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EXTREMELY SATISFYING Crab Tour of Sri Lanka - GIANT Crab Claw LOLLIPOPS + BEST Seafood in Sri Lanka!

Jun 10, 2021
Check it out guys, I'm Trevor James, we arrived early at Negombo lagoon and today there is a super special occasion because we are going to eat


and fish. Let's see it, get ready to enjoy some of the most delicious


s. I will never see it because today we are going to dig deep and be super local for some of the


crabs in Sri


and we will take you to eat in four different places so you can try different crabs, we all cook different styles and they are all super delicious, you will love it. this video so make sure you watch it until the end to enjoy all these delicious crabs with us let's eat so the plan today guys is we're going to eat a bunch of crabs starting first here at the


extremely satisfying crab tour of sri lanka   giant crab claw lollipops best seafood in sri lanka
Take a look here and then go to the lagoon and pick up a


crab, hopefully a good sized lagoon crab. Let's see what we have here first, though tuna, tuna. Oh, big chunks of tuna, look at these little tuna, oh, look at these. Wow, big, colorful prawns. well, very tasty, lagoon shrimp, yes, and on our way to the mud crab nesting area, a local fisherman invited us to hold his fishing rod, why not? This is such a beautiful place here, early and early, all the fishing boats, it's really stunning. stop stop stop Oh down here on the bank also this is the stop oh wow and what a beautiful sight there are so many fishermen here fishing for pata and we're going to head to the lagoon and try to get a big mud crab.
extremely satisfying crab tour of sri lanka   giant crab claw lollipops best seafood in sri lanka

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extremely satisfying crab tour of sri lanka giant crab claw lollipops best seafood in sri lanka...

Let's go see it awesome guys and we just got to a little neighborhood outside the fish market and we're going to a local mud crab nest. This is going to be amazing. We will take these mud crabs to the nest where they feed. They get them nice and plump and then they sell them and here each house has its own nest, so today we were lucky to have a local family that will bring us to their own nest and we can see how it is made. We're at the nest, the mud crab nest, oh and here they are, look at these, you can see my trap, they actually live right in the mud, look at that.
extremely satisfying crab tour of sri lanka   giant crab claw lollipops best seafood in sri lanka
Wow, it's packed, there are so many, that's where they get big and chubby, oh, and here. It's big, wow, just amazing to see here, we just took a shit out of the nest, we're tying it up, we'll personally take it to one of the local


restaurants here and try it, and then in the afternoon we'll be. let's go get more crab, we've got a day full of crab, let's have another one, oh there it is, look at that nice nice mud crab, here it is tasty, tasty, big, big meat, big, done amazing, we'll go get 'em to a restaurant and them.
extremely satisfying crab tour of sri lanka   giant crab claw lollipops best seafood in sri lanka
I also have buckets full of oyster oysters, okay, they are tasty, ahh, okay, we're just going to scale these 0.9 kg and 1.85, so almost 2 kg for two crabs here, thank you, okay, let's come up here to tell us one. from the oldest gumbo restaurants for the local style, we're going to get them to cook a mud crab gumbo style, okay, and we're going to take a look at the kitchen. Hey, we can do gumbo style. I think it almost comes out spicy, but it's amazing. I love spicy yes honestly this is the most amazing and cool local style cuisine of Gumbo so we have coriander pandan leaves curry leaves garlic and onion then we will put some curry paste a little tomato, oh, just amazing, and here's the Ceylon cinnamon, you know. cinnamon and cinnamon Ceylon cinnamon pure gold Pure Ceylon is coming in oh, that's the base of our new gumbo crabs and you can really smell the pandan, curry leaves and garlic, let's add those big plump crops in chili oh- ho look at the color that much curry powder will give it, oh and tons of curry powder, here come the crabs, these are our big gumbo mud crabs.
Wow, look at those really big pools and we're just going to put in some coconut. milk there this is the most beautiful view you've ever seen here the gumbo style mud crab you can smell that creamy coconut that chili that pandan leave those curry leaves the onions and the tomatoes it's all here oh and we're I just add some local spices, wow, it's getting so thick, it's so thick, beautiful plump crab


s, this is so beautiful, very hungry, look at that, it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Wow, and look how thick. comes the sauce that is not gumbo style sauce look how thick it is not gumbo style look at that oh it smells so rich and powerful oh thank you oh look at the color here Awesome Sri Lankan specialties thank you just look at the color here we have these negombo style mud crabs, oh look at those huge chubby gumbo style


s that they put a lot of their secret dark spice blend in at the end and these Moringa leaves and then look at all this beautiful take out selection. with our crab we have the local herbs, garlic and chili, and all of this can go with the grasshoppers.
Here we have a nice beautiful lentil dal, which can go perfectly with grasshoppers and we have some local salted dried fish. and then here we have some beautiful fried cuttlefish, beautiful poppadom, fried poppadom, we have curry bread and then we have a cane sambal which is dried Maldivian fish chillies with coconut, oh and all of this can go very well with these hoppers of thread. Here, but the first thing we have to do, you know what we have to do here, look at this, oh, look how plump those taller claws are. Wow, covered in gumbo sauce, look how dark and thick it is, where is the claw and did they cover it?
Moringa leaves too, let's break that claw oh there it is look at that oh there's the flash look at that you have to get dirty with this this just goes in mmm that's ultra delicious that's like all this oh that was the


flavor you've ever tasted oh , look at that, oh oh, that's perfect, perfect, the crab gumbo paddle, oh, and you can top that perfect crab paddle, you can taste the cardamom, you can taste the cloves, it's earthy, so good, oh, you can just break that in half and just slurp that down will be pure heaven, only here in the gumbo can you taste such a deep and complex flavor and look at all the meat in there and next we'll take a little high. little doll a touch of that lentil dal a little of this breadfruit curry just a touch Oh Sri Lanka, my mouth burns as soon as you eat this you feel the spices and you feel the love that people put into their cooking here we are just going to top that off with the best, spiciest, richest, deepest sauce, there's so much complexity in everything here, that wrist so hearty and this bread kitchen so soft and then this beautiful mud crab so rich and you can put all of that together for brilliance. nothing better than that, thank you very much, it was delicious, very tasty, see you next time, thank you, oh that was just amazing guys, we are going to have a lot of garbage today and next time we will go for a different style. of crab, the chili crab Hey, OOP, Ally's here, okay, now let's go to the kitchen, guys, we just got permission, we're going to order a big romantic lagoon crab style, oh, this is going to be so well we'll see how to do it we should get fish head curry old fish head curry just a huge head and we just throw the lagoon crab in the wok and we're going to fry it in tons of chili oh oh chili paste oh here we go Look at that red, that's what dreams are made of right there, go home, I have a nice couch, well, go home, a couch, oh here we go, let's lay an egg, oh, that's going to thicken it, look at that walkway full of good, huge, plump crab claws and look at that egg, hey, it's all there that looks delicious, oh, okay, get dirty, get dirty, this is going to be good, beautiful, oh, look at the color, look at this colorful Sri Lankan lunch we have here.
We have chilli crab cooked with Jaffna style spices, we wash them, we make it in the kitchen, which is so aromatic and look at these claws, oh that looks beautiful, we have four beautiful crab claws, they are lagoon pats cooked with spices style Jaffna, chilli crab and then look. Look at this guy's amazing Sri Lankan lamb curry, look at those nice chunks of lamb and then here we have a coconut sambal, made with dried fish from the Maldives, onion, tomato, oh and you can really smell the aroma of the fish and coconut, then we have a beautiful doll. here and just look at the color of this banana leaf, oh when you open it you can smell that potent blend of spices, we have a tapioca curry, we have an eggplant curry, we have some cabbage leaves, all gorgeous and then more of that coconut sambal on top of the rice and he just served it with gorgeous red rice, plus what happened next was one of the most frustrating things, failure after failure to open the crab claws, let's count the failures, it just breaks that beauty , oh I'm sorry, oh damn, it's so slippery I'm starting to lose control I have to open that beauty it's like oh thank you okay now I can get in it's all falling down it's all coming off like let me take it off this is getting really dirty and lonely we're I'll take that beautiful Egg Juliet combination and slurp it up to get the first flavor mm-hmm, it actually tastes quite spicy tomato and a little bit sweet, it's definitely a sharp chilli but it's a sweet and spicy chewy and after enjoying the beautiful and mild tapioca curry and the Hot and Spicy Mutton Curry with rice and before we end the night with some street crabs, we are going to eat one more crab on the beach in Colombo, that is, guys, we are going to eat crab right on the beach.
Wow, look at that. Oh, so this. it's Jaffna style, sure I can write this down oh look at the claws there, they are gigantic, oh look at those colorful Japanese style lobster, lime, coconut and oyster sauce, oh it's packed with meat, squeeze a little bit of lime and look for what looks beautiful, jumbo. jumbo cabin is


look at the size of that kilo and a half so what kind of spices do you put in here? Sri Lankan spices Oh, turmeric curry, roasted curry leaves powder, that's all wonderful, oh oh, hot butter cuttlefish, so it's like butter fried cuttlefish. and sweet, oh, we're going to have to go in through this giant claw, look at that messy one, so I can open it, oh, look, that's a crab paddle, so we're just going to take some bread and dip it in Sri Lanka. curry just salt it beautiful and take some of that coconut sambal and put it in the bread oh yeah we're just going to slide that paddle right away look at that and put it in the bread and that's the local way of using your hands oh oh oh combination perfect oh oh that curry that sauce is absolutely perfect it's a little spicy you can try the curry leaves oh it's a little spicy not too spicy and wow that's good that's really good that's beautiful okay that's the cuttlefish with hot butter mmm mmm so it's delicious spicy crunchy buttery mmm a little sweet it's really nice these review some lobster let's try this lobster look at that black coconut style mmm oh she tastes a little like Sri Lankan regional coconut mmm it really stops here oh it tastes nice as a coconut with some spicy curry powder mmm delicious oh look at that whoa that's the ultimate claw and to finish the crab


we went for sunset crabs and shrimp cakes at Gulf Face and Colombo guys incredible, and we are in Gulf. face here there are all these little stalls and let's go get a couple of snacks a couple of local specialties and I think there's a little place here oh yeah well how are you?
Wow, look at all these specialties, the SOI that, oh, then we have the shrimp cake. Esso wada Wow we're just putting it in the oil there She carries and I carry Alec hurry up that's incredibly tasty oh I'm just going to top it that's a spicy chutney yeah spicy shopping that's beautiful and then some onion salad for the public. So we just got the prawn cutlet, so it's a coconut flake with lentil flour and a prawn cutlet mmm oh oh, that's about the lentil flour burger combined with the shrimp with its crunchy alter country, you can actually eat it through the skin, check these out. mmm yes please so here is the beautiful crab and you just covered it also with a little lime, a little chili, carrot and onion thank you Oh perfect mmm oh yes beautiful look they just cover the top with a lentil burger so you have that spicy lentil flour with the crunch of the crab body oh that's good mmm thank you so much really nice that was just amazing guys.
Sri Lanka is crab heaven and be sure to check out our other video below where we visit the Ministry of Shit and eat incredibly juicy and succulent crabs and prawns. Thank you very much for watching guys.

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