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Father & Son PLAY EARLY BIRD (It's Gonna Burst!!)

May 20, 2024
yeah, start doing it with Petland yeah, hello, uh, I found an invisible hamster and I was wondering oh oh, okay, never mind, it just came out, it's time to get up


, okay, I gotta go, it's time to get up


, what Does that mean it's a game? oh okay YouTube what's up guys? We're turbo toy time four syllables that's right uh my name is Andy and this is my son Ryden and we


videos and today I wasn't kidding we're going to do an early game to catch the worm. Goliath called early


and says catch the worm, yeah, and there are three different characters, you have the worm, you have the


and the tree, so what we are going to do today, we are going to show you the box of this game.
father son play early bird it s gonna burst
Let's figure out how to


and then play with it. That's exactly what we are doing. I have a feeling this is exactly like the game we just played. Beware of the bear. Beware of the bear. Surveillance is in the air and you have to catch it, it may be the exact game, but either way we will have fun doing it and I am the champion of the channel and you are, so if Ryden beats me today he becomes the new champion of the Chanel. so take a look at the box it looks cool it has a worm called uh hermit hermit the worm um with one eye looks like a monster from Monsters Inc one-eyed hermit one-eyed hermit and the bird is what uh finger you just named finger bird, yeah, because it has similar toes, it has clawed toes, yeah, okay, uh, and then I'm going to name the tree stump.
father son play early bird it s gonna burst

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father son play early bird it s gonna burst...

I'm going to call it stomping not, uh, stomping, stomping, stomping the tree stump, um, it says catch the worm that he has. three photos of three children enthusiastically playing with it, um and you can, if you can see very closely, the worm shoots out from a stomp on the side of the box, you have to tow the hermit and stomp right there, um, the part top of the box is a different graphic of them and then the same graphic on the side of the back of the box, although it has a larger image of the child playing.
father son play early bird it s gonna burst
I think it's like the exact picture, isn't it? They're all wide-eyed, yeah, they're like they're like. Are you afraid or something helps the woodpecker that is not a woodpecker that is supposed to be a woodpecker looks like no, no, have you seen a woodpecker? I've seen Woody, that's it, yeah, he's like red, yeah, yeah, woodpeckers are always red. Woody, we'll look into it after this video. Well, he says: help the woodpecker catch the worm. Be the first to peck at the tree trunk and catch the nasty worm. Take turns spinning the spinner and pecking at the log if the log. it breaks and the worm jumps on your turn you win the game well we know how to play you don't have to catch it just if you make the worm move you win yeah how about we add if you catch it get an extra point, yeah, and first, if you literally own the moon, okay, come on, we're trying to win the moon in this turbo toy time, yeah, okay, okay, it's four years old and up , but judging by the kids in the box, this is probably a younger game, which means we'll be good at it for how many players two and up, two and up, can you have three people, um, and it's a game of 10 minutes, 10 minute game, okay, yeah, and at the bottom of the box. there's the barcode barode uh yeah so you know it's going to be a good game because it has a barcode usually they always make the one we found so we found one that didn't have one yeah remember no it was like the game nail game where we had to hit the nails into the balloons, oh really, yes, no, it also came that it didn't come with everything we needed, or there was some suspicious activity there because it didn't have a barcode.
father son play early bird it s gonna burst
The worm, my God, it's soft, it's like a spring, yeah, there's the why in the world is it a square spinner? No, it actually has a circle, here are the instructions, although I dare say I could probably figure it out on my own, uh, well. That's not even you instru What is this stump doing? It's like a pad Dad, let's just not use the instru. What is also a dog toy? Okay, oh wow, this is actually bigger than I thought it was going to be. Oh do it like this and try to hit it good uh I don't know how this works so oh wait no no there's tape there's tape oh not anymore so I guess you just like to remove it.
I wonder if I'm going to do a pain test yeah I what was that that didn't even explode this thing is talking to us like a release beyond YouTube how do you do that how oh that's what I want to see I just wanted to fly to the moon that I'm about to have, I think it's okay, Ryden, uh, there's like a pad of paper, I don't know why and then there's that, well, just open them up and I'll figure out how to play, yeah, it's literally just paper, put the oh , oh, you need this, oh, and tear up the paper, that's really awesome, let's do a test, I mean, there's no way and then you have to put that on it, dude, how do you like it?
Oh, the bird breaks it, yes, yes. okay wait yeah just start doing it wa wa that one was amazing and it launched it was crazy that's a mighty woodpecker. I'm literally trying that again because that doesn't make sense to me oh you put it on the bottom you put the thing on top so Ryden would notice you put this on top this is crazy and then you cover it up nice hopefully it will we did well and then the secret entrance at the bottom opens and we put well, so now he's there, so and then we put him here, how is this game going to be?, it's going to last more than one turn.
Well, we kept setting this up and it would explode and then we tried to use two pieces of paper and we thought it's good to play, okay guys? I'm going to teach you how to play so that you spin the wheel and any color, if it lands on blue, green or yellow, you spin the circle as if you landed on green, you spin the circle so that Green is facing the woodpecker, what's his name? Again, toes, yes and then looking towards the toes, if you land on the question mark, you will choose any color to rotate and if you land on the X, you will lose a turn.
Okay, and then if you land on both times, you'll get a um, you have to do two, yeah, yeah. so after you do it, you do it like yellow, oh, you do it every time you do something, you make it go. I feel like it's going to go super fast, but the times we say it, the first thing that explodes is the first thing you do. okay you win if you do it here we go you have a green okay make it green we have to hit it no if it misses and then if nothing happens it's the next fl's turn because you want it explode. like it's only twice no I go I have two turns yeah you have two turns so I pick the color oh it didn't now I'm going to turn blue and now I'm going to do it. win, oh, he made a hole, oh, that's what we do, we're doing the game the right way, we're pecking at the wood, okay, uh, come on, you can't go, this is a little hard, it's better here two or not.
I can go twice again. I just missed a turn. You have to go twice. That is, I can go four times in a row. Green yellow. Does matters? Oh, because it has different holes in different places. Oh, you can't just go. You're right, it's a free spin, oh a good spin, no, I got the a again, are you ever going to get the go if you get two again? If I play myself, you get green. I have a hole in each one. Anyone, okay? Goin' to Blue Dude, you hit the green one, okay Woody, God, barely touch anything, go with the blue again, oh can you see through, I swear I'm


look up and just hit me, yeah, Be careful, this is a friend.
Impressive green oh yes, you have green like three times in a row true friend, there is something okay, okay, see yellow and yellow does not have so much love is yes Green is great, oh my God, yellow, yes, that's yellow you can do anything, I'm going to do green, I hit yellow, you hit yellow, oh no, okay, give me something cool that was definitely cool, okay, yellow and then I'm going to turn green , friend, do this. explode you lose a turn I have to go twice twice again I won I won look at this no, I didn't win okay I'm going to turn yellow what is this look how many holes there are I feel when we did it we were preparing a launch, but now that we had two papers, it's actually incredible, it's a time bomb, okay, you got lost here, oh, it's about to explode, okay, I have to understand it, I have to get an angle.
This is like you have to see this, look, can you see it there, can you see it, see it? The little green one is about to


and you can't go, well let's see if I can roll, like you said. Rollo, I can go twice I think I just beat the game, man, one, okay, my God, whatever you want, wherever you want, that's what you have to do, you did it, that scared me so much that I didn't even I realized. came up I just hear a screech and I'm like terrified dude that was the happiest noise of something that surprised me that was fun but it takes a long time and it's strange because you can't do it I don't think you can do it with two with just one with a piece of paper immediately it broke but with two for some reason it felt really hard it looks like a saw it looks like we literally felled a tree or something I don't know that's crazy yeah man that was fun that was actually fun yeah good job dude thanks, so this was early.
Honestly, when we started playing with it I was like, "I don't know if this is going to work, yeah, uh, and then once." We did both, it worked perfectly, it was a lot of fun, yeah yeah, and it doesn't say that, uh no, one says it, so if you get this game and you're having trouble like us, it might just be like the pieces we have they work better with two, um, so if you're having trouble with one, try two and it should work perfectly. The game lasted a long time, yes, it generated tension. Aha, that was so much fun. 10 turns before someone won I thought you were going to win.
I said, oh you, you're going to win right here, I thought, but then, like 10 turns later, you finally won. I won, yes you won, but if you are a group of four year olds playing this game, ask your parents to help you set this up because it can be a little difficult, either way, I think it's a great game for kids, It's a great game for parents to play with their children, yes. um it's just fun Goliath makes really good games mhm I just don't know if that was the right direction since they make really fun games that was our turbo toy.
Time video, we hope you liked it if you want to see more of what he does. They press the Subscribe button right below and in the description it's free and easy, just click on it and you sign up. We always get questions about the t-shirts we often wear, not one of mine but his. These are these. my clothing line pancake attack uh is pancake for t-shirts we have a t-shirt of the month club that gets a t-shirt and freebies sent to your house every month there was like a sheet of stickers and it comes with an awesome shirt sunglasses ever you know what you're going to get, but guys, the most important thing about this video is that you have a great day, yeah, if the weather is good, go out and play and if it's not, you can always do something creative inside, just do it.
Make sure your parents know what you are doing, yes, and remember that you don't always need new toys to have fun, take out your old toys and find a new way to play with them, creative, imaginative, you can make it happen and, if you really don't you play with your old toys, you can donate them, you can donate them, okay, people who need them, yes, we are going to donate this game, yes, and it could go to someone who doesn't have the option to get toys and do it. It'll make your day MH, so thanks for hanging out with us, see you soon with another turbo toy.
Meanwhile, early, early in the bird, out there, we arrive, yes, we arrive, come on, come on, well, bye.

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