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Farage needs to condemn Reform campaigner comments | Mercy Muroki

Jul 04, 2024
Well, another Conservative criticizing


today is Cy Bok, the Business Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, speaking to Times political editor Steven Swinford, saying voters should watch Nigel Farrage. He has also targeted actor David Tenant. Well, Kemy Badok is currently the favorite of the bookmakers. to become the next conservative leader, let's get to know a little about her philosophy, her approach to politics with Mercy Moroi, her former advisor, good morning and happy birthday to T, she is very kind, thank you very much, um, let's start by talking about the


made by kemy Bok um in current times, particularly in reference to the


ist voters of whom she says some of them are her friends, she says they are good people, but they don't realize what or who they are voting for, right? ?
farage needs to condemn reform campaigner comments mercy muroki
I agree with that and you know I have people in my life who are voting for reform, as well as friends and colleagues, and they are getting around 20% in the polls right now, so of course you know the 20% of the country you are going to. to represent a wide range of views, okay, they are voting for a party that is arguably the most right-wing at the moment, but it will represent a wide range of people who vote for reform for a variety of reasons, but I was very disappointed. um the way some of their campaigns and their candidates have the colors that they have proven to have right now yeah I understand um the


we saw a couple of days ago were from a volunteer rather than a candidate who is officially affiliated with the party , however, what worried me was the fact that he was able to make those comments, you know, calling out the Prime Minister, the PW, saying that immigrants should be a target of practice.
farage needs to condemn reform campaigner comments mercy muroki

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farage needs to condemn reform campaigner comments mercy muroki...

He felt that he could express them quite openly in the safety of other reforms. uh activists and that in some ways speaks to a culture that is perhaps rotting amongst uh the reformist campaign on the front line and I didn't feel that Nigel Farage was strong enough in his


ation of that so I hope that if he is chosen and there is a good chance that he is, that he completely distances himself from people who have those kinds of views. I wonder if KY Bok came out and said, "You know, the people who vote for reform in the UK are good people, but they don't do it." I don't realize why or who they are voting for.
farage needs to condemn reform campaigner comments mercy muroki
I just wonder if that could sometimes be interpreted as condescending or condescending, that you politicians know us best and you voters don't really understand that some listeners got in touch today saying Wait a minute, don't tell me that I don't know who I'm voting for and why I know exactly what I'm voting for and I want to vote for reform in the UK, yeah, I mean, on the one hand, look, reform didn't exist. A couple of years ago, um, and you know, yes, they have a Manifesto, but they don't necessarily have a political history that we can examine and we don't know, we don't know, none of us know what they are. what they are going to do and what they are going to stand for niga


and reform once they are elected, but I actually sympathize with people who feel disaffected and disillusioned the moment you know that trust in politicians is at its lowest low, so I understand that the reasons People I know have given in favor of electoral reform is that they don't trust anyone else who they consider to be the establishment type of politicians, so I think a lot of people know why they are voting.
farage needs to condemn reform campaigner comments mercy muroki
I think others are pinning their hopes on black people.


as the person who will come and reform everything bad in politics and represent a new beginning. I'm not sure it is. However, I think all politicians should pay attention and really examine themselves and say why. Have we lost all these voters? Why are all these voters now flocking to this party and you know, look in the mirror and maybe change the way they're doing things? Another comment Km Bok made during this interview on today's Times front page was about David Tenant, he obviously said some very rude things about KY Bok earlier this week was collecting an award at an awards ceremony.
I wonder if B KN responded today and accused David. Tenant about being a misogynist, if this is helpful in what already has a retroactive history of being a pretty toxic debate, yes, well, I think what is toxic is when a woman or even a man expresses concern about the conflicts that exist between the rights of trans people and those of women. rights and whether women are being sufficiently safeguarded uh when someone expresses that and then a celebrity tells them to shut up, I think that's very toxic actually David Tenant is obviously a very rich man, he's a celebrity, he has a huge platform, um there are a lot of women across the country a lot of men across the country who don't have as much wealth or as much power who are worried about whether there are enough protections in place who are worried about the conflicts that absolutely exist between trans rights and women's rights. and what celebrities tell people who hold those views to shut up has a chilling effect it says we don't really care about the conflict we don't care um the fact that people want to make sure of women's rights.
They are absolutely protected so I think it's very toxic for David's tenant to say that and what Kemy has said in this article is that it doesn't really matter if it's misogyny or not and it would actually be just as bad if he was telling him to a man who raised these concerns to shut up because these are absolutely issues we must discuss. We mentioned earlier that Camy Bok is the bookmakers' favorite to become the next leader of the Conservative party, um, if the Conservative party is no longer the government on Friday. next week, do you think KY Bok wants to be a leader and in fact he will be?
Well, I think if we look at how a Conservative leader is chosen, it's ultimately up to the members of the Conservative party after you know the parliamentary party has preselected. um candidates and she is the most popular type of cabinet minister among members of the Conservative party. I think the last survey was done in April by a conservative house um and it found that she had the highest net satisfaction ratings so I think you know she's a politician she got into politics because she wants to make a difference no is someone with a traditionally, traditionally, political background, he didn't go to Oxford, um, you know, he grew up, he grew up for most of his childhood abroad, in Nigeria, so, um.
She got into politics because she really loves this country, she wants to make a difference and if party members tell her that we are the person we want to represent us, then of course that is something she will have to take very seriously. in consideration. and I think she's actually one of the few conservatives who are unashamedly defending the little conservative valleys of the sea and I think that's what the people who support her really admire in her very good speech this morning, thanks for her time .

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