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Fallout 4's Aliens Were Up to More Than We Thought

Jun 06, 2021
Hello, how are you guys doing? I'm Nate and welcome back to another Fallout 4 investigation today. I'd like to talk about what may very well be the most mysterious set of characters to appear in the entire Zenith Aliens franchise since Fallout 1 debuted. 1997, every new game in the series - yes, even in '76 - has included some reference or allusion to an extraterrestrial faction of invaders. It started with simple Easter eggs and minor jokes from the developers that didn't seem to offer much real narrative meaning. I'm serious. It all seemed to be just for fun, but as




new games are released, the story about the


has progressively expanded to the point where we now know a lot about them and it has become obvious that they do, in fact, have a important role to play in history. a wasteland and they are probably behind much more than we ever


, still, one question is always lascivious, what exactly does the sentence mean?
fallout 4 s aliens were up to more than we thought
Why are they here inserting themselves into the affairs of the Earth? Initially, many suspected that they were simply here to study our planet and were mere observers. However, as we will see in this video, that is clearly not the case, they seem to have more malicious plans in mind and, believe it or not, records suggest that the pre-war governments of the world were already fighting these invaders before that the bombs would explode. In today's video, we'll look at every alien appearance in the franchise from Fallout 1 to 76, and along the way, point out some interesting notes, things you missed, and some common things we can identify to paint a picture.
fallout 4 s aliens were up to more than we thought

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fallout 4 s aliens were up to more than we thought...

In the end, once everything was said and done and we were able to put all the pieces together completely, we didn't solve the mystery 100% and find out why the scenarios are here and what their plans are, but we will get very close and develop an explanation, I think more. I'll consider it quite acceptable anyway without further ado, let's go further and find out what in the name of Adams is going on with Fallout's


now in videos like this one where we discuss a theme that appears in several Fallout games. I always have trouble trying to decide where to start at the beginning when I wrote the first draft of my script.
fallout 4 s aliens were up to more than we thought
I wanted to start by just going over the references to the Zetas in chronological order, meaning we'd start with Fallout 1 and then move on to Fallout 2, etc. Unfortunately, I found that got really confusing. for reasons we'll get into later, and instead I think the best way to start today's journey is by evaluating what Fallout 4 and especially its nuclear world DLC have to say about our alien friends, as this game provides quite a bit of information. This will make it much easier to understand what the other entries in the franchise reveal, so we'll put on our work boots and jump into the Commonwealth, so that after the sole survivor has reached level 20, The next time you reload the wasteland, a new world event will activate.
fallout 4 s aliens were up to more than we thought
A strange saucer-like object will cross the sky and appear to crash in the distance as it follows the estimated flight path. We'll arrive at the UFO crash site just southeast of Oberland Station and man, isn't this something to look at the same saucer we saw. What I just saw will live partially excavated in the burning ground surrounded by a burn of dead trees and grass clearly if we look at the alien technology there will be no body in the vicinity but on the ground there is a trail of green liquid. It leads to a nearby cave and inside we will meet a real alien.
I suppose flesh is a strong word as the creature won't bother trying to chat with us or introduce itself, it will simply attack on site with a unique energy weapon once it arrives. has been overpowered, we can loot this special alien gun from his inventory, as well as some rounds of ammo, each shot of this thing deals 50 damage. This is clearly an item of great power. I guess that's what you'd expect from something capable of intergalactic travel according to the creation kit, this weapon editor IV is the Zeta pistol, hmm okay, this sums up the encounter and in fact what I just described is the only reference to aliens in the base game I'm going to talk about.
Fallout four DLC in a second, but first I want to take a moment to point out something that I don't see talked about enough in the community: this alien we just witnessed, and really, all the aliens we know throughout the universe of Fallout are referred to as Zetas, it's the term we see linked to the blaster pistol and, as we will soon learn, the creatures call themselves Etten's, but what does that mean? It's a fictional planet, they come from the name of an intergalactic empire, maybe you don't. I bother to speculate that Zeta is actually the name of an actual star system in actual outer space located approximately 220 trillion miles away from planet Earth.
However, Zeta Reticuli is a star system somewhat like our own solar system, instead having eight planets, sorry, Pluto, and a single Sun. Zeta features eleven planets and, notably, two stars instead of one. Something of note is that Zeta Reticuli has been involved in another alien related story seen in 1961, a couple named Betty and Barney Hill claimed they were abducted by aliens and after the event Betty drew a map of the stars she remembered seeing. While in space aboard the Flying Saucer, researchers quickly discovered that Betty's star map closely matched what she would have seen if she were in the Zetas' Reticle II ocular system, because of this, the supposed Hills abduction is often known as the Zeta incident now there is more to the hills than the story as they evidently had their memories erased and had to see hypnotists to remember what happened it was strange and we made it up anyway however Bethesda is drawing a clear parallel here, much like the beans that kidnapped Barney and Becky, the aliens from Fallout, are also from the Zeta star system, or at least vaguely related to it.
Okay, with that in mind, let's move on to Fallout 4's Snuka world dlc, where more of the story was revealed. The Nuka world, of course, took players to the ruins of the ancient one. The Nuka World amusement park, which before the Great War was the Disneyland of its time, but that is neither here nor there what interests me, are some people we can meet outside the park to the west of the mysterious Grantchester mansion in The ruins of an old Red Rocket truck stop is the Habala Gists camp where we can meet several very strange characters who claim to be followers of a religion called Habala Gee.
Everyone here wears strange tinfoil clothes and encourages us to become central scientists by claiming that it will uplift us and free our minds, but initially no one is willing to share what exactly they believe, saying that they can't reveal much to outsiders. Members, that's creepy. Clearly these people are crazy anyway, the leader of this camp is a woman named Dora Hubble who is apparently a Descendant of Richard Hubble, the person who founded their religion, she will explain to you that the group is trying to take over an old ship. nearby space and will offer the player a series of missions that will help them prepare for that journey again.
This all sounds crazy, but hey, they are painful. Eventually, after we've helped them fully prepare and get all their equipment ready, this little line of side quests culminates in the revelation that the spaceship they were trying to capture was actually just an old UFO located near the depot. junk from the park, we can try to tell them. the spaceship is not real hey guys it's a kids toy it won't take you to space but in the end you won't listen to us once we help the center people will capture the ride/UFO everyone will show up and we will become .
If they turn it on they will spin and once the device turns off the quest line will finally be completed, the party will leave still convinced that they found a genuine spaceship and will in fact believe that the spin was for a short trip to the space. Now they just need to do it. further research, imagine there is also an alternate evil ending where the sole survivor can sabotage the ride and make it spin so fast that it kills the essence of the habala in one go, right then and there, okay, it's a fun story, but what? what does this have to do with it? with the Zen well, if we decide to help the habala gist and don't kill them when all is said and done, Dora will reward us with a unique weapon, the alien blaster in the center and what is this, is it a real alien weapon, hell, is it identical to the alien. blaster that we can receive at that burning crash site, both visually and statistically, alien blaster rounds are also needed, wait a second if the people at the center were crazy or lined up, how would they have gotten hold of one of these?
Well, that's not all, because if you decide to go the extra mile and choose to start talking to the people at the camp, you will realize that there are even more alarming connections, while the members of the center usually don't tell us much. about their belief system, they only give vague hints that it has something to do with space travel. There is a way to make them open. It is such a nonsensical process that most players without access to console commands will probably never figure it out. They will bother. You see, at any point in the quest line we can talk to a man named Phil. roller in his camp and he will offer us the formal opportunity to join the religion, but there is a problem: habala G is a tiered religion, which means that members are expected to ascend in several levels and only at each new rank, the Members will be able to learn just a little more about the belief system, so it's not like most modern Abrahamic religions or anything where anyone can just pick up a holy book and be able to read about pretty much everything.
Phil explains that hvala G has eight ranges through which we can progress. starting with a HS one, then a HS two, etc. The way we can level up is simple, all we have to do is pay Phil a big caps fee every time we see him and sit in the chair to get a blast of radiation that's all there is to it. What to do, just hit the caps to explode the radiation and boom, now that you have advanced in hvala G, you can do this as many times as you want or at least eight different times, remember that there are only eight different ranges each time you decide come back to Going up the ranks will have to pay even more cats than the last time and the radiation explosion will be greater. fill in the states that treatments for rats are necessary to quote clean your mind of neurodines neurodines according to the members of the hub or remains of spirits who died in the Great War that periodically infect their brains and cloud our mental abilities when receiving these radical treatments, for which, if the story continues, we can expel most of these neuromonies and begin to see more clearly.
I know this actually sounds crazy. This all sounds like a scam. What kind of missionaries would demand that people give them money to convert and learn about their beliefs? The point is the essence of the habala: they actually seem to be onto something after each of the eight levels of RAD treatments or intelligence. In fact, we'll get a boost on our eighth and final treatment, we can get a staggering 35 point boost to our Intelligence stat, which is crazy, plus Phil occasionally claims it's not because of the Denari radiation he's giving us. attacking, but it is a special type of wave called Zeta Zeta Radiation as in what we call the aliens in the star system, they probably emerged from hmm clearly despite all initial appearances, the people at the center are not just lunatics or scammers , they really do have some degree of extraterrestrial connection, as I said with each one. new rank will tell us a little more about the beliefs of the center specialists and I'll go ahead and give you the summary of what Dora tells us after we get to AHS 8 oh and by the way, rank up. from AHS 7 to AHS 8 our final level we will have to pay a staggering ten thousand caps anyway, here are the glowing notes of what we learned, hey, Balaji was founded by a man called Richard Hubble before the bombs fell and for most of his life he was an ordinary science fiction writer, but everything changed when one night Hubble made contact with an extraterrestrial being he called star father who supposedly came from a planet called quetzel in the zyphus constellation of The Milky Way, supposedly the father star claimed to be the true source of all life on Earth, yet the neuro dimes have led humanity astray.
Censor the creation. The star father then agreed to allow Hubble and any of his followers to come live with him on his planet Quetzel, wherethey would be free of the neuro dimes. and gain unimaginable power, then they could return to Earth and rule it as gods. That's why Dora and the gang are so obsessed with space travel that they're trying to get to that planet where star dad is and join him, okay? Congratulations. knows the secrets of the apology and it only cost you between fifteen and twenty thousand catties there can only be one an hs-9 the highest level to which you can be promoted is an hs8 the donation is ten thousand capsules the radiation dose will be severe. what is this final? mystery the star father can free our minds from all restrictions we will be like gods capable of doing unimaginable things then we will return to earth to rule humanity it is a glorious task that the star father has entrusted to us yes, we will end the scourge of neurology Dean, once and for all, the human race will reach its full potential under our benevolent guidance.
I'm ready to sit in the aligner, frankly, I'm going to be honest and say that I don't think their beliefs are one hundred percent accurate, mainly because like us. We'll learn that the aliens who have consequences are much more evil and don't seem to have any interest in saving humanity, but there's obviously some level of sincerity here, including all the alien technology these people possess and actually believe what they say. maybe all those years ago mr. Hubble was actually contacted by a zetton but he was simply lied to or didn't understand what the alien was saying and misinterpreted certain signals who knows.
I should note that there is no known constellation called zyphus in our real universe nor is there a planet. It's called a quetzel, so the location being talked about is also a little questionable. Alright, that sums up everything Fallout 4 tells us about the phrase, we're done with that game for now, but everything we're done with to learn, let's go back and start evaluating what the other Fallout games tell us about them. Alien Invaders Fallout 1, the first game in the franchise, also offered players our first potential encounter with extraterrestrial life. When we wandered around the wastelands, we could randomly come across a seemingly crashed alien ship, cut up and buried in the ground near the spaceship, there would be alien skeletons with very large heads and small bodies, if we inspected the remains we could loot a special alien blaster gun. and reading a note that said the ship was, quote, the property of area 51 and to return it if we found it, so I guess these may have just been runaway aliens. of each of the 51 or so, this encounter was incredibly rare and given that it was the first Fallout game in 1997 I doubt the developers were thinking much about an elaborate zetton subplot back then, this was probably just an easter egg to laugh.
Significantly, although there was an item in Fallout that we could acquire called a psychic nullifier, it was a helmet that could have been purchased from a merchant and later in the game we could use it to block psychic attacks used by the main antagonist of Fallout's master. The thing about this helmet is that no one knows how it was created and when we asked around we didn't get a solid answer, although the official Fallout game guide provides a brief description that says: "The psychic nullifier is a strange device, possibly the product of an alien technology blocks telepathic or psychic commands end of quote hmm possibly alien well, well, moving on to Fallout 2, which also takes place in western California in the year 2241 and was released in 1998, we have a little more information because In this game in In the Ruins of San Francisco, we might encounter a strange cult that refers to themselves as the Habala Gists, yes these are the same guys we met in the Nuka world, well they are not exactly the same people , of course, different people, but still the same organization Fallout Two's representation of the center was a little different, although that game said that they were based almost exclusively in San Francisco and had no outside chapters, of course, this was. in 2241 and Fallout 4 takes place in 2287, so maybe in the last 46 years they have spread a lot, plus Fallout. 2 Cibola gist s: They had the same beliefs as those we met in Fallout 4, they also believe that they were designed to fly to the planet Quetzel and return as gods and everything we learn from a secret terminal that was almost the founder of the religion, Richard Hubble. he certainly made everything up for money and founded it on a lie, he never contacted a star dad or anything, he just wanted cash.
This is not to say that the current habala gist do not genuinely believe in the cause of their champion, and as we have already discussed, they are clearly correct, it is just that the basis of these beliefs is probably very flawed, regardless of whether the group had taken over an old space shuttle and were in the process of repairing it when we first met them, therefore hub would offer the chosen one a short series of missions to locate fuel in parts and, rather amusingly, if we helped them, they would eventually fix the shuttle completely and launch into space, sadly, if the game's epilogue revealed that all of the habala Essence of the shuttle died shortly after takeoff from asphyxiation due to a lack of air circulation systems, so you know , that was the end of them too in the following: at a former military facility called Ciera Army Depot we would learn that the US government was using some kind of alien technology to help develop a supercomputer called Skynet which was helping with classified projects when we found Skynet.
Alaria Slee had become self-conscious and was really bored. We can help give you a new body to explore the world. or just destroy Skynet on the grounds that it was too creepy, well, but that's it for aliens and Fallout 2. Now let's get to Fallout 3. This is where things started to get especially interesting, as it featured a DLC called Mothership Zeta which took us to the supposed mothership of the zetton alien invasion after we stumbled upon a Prime UFO sigh and were abducted once on the mothership, we would meet up with other abductees and eventually lead a revolt to take over the entire place and transport us back to earth, yes, we would basically take over the mothership ourselves, as you can imagine, if this expansion offered us a little more knowledge about the Zetton aliens.
Many of the humans abducted here are actually hundreds of years old, they were captured before the bombs fell and simply cryogenically frozen, the oldest identifiable person on board is a man named Toshiro Kagawa, he was a former Japanese samurai, the man is not He speaks a lot and clearly doesn't know much English, although judging by his armor, it is clear that he fought for the ODA clan, which means his kidnapping must have occurred no later than the year 1562, when said clan collapsed, so this Guy is at least 715 years old when we meet him, the oldest character in Fallout history, more importantly, this proves that Judgment was actively monitoring Earth for a long time.
Leaving aside survivors from the year 1500 and probably even earlier, we can also access a database of audio records that the aliens kept of interviews or interrogations they had with abductees, maybe interview is a strong word, none of them. The aliens speak English, so the only thing we hear from them is gurgling sounds and the people they talk to usually seem scared and don't understand what's happening anyway. There is a recent trend of aliens abducting US Air Force personnel and astronauts. Maybe this is part of a larger plan or maybe just this. It has more to do with humanity recently having gone to space this is amazing I'm I'm Colonel Hart again from the United States Air Force I'm sorry I don't understand oh talking about this yes I was saying I'm Colonel Hartigan from the United States Air Force United States Air Force, our nation has been testing human spaceflight.
Sorry, you'll have to forgive me, frankly, we never expected to meet you all. I'm sure there's a lot our two species can learn. Oh, what the hell is this? What are you doing? Yes, the Zeta mothership never directly confirms what the aliens' big plan is, but it's implied that it's something very, very malicious. On the ship there is a newly built death ray that we can actually use if we want to be evil capable of destroying entire cities and states on planet Earth and in various chambers we can find all kinds of experimental weaponry and we would even seem to be some kind of super soldiers mutated.
It seems that the Setons have a militant goal almost like them. They are planning to invade planet Earth, although if that is their goal, what is stopping them, the world's governments are gone, bombed into oblivion, all that remains are disorganized tribes and very small city-states, surely they would not have trouble taking control now. They are waiting? We'll get to that for now. Let's move on to the next game. Fallout New Vegas. This title alone featured a notable cannon reference to aliens in the 188th Trading Post. We might meet a young orphan known as the Prognosticator. that he possessed psychic abilities that allowed him to see events in both the future and the past and even communicate with some spirits, sir.


he could take the medicine off me and think a little. People say it's really interesting. I don't know because I've never heard it some people say it's a gift other people say it's like thinking anyone can do it if they look more than they talk I don't know which one is true I see a lot I think a lot There's a lot to listen to through 188 a That perhaps explains the thought that the Prognosticator didn't appear in any major quests or narratives, although he was more or less just a supporting character who we could have asked to give us our fortune from time to time and with whom we occasionally traded, although look. to which he carries on his head that looks a lot like the NOLA psychic fire from Fallout 1 which, as we mentioned, probably has extraterrestrial origins.
When asked why he uses it, the boy will explain that it is his medicine, the device makes sure his mind doesn't. it is overloaded with psychic activity and helps you avoid headaches. This is pretty consistent with what we know NOLA psychic fire is capable of. Its entire purpose is to protect people from psychic energy. It's not known exactly how he acquired it, but hmm, he actually has one. Before we continue, let's dwell on New Vegas a little longer and talk about one of its main characters, Mr. Robert House, of course, is the self-proclaimed president and CEO of New Vegas before the bombs dropped.
Robert House was the founder and CEO of Robco Industries, the world's most profitable robotics company, decades before the great war broke out. If Robert House predicted a nuclear war. between the world's great powers was soon approaching, so he invested the overwhelming majority of his wealth and power into developing a system that could defend New Vegas from a nuclear attack. He was also able to make a machine that could keep him alive forever. He was right, the nukes flew and when the dust finally settled, most of New Vegas was still preserved and he was able to quickly take control with an army of robots.
Now, 200 years later, he still rules and represents one of the three most important players in the game, but if he chooses to side with Mr. House in the new Las Vegas questline, you'll eventually learn that he's not content staying on Earth. He believes our planet is doomed no matter what his ultimate grand plan is to take humanity to the stars. He intends to manufacture an entire fleet of spaceships. and begin colonizing other planets beyond Earth, in particular, he even believes this can be achieved within the next hundred years, which certainly sounds pretty soon, although mr. House is also a pretty smart and competent guy.
The new Vegas is the remedy to humanity's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which the steel of a new railway line that heads strictly towards a new horizon can be forged. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury, a society of customers with all that money flowing, give me 20 years and a high-tech development sector will ignite, 50 years and I will have people in orbit, 100 years and my ships Colonials head to the stars to search for planets untainted by the wrath and madness of a past generation, regardless of whether or not you have faith in this plane, your only question worth asking is: Did Robert know about the aliens in space?Surely the phrase could represent a huge obstacle to this grand strategy of his and he seems to have done a lot of research on this topic, so if anyone knows about them, it should be him, unfortunately New Vegas leaves this question up in the air, now let's get back to it. the consequences. 4 and specifically its nuclear world dlc once again.
I know, I know we were here, but there was something I left out. Nuchal World amusement park is divided into multiple different zones. Each post has its own topic. There is a safari theme to the Kiddy Kingdom themed region. region, a Wild West, there you get the point that one of these zones is the Galactic zone and you guessed it, it is based on space travel, as we learn through various scream tapes and terminal entries, although the Galactic zone is something unique because it was not built. exclusively by the nuka-cola corporation if they had a lot of help from vult tech and robco robert house company, more importantly if Rob co-created all the robotic actors that populated this area, there are many robots in the galactic zone, but a important type we can stumble upon are the animatronic aliens during the nuclear world events, there are glitches and shots at the player, but that's neither here nor there, take a good look at these guys, they look very very similar to the aliens from Fallout 4 and more specifically. the aliens we saw in Fallout 3 also look at that alien blaster, it's identical to the weaponry of the aliens from Fallout 3.
Robco simply made this robot to have such striking similarities to real zetton creatures or there was more foreknowledge involved, maybe he I really knew it. about the phrase, well, it doesn't matter now that we've explored references to these aliens in Fallouts 1 2 3 New Vegas and the fourth, in fact, we revisited Fallout 4 twice. The only game left is everyone's favorite Fallout 76, as many of you know, 76 just got a big Wastelanders expansion, which introduced an incredible amount of story and content, particularly human NPCs, was also just introduced , so that's good, Wastelanders also contains what might be the biggest reveal about aliens yet, but first a quick word about the base game.
Vanilla Fallout 76 introduced a legendary creature called the Flatwoods monster that on very rare occasions can appear and attack the player making use of all kinds of stealth technology. The Flatwoods monster even seems to be able to control the creatures around it and have them attack you as well. I'm going to insult your intelligence, just look at this thing, it's actually clearly a zetton alien in some kind of suit, unlike most of the aliens we've seen so far, this one doesn't walk on two legs, but instead uses a device. to float and seem quite a bit smaller, some hollow types found in the Appalachians reveal that the Flatwoods monster was harassing people even before the war.
West Virginians report being stalked by a strange purple entity that often attacked and kidnapped children. There are even alleged sightings of people claiming to have witnessed people being kidnapped by the Flatwoods Monster, although unfortunately before the war none of the police departments took those claims seriously. I assume this being is some kind of explorer that gathers information and studies the locals. Well, let's move on to what I'm really excited about. Crater Earth is a large crashed space station located in the Toxic Valley region of the map that apparently fell out of orbit shortly after the war in Vanilla Fallout 76.
There wasn't much going on. stuff here, at least it's not relevant to this video. but the Wastelanders DLC introduced a new story and populated it with a faction of Raiders. One of those Raiders is a much-named man who spent quite a bit of time going through old documents and writing stories. One of the notes that we can find in Munch's desk is a bit interesting, it says to cite Nova's zero one orbital long before we could land a man on the moon, the United States Space Administration had already launched a top secret program to create the world's first space station, the Nova A1 orbital in space.
The race was real, but the real mission was to gather information about the alien spies that infiltrated our plan. The city of Flatwoods had already seen them. We knew they were out there, but we couldn't have panic on their hands. We didn't know the extraterrestrial motives for the public not knowing anything once the great war broke out the aliens made their move they shot down the Nova orbital from the sky and he or she lies we found it we rebuilt it and now it is at outpost crater zero one the better home and a whole steak gia well there you have it, apparently the world governments were very aware of the presence of zetton and to investigate them further without alarming the public they invented an entire space race to develop the technology necessary to make contact, clearly the aliens were not. interested in maintaining friendly relations given the fact that they were shooting down their spacecraft, but now also seems to suggest that they coordinated the shootdown of the Nova One orbital space station with the start of the Great War as if they could have known. was going to happen or at least he understood what it represented and knew that humanity had been very weakened or I guess it could have been very lucky timing so it wouldn't make for good storytelling so I choose to assume it doesn't matter.
Come on, now we've gone over practically every alien reference in the Fallout franchise, at least all of the Canon ones, so putting them together, why can we clearly make out that they seem to be visiting our planet from the Zetas' grid and at least the system stellar? that is the most likely place of their origin and they have been paying attention to humans for a long, long time since at least the year 1500. Also, just before the bombs flew, our government became aware of their presence and rushed to develop technology to confront them. the threat was in vain, although in addition the apologists, despite initially presenting themselves as scammers, have a strong connection with the creatures and have acquired part of their technology, what are the relationships here, although it is not clear, the phrase definitely does not It comes peacefully and not very hostile, although they also don't seem interested in a total conquest or takeover of our planet, if they wanted to invade or do something like that, nothing has stopped them, they have voluntarily chosen not to.
I've heard some theorists argue that perhaps Judgment was planning to invade Earth after the great Worf, perhaps a couple hundred years or so, but the actions of the player characters in Fallout 3 and the subsequent destruction of his ship nurse had them pushed back substantially and maybe postponed and This is what I personally believe, but I don't even know yet. Until now, the phrase has been a convenient excuse to introduce all kinds of wacky and crazy technology/plots into the Fallout franchise and they just want to keep using that depending on. how creative and crazy they want to get in future entries, they could expand the history of this concept even further, but for now I wouldn't be too surprised if Todd Howard himself hasn't figured it out yet, suffice it to say the case of prayer. is still open, this is where we're going to end today's video.
Thank you very much for stopping by everyone. What do you think is happening? What are your own theories? Did I miss something? Leave a comment below, as always, the ratings are many. Appreciated again thank you for watching and open to see you all in my next video, peace be upon all, what to talk about this thing, just talk, I don't have to do anything else, okay, I said, okay, just stop, Hello, Hello, my name is Andrew Endicott on the night of May 17, in the year of our Lord 1697, I was taken from my home in Salem Village.
I don't know where I am exactly or why I came to be here. I have seen through the windows the stars, the sun and the beloved earth. down there, below me, so it would seem that I am aboard some ship suspended in the ether. Ironically, it would seem so close to where I thought heaven must surely be, but this is not heaven and my captors are tough, not angels. I'm not entirely convinced of that. the writing is wrong that heaven and hell are reversed because my captives are demons demons from my nightmares even now they look at me they make me talk they seem to want me to tell my story I don't know why maybe a record of their actions or I'm just a pawn in some evil game and there are other other captives, I mean where did they come from, I can't tell some wear strange dresses like they are from a different time and some are frozen like motionless ice, but I think they are alive, I think he plans the same fate for me, will they freeze me?
Will I stop it? I did what you said, you wanted me to talk, so I talked, just leave me, leave me alone.

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