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Fallout's Biggest Mysteries | Fallout Lore

May 29, 2024
Fallout has many historical factions and people who are quite mysterious and much of their past was lost or simply never known, so I present to you some of the



of Fallout along with several theories that try to explain what is really happening, congratulations for being ready for the future voltech existed as early as 2031 when it acquired and renamed the local university of Morgan Town as Voltech University the company could be older than this and they may have had another name which we just don't know, but we do know that A In the early 2050s, thanks to the Middle East War, the new plague, and the collapse of the United Nations, the US government launched Project Safe House.
fallout s biggest mysteries fallout lore
This effort was aimed at creating shelters that would protect the population in the event of a nuclear war. the success of its demonstration vaults built near its headquarters in Los Angeles, by the time the company won the bid to build the shelters and its headquarters moved to Washington DC, financially depleted governments funded the project with bonds garbage and even then they only commissioned 122 shelters that would save less than 0.1% of the population in the event of a Holocaust nuclear vault. The budget of 13 alone was 400 billion dollars and at the end of its construction the total cost was 645 billion dollars, well over 150% of the initial figure.
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Circumstances increased further, as shelters were crucial elements of National Defense. Much of the project was classified and protected under the newly amended Espionage Act and the corporation was given broad security enforcement privileges, including authorization for its private security to use lethal weapons. The force if the vaults were activated, the lack of supervision generated several logistical problems. The water chips along with many other essential services were manufactured by the lowest bidder and were prone to breaking, many of which were sent to the wrong vault entirely due to incompetence, corruption was also Full of voltech lying about who would actually stay within their shelters and the conditions they would experience.
fallout s biggest mysteries fallout lore
Vault 114 is an excellent example of this. Vaultex said the Vault would house high-ranking members of local and state governments, local luminaries, businessmen and their families in the future. Members believed they would survive the apocalypse with people from Boston's upper class; However, the luxury aspect of the Vault was greatly exaggerated. Multiple randomly chosen families would live in one-room apartments, the dining room and bathroom would be in shared rooms and amenities would be minimal. To make matters worse, their supervisor would be someone with no experience in supervision or governance with a strong anti-authority bias. . Btech also had its fair share of fraud and this can be seen with Vault 18 once the construction of the Premier area was completed.
fallout s biggest mysteries fallout lore
Ezra Parker, the key financier. He began pocketing the funds claiming that he was still waiting for them to be transferred and Volac was unwilling to replace the missing funds, so the Vault was never finished Despite all these problems, Volac was able to build several shelters that actually worked. Saved from certain death, their equipment worked as intended and new settlements were built after the Great War, but under the guise of saving people, the vaults were just a small part of something much bigger in Fallout 2. Dick Richardson explains that the vaults were part of the grand plan and even though many of them were unable to save their inhabitants, they had worked exactly the way they were supposed to, it was a large scale social experiment, some of the vaults had no enough food synths, some only had men or only women, while others were designed to open after a certain amount of time had passed, each vault had its own unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants, that was the vtech's original purpose was to build vaults that the Enclave would use to test humanity and nothing more, but in later years Tim Kane clarified that the data collected from the vaults was going to be used by The Enclave to support the creation of a multi-generation spacecraft. , a ship that The Enclave would use to flee Earth should it become uninhabitable by nuclear war, but this was just their idea during the initial development of Fallout 2 and things have since changed.
Earth is still habitable, so the Enclave has likely stopped planning to abandon the planet and is now focused on exterminating mutated life, so the data the experiments produced is now redundant. The data could serve Voltech in later games. There are certain experiments where Voltech could benefit from progenic cloning and the simulations would allow Voltech executives to put themselves on ice until the surface was safe. They could also clone their personnel and build a powerful fighting force and train them. For countless scenarios within simulations, I wouldn't be surprised if in Fallout 5 the main enemy was Voltech, having repurposed the technology to fuel his own efforts and there are some things that suggest that Voltech is planning something in Fallout 76, the Revolt 76 supervisor had a secret mission to secure the three Appalachian nuclear missile silos a mission that was given to them by voltech it is likely that the Enclave only wanted the Vault to be opened after 25 years to monitor the results and then use them for their future in space , but Voltech had specifically intervened, telling the Overseer that once the doors closed, she was to begin preparing her citizens to leave the Vault after 25 years and begin a process called Recovery.
After Reclamation Day, the Overseer was personally ordered to find and secure the nuclear silos if the sites were still nuclear capable then to ensure that no one except Voltech could access or launch a nuclear ordinance, they also clarified that Even if there were other authorities, be they government militias or otherwise, their claims were to be ignored and only Voltech was to maintain jurisdiction, what exactly was Voltech planning? What to do with these nuclear weapons so far there is no clear answer, only that Voltech did not want anyone else to have access to them, including the US government, and this is not the only case where Voltech has used one of its vaults for your benefit, take Vault 88 for For example, Vault was set aside to test a variety of device prototypes with the goal of using said devices in other vaults, including technology that could manipulate people's moods. as a crude form of mind control and that is what all vaults boil down to controlling.
Voltech wanted to control the people, either through mind control or with nuclear weapons, but the majority of the world, including their own governments, would never allow them to take control, so to ensure their plan was successful, they had to do something drastic like use the Great War to eliminate. Their enemies now Voltech operated their own warning system and were authorized to conduct drills for citizens selected for inclusion. Beta alert drills were held at regular intervals, sometimes up to five per week, to test intake protocols and prepare for the future. The vault dwellers were real, but by using their alert system they could trick the residents into entering the vaults early, ensuring their test subjects survived the Great War, a war they would start to take the government by surprise. from the US, which eliminated their main threat or at least.
They were knocked down a few pegs, but for this to happen they would need access to nuclear weapons. Voltech is an American company that works closely with the US government, so there is a possibility that Voltech has access to military equipment or designs inspired by its current Tech, both Voltech and VM Poop Incorporated, had strong ties to the US military and as a result only had access to certain technology, rather than only gaining access to power armor. Voltech could have provided the military with a secret vault in which they could store equipment including nuclear warheads for the military to use in case their other more exposed bases were damaged during the nuclear exchange with access to nuclear weapons.
Voltech could start the war by taking their government by surprise and reducing their force while their warning system could be used to deceive. residents to enter the vaults early, ensuring they have enough test subjects to conduct their experiments and this goes back to a popular theory that certain nuclear weapons, the Megaton bomb, this one and many others within Fort Constantine, all belong to Voltech because the pumps have a logo that looks strikingly similar to the vtech logo. I don't necessarily believe in this theory, although the fact that Voltech has its own nuclear division is not out of the realm of possibility, they have a motive for starting the Great War, as well as the opportunity.
To do so, maybe it's strong, imagine if you want, you're a soldier, you fought in the Sino-American war and you have faith that it will never come to a nuclear war, so you haven't signed up to join a vault yet. Moments of voltech representatives before the Great War insist on joining together almost as if they knew it was going to happen. I would say that no country would escalate things to that extent unless they had no other choice, it's crazy, mutually assured destruction and the after effects of a nuclear war. The war could be so bad that you might not even be able to survive on the surface for years, so what would be the point of starting a nuclear war.
Retaliation is a different matter: you are already being attacked and you want to make sure the enemy suffers the consequences. The same fate is one of the main reasons why a country has nuclear weapons but never uses them, they only exist as a statement that says: "If you destroy me, I will destroy you." The only reason you would use nuclear weapons is if you had a way to make sure you have survived retaliation like a series of shelters so that, for the vault technology, there is no repercussions - they can win everything from the Great War and They know it's coming because they're going to start, so their reps are harassing people to sign up because they want more test subjects before it's too late and this theory is backed up by the leaked movie treatment of the canceled Fallout movie. 1998 in which the first attack was carried out by Voltech, whose executives had agreed to start the Great War in an attempt to fulfill their own prophecy, although until it is confirmed what Volac is really doing will remain a mystery for now, everything we know is that before the war they seem to be interested in conducting experiments and collecting information, maybe in the next Fallout game we will get more. answers and finally see what Voltech has been doing all this time and what they hope to use the data for until then is a mystery as that is who started the Great War confirmed reports I repeat confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania OMG already I have said that Voltech could have started the Great War and how they would have done it so let's not talk about that again but there is another theory that Voltech started the war only this time it was not intentional but by Accident Voltech was making a lot of money with the Safe House Project, but the government only commissioned 122 volts, we know they finished or at least started construction with 118 volts 121 if you include the content cut anyway, voltech was very close to finishing their contract, which meant they had We'd have to start looking for more contracts or find a way to convince the US government to order more vaults and the easiest way to do that would be to drop a few bombs that didn't even have to detonate, they could be Duds, so while government was convinced the end was near, more vaults would be brought online, and Voltech would continue to make money by only launching a few nukes.
The United States thought they were being attacked by China, their enemy, and responded by firing, then China responded, which ended everything. including Voltech, so we haven't heard from them since, but that's just a theory: Alternatively, AI could be the culprit in Fallout 2, as the sentient artificial entity says the suicide rate among true machines Artificial intelligence was extremely high when given full sensory capabilities. The machines became depressed by their inability to go out into the world and experience it. The few machines that survived these hardships became incredibly bored and began creating situations in the outside world for their own amusement, which may have included starting the Great War, although that was true.
It has not been confirmed yet, if it is not Voltech or AI,then maybe China or even the US started the war. So far we know that the war began and ended on Saturday, October 23, 2077. The United States Pacific cited unknown submersible objects off the coast of California. Fleet Fleet a squadron of high-altitude bombers was summoned off the Strait of course and believed to be Chinese at least one Chinese stealth submarine, the Yang except one, due to a malfunction, but I don't know if that was in retaliation or instigation. 6 hours later, the integrated operational nuclear detection system detected the first four missile launches and the United States moved to Defcon 2. 4 minutes later, NORAD's confirmation sealed the fate of the world and the president ordered retaliation.
The nuclear bombs attacked Pennsylvania and New York, followed by the west coast immediately after the bombs continued to fall and 5 minutes later, Washington DC was hit and most of its facilities were taken offline, the nuclear exchange continued for 2 hours and both China and the United States suffered catastrophic losses, this information suggests that China attacked and the United States retaliated and there are many laws that support this theory in an interview in 2022 when asked who started the Great War, Leonard Boasi, the main artist of Fallout 1, he said he thought he shouldn't really. It doesn't matter who started it, while Tim Kaine said that China launched the first missile because the United States had been conducting illegal biotech research and continued to do so after they were exposed and again the law seems to suggest that China fired first.
Black Mountain, a communications array and monitoring station recorded a lot more activity from China's satellite network than usual, suggesting something big was about to happen, and as suspected, they picked up readings across the board. The launches that happened everywhere said that China must have thrown everything it had and it seemed that the United States did not hold back either, which is an interesting phrase. Withholding can mean hesitating to act, implying that the United States did respond to the use of nuclear weapons. Instead of starting while the United States had recaptured Anchorage and had continued to push Chinese forces into Beijing, its capital, it is possible that in the final moments before its capital was taken, the remaining Chinese leaders authorized a nuclear attack that does not mean necessarily the fault lies solely with them.
I imagine China would have threatened the United States with nuclear war, but with the pre-war US leadership being what it was, it is possible that any offer of surrender would have been rejected by those at the soon-to-be top. The Enclave. They had taken a lot of precautions to ensure that they would survive and attack, they were already safe and they didn't care if China shot first, they would just respond and pick up the pieces later, so there are multiple sources and even one developer said it was China, so which must have been China and this is further supported by Pam, the pre-war predictive analytics machine.
Pam was given a scenario to run in which China attacks the US with nuclear weapons and the scientists want to know what President Chang, China's leader at the time, was looking for. achieve in this hypothetical situation Pam responded by saying that if Chang were logical, an ideal First Strike would still leave 59% of the US nuclear arsenal free for retaliation, you also can't conquer what you destroy, so in the perfect scenario, Chang wouldn't I would. he shot first, but the scientists explained to Pam that Chang would not always make logical decisions, especially when he is about to lose the war.
Pam then runs the equation again, this time with human variability included in the equation, resulting in a very flawed statistical model and Pam is closing now, we don't know what the results of the equation were, but there is a good chance that Pam realized that with President Chang acting irrationally, China would definitely shoot first despite the consequences, with all the information coming into the terminal, the developer confirms his satellite network acts unusual, the many bombers and submarines present moments before the war, with the United States being so close to capturing Beijing and President Chang on the verge of losing the war, he would shoot first, so the mystery should be solved well, unfortunately, none of this explicitly says that it was just that most likely it was China and the sources that say it was China are non-canon so as far as we know it wasn't even China that started the Great War or the US, the AI ​​or even Voltech , for all we know. the zetans have been one of the most confusing factions in all of


the earliest recorded moments of zan's interaction with humans at least that we know of is the kidnapping of tashiro kago a japanese samurai his style of armor dates back to the isui period m Yama dates back to 1568 to 1600, so the cargo is living proof that the Zans have interacted with humans for at least 700 years.
In addition to collecting humans, they also seem to have an interest in collecting human objects, from weapons to clothing, food, and even toys with a particular obsession with GID up buttercup, a small metal toy horse that I'll come back to in a moment. His presence has not gone unnoticed, as the US government was aware of his existence, which was made clear by a terminal entry in the Citadel detailing a UFO. crash, you can also find alien power cells in former US military facilities, more of which can also be found in the only power sources that imply that alien power cells were used to create Tesla coils, in addition to that we know the US military reverse engineered alien technology to create weapons like the mlx Nova a prototype plasma gun emerges quiry verum a pre-war group knew the US was hiding something from the general public and attempted to expose the conspiracy and although they were able to steal the prototype weapon, lock it inside a safe and bury it for later use it was eventually recovered by the Zetans and perhaps the human human technology we see aboard the Mothership are more examples where alien technology was reverse engineered to make new things like the Giddy Up Buttercup toy, a toy made by Wilson Automat Toys. company that had a certain corporate building requisitioned by the military as part of the Scythe program, a classified materials production program, could the Zans be collecting technology they consider theirs?
It's possible that the only reason they're still around is simply to recover alien technology, but that doesn't quite explain why they're kidnapping people and conducting experiments. A popular theory is that they are preparing to invade Earth. For hundreds of years they have observed how Humanity has developed rapidly in terms of technology and how our weapons have become increasingly powerful. and mortal, they began to see Humanity as a threat to their own existence, so they took action by kidnapping certain people and stealing certain items of interest to learn more about us as a species, all in preparation to invade and all sites of accidents that we see on Earth.
It could be the Zetans monitoring the situation, although they seem to be terrible. Pilots, these encounters don't really reveal much about the Zetans, but there is something I would like to address and that is the need for spacesuits in Fallout, one that features the alien crash site. two dead aliens without spacesuits and in Fallout 3 the alien crash site has a dead alien with a broken helmet, suggesting that their spacesuits are an integral part of their survival on Earth, but in Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 there are zetans who are still alive without helmets and seem to be doing well;
However, these crashes are part of the Wild Wasteland buff and are therefore either non-Cannon, or very recent, meaning they could survive for a limited time without the need for a spacesuit, but I would say that Ultimately, without one, they will die and I think that is confirmed in Fallout 76 with the alien nicknamed Flatwoods Monster, an alien who is constantly sealed inside a suit to help him survive on Earth because unlike the surviving pilots , his time on Earth. It's much longer, this alien is not only surveying from the safety of a ship, he is actually on the ground searching for certain humans and reading their minds to kidnap the most valuable people, which could take hours, if not days. , achieve it, so maybe your Confidence. in the spacesuits is what stopped them from launching a full scale invasion, it's too dangerous and maybe they don't have the numbers, which has led them to come up with some creative ways to invest in this mind reading technology I just mentioned too is on the market. motherships and one of the captive recordings in the mothership DLC specifically record 17 shows that the audio is buggy so we can only hear alien Babble, but with the subtitles we can learn that the captive, a high ranking soldier of a military base, mentions three light infantry battalions 34 pieces of field artillery 108 armed vehicles 42 aerial vehicles as well as 38 intercontinental ballistic missiles always on alert and ready to fire when the order is transmitted from the White House in response to the information there is more alien babbling and the soldier starts talking about the codes to activate the launch sequence before saying he can't leave them and to get out of his mind, the recording stops but there is a chance he told them the codes, What better way to destroy the enemy than to do so. commit suicide using their own weapons, this could have been what the aliens intended to do, at least until humans did it for them with the Great War, so now, without Humanity being an immediate threat to their existence, they can allowing himself the luxury of taking his time studying us while he prepares to wipe out the remaining humans who also seem to have no real interest in communicating with us.
I'm Holly Barisford, a USSA Language Specialist. I think I'm starting to understand you, but you need to. to stop surprising me, damn, I wish you could understand me, you understand?, that's it, you understand, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to learn to talk to you, then maybe we can discuss what you need from us, what are you doing with that? Needle, no, take it away from me, no, please, we can be friends, we don't have to, so Holly Barisford managed to work out the basics in terms of communicating with the zetans, which they didn't really like rather than surprising her like they already had. made.
If they had taken a needle out of her and put her to sleep for more tests or killed her to prevent her from learning to communicate properly because they have no interest in talking to us, we are the enemy, we have nothing they want but resources and they I don't want to share, they have watched humanity for a long time and seen how good we are at killing each other. Imagine if we found sentient, technologically advanced extraterrestrial life, but that species had a history of fighting wars. against themselves and did unspeakable things like enslaving their own kind, would you really want to be friends with them or keep contact to an absolute minimum while preparing to eliminate them if they became a threat?
It seems like that's what the Zetans were preparing to do before we did it for them and with most of our numbers now taken care of, they seem to be working on different ways to kill humans on a much smaller scale, probably to limit the damage done to the planet that the Zetans have not done now. They simply kidnapped normal humans, they also captured Ghouls and super mutants, and these mutants who can survive on Earth among the radiation much better than most humans may have been used to create new creatures that the zetans intend to use to wipe out humans. remaining.
Within the biological research section aboard the mother ship, the abominations are seen contained in small chambers, they appear alien but also human, a strange middle ground between the two species, if the abominations detect them, they point, scream and then attack if killed they drop various items, alien power modules and alien epoxy which suggests they are/were zetans, but they can also drop cigarette packs, pre-war money and harmonicas, so there is a CH where They were once human and became abominations by splicing human and alien DNA to create a strange hybrid no matter what. were created, that is why it is more important why the Zans created these abominations well.
I think they were created to act ascannon fodder during the first wave of their invasion plan and my reason for this is due to certain captive logs that one man actually managed. to escape from his cell and recorded his thoughts about the alien intentions, this is my final message if this doesn't work. I hope someone gets this recording and can bring it back to Earth. I've been able to figure out how to use some of the alien devices like this recorder and I think I know what they want with our world: they want to take as many of us as they can and turn us into some kind of abomination.
Many of us have been killed because of their experiments. keeping us in cells and then moving us one by one to their experimental laboratories. I managed to escape but they are looking for me. You have to send help up here. Good luck to all of us and my goodness, speed. This man has seen how they are turning humans into abominations until they have hundreds or thousands of them, what use would they be? They already have robots to perform basic tasks, robots that are much more complicated and probably more expensive to put together, so you won't want to send them.
Instead, you would send them to fight a war, use the enemy to weaken yourself. Abominations made from humans to kill humans and there is a bit more evidence to suggest this is why the Abominations were created. This captive search is less of an interrogation and more of an interaction between a human and an abomination who theoretically know each other I can't feel my legs what did you do to my legs Frank I can't see you Frank Frank what did they do to you with all this I think it's safe to say that humans are being captured, turned into Abominations, and then sent to kill humans they both know and who pose no threat, perhaps to see if an Abomination would encounter a human they know, as well as a human that was injured, if They would hesitate or not to kill him.
They didn't, which is good news for the aliens, this means that any Abomination they make and send to Earth during The Invasion will not hesitate to kill no matter how injured or familiar a human target may be and this appears to be just one. . two ways aliens try to kill humans we now know they have a strange obsession with Giddy Up Buttercup toys. They collect them, clean them and store them for later use. They even show them to children who have been captured. Hello Mr. Alien, yes. I know I'll talk about it. I don't know why you brought me back here.
We've done this a lot of Hello, a buttercup. I always wanted one of those. Why do you have one? I don't understand. What do you want? It's a toy. A toy. Why are you so excited? You are rare, but there is also a much bigger one. He has glowing red eyes and is surrounded by several bodies. Not much is known about what happened, but the Raiders are definitely dead. Did the Raiders fight over the toy knowing its value or did the toy make them fight using some kind of mind control that we know the Zetans have?
I guess kids love toys. Children are often accompanied by adults. Adults are the threat. And what if? The aliens are collecting children's toys, specifically Giddy Up buttercups, and turning them into killer machines in the hopes that children on Earth will request one or find one and take it back to their settlement where it will work its magic by entering minds. of the adults and forcing them to kill each other. It's just another way to clean up the planet to maybe take control. Nuclear war was the first step in eliminating a large percentage of the planet's population and reducing its ability to withstand future attacks and now, with abominations and modified toys, they were finally ready to invade, if not for the lone Wanderer who was took over a mothership and then destroyed it. another alien invasion.
It may well have happened, but why did it take the Zans 200 years after the Great War to be ready? Did it really take that long to create Abominations or collect enough toys? I don't think so, so maybe the zetans were waiting. for something else like radiation to go away or maybe they were collecting demons to create better hybrids that could survive the radiation, we just don't know that's why it's a mystery, yet aliens somehow aren't the strangest thing that we can learn during our journey, there is UG qualtoth atam and the mysterious stranger, someone we can actually interact and talk to, even if briefly, once the benefit of the mysterious stranger has been taken, there is a chance that the mysterious stranger will appear .
Help you in combat or revive you and then disappear, we don't know why he helps, where he comes from or where he goes after helping. However, there are some theories that turn the mysterious stranger from a mysterious stranger into a familiar friend in Fallout 1 and 2. My serious stranger will be male or female to match. The character's gender, his armor also changes depending on the level he is at, and his weapons will gradually become stronger as the player levels up. Upon selecting the mysterious stranger, it is revealed that they can talk, but all they can say is that they don't talk much so far.
We have a lot to work with other than the fact that it could be at least two people or someone with the ability to change their physical form in Fallout 3 in New Vegas. The mysterious stranger appears again only this time he arrives during Vats and always dresses a man. a trench coat and Fedora wears a 44 magnum and for some reason his arrival and departure is accompanied by music a strange guitar riff he doesn't speak either but he knows how to swim and apparently he can also have children according to the Lonely Wanderer his father was a mysterious man who disappeared before or shortly after he was born all he remembers is what his mother told him that his father was a mysterious man who always traveled in secret the only thing that The Lonely Wanderer has to remember his father is the 44 Mysterious Magnum a gun which produces the same guitar and confirms that he is the son of the mysterious stranger and this suggests one of two things: The Lone Wanderer is destined to be the next mysterious stranger or he has been indoctrinated into their ranks which he has not yet realized, all depending Whether or not you think it's just one person or several people working for some secret organization.
The mysterious stranger appears once again in Fallout 4 only now his appearance is slightly different. He is a little older. He has a moustache. His clothes are also slightly different, but still match. standard trench coat and Fedora, but the most surprising change is his 44 magnum, which now plays a different jingle. Nick Valentine is investigating this particular mysterious stranger. His record indicates that the man nicknamed the mysterious stranger has been seen all over the old United States for years, appears suddenly killing without remorse, disappears without saying a word, does not know his accomplices, there is no clear method to select his targets , no calling cards left, sightings range from the NCR to the East Coast, it has now reached the Commonwealth, described as a human. very male costumes, but the most recent sightings describe a large coat and Fedora, is he a single man, several men, or a ghoul with minimal scars, if he was actually a ghoul, that would explain the long periods of time between sightings, his ability to appearing and disappearing may suggest supernatural infiltration abilities and access to advanced cloaking technology or perhaps he is more than human in Fallout 76, which chronologically would be the first sighting of the mysterious stranger who changes again, this time with a different name back then it was. known as The Mysterious One.
Savior was still wearing a trench coat and Fedora only instead of appearing in Vats he appeared when the player was knocked down, so looking at all the information we have there are some theories that may work. The first theory is that the mysterious stranger is not just one. person but a group of people who specifically help others of importance, the player, the order they belong to, could be someone we know, as they can appear during Vats and also tend to help those who come from vaults, so it could be vault technology, specifically an entire division. of strangers who work to ensure the protagonist survives and there is something interesting about the way they work they also use music and if not stealth technology then maybe teleportation.
The Institute teleports using radio signals disguised as classical music, and mysterious strangers could be doing something similar sometime. have teleported, they draw their weapon, which produces a guitar or piano riff depending on the agent, indicating that they have reached their destination and are now going to help the client once they have done so, they holster their weapon, which produces another riff that indicates the job is done. done and they are ready to return to base and this could be the reason why The Lonesome Drifter still doesn't know the truth despite having one of his weapons, they don't think he is ready to join their order so despite of playing the Riff, yes it is.
He didn't teleport but that doesn't mean he never will be and one day he could use the weapon and find himself teleported to a strange vault full of mysterious strangers one of which would be his father and this theory also explains why the mysterious strangers have different appearances. Clo wears weapons and riffs in every game. The Stranger is a different person who does the same job of keeping the player safe for reasons we don't know yet, only by keeping us alive, we are in turn helping his organization accomplish something. Misfortune could be working too. with them she is another character that can appear and disappear at any time she also appears during vs and uses a 44 magnum the only difference is that she appears without music and only paralyzes or paralyzes targets she never kills and if you complete The Misfortune son or daughter challenge, you get another buff, friendly help, this buff increases the chances of Misfortune and the mysterious stranger appearing at the same time, suggesting that they are different people working for the same organization, just their orders are slightly different, one can kill while They only wound each other and never attack each other, so I think they are working for the same side.
Alternatively, the mysterious stranger could be a single person with special abilities, teleportation, shapeshifting and multiple presence, and there is a person who disappeared after approaching Feev, who is known to grant mystical powers to certain people and that is the mark. from Fallout 1 in 2102. Markk assisted Richard Moro, later known as Master Harold and Francine, on an expedition to Maraposa, a pre-war military base, while inside the base, Francine was killed by security . robots Richard was hit by a defective crane arm and fell into fev's Vats Harold was also hit by the defective crane arm but never fell into the Vats, he was simply knocked unconscious and then woke up off the mark, on the other hand, he simply He disappeared and to this day we still don't know what happened to him, the Fallout Bible says that the mystery of what happened to Mark has never been explained, he was injured and returned to the surface and Harold never came to look for him, what if Mark converted? the mysterious stranger, yes Francine was killed but Richard and Harold received unusual powers from F and maybe something similar happened to Mark only his powers were teleportation, shapeshifting and multiple presence in a way this is appropriate because the first meeting with the mysterious savior. en Fallout 76 around October 201102 the same year, but a few months after Mark disappeared, in those months Mark may have decided that he was going to use his powers to teleport around the country helping important people and then disappearing .
If this were true, then Mark would have been doing this for two centuries by changing his appearance to get out of Sheia's boredom or in an effort to forget his old life and if Mark ever found out how he acquired these powers, then perhaps he could share them with others. people creating more mysterious strangers if then not maybe his abilities could be passed on to his children maybe Misfortune is his daughter and The Lone Wanderer who we know had a mysterious father hasn't unlocked his powers yet he has them he just doesn't knows how to access them, it is a There are many what ifs, but that is precisely why it is a mystery.
However, Mark is just a possibility. There is also the possibility that the mysterious stranger is not even a human being, but a fallen angel. Mark Twain made many attempts to finish a novel titled The Mysterious Stranger in that novel. the main character claims to be Satan, a fallen angel, and talks about how the Earth has another 44 name to compare with the official Fallout guide. He says that the mysterious stranger is a guardian angel, an eldrich entity that is said to appear, and a you in combat where he uses a 44 Magnum revolver is just a coincidence, an inspiration, or a clue as to who the mysterious stranger really is, although at the end we just don't know and maybe it's for the best because if everIf we knew who the mysterious stranger was, then he, she.
They will no longer be mysterious or strange. Be sure to show your support by liking the video and subscribing if you haven't already for more Fallout content. If there's anything you'd like to see in a later video, leave a comment and I'll. I'll see what I can do with that. Thanks as always for watching and see you on the next adventure.

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