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Father & Son PLAY BOOGER GAME! / Gooey Louie!

May 16, 2024
You took out two, we'll put one up there again. I didn't mean to do that. You always scare me with something, but what's up guys? It's time for the turbo toy. Yes, my name is Andy. This is my son Ryden. And do you believe? It's time to make toys and


s and all kinds of fun stuff here on this channel and it's sticky


okay it's a bit of a weird


but we're going to


this today and yeah it's kind of gross I think That whoever does it and, unless his son comes out, wins.
father son play booger game gooey louie
I think you're trying not to. We'll figure it out either way. We will do it today. Let's go to that table. Let's look. We're going to take this box out of the box, we're going to figure out how to


and then we're going to play with it. I have a funny little thing in my head, right? Let's play with it too. Are you ready to start this game? Yeah, come on, it's not your birthday. Go there every time it's my birthday. Go to the playoffs live. That's true, although this is Andy Butch. Oh, and this is an enlightenment.
father son play booger game gooey louie

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father son play booger game gooey louie...

Call me dad, yeah, but all of you, Andy, I know. I know my name we have the front of the box and uh I guess here is Louie his name is sticky louis yeah it has nothing to do with snot you can call it snot game but his name is sticky


his name is licky and the only What it says on the box is pick a winner okay I'm going to pick me no I'm going to pick me look at the back of the box it's really exciting and big well it's the same size as the front out of the box, but it's I have a bunch of stuff that says put your finger on his nose, take out one of the sticky ones, be careful, pick the wrong one and he'll flip the lid, he'd pick the wrong


and you'd be like, oh, I want that, oh you I have to go look it up to watch the whole video okay it shows these three guys and I think they're Huey Dewey and Louie no that guy is that guy and this guy says oh and then this guy's name is oh yeah this one game is Ray and oh all.
father son play booger game gooey louie
Right, what's his name? No this guy is yay yay oh okay and then his name and ha ha ha ha he was right it was ha ha here it says it's your turn put your finger on Louie's sticky nose pull out an interface user graph if you choose the wrong one it literally says the exact same thing here as it says here so apparently that's all there is to this game here is the side of the box here is the side of the box here is the box behind Ryden's face is fine and then here is the box on top of my head and with the ball coat what is the ball? uh it's right at the bottom no it's the pizza it's pizza pizza pizza that says goliath that's made by goliath games this is a barcode right and I'm not kidding let's open this up is that a good idea yeah right? have you ever picked your nose? um, yeah, sometimes, hey, at least you're honest, right?
father son play booger game gooey louie
I have never picked my nose when you were a child, never, never, never picked my nose when you were a baby, never. I was never a baby, no, I was born a giraffe, it was very strange, oh we have a bag of snot, put them back in your nose, put them in your nose, no, actually, don't put them in your nose, I was joking, look at this. and here's the top of his head, but it totally looks like an egg, look at that, yeah, here's Louie stuck here forever, get out of here, Louie, there we go, there's Louie's head, here's his brain, it's a small brain, you use your teeth, yes. so many moms would be bummed right now, everyone knows mom could be happy, ask your mom with your teeth, it's that gross, those are


s, take care of these boogers, we have to donate them when we're done using them, oh I can't understand them .
This is okay buddy, I gotta rip it off, I think I just broke his head in, now you did it, are you okay? See, your eyes aren't even in your head anymore, yeah, they are now. Dad, it's okay. Get it cool, thanks, fixed it, so two of the boogers have these that will activate the brain. The booger is on his head, yeah, don't give it to me, oh my God, so you're supposed to squish it there and We were supposed to dig into his nose to try to drive him crazy. I thought they were supposed to come out of his nose.
That's great. That's much cooler. Now we just have to figure out how to put his brain on it. Oh, there. come on okay so his brain is a spring and it just goes into his head and then you close this and you're ready to play yeah so his snot is up there so that's how you play the game it's four years or more and you can play with at least two people or more, you play, yes of course you can play, yes, yes, so there is a booger that you have to take out or two boogers, you can see that oh none or there is a reverse, so you take out one and then I would go the other direction when there are only two people, you don't really have to worry about that, so if we roll that one, we'll roll again and then there's nothing, which means you can skip your turn and not choose. any snot, so now if you get the snot out that makes his brain come out of his head, you lose, okay, okay, you ready to play this, yeah, I'm going to roleplay, who apologizes first, yeah , hello four, paper, rock, scissors, shoot, you know?
Let's do it here I go first, roll, roll, roll, dip, booger, what would you do if I pulled it out first? Try it, oh, I made a super easy one for you, look who has one hanging, there's my booger, okay? oh you didn't you didn't roll you have to roll to see if you could have rolled in two because then you have to go again uh you would roll again if you hit that one well it's my turn okay I don't have to go I have this place one finds one you got two we'll put one back up there I didn't mean to do that how did that happen? okay back to the game sorry guys two I have to roll two that's like crazy fast I don't want to face that one he doesn't have to go he rolled an x ​​backwards or we could treat it as one since you have to Anyway, let's treat it as one.
I've gotten a lot of boogers out of this thing, oh my gosh, okay, go one, you're going to ruin it, yeah, it's like we got them all out, oh what a god, there's literally two, I gotta do one, there's two, one, you took two again. I'll put one back. Now I'm full. I thought there were no options, but you say I don't have to go. Two. You're done, you lost this game. One. There's no way there's another one there that isn't. Don't take it out, oh my god, not that, don't break it, that's generally amazing, let's see, yes, there are two, they were the only two left, okay, good game, do you want to play one more time, yes, okay What's inside this?
It is a gift of spring. No, no, don't ruin it, but you have to donate this, yes, yes, you are one of course, you have two, oh my God, don't do that, you have a booger necklace, one I lost immediately, I lost immediately, get the mucus out of your mouth, okay, I won one, you won one, it's a good day, right, yeah, good games, there was a sticky Louie game, the booger, yeah, for being a game about boogers, which is a bit gross, yeah, it was a fun game, yeah, do you like it? Yes, can you say more than yale?
Well, we both lost and we both won, so it was great. It's kind of a game of chance, you know, unless you want to set it up yourself and remember exactly where they are. I guess you could do it. It's a pretty fun game. It's completely random. Fortunately. Yes, what do you like the most? All unpleasant bugles. I like how the brain fires. That's my favorite part. It is so abrupt that it seems to fly. the sky, what if it really reaches the modern cotton fire? So I feel like NASA would probably need that technology that could shoot a brain all the way to Mars, yeah, they'd be excited, but that's it if they're into that, uh.
We have a toy r us, I think I have it, I bought it and it's a fun game, it was 20 dollars and you know it's a game that you keep playing here and there with your family. I thought about it in a video. I've seen that video that I didn't know very well before, we played with it. I hope you liked it we make videos here all the time so if you want to support us and hit the subscribe button right below and then I have to see more videos and toys divided. Yes, hopefully it doesn't chip, but yes, it's free and you get it.
If you just click subscribe below you can see more of our videos and we would love it if yes, we had a ton. of fun doing this and pete and we're ready for peace and yeah, what's up with the monkey outside because I love me and I'm not sure yet, although they don't really charge him for not being a funny guy and short.

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