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EXTREME Would You Rather vs Noob1234 & Girl1234! - Minecraft

Jun 06, 2021
Tough, okay, we all lost that one, but technically I died first, damn, in an apocalypse,




try to survive? a ground earthquake or a ground tornado, neither, but I live in Texas and we are much more used to tornadoes than people on the west coast who have to deal with earthquakes, so I'm going with a ground tornado, well, it's not. a is not a donkey it's a tornado doll okay let's see this let's see this we can survive we can survive ooh oh the tornado is following you oh this is not good oh wait if we stay inside the tornado we will survive, oh let's see that's what I'm saying , check this out, okay, let me go ahead and clarify that tornadoes in Texas are much more dangerous than that, but I


make earthquakes scare me much more as if tornadoes weren't. as scary as the ground splitting open and the tetonic plates hitting each other you'd


save your house if it was floating or if it was sinking, I mean, probably floating fine because then, oh, but that means it's like going up to heaven, so how ?
extreme would you rather vs noob1234 girl1234   minecraft
Shall we save the house? The first thing is to kill this person because this person is in my way now. How can I just shoot? You said to shoot the house. That's all. Oh, we saved the house. That was literally all we had to do. Although there is still some kind of problem, it is still floating around, the newbies are not here to see this right now, so we don't have to tell them even though it said that we won. I just saw the house literally come into the sun and burn alive. This is just our little kept secret, don't tell the newbies, would you rather feed a baby dirt or bedrock?
extreme would you rather vs noob1234 girl1234   minecraft

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extreme would you rather vs noob1234 girl1234 minecraft...

I have never been able to feed a baby or pet a bedrock block so I am going to use a 100p bedrock. I love how He always chooses the land, okay, so we have, oh, look at the little pieces of food, wait, how do you get them? Oh, these are our babies, so we have to go to this house and then find the food to feed the baby blocks, oh, it's so. cute, okay, hey, listen, stop it, stop it, come on, I have to find food before they find food, oh, this is not good, I only found two pieces of food, stop it, what are these dirt skeletons doing?
extreme would you rather vs noob1234 girl1234   minecraft
Man, I'm going up. I haven't seen any of the newbies come up here yet and there's tons of food on the floor, yeah oh brother my baby block will be good tonight I'll take him out and that little Caesar will give him all the five dollar pizzas he wants Oh, I have them. All of them, I have all of them, let's wait, do I really feel good? So I have all the food, but can I give it to my baby block? I want to give it to my hey, stay away from my son, this is the saddest moment of my life. life, I collected all this to feed my son and he doesn't eat it, but I still won because I got the food first, so take it out, honey, this is spicy, ladies and gentlemen, so it's a parkour course, but one person is the parkourer and the other person is the saboteur, so I thought they would rather be the saboteurs than the parkours.
extreme would you rather vs noob1234 girl1234   minecraft
This is like a Minecraft dream hunt, so apparently I only have three lives and that's one of them. Okay, oh, I almost went and died. This reminds me of


death run in the past oh well the noobs have tnt that also explodes from above okay it breaks all the platforms I have an idea I have an idea let's run it at full speed let's run it at full speed okay run it full speed are good, wait, is that right? If it's red, does that mean they can't or can't use them? I can't say this is a troublesome man, oh brother, I almost just died from that.
I'm so glad, oh, the TNT, there's a lot of damage oh come on brother this is so hard we have one life left oh they're going to come back I have to jump I have to jump oh okay we can do this we can do this hey listen listen we're preston okay , I'm Preston I never lose a parkour oh TNT is so hard there's only one life left please please please please don't hit me no don't don't don't do it right that's good so they're on a timer which makes them very easy to dodge for the most part, I'm just going to smear them, let's wait, yeah, perfect, now we have to be quick with this one because thank you for watching this video, God bless you if you want to keep watching it, click. any of these videos and I hope you enjoyed, enough, okay, we'll end the video here, bye.

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