose draw off...

Do you know what a trout is? Yes, they are two fish. it's a type of fish good job I mean here's this guy let's call it trout and then the dust and our leaf and elise and this is rainbow so rainbow trout analyzes great okay sounds like I would call it uh rainbow like when it was like yeah, it does, but there are some things that happen in the box, uh, this is the front of the box, we'll show you everything, where to get it, find out how to


and play with it, and play with it. ages eight and up, yeah, you have a little stack of cards, you have a timer, a timer eraser and this is from Fat Brain Toy Company, mom buys them all the time, usually in the back of the box, like the cartoon versions were like there were real people playing this we have like someone's uncle kevin with annelise and rainbow trout he's probably the creator of the game i call it pencil know you can draw a rose with your nose they totally like to rhyme um 540 Objects to Draw Game Night Excitement That Shouldn't Be Sneezed No, we don't want each other, you know, I like not to sneeze at people all the time, but definitely not using a pencil up my nose.
father son play pencil nose draw off
Four or more players we are going to play with. two players it doesn't have four it's sinking it says four or more players and it doesn't even have four it shows three people playing every time it says we found a way to play with two people it will be okay that said it's intended for a family game , I guess it's a pretty box, um, the sides say pencil nose, pencil nose, pencil nose, what do you think? The last one says pencil nose, pencil, okay and then on the back, new barcode. is coming, she's coming soon, okay, so let's open up this puppy and let's have a pencil nose moment, okay, so what's cool is that when you're drawing something transparent, this was once organized, but now it's not. . oh it's literally like a dry erase marker which makes sense with that oh there are dots yeah look at this it says pencil nose here you want glasses here you want to be green there you go these cards are all over parts, those are, this is the type of marker that we mark or flip, so if you buy this, be careful, uh, the cards go everywhere, oh, we have the sands of time and wow, you're getting close, look closely What are we talking about here, that's all, right?
father son play pencil nose draw off
This is great, although it's like you're drawing on the youtube screen how easy is it what are you drawing an eyeball? That's an eyeball I thought you're trying to draw a star is it difficult? Yes, they make it look so easy on the box like it looks like a fireball, can you see this drawing more? Do you have a draft? Oh they have a lovely eraser and I thought it was a real eraser, to be honest it doesn't come out that well. Do we need oh? here we go I'm going to draw glasses okay so glasses I'm going to read the rules what a fool I'm going to look with this let's see how I look here here I am I never thought I'd be here but Oh that's my nose out of the glasses dude you did great glasses, can you see this?
Let's try uh oh, you know what to do. There we go, we can go like this to show what they look at. You need very good glasses, friend. I'm supposed to draw glasses, yeah, I was a little more careless than you, yours are much better, that's his and that's mine, yours are much better, okay, I need to cover my nose so I don't accidentally draw anything , let's not draw, let's read the instructions. and we're going to figure out how to play, we're going to play with it, if the marker was off, this would be so terrible that it would probably come off, but I don't want to try that look, my nose fell right.
My cat thought the tip of my nose fell off. Put it better. Jab. I could be fine. Oh, you took it from me. Because it does not work? Don't know. It doesn't work very well here. My nose is broken. I mean, I'm even playing, I just blew my nose off, okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to take turns, like you go first, because you're the youngest, you're going to turn this around and look at all these roses basketball compass candy cane binoculars battery you'll have to draw them and then I guess okay I have three guesses each we're making this up because it's a two player game I'm pretty good at drawing roses or if I guess correctly you get a point if guess wrong moves you have to draw the following okay and the first person up to three points yes they have it in the box they have it like draw on a bunch of them but we're going to play erase okay so you can use everything.
I feel like it will be easier to draw bigger, are you ready? Yes, put on your glasses, sir, and I'll go. Taking them off because they kind of mess with them, yeah, they kind of strain your eyes if you leave them on, so okay, with that being said, I'm going to shuffle this pile, we don't know what we're in for. I'm going to get there so there you have it don't let me see it well first at five points should I hold it or do you want to hold it it could be easier if you hold it yeah it's okay on your mark get ready go see this this is I think it's very well Ryden oh my god I know what it is it's a bat yeah you made a point that was so good give me five.
Alright, period Ryden, where's the eraser? I have it right here, cool, you can't even see it. That was a really good Bat Ryden, oh yeah, we'll totally time it, but you did it fast, you wouldn't have been fine, there it is, what do I do to move on to the next one or maybe it should be my turn, yeah? We'll go back and forth, okay, but you can draw a new card each turn, okay, so it's my turn, okay, wait, no, I have a point, so I'm orange, so you're okay, like this I have to put this, okay? tour, so are you ready to set this up?
Well, you have to turn it right there. Oh my gosh, I could pick anyone from this right. No, no, no, we don't draw something new every turn, oh yes, yes, I did it from above, although the first one. I'm going to take a risk here, okay, are you ready? Okay, I'm drawing this guy, it's really hard to get it right, a circus test, no, wait, wait, you only have three guesses, oh, I did it, how much time do I have? I don't know, it's almost over, yeah, we both have a point, yeah, yeah, my nose in your hand, oh, I've got my nose in my hand, but I have a point, well, then take this, I'll turn it over, this is your time to draw Ready, set, come on, oh, okay, okay, what's going on there?
Oh my gosh, you're drawing some detailed things. Oh, is it a pumpkin? No, you don't see what a pumpkin looks like. I do it because up there it's supposed to be that way, but then it's not. I don't know what this is, oh it's time right now, I have no idea, it literally looks like a pumpkin with a cherry on the side. I see you have letters here. it's not a ball yeah oh my god on the bell t okay, it didn't look like I could see the t uh but well, I erased it in the end it was this way it was this way it's this I erased these things and you I drew a mini ball yeah, I thought this had to do with this, it wasn't good, okay, I'll give it to you, it was hard, okay, so Ryden has two points, oh, you're orange, these are my two. points and I have one, but it's my turn, okay, take the sands of time and I can choose from this list what's okay, turn it over or when you're ready, this will be oh, I think I have an idea of ​​it, a fist, no.
You got one more finger, yeah, that's pretty cool, right, yeah, that's pretty cool, I drew it with my nose, I did one of those things that said fist, dude, the first one said fist on the bottom, that would be tough , you could go. so, although, um, okay, Ryden, if you get the next one, you'll win, I hope you don't guess what you think, no, I'm playing fair, I'm playing fair, I'll try to guess, okay? This could be the final round. You just hit yourself in the face. Are you OK? Are you ready to draw this with your pencil nose?
Yeah, okay, keep it nice, oh, okay, I mean, I guess you can do whatever you want in your time. It's crazy, it seems like you were the spaceship and the guardians of the galaxy. It's a spider? Oh no, usually the other way around on this so I can't write one. I don't know if you're supposed to write. Your time is almost up. ok you're out of time let me look at it this way, I guessed once correctly, I guess spider, my second guess is drone, no, so it's an electronic no in a round thing with hanging sides, that's where it's tied db, double bubble, yes, this.
It's a piece of gum, yeah you got it, I can't believe I understood that you just want, dude, oh no, I guess 'cause I started seeing him as a rapper 'cause there was like, you know, and then the database did click and I thought I was wrong when I guessed mate, good job, look, it's not even like we're against each other, it's just a fun activity, but it would be fun to play with teams. Yes, with that being said, I'm going to try to do it. I drew a shark I wasn't even recording he fell I started drawing a shark my nose fell off I don't promise he actually did this it looks like a dog it looks like a dog I think it looks like a shirt okay no I don't know if I guess I'm not doing it which is, but you know what's okay, let's move his thing that looks more like a shark.
What is it? That's the ocean. Is it on spikes? No, it's the ocean. That's pretty good, yeah, buddy. pretty good, it's a bummer when you get the first half, no one is going to believe us, we promise we're not faking, like no, this wasn't even in the game so I didn't even think it was a really fun game. The guy is like a Jedi, yes he is. It would be very difficult to draw small things. It's really cool because he looks at that helicopter tooth. The helicopter would be crazy. The boat is really good. I think this is a fun and very creative game.
I like it a lot. I might play with my grandma later tonight and see if she does. Oh my gosh, mom would love this. Yes, that would be a good thing. There you have it, if you have a local game store you can check it out. I don't. I think you'll be able to find this at Walmart or Target, so go to independent game stores and see if they have this nose pencil from Fat Brain Toy Company. Mom always asks them for gum. Yes, there is gum at the bottom. Mom took orders from these guys, yeah, I didn't know, I'd never heard of them, she was like the little things like flowers that stick in that cabin, I did things on the Christmas tree, oh, okay, but yeah wanna.
To remind them that they don't always need new toys to have fun, get their old toys and find a new way to play with them. You know, make sure you take advantage of your use and creativity, come in and have fun with the things you have. You don't always need new stuff, but that being said, if you get this cool game, I give it two thumbs up, I double down on 100 and I do this right, so 2002, thumbs up, did you really do those calculations 20 times 100? means 10 10 100 is one thousand two thousand they'll figure it out either way it's a lot of approval in the air so I hope you like this video we make videos all the time so hit the subscribe button if you like. see more uh and we'll be back with more fun and silly games.
The first one was bat, jet ski, hugs, steering wheel, whale and fist, who is going to draw a jet ski, which is like an advanced drawing of the nose, that's it, if the weather is nice, go out and play. If not, you're going to do something creative inside, like find one of these, do it, okay, see you soon, calm down.

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