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Farm work compilation with kids toy truck, tractor, chainsaw, ATV, ride on, tools | Educational

Mar 23, 2024
welcome to the cake team today we are celebrating all the fun we have had


ing in our garden and on the


let's have some cake wait what are you doing we will eat it later now let's get to


oh no a fallen tree is blocking a path that use the bunny. Better send the team of


to remove the tree. It is difficult to maneuver on this narrow road. FK, let's grab our helmet and our toy


so we can cut down the tree. Light it with the cord. Let's cut one. side of the tree and then the other this trunk is too heavy to move let's cut it into smaller pieces that worked very well 1 2 3 4 5 6 it's time to cut the next Vlog there a r is a bmy oh look a worm this trunk too It's too heavy, let's take this one out with the


, start it and put it in reverse oh that worked great 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 let's go get our trailer to line up all these logs push down the lock load them up let's get this on the road entrance oh no, a flat tire, better inflate it again unload it in the brush pile the road is clear now we clear it just in time there goes a bunny look a deer also goes to the bathroom and there goes a baby and another another now we have this branch to put in the wood chipper this is the wood chipper let's put a container underneath to collect the wood chips it is important to check the oil before starting it is full check the gas also turn it on with the cable from the pole put the branch in the shredder let's unload the chips throw them in the chicken coop to use as bedding now let's learn how it works this is how a


works first never touch a real chainsaw a chainsaw works by pulling a special cutting chain through a piece of wood, the chain has these little teeth that act like this chisel that peels off little pieces of wood.
farm work compilation with kids toy truck tractor chainsaw atv ride on tools educational
The chain pulls out of this gear in the power head and is guided by this component called the bar. Oh no, something is wrong with our car. The wheel is coming off, ah, it came off, what are you going to do? He will call the children's team tow


to rescue her. Hey, I need help. The wheel of the caravan fell off. I'll get on right now. Goodbye, down the slide and towards the children's team crane, that crane looks strong, it's coming. I'm so glad you're here, help me put my tire back on or do you have a new tire for me?
farm work compilation with kids toy truck tractor chainsaw atv ride on tools educational

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farm work compilation with kids toy truck tractor chainsaw atv ride on tools educational...

Yes, um, I B, the tire is fine, put the cones to warn the other one. The drivers bring the truck to the front of the camper, lower the winch, and then raise the front end so we can fix the tire. I have to take that apart, check the front axle to make sure it's not bent, put the new wheel on there. go and then put the bucket lid at home, let the caravan go back down and put the cable away thanks for helping me bye Ah, that's better now that we're driving with our


something sounds like it's broken, it's not going better ask another toe hey, what are you doing?
farm work compilation with kids toy truck tractor chainsaw atv ride on tools educational
Yes, my


broke down on the side of the road, you know how to fix it, yes, bye, okay, bye, dad, he's in trouble, we have to help, come on, thanks for coming so quickly. I don't know, it just broke. down in line line up the crane release the hook and lift the tractor up oops, that might be too high take it to the repair shop park it here and lower it remove the hood and start taking the engine apart leave it just ran out of gas, too bad it The engine has broken down or there is no oil, we better put some new oil in it, check the spark plug, put a new one in and put the tractor back together, let's try it, it worked.
farm work compilation with kids toy truck tractor chainsaw atv ride on tools educational
He says now dad is getting into his car, it won't start. The good thing is that we have a crane, we release the cable, we hook it to the car and we start pulling. It is moving. Oops, there's a problem with the fuse. Our crane is super strong, but just do it. Do you think he can win a tug of war against three other Power Wheels? We have hooked all vehicles to the crane winch in your brand. Get ready, the team is making a lot of progress, hurry up mom, turn on the winch, it's pulling them back.
The tow truck is so strong that the tow truck won, let's remove the winch to see how the truck does on its own. Is it stronger than the huge caravan in a tug of war on your brand? Get ready, wow, wow, the truck easily pulled the camper too. The ATV isn't the strongest, but it might be the most fun. Now let's learn how it works. That's why the W truck first let's see a replay. The truck has more traction. Its wheels grip while the Camper's wheels skid. The traction has to be sufficient. with the weight and the amount of friction between the tire and the road, let's weigh the drive axles of both, the truck weighs 55 lb or 25 kg, the camper weighs 110 lb or 50 kg, which means that the tires on the truck are much Better than truck tires.
This rubber band that grips the pavement very well today we are taking care of animals on the real life


. Can you come with us first? We have to give milk to the


. Take the milk out of the refrigerator. Hello, here you go. both hands two hands he's really hungry look at that Tail Wag okay now let's feed the pigs okay come here come here don't move here oink oink we need to get more milk take the bucket take it back to the refrigerator, you have to keep the stalls. Clean, pick up the dirty straw in the wheelbarrow, oops, there is dust, throw it on the tractor shovel, jump into a pile and then throw in the fresh straw, spread it evenly, let's take a short break on these bales.
Wow, there's a slide up there and another slide. It's time to eat some dry food. for the goats like this A little closer, there you go, that tickles, it's time to collect the eggs from the chickens, come back and just then I hear the crowing of a rooster, there are three eggs in the chicken coop and some chicks, that goat is kneeling on the trailer to turn. then drive to the horse barn this one needs a good brushing we love the barn kittens now let's learn how it works this is how milking a cow works first we wash our hands then we clean the cow and the udder this step also helps the milk come out , then we gently grab a cup as close to the uterus as possible, and then gently squeeze the milk into a clean bucket.
Each cow can produce about 6 to 7 gallons of milk per day, that's more than I can drink. cows is that they convert food that humans can't eat like grass into milk that we can't eat tons and tons and tons and tons of good work serving delicious kitties they also love it we're on a walk in our forest, wait is that a go C they are very surprised it's a kart oh wow look at this this is amazing yes it looks like this tree fell on it and bent the roll cage, that must be why someone left it here, let's get this tree out okay? a lift 2 3 you're going to try to start it up yeah before we start we need to check for oil well it's got oil test the pull cable if we get your truck and tow it on the trailer here it comes. with your trailer, good maneuvers, oh good idea turn on the police lights, yes, take the kart to the trailer, it's all loaded, go to the garage to fix it, it's a heavy load, take it out again, lift it up and then drain the Old gasoline to clean the carburetor.
New gasoline isn't supposed to look like that. Put it new. Began. Oh wow, she's powerful. Dad will give him a quick safety test. Go up first. Come on, everything smiles. What do you like most about the race? Kart H is faster than a Power Wheel, yes, it's faster than a Power Wheel, that's why we can drive it together. Let's do a quick race to find out what your brand is. Get ready, come on, the truck is in the lead early. The kart spills over the power of the kart gained, let's play with it on our trail.
It's so slippery in the snow. Crossing the cattails, he approaches the humid place. Oh no, it's not moving. It's really stuck. Sometimes you have to do it by hand. Returning to the bridge, he broke the railing and fell off the side of the bridge. Dad is back on the road. He is fighting for traction back up the hill. Dad is going to need a bath. Know. I think he was in better condition when we arrived. I found it now, let's learn how it works. This is how to change the oil in a kart. First put on the gloves, then place the cardboard and the container you will use to collect the oil.
Clean the engine before removing the oil cap. let the oil drain, see why we needed the cardboard, be patient to let it out because there is no oil filler filter on this engine, then replace the plug, fill it again with a funnel with the recommended oil on the engine manual. stop filling when the oil reaches the full mark on the dipstick, then clean your


, store them and properly dispose of the used oil, they have a special oil, the oil greases you a little and removes some of the oil. We are making a path through the forest to our friend's house that we can drive along.
There is a lot of work to do to cut the road as we get off the road. He's getting muddy. We need to cross this stream. It's so wet it looks like the river. It's quite difficult maybe we should go the other way try to cross here we will make a bridge with this piece of wood and a platform we are putting sides on the bridge so we don't fall again use the drill to put the screws a little more money move the bridge to your position that's going to be a problem isn't it? We need to cover that space.
I'm checking to see if they can hold me down. They can get a watch. The bridge is also very good for throwing sticks. Come on, come on, the path is narrowing, we're stuck, do you think we need to cut some of these plants out of the way? Dad will use his chainsaw to cut down the trees blocking our path, move the logs, high five. It was great to break the road, clear the way, let's go again, oh wait, wait, wait, wait, so if you move the handlebars, the wheels won't turn right now, oh yeah, we'll fix it.
Install a new bolt to replace the broken pin. It's good to put it. let's go now, let's press the muddy cat tails it seems to be too stiff in The Cattails, what should we do? do the same thing again. I think someone needs to clean the lawnmower, that shed, I would take the lawnmower and fill it with gas. Use the truck and trailer to take you down the trail. Wow, the truck fits even when towing a huge trailer, but it's a tight squeeze. It works so well in the mud that the chickens want to see you turn it on and cut a path through The Cattails.
Follow close behind this is hard work work we are getting closer there is our friend's barn is it a woman? I do, maybe get it out of the way so it doesn't get run over. Can we keep it? not because? because he lives in the wild and he wants to be with his little family of worms back with his family outside of The Cattails and back into the woods it snowed a little this tree is rotten and not safe near our road daddy needs to cut it down it's fun to throw away pieces of wood in the creek, dad has used his chainsaw so much that the chain needs to be tightened and oil added to the bar, it's very thick because it's cold, try not to drip, that's better, look at dad, go over that log rotten, a last rake to clear the way sometimes.
You find trash in the woods, make sure you clean it up some more, we did it, now we can go the whole way without stopping, there are The Cattails, then the bridge and then more woods, this road is almost an eighth of a mile long and we are back home, it will be a night of bathing for him and our ATV too. Now let's learn how it works. This is how leverage works. It is difficult to cut the branch with these pruners. Let's spread our arms to have more leverage. Now cut. easily when you apply force to a lever you generate torque and the longer the lever the greater the torque the longer tool allows me to loosen this bolt because it has more leverage it always torques the fasteners to the correct value dad um we should make a kidol video. with having a wheeled tractor that runs on gasoline oh, we should today we are taking care of the chicken in our backyard do you think we can finish before the sun sets?
We are using our truck and trailer to transport the supplies I need this is where they live first we will check to see if they laid eggs they always lay eggs in these little buckets called nest boxes open the door how many three sometimes I have C hens also called hens lay eggs each hen lays five eggs a week the male chickens are called roosters they are the ones that make the cockadoodle now let's let the chickens out we have six chickens this bag is full of treats for them let's watch them make DED glubs the chickens can really fly but also very good at running , look at them, see, they can move quickly when they are scared.
Now we will refill their water and food containers. They are stored behind the store. First is the water. Chickens obtain water by hitting these accessories with their beaks. the container with fresh water now we will fill the food containers the chickens put their heads through the holes of the feeders to eat the first ingredient of their food is corn they pour the fresh water they areexcited because their food is full now they put all the containers back and close the door when the police are outside the chickens peck the ground looking for insects. They are also very good at scratching the ground to find more insects to eat.
This means they can cause a lot of damage to the landscape. Chickens can also eat kitchen scraps, this one is enjoying the inside of a pumpkin, in addition to food, we also make sure they have access to ground oyster shells and sand. Oyster shells provide them with calcium, which is necessary to lay eggs that the hen has just pooped. They clean their house but first we will do a tour of it, the lower part is called The Run, they have access to food and water and they also have a swing in the ring. The camp is the coupe where they lay their eggs and sleep at night. at the top of this board called the chicken coop, these locks keep other animals and potential predators from getting in, we will place these wood chips in the cop to help reduce the humidity, throw them in the pen, the chickens need a lot now we have to collect the poop in the CP dad is going to do this job wear a dust mask because it's a dusty and stinky job use a cat litter scoop tied to a post we'll fill this bucket chicken poop can be turned into compost to use in the garden, it is an excellent fertilizer.
Put more wood chips. Now let's put the eggs in this container to keep them safe. One could be yoy and another egg. Now we finished all our chores before the sun set, but the chickens are there. following us to the garage I guess they want to help us with the project when the sun sets the chickens return alone to their cpee then they go up the ramp sometimes they have a hard time deciding who goes first wait for me good night now let's learn how it works this is how to cook a fresh egg first never use a stove without an adult fresh eggs have a film that keeps them fresh at room temperature for about 2 weeks but we must wash them well with warm water and use detergent or vinegar to clean the eggs now we will cook the scrambled eggs it is time to Break it up Here's a tip for parents and kids alike When you inevitably have a piece of eggshell in your bowl, use a larger piece of eggshell to scoop it out, it works great, then we beat the eggs to mix the yolks, heat up the pan and we melted a little butter to reduce the stickiness, then we threw in the eggs, can you hear them cooking?
Start turning them to make sure they are cooked evenly. They are ready now. When there is no more liquid running that looks delicious today we are collecting leaves. Do you think we could make a pile of leaves taller than a child? Pile it high with the rakes. It seems more reasonable to have him as tall as you. It's fun. to work with dad it's time to use the leaf blower to stack more push more leaves in the pile sometimes you also have to play wait for the kitten to pass Zoom we have some leaves in our shoes wait where our shoe went can we? find him with the leaf blower there he is, you can't make a bunch of leaves without playing with them look, we did it, he's as tall as us.
I wonder if the truck could almost get through it, but it got stuck, rake and clean remember the straight wheel. When you're trying to get unstuck now that we're out, fill the bag with orange pumpkin and pile them up. Do you think we could make a house out of leaves? We have to make a structure for our leaf house with wood and some trash cans then cover it with leaves we are going to dig well, where is it? it's turning into a butterfly there it is oh it's beautiful now let's learn how it works this is how a leaf blower works a leaf blower works by generating a strong wind with a fan let's take one apart and see what's inside and expose the fan.
This nozzle restricts the flow to further accelerate the air. This shield prevents debris from entering the fan. here is the motor that drives the leaf blower. This fan is what generates the wind and has numerous. blades angled it's time to put it back together it still works today we're driving down a muddy road in the woods wow it's wet that's tight oh no we're stuck the truck won't move better ask for help it's okay I'll be there here It's coming mom on the tractor to save the day hook up the tow strap let's go at the same time come on that worked let's get out unhook the strap oh wow the truck is so muddy now we should clean it turn on the water first cover it with soap to loosen the mud get the wheels that should do it now, let's wash the C, look at the interior, how well it cleans before, after, now, let's go through a real car wash, our truck is clean, but oh no, it doesn't work, do you think?
We can figure out what's broken and then fix it. Can you lift the back while I get the


out? Raising the rear with a jack will keep the truck from rolling away while we test the engines pumping the jack lifts the truck without turning that bolt in. Then we can take out the seats. Good job. Do it. Can you slide this battery? Good. Then we saw these lights turn on. Put the battery in so that component will probably work. Oh, that works too. If you press the pedal, it still doesn't work well. We're going to use a tool called a multimeter to see where the electricity is flowing and then you can turn it on and press the pedal.
We will see if this number increases. Yes, mov went up, so electricity comes out of the motor. It's time for the driver to investigate further to see if we can find the problem. Lefty Lucy, in another way. Yeah, pull this out and we're starting to see evidence of a problem. You see how the insulation of this wire melts right there. Yes, it shouldn't be seen. This should look like the rest of them, can you unscrew these two screws? Okay, mhm and go ahead, yeah, and that's more evidence of a problem. This pin on the shifter is discolored from overheating.
The connector on the cable is also melted with bubbles on the outside. well we just need to cut this thing apart while you're there, put cones around the truck for safety and then cut the connector with a power tool, take out the broken pieces. Good job honey, now we'll make a new cable. The stripper removes the insulation so we can make a connection and then you see what the stripped wire looks like, squeeze it, this crimps a wire connector and then you hear it rattle and then it comes loose once it's completely done with the heat gun, we shrink the connector and then there you go, screw in the cable, connect it to the shifter.
Can you push the gear shift down? Make sure we should test it before putting the lid back on. Okay, so I'm going to put the battery in. We maintain the battery or. We keep the rear part well raised and then press the pedal. Works. Lower the cat. Good job. We have a screw on all panels and seats. Now let's learn how it works. This is how a gearbox works. This is one of the gearboxes on the truck that allows the electric motors to drive the wheels. It is full of gears that fit together and rotate together when a small gear drives a large gear.
The speed is reduced but the torque increases. It's hard to see with just one gear, but as we continue to add stages to the gearbox, the effect adds up. See how fast the motor is at the top left and how slow the final gear is at the bottom. It also works the other way around, we can increase the speed at the expense of the gear torque. boox allows this small electric motor to move this big wheel summer is turning into autumn and it is harvest time in the garden do you think we can fill the shovel of our tractor with the vegetables we dug up?
Grammy's garden is full of fresh fruits and vegetables we will park the tractor here and start digging for potatoes we will use the shovel to loosen the soil we will put the potatoes in the shovel the potatoes grow underground they will need a good washing before we can eat them This one has an imperfection that one is broken So we won't stick with that. Now let's harvest some carrots. Let's start working the land with a hoe. I better go get this. I'm going to go push. The shovel does a great job, as do the potatoes. Carrots also grow underground, but the carrot leaves that grow above ground are also edible.
Look at this car with normal IG, it has a big mustache. Grandma mom, mom, look at that. That, like a little one, is a familiar carrot, they are going to eat it. I think I have two at the same time. At the same time, bees and flowers are an important part of a successful garden. Now let's pick some juicy raspberries. A ripe raspberry is easy to remove from the plant. I found the one that Beauty listed funny, the other one below is the Shitaki mushrooms that were grown on this log. Cut them, so we have to be especially careful.
It feels like this part of the mushroom is called gills. CH. A great cut that is a Bo. The beets were planted here and seem to need some water even when the weather turns. cold, these beets will be safe underground, when you pick a tomato, just lift them up and then if they come off, they will be ready, look at all these, there are many green ones that have not ripened, take this one, we dropped what of those tomatoes that you want to cut one of those sa that's hard work I hope you can do it those are squat spaghetti that look heavy that's heavy and Grammy has a greenhouse that will house a lot of plants over the winter let's cut this pepper.
I hope it's not too spicy. This is the stem of a Jerusalem artichoke. Get it out. These white things are artichokes. We did it. The shovel is overflowing with the fresh vegetables we picked. The tractor is struggling for traction with this heavy load on the front. Wow, look how much time we have to get home. The sun is low in the sky. Now we are going to plant some bulbs that will grow in the spring. We are getting help from our toys. It looks like a construction zone. It will take a few days. to plant the balls dig the hole with the mini excavator deliver the bulbs in the trailer they look like onions drop the bulb in the hole and then cover it now let's learn how it works this is how a greenhouse works a greenhouse works by allowing energy from the sun to enter and al at the same time retains heat.
This increases the temperature of the greenhouse relative to the outside. When the sun rises, we can demonstrate the effect with this thermometer in a transparent container under the container, the temperature is 68 fhe or 20 C and outside. It is 49 F or 9 1/2 CS Greenhouses allow plants to grow when it is colder outside as some plants cannot tolerate freezing temperatures Many greenhouses also have vents that open automatically if the temperature inside becomes too warm Oh No, there is a plane in the sky that has run out of gas, we have to fly this tanker plane to rescue the other plane, okay, should we take off?
Yes, okay, the first thing is to turn on the starter motor, okay, the RPM of the engine are increasing, give it some gasoline. Okay, that engine fires up, time to take off, release the handbrake, up, down, are we on the runway? Yeah, okay, speed up, oh come on, Beast, okay, back off, we're flying through the air. Turn it up, reduce the flaps, oh God. My God, there is already turbulence, how should we do it? If we try to avoid it, okay, left turn, okay, it's smoothed out, where are we going to fly, uhoh, California. I have to turn around completely.
We're getting pretty close to California. No, no, oh. person waits and has run out of gas I see it I see it Where do you see the plane? turn on the light so they can see us press all of these forward extend your arm so we can refuel the other plane look out the window look back to make sure they're in the right place okay insert the pen okay you better Let's accelerate, give us more gas, we're having a hard time pulling, can you give us more acceleration, yeah, yeah, here we go, they're all full of gas, let's save the The day is supposed to end clap, lower the flaps, okay, let's start slow down a little, the landing gear goes down, okay, there's a little more turbulence in the landing gear, it's down, we need to accelerate a little, pull back so the nose is up, we're still losing altitude, it's okay, the rear wheels hit the ground, let's throttle the reversers to slow down, oh, that reverser is stuck, no stopping, we put on the emergency brake, well, we stopped, we did some practice on the simulator, wao, we're on heaven, okay? you're looking down, pull down, pull up, pull up, pull up, okay, okay, but pull up, pull up, pull back, pull up, pull back on the lever , pull back, pull back, oh my gosh, bu w w w, let's take a quick tour of the cockpit in case we ever fly a plane we point the nose of the plane up pulling back on the control stick we lower the nose of the airplane by pushing the control stick forward we lean to the left by turning it to the left we leanto the right turning this to the right and then to make the rudder to turn the plane we use the standing pets to put the rudder to the right and if we want to push the rudder to the left and now we will look at the instruments so now We have the four sets of gauges for the 4 on this plane and then as we move here we have our navigation controls and then here we have where we control the four engines, the engine speed, the turns are controlled there and then tons of switches .
Now let's learn how it works. This is how a plane flies. An airplane can fly because its wings create lift that supports the plane. This is the side view of an airplane. We'll focus on the wing and see how it works. the air interacts with it to create lift with the Newtonian explanation the moving air is shown by these arrows the wing tilts up slightly when the air hits the underside of the wing it pushes it up this creates lift the air is also deflected downward as an equal reaction, you can test what we learned by putting your hand in the wind, tilt it up and your hand is forced upward through the air.
Today we can operate real construction equipment first, let's stand back, turn the seat and lower the control levers the right lever curves the bucket by pulling back the right lever raises the boom the left lever moves the boom to the side and then we crouch to empty the bucket we are going to take another shovel a rear shovel also has a big shovel in the front that can be used as a front loader we crouch down to empty the bucket now we are going to take a


on a scissor lift the view here is excellent look at everything that construction equipment we are at the top very loud beep horn of the TR semi now we are in the cabin of a huge front loader the steering wheel and the joystick control the central joint let's use a mini excavator now this one has a small blade on the front to push the ground like a bulldozer is controlled the same way as the rear, the left lever turns the cab and the right lever curves the bucket and moves the boom up and down, pick up the bucket and then pull it out with the two levers next to the pen.
Drive the excavator back and forth, remember. to lift the bucket before turning sideways, the pile driver installs these metal posts in the ground to support a building, gently lower the head of the pile driver and then start hammering by controlling the joystick, sound the horn of a skid steer loader, now we are Going up this huge jointing off road dump truck time to clean, push the dirt back into the hole with the side of the bucket and then drag it back with the blade to smooth it out. Wow, we can see a helicopter take off. The pilot floats first to make sure all systems are in order and then shuts down. wow now let's learn how it works this is how an excavator works this is the arm of the excavator this is the arm which is sometimes also called the rocker or stick and this is the bucket today we will focus on the hydraulic cylinders that are used to power everything type of construction trucks.
Hydraulic cylinders have a rod inside with seals that prevent fluid from escaping when fluid is pumped into the cylinder, forcing the rod outward. The hydraulic cylinders are really strong. We will use this hoist to demonstrate this small pump. You can pick up the snow blower, come on, here's an important safety rule, always park the machines with their attachments on the ground, a bump on the control lever can cause them to fall, look what happened to this watermelon. Thank you so much for watching the kids team, we really appreciate it. your views likes and subscriptions don't worry we ate the cake

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