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Family Vlogs Weird Me Out

Jun 02, 2021
poop like this is important what are you saying it wasn't important accident guys lupita why don't you call us I cried oh my god just to let you know just to let you know where they are the royal palace come on man I love it I love it Imagine having dinner at this table as if you were their guest and you have to look at everything, the entire lunch newspaper, where are we again? oh, right, right, it's on the wall, it's right there, the royal palace, we're in the royal palace, okay, so this is clearly fake, which means it's aimed at children because who else would see that?
family vlogs weird me out
It's so


to make a baby drop joke for kids who might also have little brothers and you know people really don't agree because comments are turned off and that's the worst part. Didn't this idea even occur to you? Check this out, this is a trend among


vloggers. I couldn't believe this. I looked up a baby drop prank that I'm not proud of and there's like eight of them look at this look at this it's through our eyes yeah I think he's going to wake up any minute so he's going to be hungry right now.
family vlogs weird me out

More Interesting Facts About,

family vlogs weird me out...

Wait, we'll give you water. Please note that this is a


channel, this is a family channel, top-tier Google preferred ads and they. We're dropping babies, I don't know if this is fake or not, maybe it was real, it seemed like she reacted pretty realistically, in which case this is a joke not a cool joke, I don't think it's right, here's more evidence . let only the kids see this royal family how are you all doing well guys first things first let's go ahead and shake hands five four three two one hey and wherever you are don't forget to subscribe imagine an adult sitting here seeing this.
family vlogs weird me out
The youtube video is like oh hey that's what I'm talking about, subscribe, oh oh I'm already subscribed to the notification belt. The channel already has them on, so anyway, that's the royal family, they're doing their thing, posting videos blocking comments and making dolls. Quickly return to the Ace family. Hey, they get a lot of heat. They deserve it or not, I really don't know. A lot of people don't like them and I think the most obvious reason is the display of wealth we were talking about. before because it's pretty atrocious with them, i think they consider themselves like the kardashians of youtube, but the kardashian show isn't about how rich they are, it's about the drama within the family and being rich is kind of like a nice bonus, you know, like they're arguing, but it turns out it's on a yacht, you know, but the YouTube version would be like we're arguing on a yacht and they're arguing about the fact that one of them lost his gucci. hat on the yacht or something, to me that's why the Ace Fam is annoying, it's like it's all about private jets and cars and houses, and they're like 15, they've moved like five times to a more beautiful house every time.
family vlogs weird me out
The house is worth $10 million, which is whatever, but they're just constantly flexing it, so imagine my surprise when I came across their next effort. Last year they had something called Ace Club, which was like one of them. their own personal subscription network it was like you know you could talk to them or something you probably know their rep in their ear it's like only fans are leaving Patreon you have to have your own monthly subscriptions that's how you know what is we get rich but then they closed it down and replaced it drum roll please how i became a millionaire let's watch the video this is where it all started right here in this apartment i lived here about five years ago with catherine This is where we had hell and at that time I was going through depression because my basketball dreams came to an end, but God opened another door and so we moved forward quickly.
Now this is my home, my dream home and I have been very blessed and fortunate. having done it through the power of social media, that is why I am here today to teach all of you the secrets of social media and help you achieve your dreams in this program. I will teach four courses, the first course is how to grow your social media platforms, the second course is how to make money with social media, the third course is how to start a business and the last course is how to grow your business so you can have access to all these courses you must join now you only have 24 hours step one have a child like that was the reason you guys have a cute child that's how it all started isn't that how you got followers because people liked your family step one have a cute child okay?
Now I know you might not be ready for this right now, but trust me, it'll be worth it, look at this blue Rolls Royce in the background, okay, come on, you can deal with a pair of dirty diapers for that range, huh, pop , that little one? snot demon on camera and all of this can be yours, it's easy so not only is it a number one red flag of monthly subscription, it's a number two red flag of 600 a year and they opened the subscriptions for 24 hours to make it look Exclusive like it was a laundry delivery or something like red flag number three.
I can't get into that right now because they don't allow people to subscribe; Otherwise I would have paid the money and reviewed it to talk about it, but I can tell you. This is for sure, whenever someone makes you pay monthly, especially to teach you how to get rich quick, chances are they are getting rich quick and not you. I'm sorry, that's the truth. I mean, there's a lot of information on YouTube, actually. all the harvard business school courses are online for free on the harvard website which is free it's like the best business education you could ever ask for and it's free online and this 600 what is this 600 program at What year is he going to teach you?
I mean, it's like a shame. supposedly worth 18 million dollars it's like why do this at least the monthly subscription? Ace club is like a better scam in disguise because it's like you can pay monthly and then you have a chance to win 10k from us. I'll give 10,000 to one of you and you can talk to us in person, maybe you know, but this is how to become a millionaire. His impudence is so tone-deaf it's almost like that. I dont know how it is. It's such an obvious scam to me that guys, that's it for this, be sure to smash the like button if you agree that I'm a millionaire and have a giant dick.

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