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May 30, 2021
Ryden, it's a bummer that it's raining and cold outside, yeah, so what are we doing today instead of




at home, yeah, this is something that moms everywhere wouldn't approve of, okay, but mom He's not here right now and we're going to have some fun, right? Yeah, okay, come on, come on, we need these things right here, a new baseball game, right, we need this, those are headphones, why would you need them for the ball? Give me those, give me those, why? Are you completely, oh my gosh, well, this one that comes with it is difficult and since we're playing in the


we're going to try not to break too many things, yeah, so these ones are more foamy, look, take one, see how they turn out.
father son house baseball
They're squishy, ​​they're squishy right, oh you made it to YouTube this could definitely knock you down and stuff like if I went flying and hit these things it would be bad but if I hit the wall oh I just hit you yeah I'm sorry but if it hits, look, if it hits you, you're f, so we're trying not to hit too many things, but if it happens, it's soft, is what I'm trying to say. Let me show you, show me your muscles, those are big muscles, now act. like a chip nacho, that's exactly the reaction I wanted, so let's open this up, set everything up and then I'll tell you the rules, yeah, okay, you're ready, let's do it, it could be a black rette or para or a sable of light because that's what I would use it for at your age Whoa don't use the lightsaber YouTube it can break some things this hurts when I do this don't hit yourself in the face friend yes, of course it hurts, it's a the ball is like a ball hard, no, don't throw it, especially that ball, don't just throw random balls, okay, I've already started, you just need to screw it up, better look, spin it this way, okay, there's Ryden, who's a little too tall for me .
father son house baseball

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father son house baseball...

I know we just have to push down a little bit and then it's better. What we're going to do is hit, put the baseball right here, you're going to swing and hit it, the goal is to hit the ball. behind the kitchen, okay, and anywhere on this side of the wall, that's a home run, okay, you can do that, yeah, okay, but there's a trap, okay, there's four players on the other team, the Empire are the bad guys, okay, can you take? Yeah. Okay, so what we're going to do is if you get three outs, you're done and the Empire wins, but if you manage to hit five home runs before you get those three outs, then we want to, okay?
father son house baseball
I'm not going to take turns because I could hit this every time. I will only be here to guide you. I'm going to be your Obi-Wan Kenobi. Okay, be Luke. I will be. Obi-Wan um, I'll be bb8, okay, I'll be obiwan, you'll be bb8, five home runs, okay, can you do it? Yeah, okay, grab your bat, whatever you want to say to Darth Vader because he's the pitcher, uh, me, you, you. I don't want to tell him anything at all. I don't even know, okay, I'll tell him something, you got it. Darth Vader, happy Valentine's Day, Darth Vader, oh what, okay, good sportsmanship, I like it, wait. wait, okay, first move, that was like a miss, you got to the couch, when you do that, you want to try to make an upward move so it goes over the couch, okay, that's how you hold it, okay. do it oh oh, you hit the team, oh my god, I have no idea if you hit the Stormtrooper or not, it's a lot, we can't, we didn't see it because we don't know, we're not going to tell. either way and let's move this guy here so he can see, okay, okay, grab the ball, let's do it again, buddy, that was a super good shot.
father son house baseball
I can see all the Imperial baseball players yeah hold it like this and then swing from low to high okay Bo have you ever heard the term keep your eye on the ball no good now keep your eye on the ball don't hit the T you want to hit it with like the tip of your bat, right? there oh oh oh oh home run it was a ground ball but you did it you have to run your bases buddy okay you have to do it from home plate but first base is right here second place is the sink third place is the refrigerator you have to touch them all it's okay, come back, go, take that Empire, take that Empire, sink second base, don't hit him, don't hit him, it's okay, we're good, you hit him, take away his lightsaber, that's bad sportsmanship, it's a race, zero outs, good, hit. let's do it oh my god oh no home run buddy yeah that was a good hit now I'm getting the hang of it yeah okay just hit it right there every time okay well I gotta hit harder than that no Darth V almost You make it, you got lucky ow oh oh oh oh how did you get over that? oh, he touched Darth Vader no, that's a walkout, that's bad, that was a big home run, buddy, run the bases, go, go, go, you didn't touch second base, there you go, hey, hey, hey, no you look at it, look at it, we need a doctor, someone get a doctor, that was a good hit, thank you, you did great, L, the high, yeah, and then that sweet spot over there, are you ready? yeah you hit it too high, that was good, that was a nice change of pace, good thing is there's no TIE fighter up there to take you out if the water wall, who would be a wall fighter, a wi fighter, a wi?
We should name our Wi. -Fi oh foul ball oh my God, oh my God, oh oh oh home run three, I win, you have to run your bases, buddy, put your bat back, I win, no, you have to make five runs and you have to bunt First base, take that Darth fader, yeah. take that Stormtrooper Darth Vader, you have three runs, you only need two more, but you can also easily get two outs. Focus, it's okay, buddy, it's okay, oh my God, I hit a TI. No, it's not up there, otherwise you'd be out, oh uh-oh. uh-oh woo oh my god, oh my god, it went right by him, man, that was number four.
I really thought Stormtrooper had you, apparently we put all the bad guys in a bad place, we got one, well yeah that's what I just said, come back. to your bases and run first base second base you have a baseball yes take that Darth Vader I think I can safely say that you are going to do this Ryden oh wow that's in the basement oh beautiful hit but he hit Darth Vader one more hit and then I'm dead, yeah, I don't know, I mean, maybe we shouldn't count if it bounces and hits Darth Vader, but to make it exciting we're going to count for this game, okay, you just won, you just won. woo Victoria says take that take that yes trooper scout second base yes Storm Trooper you know what it's that easy and this is so easy for you oh you put them down what's this a little strange you confront him and turn them upside down , I'm not sure why he did that, but there you go, you go, you won, buddy, come here, give me five, hey, give me, I knew I was going to do it, yeah, I didn't know which way I was going to go, I really did. did. well and you got a lot better at swinging the bat, he got a lot better, this is kind of a way to practice your hand-eye coordination, so you need to work on your form in your swing and keep your eyes on the ball, but you have a lot better today, buddy, like shit, dad, thanks, it's a four shirt.
I got sweaty while filming that because I had to run back and forth while you guys were batting, but thank you all for watching. I make a lot of different types of videos, like skateboarding. I like fun lifestyle stuff and I try to do a video on my channel once a week with it, which is a lot of fun. We do things like this, so if you want to see more, hit the Subscribe button down there, just click on it and then you're signed up to watch my videos. I make videos every day and I love making them and we actually have a whole channel where he and I just play with toys like twice a week, which is called me and turbo toy time.
We'll put that link at the end of the video if you want to watch it and he showed up right there too, but thanks everyone for watching, today we're going to the circus, right? Yes, press the Subscribe button. yeah, we already said we covered it, but thank you, you got my bag, yeah, I'm gonna make another home, home, one, you didn't even hit the ball and he didn't even get on base, you just literally got it. I went out of my way and got your chocolate milk out of the fridge later, say goodbye YouTube, goodbye YouTube, goodbye YouTube, we actually made a video on the toy channel with this guy, we're actually donating it, but I decided to use it, you know I had. play baseball, so I wasn't going to let Darth Vader go to waste, but you did a lot of bad things as Darth Vader, so I'm going to put you in the corner for blowing up Alderan.
Okay, you think about that. about flying to alderan and not using my lightsaber on my wall

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